Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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"Okay... I'll just be over there by the water..." Asahi said to no one in particular, going to the lake once he got his fang/dagger back.

He was the son of a fisherman so this should be a walk in the park for him, but there were a lot of odds stacked against him. Mostly, he wasn't back to his complete strength yet despite his powers healing him up and sustaining his stamina. He still needed lots and lots of rest to be back to full health. On top of that, he was exposing himself to uncharted waters. He wasn't even sure if he should apply what they knew from their world unto this world. Those fishes could even be potentially dangerous and there's no way of knowing until he approached them. Heck, they weren't even sure if they were edible.

Still, doing something was better than doing nothing at all. Having a spear would be far easier to catch them since he only had a dagger, which also meant she had to approach them and go to deeper waters. It was a drag but he couldn't think of anything else better to do anyway. Besides, he was already wet with sweat and grime so he thought, why not go all the way?

Taking a deep breath, Asahi fully submerged himself and swam forwards. The water resistance made him slower with the fact he's still wearing his clothes, but the cool, refreshing water instantly gave him a burst of energy. However, it was still particularly hard to catch even a single fish with just his dagger.

He swam upwards and took a moment to breath again and rethink his strategy. If only he had some sort of net but he only had his pink mental threads or whatever they were. He initially thought they could only be used psychologically, but there's no harm in trying it out himself. He willed the threads to appear and let them grow longer and longer until they reached their limit, wading through the waters below. Asahi looked like a human jellyfish and he reckoned this might be worth a shot.

He got back deep into the waters and extended his arms and fingers out, the threads fanning and billowing forward. It took a bit of practice and he would've gotten the hang of it too if it didn't tire him out so quickly. Still, he thought four fishes was enough for them to cook and test out which ones were safe to eat and which ones were not. He swam back into the shore, carrying the fishes he caught by his pink threads as he saw Akito and Kogen acting like children.

"Oy! Knock it off, will you?" Asahi angrily said at the two. "Do something that could actually help us instead of fighting like a bunch of brats!"

"Mmmmrh..." Asahi groaned in his sleep. He didn't know who was carrying him nor could he care about it since he's passed out from sheer exhaustion on top of not having any sleep at all last night. His only form of regaining as much rest as he could was on top of someone's back or whatever it was their classmates used to carry him as they made their way to their destination. He could distinctly remember them talking about a water source.

During the trip, his sleep was plagued by a mishmash of dreams, especially faces. These faces would even change before him, shifting from those he knew to those he thought he could recognize as people that were a part of Tsubaki's memories. He would walk along an environment he had never seen before, experiencing feelings that were foreign to him, plus so much more. With the heat from the sun overhead and the constant bumps from being carried during their traveling, Asahi had less of a relaxing sleep.

Eventually, their group seemed to have made their way to their destination. He awoke to someone screaming and he abruptly got up, finding himself propped against a tree to give him shade. Asahi would see the expansive lake before them and the expressions of relief on his classmates' faces. They all knew they were not totally safe wherever they went, but this was still a step in the right direction.

He still had a bit of a migraine but thanks to his few hours of sleep, he wasn't on the brink of passing out like last time. It seemed that his powers had done their thing and he was just about almost at full strength again.

"Ayana?" Asahi said in confusion as he saw his classmate thrashing on the water and screaming about unable to swim. He was just a few feet away from the lake's edge so he only had to crawl to see that the water looked so pristine and clear that it was see-through. Tons of unrecognizable fishes swam about under the depths with freshwater plant-life swaying in the currents. He could also see Ayana was crying for dear life on 3-4 feet of water, and he rolled his eyes at that.

"Gurl, You're on a shallow part of the lake. Just stand up." He said as he grunted softly while standing up. Still a bit weak but there's nothing a good lunch and a few more hours of rest couldn't handle.

"Akito, give me back the dagger. I'll go try and catch some fish myself first while you lot rest. If you want to help me, carve spears or any long and pointy thing. The rest of you make a fire and maybe go have a look around. Maybe we can find other things that we can eat here like fruits and berries. If an animal eats it, it's probably also safe for us to eat, I guess." Asahi was just a secretary at the student council, but throughout their stay in the Otherworld, he did prove he was capable of a lot of things. Helping to defeat a wolfbear, handling a hulk-phant on his own (save for the part he was this close to dying), and saving Tsubaki's life. Those had to count for something, right?

