Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Asahi sighed and kept slowly massaging his temples. His headache wasn't as prominent as before but he found the massaging calming enough. He was inside one of the shelters his dear classmates made, using one of the pillows as a makeshift pillow.

With his heightened senses, he could hear practically everything. Shoes and feet crunching at the little stones, dried leaves, and twigs on the ground. Ripples on the lake's surface made by the fishes. Tree branches dancing in the wind. Calls of the animals and beasts in the forest. His classmates' breaths and heartbeats. When he found himself exhausted from overusing his powers, Asahi found these sounds as soothing white noises that help him sleep.

He looked to the side, at the place where Yuki was while he was in a coma. He looked so peaceful lying there, and Asahi almost wished he could feel as serene and calm as the expression on his classmate's face. Asahi also found it unfair that Yuki got a proper funeral and burial unlike the others, but there was nothing they could all do for them except to keep moving forward with the memory of them in their hearts.

Asahi grimaced, feeling weirded out at himself at thinking about something so cringy. He turned on his other side and closed his eyes, letting the inevitable feeling of sleep claim him. His dreams were just as confusing. Faces that his classmates he connected with before kept popping up like a movie at a faster playing speed. Most of the times their faces would even merge together like a scene in a horror movie. Asahi's fear and confusion will be shortlived thankfully as he'll forget about his dreams the moment he woke up.

The sun would be fully shining down on them by the time Asahi fully woke up. Each of his classmates, hopefully all of them and not just some, were doing their part and contributing to their survival. He and Duncan were already the medics and lifesavers of the group but Asahi felt it was a waste to not just do anything. He wasn't on vacation after all.

While the others went back to the forest to forage and hunt for food and other resources, he turned his attention back at the crystal clear lake. The fishes he caught the last time were delicious when cooked, and none of them were poisonous lucky enough, so he oughtta give it another try. Asahi took his top off and carefully folded it on a pile in the shelter. He couldn't remember where his fang dagger was anymore but he still did have his trusty wires he could use to catch fishes. He then went over and dove back into the lake.

"Ugh, this is the worst..."

Asahi rested in the shelters, slowly eating the soup for breakfast while massaging a headache. He was honestly surprised the aftermath of him going all-out in Yuki's dying mind wasn't as worse as he initially thought. He was actually expecting to have blood run down his nose and all that icky stuff, but he was thankful he was lucky this time. It was the least he could do for Yuki after all.

He stared at the human-sized hole Duncan dug to bury their dead classmate, and remembered he was already starting to dig the hole before Asahi was going to connect with Yuki. All of them knew Yuki was close to dying and there's nothing they could do about it, it was just Asahi trying to be a hero and save the day. Asahi thought it was plausible despite the odds but it was clear the current state of their powers wasn't enough. He thought about apologizing to Yukiko for failing, but decided against it. Not that it would do anything good anyway.

He waited with the rest of his classmates as the others prepped Yuki for the burial and joined them as the rites were starting. Asahi developed a quick sharp pain in his head when seeing Yuki's face. He reeled and massaged his temple, then focused in on their dead classmate again.

'Wait, why am I there? Why am I standing here? Why are they burying me in the ground? I'm not dead, I still have so much to live for! He-

Another sharp pain and he had to bite his lip to stifle his groan. What the hell was happening to him? It's so bizzare to think that he was him and he was him. Wait, who even was him? What was him? Where... Why...

He slowly knelt on the ground. For the others, it might look like he was taking the death of their classmate pretty deeply. For him, he was struggling to define who he really was. Was he Yuki, the try-harding basketball loverboy, or Asahi, the human snake with pink hair? Oh! Oh, it must be the latter, right? Yeah, yeah, it's the human snake.

Asahi took some deep shaky breaths to calm himself, the pain in his head gradually subsiding as he anchored himself into his own identity. Whew, that was fucking scary. He knew something like this might happen but to actually experience it... Just thinking about it gave him the shivers.

After the burial was done, Masato announced he needed a volunteer to go find food for everyone. Asahi considered going with them since they're probably going to end up facing a monster or ten and they needed all the help they could get to survive. That's when Oros opened their crazy mouth.

