Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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"Such beauty, such grandeur, such magic in this place,
Fahlalalala, yadda-yah, indeed what a grace.
However, behind every beauty is an ugly,
What lies beyond its facade is but a mystery."

Irah continued to look at the castle and its surroundings. Having been born and lived in Wonderland all her life, she knows that nothing is what they seem. Despite with the school's majesty and grandeur, Irah can't help but feel something odd about this place. Whether it be just wishful thinking or a gut-feeling, Irah mysteriously felt uneasy for the first time in her life. Whatever it is, she vowed to unlock and know the secrets of this so-called 'academy'. After all, you can't keep a secret forever.

Irah saw someone waving at her. Curious, she approached the person and quickly did a rundown on her. "Hmm, let's see here. Blonde, blue eyes, perfect skin, regal composure, and a face brimming with natural beauty. You must be a princess." Irah removed her top hat and curtsied before putting it back on. "M'lady, I am Irah Hightop, child of the Mad Hatter and citizen of Wonderland. How lovely it is to make your acquaintance."


Eilsel greatly underestimated his opponents.

He had crystallized parts of his mist into shields that block the plasma blasts from their guns while he would counter back by throwing crystallized javelins in return. Even if the javelins didn't pierce through them, it instead corroded their armor along with their skin. Eilsel condensed the toxic mist around him to strengthen its poison and easily inflict the enemies around him. Like dominoes they toppled, their bodies convulsing from taking in too much poison. He became confident that he would win the fight.

But of course, life doesn't work the way you want it to. He noticed them equipping some sort of breathing apparatus to avoid breathing in the mist, as if they were trying to adapt from the situation. Much to his surprise, those who were near Eilsel physically confronted him by striking with their rifles and even their bodies.

Eilsel generated a whirlpool of acid liquid around him that corroded those foolish enough to come close to him, but he was even more surprised when he glanced upwards and saw a ship. He cursed as he didn't notice the ship earlier that seemed to retrieve the corpses of those Eilsel defeated and release more of their good-for-nothing race, then the ship would rain fire down at the street where he is. He tried to evade the blasts but he was overwhelmed from the continuous charging of his enemies.

"I'm sorry, O'Gun. I failed you", he said.

Then the weirdest thing happened. The ship was suddenly cut in half and its remains fell to the ground, exploding and destroying the buildings it landed on. Everyone on the battlefield was silent, completely surprised and baffled on what just happened.

Eilsel saw the man who sliced the ship in half, looking at him from above with a smug look on his face. He put his giant blade on his back and retrived his gun, pointing it and firing at the enemy behind Eilsel. Afterwards, he asked if he could help out, all the while having a smug look on his face.

He didn't know why, but Eilsel began to be a bit irritated at him for some reason. He thought of killing the man instead; on the other hand, he did just sliced a freaking ship in half on his own so he could be a very good fighter in his own right.

The mysterious guy jumped to Eilsel's side and the Xiliph took this opportunity to create a crystallized dome with a hole on top from his acid liquid to buy them some time. The formation of the dome snapped them back in reality and began to fire at the dome.

Eilsel looked at the man suspiciously. "Who are you and why are you interested in helping me?"

The man replied back smugly. "Really? You're asking me questions in the middle of a battle? Maybe you could survive this first then I'll answer your questions later", he replied with a wink.

Eilsel growled. He really doesn't like this guy. "Fine, but at least tell me who or what the hell I'm dealing with here", he said as he waved at the enemies continuously firing at the dome.

The man's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean you've been battling them all this time and you don't even know what they are?. Eilsel's absent look on his face was his only response. "Wow. You're really something, aren't you? They're called Reavers, labelled as the blight of Elysia. They should've been dead by now but seems like these cockroaches survived all these years. The thing is, I don't know what brought them here, but whoever they are must be more despicable than I thought".

Eilsel looked around him. Reavers? He heard bad things about them once before but he thought they were just a myth. Based on what's happening now, he was gravely mistaken.

He sighed and began to remove his gas mask. "Alright. I'll accept you on your offer, but ugh I can't believe I'm saying this, you've got to kiss me first".