In collaboration with @ERode

Asahi felt numbing pain throughout his entire body from overexerting himself, most especially his arms and legs. Being beaten by those bullies in his past was a piece of cake compared to what he was experiencing right now. The adrenaline coursing through his veins gradually disappeared from his system, and he could only groan in pain as the hulk-phant turned what’s left of its rage-filled eyes towards the lad.

At that moment, all he could think of was his family that he left behind in Japan, along with the ‘could-haves’ and ‘what-ifs’ of every turning point in his life that lead him to this moment. As the monster was about to crush him under its bloodied feet, Asahi also couldn't help but think back on all those foreign emotions he felt while he repeatedly struck the beast’s nape and also the pink threads that formed from his hands that were now gone. He guessed there’s no use thinking about those now that he’s going to meet his maker any minute now.

…Except he wasn’t going to do that, actually. A loud howl echoed throughout the night, and it was unlike any wolf or canine-based animal back from his world that he knew was capable of doing. Asahi was filled with more dread when he thought the monsters called for more back-up but was surprised when he found out that it was a call to retreat. All the monsters he and his classmates were fighting immediately went to the source of the howl without question, making a beeline straight towards the bus and their makeshift camp, destroying what was left of them, and disappeared into the depths of the forest.

He didn’t know what to feel or think about it at first, but the next few moments of piece hit him like a truck. All the emotions he kept bottled inside him gushed out of him like water from a destroyed dam. Tears streamed down his face before he even knew it and he was on all fours as he couldn’t let his classmates see him in such a pathetic state. He could see glimpses of Kogen in the darkness wearing some sort of armor, what the heck was that? He could also hear Ayana, lively as ever despite the situation she was in. Asahi’s own moment of piece didn’t last long as he remembered one crucial person.

”Sasuke? Sasuke!” He called out with a hoarse voice. ”Where’s Kunio and the others? Sasuke!” He used the bloodied dagger to support himself in standing up, though it was proven hard by his wobbly and weak knees. He opted to crawl towards the direction where he remembered Kunio brought Sasuke and led the others to safety during the fight, using the last of his remaining strength to go into the forest as he would use a long sturdy stick he could find to aid him in his walking.

Exhaustion dogged his efforts, but emotion saw him power through. As Kogen and Ayana gathered themselves, possessed as they were by their own concerns, Asahi stumbled off into the forest, disappearing from view. His heart was pounding. His head was pounding. His lungs were pounding. But his senses were intact, guiding him through a world of darkness that was nevertheless bright, leading him half-instinctually to the trail of blood he could smell.

Right. Sasuke was bleeding. Even if it was internally, he was still bleeding. All he had to do was follow that trail, follow that scent, and…

The pink-haired youth stumbled out from the brush. Moonlight filtered out from the canopy, natural lighting that chased away the strange filter that had passed over his vision, allowing him to see what laid at the end of the trail. It wasn’t Sasuke. It was Tsubaki. Laid out upon soft grass, her breath rasping out from slightly-parted lips. Her dark complexion now ashen, blood oozing out from the bandages around the stump of her arm. Beside her, Akito sat, holding onto her remaining hand, his own countenance inscrutable as his thumb pressed against her wrist. Feeling for her pulse, perhaps. Waiting for her death, perhaps.

At Asahi’s arrival, he turned his gaze upward.

“Can you do anything?”

Could he?

Asahi gulped looking at the sorry state of Tsubaki. She probably got trampled by the stampede of those bastard hell-spawns or perhaps got hurt by other creatures in the area while they were fighting. Regardless, it looked like she was about to die anytime now. He looked at his hand and flexed his fingers, remembering how these weird pink threads appeared from his fingertips. It's probably worth nothing, but it would probably mean something if he tried.

”Hold on… He grunted with effort as he shakenly got down onto the ground, sitting near Tsubaki's head. He hovered his hands at the sides of her head and concentrated, fighting through the tiredness to will himself to manifest those threads again. They slowly wriggled out, slowly swaying in the breeze like tentacles finding something to catch. Through Asahi's will, the threads latched onto Tsubaki's head and he concentrated even further to do anything that might save his classmate.