"You guys have fun. I'm gonna go back and rest again. I'm sure most of you guys are gonna end up heavily wounded so I have to prepare." Asahi lazilly waved his hand at them like he was shooing them away as he got up and trudged back towards the shelters.

The sun was just about to rise over the horizon while Asahi looked down at Yuki. He could hear his heart beating a lot slower, his breathing getting shallower. Asahi slept little last night which made him rethink if he should continue this, but as what he said to Yukiko last night, he's not a quitter.

"If you can sense me get lost, got in too deep, just yank me back to sever the connection." Asahi said to perhaps Yukiko, Sasuke, Duncan, or whoever else was with him, as he gingerly placed Yuki's head on his knees. He flexed his fingers and placed them at the sides of his comatosed classmate's temples, inhaled and exhaled deeply with eyes closed. Duncan could probably hear his heart beating wildly from anxiety, but it's too late to back down now.

"Here goes..." Pink threads attached to Yuki's head and the two were connected now.

This time, Asahi felt like he was in outer space. He could see nothing but darkness wherever he looked. He floated aimlessly into the void, almost feeling himself getting suffocated by all the emptiness. He was starting to feel irritated and hopeless. Asahi will not go back empty-handed. Just like what he did with Sasuke, he will break through his limits and achieve his goals no matter the cost. Besides, he was an Awakened. He could survive (mostly) anything now.

He focused all his energy, all the heat and power coming from his forge. He will use it all to win. He spread his arms and legs widely and freely, shouting into the void as tons upon tons of pink threads shot everywhere. They pierced through the darkness and he felt each individual threads kept on going and going through the void. They interlocked together, almost forming a massive pink spiderweb with Asahi in the middle.

He felt himself getting undone, something in Asahi's head felt wrong. Already he could feel immense hunger and exhaustion creeping in as he forced his forge to blaze on like last time. He kept willing his threads to shoot all over, unspooling himself just to get something, anything at all that could help him save Yuki. As he kept going however, his pink webs began unravelling on their own without an anchor, a solid piece of a conscious mind to hold on to. His grip on Yuki was starting to weaken just as his classmate was getting closer to death.

Asahi then felt it. A vibration. One of his threads hit something, like a prey that found itself on a spider's web. He followed that thread and trudged on, going in deeper and deeper than he ever could into someone's mind. The deeper he went, the more this painful pressure was squeezing onto his entire body, mostly his head. It felt like he was going to the bottom of the ocean and the pink line he's holding unto was his literal lifeline, the only saving grace that could pull him out of the depths. His screams of agony were unheard by anyone but he still kept going, not even knowing what he was getting himself into. His self identity was unwinding. He closed his eyes and kept going through the pain. Deeper, deeper...

Asahi then found himself in a core, a mere piece of the collective puzzle of a person that was near and dear to their heart. He was confused at first then he realized he was Yuki, or was he Asahi? Were they both, or were they always been one? Even Asahi was starting to think it was his memory too but it couldn't have been. He saw two immensely tall teenage boys, Yuki's basketball mates. Asahi didn't play the sport but perhaps he did at one point. Did he even help in the Christmas video? Did he also play with Duncan and Daisuke?

Asahi/Yuki knew he was living in borrowed time. He/They felt a level of despair and anxiousness, knowing this moment wouldn't last and everything will be gone in a snap. The sorrowful cold and the inescapable void of the black soil underneath the emptiness of the white snow. Even then, Yuki/Asahi was still unshaken and it made Asahi/Yuki realize how, in their years of being classmates, could he have missed or ignored how handsome he became?

As the last of the core melted away like snow, Yuki was flashing his charming smile as Asahi cried, finally letting go.

When he came back into the real world, the sun was starting to show most of itself in the sky and Duncan was probably already done digging the grave. He must've heard Yuki's heart stop while Asahi was trying to save him. Asahi felt tears streaming down his cheeks as his head ached, yet he gave Yukiko a small melancholic smile. One showing how very sorry he was that they lost another classmate and that he had failed miserably.

"S-Snow..." Asahi's voice faltered while speaking weakly. "Yuki wanted to go to Hokkaido, and see real snow."

