Name: Maximilian Samae Samaster
Aliases: Max, Sam, Image Splicer
Race: Human
Sub-class: Human-Demon(Infected), Satyr
Age: 32 (Appears 28)
Birthday:June 3rd 1992
Nationality: French
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Birth Place: Loom
Current Residence: Residential District, 2-bedroom home
Gender: Male
Education: Bachelor's; Anatomy, Biology, Physiology
Job: Intern for Loom PD Coronary Department
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 160lbs.
Build: Slim
Eyes: Light brown-gray
Hair: Dark brown
Skin Tone: Fair
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: Three large, slashing scars on his right forearm, from when he was infected.
Personal Style: Maximilian is almost exclusively seen wearing suits, of the black variety. He also wears slacks, and dress shoes of the same color. His tie will either be the same color, or red. He hair is also almost always in the same fashion.
When he isn't wearing a suit, he is with close friends. In this circumstances, he wears strictly jeans, with various tops.
Stoic Analyzing Quick-witted Forethinking
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship Status: Single
Personality: Minimal 2 paragraphs
Habits: Eating, not like that!
Hobbies: Walking the streets(in the rain), dining, Light Training
Fears: - Silver
- Being seen as a Monster
- Betraying someone he trusts
Likes: Dislikes:
Max led a completely normal life, up until he was 20, which is when his father introduced him to the family tradition of practicing magic. He practiced for years under his father's tutelage, until one fateful day, his family was completely devoured by a powerful Demon. The Demon nearly devoured Maximilian as well, but his life was spared, by a Battle Angel. But soon enough, he discovered the Angels saw him in the same level of filth as the creature which infected him. He used his magic to escape the Angel's clutches, if barely. Now he lives a new life.. if you could call it that.
Medical Knowledge: Maximilian has extensive knowledge on the inner and outer workings of the human body. He understands how it functions, how it feels, and its limits.
Magical Knowledge: Maximilian is familiar with wards, ingredients, and restrictions of magic, among other things. Although his magic is relatively weak, he knows how to use what he has to his advantage, even against stronger casters.
Demon Lore: Being infected by a Demon has some silver linings. Knowledge can be one of them. Due to the Demon's need to keep Maximilian alive, it teaches him how avoid such things that may kill him. He knows behavior, flags, and abilities of many Demons.
Hand-to-Hand Combat Expertise/Physical Training: Being a relatively weak Mage, Maximilian found it necessary to find something that compliments his weaknesses. Close-quarters combat seemed fitting. He trained for years, practicing body conditioning, pain compliance, preemptive strikes, and various other combat techniques. He also understand the importance of combat economy, and is able to retain his stamina longer than most. Having easy access to training in the Loom Police Department is just a plus.
His human body is also conditioned to withstand a decent amount of pain, compared to others, and he runs and moves faster than most other people.
Modern Weaponry Knowledge: Being an intern has its perks. Max gets to sit-in on all the lectures given to the Junior officers, and picks up a basic understanding of equipment used by the force. He knows how to use their guns, but has only done so a couple times, as he doesn't really have a need for them.
Intermediate Swordsmanship: Although Maximilian doesn't flex this much by carrying around a sword with him wherever he goes, he has decent knowledge when it comes to utilizing 1-handed swords. He even has one sitting at home, in his apartment.
Organization and Time Management: Max's ability to keep things organized, and manage his time, is what got him his job as an intern at the Loom PD Coronary Department. He knows how to run a desk, phones, storage rooms, and various other office tasks.
Demonized Traits: Max is slightly faster and stronger than he should be. He also has slightly quicker reflexes than a normal person, which helps him time his preemptive strikes, among other things. He gains these traits from the manifestation of the Demon Essence inside him, as the Demon needs his host to stay alive while it attempts to take control.
Weaker Magecraft: Maximilian studied in the field of magic before he was infected. After the infection however, it seems his magical growth is severely stumped. A good enough teacher could teach him new things, but he can't do it on his own.
Being that his magic is relatively weak, Max generally on uses it for defense. He is capable of casting wards and shields, and can even cast impressive illusions, but that's basically it.
Lesser Shapeshifting: After being infected, Maximilian developed the capability to shapeshift. However, since he is still fighting the beast, he only has partial control over it. He can't transform his whole body. He can shapeshift parts of his body into animals, or even change facial features and hair, etc. to look like someone else. He cannot take form of something he hasn't seen in person, or in a book/on TV(the book/TV show must have some knowledge on the creature).
On person:Loom PD Coronary Department ID
Wallet: Credit card, loose bills, ID, liscenses etc.
Pocket Knife
Cell Phone
At home:Laptop