One by one, the threads slipped in between strands of hair before connecting to the scalp. It was like spidersilk, gossamer and yet durable, the pink-hued lines pulsating as the bond between the two strengthened. One bead of light shot through the link. Then another. Another. Another!

It was reminiscent of cars down a highway at night. It recalled pearl beads sliding from one end to another. It reminded of fiber optic cables, shooting data downstream at light speed.

It hit Asahi at light speed. Unfiltered by consciousness, sensation flooded his brain a second time, a deluge of recent memories, emotions, and pain. He relived the crashing of the bus, felt the crushing terror of being forever separated from family, the sudden awakening forced upon a human being as light seared through their flesh and rendered them without an arm. That was it. The opening salvo from those Ten-Eyed creatures had taken Tsubaki’s arm. And now, he felt it too. The searing, throbbing, draining sensation of a fresh wound that oozed out blood.

Asahi felt sick.

The torrent was unending. He could hear Akito distantly, calling out to him, but the words were blurred between the storm of discordant half-thoughts and feverish half-dreams. His mind was being drawn into Tsubaki’s nightmare reality. He was melting away, swept in the flood.

He had to anchor himself, before he lost himself.

Asahi groaned in pain from the barrage of all these familiar yet alien emotions, memories, and even flashes of ideas all at once. So many voices, a hundred people talking and shouting at the same time coupled with noises of different kinds. Worst of it all was he could also feel the extreme pain Tsubaki was experiencing, and he cried out in so much pain with tears streaming down his face. It was all so much, too much for him, as he even felt he was going to throw up.

"No… N-No… He groaned with effort, keeling over Tsubaki with his entire body tensing and the veins on his temples forming. Despite all that, there was no way he was going to let himself be defeated by this. He didn't endure years of bullying, side-eyes, backstabbing, beating, and heartbreaks just to lose over something like this.

Asahi focused as hard as he could. He imagined himself walking through a storm. The heavy rains poured down on him and the strong winds kept pushing him back but as long as he steeled himself, he knew he'll eventually make it to its center, the eye of the storm. All he needed was to just keep moving forward.

With his own sense of ego as his anchor, Asahi powered through, rooting himself in traumas that were unique to him, experiences and feelings that could only come from him. Gradually, drop by drop, the deluge gave way, until blessed serenity reigned.

They were separate individuals. Connected, yes, but separate. He could terminate this connection whenever he wished. And through this same connection, he could take and he could give. What were bonds to him?


It was all too surreal for him, to be able to experience something like this in such a foreign world. He could feel Tsubaki in a way that was incapable to be described by words. Even so, he strangely knew what to do at the same time. He was connected to her and vice versa though it seemed he had the upper hand here. He felt no fight back from her, he could peak into the deepest parts of her mind, discover her secrets, her shame, her regrets. Asahi smiled to himself. Forget super strength, this was true power to him.

Alas, he felt Tsubaki's connection starting to fade even more as she neared death. It looked like his experimentations will have to wait for the future. For now, he concentrated on that forge within him, that weird concentrated mass of energy that gave him and a select few of his classmates superhuman abilities and powers. He took a portion of that power and shared it to her through their connection, wondering if it would help her.

Gradually, Asahi could see that Tsubaki was stabilizing. Her wounds closed up, scabbing over. Her blood seemed to be ‘refilling’, in the same impossible way that Duncan hadn’t died of blood loss just 12 hours ago. Her breathing itself calmed, while her heart began to regain its strength. It was working. It was working!

And yet, it was so slow as well. Whatever he had chosen to give, it hadn’t been anything that resembled a portion of his own regenerative or physical capabilities. As if a program running on a machine with lower specs, the functions themselves were still being executed properly, but at speeds that did not match anything else.

It would be a long time still, until she was out of the woods. For now though?

Akito’s voice finally registered for the pink-haired youth. “Is she going to make it?”