Asahi's words were ignored, downplayed even. No one took him seriously unlike before. Instead of listening to him, they all just shouted at one another treating him like he's not there. The only people who seemed to even care about what he said was Oros and Sasuke. Oros, who continued to talk to him with a relaxed smile on his face. Sasuke, who gave him a look that only the pink-haired boy understood. Some of his classmates with them also gave him a look, a look that made it seem like he was the bad guy.

Like he was the villain.

He willed his string to come back to him, his knuckles white as his fists tightened. He looked angrily at Sasuke, Oros, Ayana, and the others. "You're all a bunch of ingrates. When I try to save you fools, I feel every broken bone as if it were mine. I feel all the sadness, the depression, the rage, the confusion, the anxiety, and the fear that you've ever felt in your entire lives. I feel every fibre of muscle torn, every pinky toe bumped against the corners of tables, every heartbreak, every cramp, every sore. I feel. ALL. YOUR. PAIN." He said with a cold, rageful tone.

"I have your memories inside me. Your birthdays, your first periods, your first bicycle rides, your first crush. Faces of people in your lives that I don't even recognize. So don't you dare look at me like that, treat me like I'm the villain when I put so much of me just to save your ungrateful asses. Remember that the next time you have broken elbows and knees, shattered bones, burns, cuts, food poisoning. Remember who's the one who will feel all those things with you to make your miserable lives better." He further said with so much venom and malice in his voice before turning her back to them. He refused to show them any more weakness especially with his eyes getting shinier as his tears threatened to flow. He did look a little too long at Sasuke before leaving, so he might have noticed it too.

He started to walk back to where Yuki was, not caring about being in the first night's watch anymore. In a fit of rage, he waved his hand quickly at random and his strings materialized out of his fingers. He jumped in surprise when he heard a loud sound, and realized he just slashed at a tree trunk. The mark he left on it made it look like a beast did it and it reminded him of another side of his powers.

Asahi looked at his strings, or should he call them wires now? He didn't care anymore, willing the wires to return to his system before continuing his walk towards Yuki.

He heard it before he saw it, Duncan convincing Yukiko to 'let go' of their comatose classmate. He made his steps a bit louder to announce his presence and not surprise them before looking at Yukiko. "Give me until tomorrow to try and save him when I get a little more rest. When I still fail, you can do whatever you want with him. I don't want to give you any false hope but you know me, I don't stop until the bitter end. Still, the choice is yours Yukiko."

Asahi sat down with the two of them and looked solemnly at Yuki. "Know that whatever you decide, it will bring him peace."

Asahi leered at Ayana, Oros, whoever the heck the person he's talking supposed to be, as well as the small little group that formed around them. This was not what the pink-haired lad had in mind but in retrospect, he wouldn't be surprised they reacted this way when they saw his threads. Well, this would probably be the first time everyone saw his powers in their actual form.

He used the side of his hand to cover his mouth when he yawned, getting himself tired already from hearing all their yapping. When they're done. he first turned to Hana. "Gurl, not every issue can be resolved with fighting. We're all tired from the day and we will never know if a monster's going to attack us. We should preserve our strength as much as we can, yeah?"

"As for you lot." He turned his attention to the rest. "My powers are simply not just healing. I just want to take a look at this cult leader wannabe's depraved little mind and help Ayana take her body back. It won't be a painful procedure but that depends on Oros' willingness to cooperate. However, after hearing everything they're saying, I don't think I don't want to be anywhere near their brain anymore. I don't want to get tainted by whatever this person has." He said.

"And you." Asahi looked straight at Oros and scuffed at their ridiculous taunting. "Your rear must be jealous from all the crap spewing out of your mouth. As ditzy as she was, she is our classmate and we don't leave one of us behind. If it's a mere fight you're looking for, go look for someone else. I will not waste my precious energy with you when I can use it to heal my classmates."

The pink threads retracted back to his fingertips and he massaged them in his palms. "Besides, I don't need my powers to wipe the floor with you. You're piloting a body that easily falls down on its face whenever it steps over the tiniest pebble. If you're all queasy about me using my powers and saving our classmate, then I hope you're happy sharing camp with this lunatic."