The man was taken aback and laughed nervously. "E-Excuse me? I'm not sure I-"

Eilsel lunged and kissed the man on the lips. The man's eyes widened as Eilsel opened his mouth with his lips. Eilsel began to excrete the antidote fluid and wrestled his tongue with the man's to make him drink it. After a few more minutes, they stopped kissing, a thread of the fluid connecting their lips stretched and broke. Eilsel licked his mouth and put back his gas mask back on, his lips still tingling from his first kiss. "The liquid you drank while we were kissing is an antidote, making you immune from my poison and radiation. Your immunity only lasts three hours so we better make quick work on the Reavers."

The man was silent for a few seconds. Eilsel exasperated and jabbed the man on his stomach, which was quite hard but Eilsel pretended to not care as he didn't want to raise the stranger's ego, and the man snapped back into reality. "Yeah, okay, sure. W-Whatever you say", he said while rubbing his stomach.

"Good. Now", Eilsel paused and looked at the dome. Cracks began to appear as the Revears continued their efforts to destroy it. He noticed the man still had a look of surprise and confusion at his face. Now it's Eilsel's turn to smile smugly. "Let's have some fun, shall we?"

@Spanner whyyy
Heya! Just wanted to express my interest in joining your rp. Tell me if there's something I need to edit though I intend to add more to his backstory depending on how the rp story goes, if that's okay. C:

Irah replied back to her newfound peers, shaking each other's hand, giving back polite laughter when she needs to, all the usual stuff. She did notice some of the group who chose not to join in the conversations some of them were having and just looked on the window to see the ever-changing landscape as the carriage made its way to the academy. She decided to let them have their peace for the moment. After all, there will be plenty of time for chit-chatting later, perhaps over a good cup of tea. Irah will try to sneak that into her schedule for today.

A couple of moments later, the carriage did indeed came to a halt. The driver of the carriage opened the doors and ushered the children outside, ordering them to leave their luggage inside the ride.

Irah marveled at the scenery around her. "Hmmmm. Not bad, I must say. Still, Wonderland is better", she told herself before wandering off from the group. Well, some of them already went on on their own so she just shrugged and did the same. Irah didn't see them earlier but fairies were sitting on the flowers and singing some songs in their language. Then Irah heard a beautiful male voice singing and woodland creatures came surging out from the forests coincidentally towards the same guy whose face she poked earlier.

Irah smirked and giggled mischievously. "Interesting", she quietly said to herself. "Very interesting".
@Mokley Not the griffin, Mokley. NOT. THE. GRIFFIN.
Very interested! ^u^
waaaat where we riding in a carriage? oops

i'll re-edit it tom xD
Irah twirled her top hat using her hand as she waited for the carriage to arrive. She decided to just wait at the entrance of Wonderland itself. Not that she looked down on the driver, but Wonderland is a very confusing place to those who are unfamiliar with its geography. She didn't want to hold anyone back and make them lost on their way to her house. Like what she does even when she was a child, she whispered to herself in poem:

"Poor little hatchlings have abandoned their nests,
Left their home to fulfill their life's quests.
Shall they prove better than the ones before them,
Or shall they fall to madness from my playful mayhem?"

She grinned mischievously. Looks like she was going to have some fun, after all.

A few minutes after, the carriage arrived. Irah let the driver put her luggage in the carriage before entering.

Irah sat and cheerfully talked the group. "Greetings, my fellow youngsters!", Irah cheerfully exclaimed. "Ooooh this is going to be exciting! I very much wonder what will we encounter in the school year together? How about you, what do you think?", Irah said as she playfully leaned her elbow on the shoulder of a fair-skinned boy with a white cap while poking his cheeks. "Oops, I almost forgot!", she said before quickly sitting straight and dusted her clothes.

"Hello everyone. My name is Irah Hightop, child of the Mad Hatter", she said with a curtsy.

"One thing you must know about me, aside being from Wonderland and having an obsession for tea, is that I am genderfluid. While I am biologically a male, I do not restrict myself from such a construct imposed upon by the narrow-mindedness of our society mostly ruled by men whose minds are run by what's between their legs. Except for you guys, you seem like a well-mannered bunch", she said before looking at the boys in the group and winking at them. "So if you be so kind to use the appropriate pronouns whenever speaking to or about me, I would very much appreciate that. By the way, right now I'm female so the right pronouns are 'she' and 'her'. Also I ramble a lot", she said with a smile.
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