As he shared a portion of his power to Tsubaki, Asahi could feel himself getting weaker. He panicked at first but then remembered that this power was the one giving him superhuman levels of stamina and healing, the only thing allowing him to still be able to walk and talk despite his situation. Now that the power itself wasn't 100%, the pain and exhaustion he's feeling seem to gradually increase. Without the power, he'd have been passed out a long time ago.

Thankfully, he could feel Tsubaki's wounds start to heal and her internal bleeding start to stabilize, albeit it was too slow for his taste. Perhaps it was due to her body not suitable enough for whatever kind of power Asahi and a handful of others had.

"I… I think she will." Asahi managed to grunt through the exhaustion creeping in. "She's still far from being fully recovered, b-but I think she's out of the woods for now…" He steadied his own breathing and took lots of deep breaths. "I-I can't stay here for too long. The others might need my help too. W-Where are they? Where is Sasuke?"

“They’re gone.” A pause, a furrowed brow. “We fell behind and got lost.”

Asahi grimaced and groaned a bit from sharing his power with Tsubaki. He could feel her recovering gradually but it was not enough. If he broke their connection now, she won't be able to survive through the night. Hours of being at the brink of total exhaustion just to give her a fighting chance at surviving…

"Okay… Okay, okay. He took a deep breath and looked at Tsubaki, beads of sweat dripping down Asahi's face. "Akito, stand guard and protect us. It looks like I'll have to spend the entire night making sure Tsubaki is fully recovered. Can you do that?"

The youth nodded.

The next morning came. Those who were at the camp will see the trio of Asahi, Tsubaki, and Akito walking out of the edges of the forest into view as the sun started to show itself. Tsubaki, despite missing a hand, looked like she was far from the doors of death. She will need a couple more hours of rest to totally recover, but the worst of her injuries were healed thanks to Asahi's powers.

She and Akito were supporting a weakened, sleep-deprived, and exhausted Asahi between them who could barely walk on his own. While he had all his powers to himself again as it allowed him to start his own self-recovery, his limbs were still sore and he could really use some shut-eye after spending the entire night saving Tsubaki.

"F-Find the others…" Asahi managed to croak in his weakened state as the others were discussing plans on what to do next. "Strength in… Numbers… Find them… Must, find him…" He said before slumping forward and finally passing out.

Helen was in her room, looking at herself in the tall mirror. Her mom Paulene helped her put on a very beautiful filipiniana dress that they bought in the local Asian market for a low price. She also helped her put on make-up and fixed her hair while Helen also helped out her mom. She left for a bit to get her purse from her and her husband’s room, leaving Helen to contemplate about the events that lead her to this point in her life.

It’s not like she didn’t want to go. It’s just that she was overthinking again and there were no ghosts around to help take her mind off things even for just a bit. She reckoned it would also be hard to make friends as she already thought that everyone there in her age already knew each other for a long time. In her experience, it’s hard to make new friends when everyone and their mothers’ were already friends and she’s the new girl.

“Helen? Anak? Are you done? We don’t wanna be late for the ceremony!” Paulene knocked on Helen’s door.

”J-Just a couple more minutes, Ma! Helen called out from inside her room. Paulene just rolled her eyes and opened the door. She’ll see her daughter was just looking at herself at her tall mirror for the nth time, flattening her well-ironed dress for microscopic wrinkles.

Anak, what are you doing? You’re already done, we should be on the road by now.” She said in disbelief as she approached Helen. “Oh dear, we look fantastic. Your Mama still has her groove on~” Paulene said jokingly, patting her hairdo as she was also dressed in her own filipiniana. When Helen didn’t complain about her joke, she sighed, took her hands into hers, and made Helen face her. “Seriously, what’s the problem? Are you alright? You don’t seem to have any fever…”

Helen just looked at Paulene and sighed dejectedly. ”I’ts just… I’m regretting saying no to you whenever you offer me to take a visit there. I was just focused on practicing to myself so I can be on-par to everyone's level there. I’ve barely made friends in college and the few ones that I knew since I was young already left for work in another state. What if… What if they don’t like me? Find our magic weird?”

Paulene slowly nodded and sighed as well. “I understand your feelings, iha. You should see the look on their faces when a brown–skinned Asian approached their doors and told them she wanted to join their group,, especially when they saw our ‘unorthodox’ way of practicing necromancy for the first time.”