Asahi looked up to the night sky. "It's getting late. Tell the peeps who want to be in the first night duty to get ready. I think I also saw someone ran off? I'm not really sure but let's all do a headcount before we turn it in. Oh, and Kogen?" Asahi called out to Kogen as he pointed a finger and out came a pink thread that extended until it stopped just a few inches away from Kogen's head. "Please stop strangling our classmate or I will mess up your brain until it becomes mashed potato."
<Snipped quote by shylarah>

Okay, so...There isn't anything inherently wrong with Rhylaen, but me and Kaya both agree that she feels pretty disconnected from, like, anything relating to the Marvel-verse, which makes it stand out like a sore thumb. Just feels off to have an entire race and world and universe separate from our current one with quite literally nothing connecting them beyond these apparent wraiths that sent her here. In essence, we'd prefer something with more ties to the Marvel-verse at large.

<Snipped quote by baraquiel>

Likin' the look of this one! Only two complaints, one much more minor than the other; firstly, I ask that they not be too proficient with the sling ring, because, well...I want an excuse to get y'all into cool Quinjets that will inevitably crash and burn! Can't do that if we have an instant portal service around lol

The second one is more major, though. The Sleep Magic, as it is written right now, is too strong. Effectively, it says that even with its lightest version, it can incapacitate most human combatants for around 5 minutes. Now, of course, this may interact differently with certain super-powered individuals, but for the most part it's just a button that can instantly end most combat scenarios, which is not a fun thing for me to have to write around. I'm open to hearing about other options or retooling this power! If these issues can be addressed, we'll be more than happy accepting Valerian.

...Oh, also, as a personal request from our dear Co-GM Kaya, please don't use that shade of white for his color. It's very hard to parse from the standard white of the text, so it doesn't do its main purpose of standing out from the non-verbal texts.

Oh the sling ring proficiency is totally doable! He's still a baby sorcerer at the moment and right now he's busy focusing how to open a portal first.

For the sleep magic, I was thinking maybe he can still make his target sleep but he'll also fall asleep too or his sleep magic would have to take a long time to conjure and fully activate so he'll be vulnerable to attacks. Still, this is just an additional thingy he has and I'm a-okay removing it from his powerset.

Also yeah, I'll go and pick out another shade of color. No biggie! XD
Alrighty, hopefully second time's the charm. Hope you like this one better than the last ^u^

@Mintz Hi hi! Thanks for taking the time to review my cs. To be honest, I didn't know what version of Marvel to take inspo from so I decided to base it off so I decided on the MCU variant where she's a villain because it's the most famous one, but it's clear I chose wrong. I'll be happy to edit this character to fit the theme of the RP.

"H-How long has she been like this...?" Asahi leaned in and whispered to Juro while Ayana, or as whoever it was that called itself Oros the Clumsy, kept babbling on about Akito's fate, seeing the future, accepting the truth, so on and so forth. Wasn't there like documentaries about cult leaders or something like that? He was pretty sure Japan had some of those too and he was also pretty certain he was looking at one right now.

He looked at the other Awakened to see their reaction and see what they knew about Ayana's case. It couldn't possibly be a manifestation of her Fascimile, a unique ability so powerful it spawned another being inside her that had consciousness and a way with words. Could it really foresaw the future or was it all just bibble-babble to make it seem like it's all knowing?

"You claim you can see someone's future with your... Endless Eclipse or whatever it is you call it." Asahi said to... He'll just call it as Oros because it was clear Ayana was not talking at all. "How about you use that power of yours to find out a way how to fet us out of here? Assuming we do want to accept your 'truth', what assurance can we get that you can protect us with your power when you can't even heal the injured or fight back against monsters? Did you even help setting up the camp? At least cook the fish, forage for anything to eat? What else did you do besides spitting out saliva everywhere?"

He didn't know why but for some odd reason, this Oros was getting on the pink lad's nerves. "I don't know what kind of abomination you are, some sort of parasite or whatever, and I don't care anymore. That is Ayana's body you're staying in. Not yours, hers. Besides, I will not allow you to divide us even more than we already are. We barely survived the mornings and nights with all of us together. So take your righteous crap and shove it up yours. Leave Ayana's body now, or else..." Asahi flexed his fingers and his pink threads waved around like a jellyfish's tentacles in the open sea.

"I'll make you leave."
Heya! Let me know if there's anything I need to edit on this. I'll edit on the Relationship sheet later. Hope you like him! ^u^

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