”I, uhhh… I imagine it must be horrible?” “Well, it was all in my head. sure, I still got some side-eyes and the occasional awkwardness but still, they were all actually quite nice and accepting! Some of them are a liiiittle bit difficult to get along with, it took quite an amount of time to get close to everyone too, but at the end of the day, I felt like I had another home outside of our home.”

Paulene and Helen looked in the mirror. “That’s what I want for you as well, iha. Being a part of the Coven is one of the best things that happened in my life, apart from me meeting your dad and having the two of you kiddos. You’re gonna do fine there, sweetheart. You’re going to learn a lot more than what I teach you. You’re going to meet people you can become friends with, people you’re gonna butt-heads with, possibly a future love interest, who knows? At the end of the day, the Coven is a haven for people like us. Despite our differences, we help and accept each other. We protect what’s ours.”

Helen smiled a bit at her mother’s words, resting her head on her shoulder. ”Thank you so much, Ma. I love you guys.” She said as they hugged each other tightly. “Oh, my angel… Let’s go get going already, you’re gonna make me cry and ruin my make-up!” Paulene joked as Helen finally laughed.

Eventually, Helen and Paulene were on the road towards the Coven House and being driven by Helen’s dad, Richard. He couldn’t contain himself from fanboying about the architecture of the House since he was an architect himself, and he said he’ll often visit Helen there every chance he could get. The three spent the rest of the ride exchanging jokes and uplifting Helen, which she very much appreciated. She already lived on her own when she went to live at a dorm during her college years but still, she could never get used to the feeling of being away from her family for so long.

When they got there, there were already a handful of guests catching up to each other as they went in line to enter the House. Helen kissed her dad’s cheek and hugged him before getting out of the car, her mother following suit as she kissed and hugged him good-bye too.

“You ready?” Paulene asked as Helen breathed deeply and looked at her mom with a determined look. ”Ready as I’ll ever be.” They walked hand-in-hand and got in line like the other guests, with Paulene smiling brightly on seeing her second home again and Helen trying to calm down her beating heart.

Asahi could still vividly recall that day.

It was years ago. The weather was gloomy, the winds were chill yet relaxing for then young Asahi at least. He was walking back from his judo class with a smile on his face and a spring on his step. Not only did he defeat that foul-mouthed judo classmate of his during a trial match but he got to see Sasuke smile! Well, it was actually just a small smirk but he learned to celebrate the little things with his crush. That's when the boy he defeated walked up in front of him out of nowhere with a black eye and swollen lips. Asahi may have overdone it with his match but he was such a bully, always picking fights with the newbies because he's confident he can win.

Now that bully called for backup, two of his spineless lackeys that're always at his feet like sniveling wimps. They were no match for Asahi, especially since the pink-haired lad would always practice hard to be on par with Sasuke to impress him. Just as they were about to be totally defeated, one of them used a branch to hit Asahi. Caught off guard, he got hit on the head and he fell to the ground in pain. That's when the bullies used the chance to beat the heck out of him.

Asahi went home beaten and bloodied. While his mom cried as she's tending to his wounds and his grandparents were trying to calm his dad down from going to the kids' houses to teach them a lesson, he was only calm and quiet on the outside. His folks thought the poor kid must be so down and depressed from being ganged up on, but Asahi was fuming with anger underneath like a wildfire. It was probably the most amount of hatred he felt in his being at that moment. He loathed those good-for-nothing boys and he thought of the ultimate way to get back on them.

The next day, Asahi befriended them. He knew kids were very naive and easy to manipulate, especially because he was also one. He treated the incident like it was nothing and got into the good side of the three dunces, quite easily at that too since they had muscles for brains. He got into their clique and even got invited to their houses. That's when Asahi set his plan in motion. He started small at first, little whispers and casual mentions about how one of them don't know how to pee without their mommy's help, how one of them still pooped their bed, or how one of them keeps a journal. It didn't matter that some were true or not, kids love making fun of each other. He kept on doing the same thing to their parents, how one's mom actually thought the other one was a kleptomaniac, how one's dad was actually a gambling addict who's on his third wife, and so on.

All it took was one tiny spark to create an explosion. The bullies became the bullied, their parents were furious once they learned about the things the boys did while they were mad at each other, and the three even got kicked out of the dojo once their unruly behavior finally came into light. What Asahi was the most proud of was that he made these so-called 'friends' turn their backs on each other. A pathetic triangle of friendship formed from tormenting the weak was easily broken like a mirror being dropped on the floor. A beautiful web of deceit and revenge.


Asahi snapped out of his flashback. He didn't know why he suddenly thought of that all of a sudden, especially now that he's in the middle of a losing battle. Maybe it was his life flashing before his eyes? It was still a weird and specific event in his life to look back on. He would ideally spend the next couple of minutes thinking about how odd that was if it weren't for the fact that he was always a hair's width away from being flattened by a pancake by a monster.

He spun and evaded and slashed as much as he could, hoping to the gods above that he was at least doing some obvious damage to the hulk-phant. The sounds of fighting still raged on around him, he could even hear new explosions at some points, but he was too preoccupied with fighting these massive beast on his own. While he moved around quickly to evade its powerful stomps, he could see Kunio pick up Sasuke and carry him back to their other classmates. He felt a huge amount of relief especially now that he could put his whole focus on his opponent.

"Gah! D-Damn you!" Exhaustion eventually began to overwhelm him from attacking and evading the beast's attacks with so much effort and so little payoff. His legs began to burn and he was going to run out of breath soon. He needed to do something, anything at all that might help him defeat this hulk-phant. He refused to be caught in the same scenario from years ago again. As it wasn't obvious enough, Asahi was a sore loser.

After much effort, Asahi jumped out from underneath the behemoth just as it slammed itself down onto the ground in an effort to crush him. He timed it so he was on its blind side so it would have to take some time to turn its head in the other direction just to see Asahi. Grunting through the pain and exhaustion, he conjured the last remaining amount of energy he had left and used that window of opportunity to jump on the monster's back. He crawled as quickly as he could towards its head and dug the dagger at its nape. He shoved it down with all his might as he grabbed on the side of its head while its thrashing around, his body being tossed around like a ragdoll. Asahi would have likely been tossed aside immediately if it weren't for the strange pink threads connecting his fingertips to the creature's head, acting like an anchor.


revised her again. let me know what you think

Asahi's hunch was right. He knew that aside from the other types of creatures he heard his other classmates fight somewhere nearby, there was another one of these hulk-phants hiding in the shadows. Perhaps it was waiting for an ambush? Whatever the reason was, it was good Asahi managed to bring the last of them out into open. At least, he thought it was so judging from his enhanced senses.

He and the hulk-phant engaged in a staredown. He was actually surprised it wasn't immediately charging at him unlike its other kin who were also busy fighting his classmates. He could feel a sense of intelligence behind those multiple demonic-like eyes. Was it confused as why this pink-haired lad was acting stranger compared to the others? Asahi just looked back at it with bright blue eyes, gauging at it in anticipation about it's next move.

He then felt pressure on his shoulder and stared in awe as Kunio basically jumped on Asahi to shove a sharp object over the creature's eyes, making it howl in pain. The hulk-phant was now completely blind on its left side and Kunio did a much better job at distracting it as the massive beast quickly turned to face him. It made the sharp object twirl in the air before landing in front of Asahi.

Asahi realized it was a fang of one of the bearwolves they killed earlier. Acting quickly, Asahi threw one of the corpse's arms at the beast to get its attention.

"Kunio!" Asahi called out as he picked up the sharp fang that's still dripping with the hulk-phant's blood. "Lead the others away from this place! We'll buy you time to escape. Go now! He further yelled, running at full speed to underneath the monster and wildly slash at the hulk-phant's legs before quickly going away to make space.
i revised what needed to be edited on Helen's bio. please have another look and tell me what you think. thanks again!

<Snipped quote by baraquiel>

Hey! Thanks for the submission! Just a quick question. When did Helen move to Tanner? How long has she been there? The history section included lots about her families history but not much about Helen herself.

Her family moved there due to a job opportunity that her father took. I reckon she's been there since she was around maybe 7 or 8 years old. I'll also revise the history a bit to make sure it focuses more on Helen.
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