Akimitsu Academy is known amongst its peers as a young and flowering institution wholly devoted to the educational enrichment of all enrolled students. Hosting attendants between the ages of 16 to 18, the academy delivers the full experience of a three-year high-school term to its students - who are notably international in makeup. There is something special about Akimitsu, though. It is further known amongst its peers as a cultivator of many-a highly-talented Kendo students, several of whom graduate from the academy's dojo and advance to admired careers in the arts and traditions of Kendo.
This proclivity for producing quality Kendo practitioners has caused Akimitsu Academy to grow popular amongst parents and other benefactors who wish to send children or students to a school that could enhance their growth in the sport. However, the academy is one of great integrity and finds its enrollments untouched by the esteem of potential benefactors - instead, it views each student in their own light, and accepts those which it does with its own verdict. This has led more than a few competitive Kendo teams, backed by aforementioned denied benefactors, to develop a grudge against Akimitsu's teams.
And on Akimitsu Academy's Kendo team is where you find yourself. The academy actually has a few teams, comprised of the junior Kendokas, the intermediate Kendokas, and the advanced Kendokas - the latter two of which are incorporated into the academy's competition teams. You hold a place on one of Akimitsu's several competition-teams, and as such will be one of the intermediate-to-advanced Kendoka of 16 to 18 years-of-age - a student that displays significant skill in Kendo, but evenstill possesses their own notable flaws.
Yo! Here it be, your Kendo-Club SoL RP! So yeah, we gonna be a buncha goobers in a competitive Kendo team, attending school together, and whathaveyou. I've a few plans in terms of arcs for competitions and such whenever those happen, but overall its a lil malleable world for us to all work with centered around the school, so any arcs and ideas you got, throw em out there! For now I'll include some info on the school, but I'm not gonna make the initial thread post too thicc.
Akimitsu Academy POIs
Akimitsu Academy Staff
Your CS doesn't have to look like mine, but it must have the included sections in it. Style however you like!
This proclivity for producing quality Kendo practitioners has caused Akimitsu Academy to grow popular amongst parents and other benefactors who wish to send children or students to a school that could enhance their growth in the sport. However, the academy is one of great integrity and finds its enrollments untouched by the esteem of potential benefactors - instead, it views each student in their own light, and accepts those which it does with its own verdict. This has led more than a few competitive Kendo teams, backed by aforementioned denied benefactors, to develop a grudge against Akimitsu's teams.
And on Akimitsu Academy's Kendo team is where you find yourself. The academy actually has a few teams, comprised of the junior Kendokas, the intermediate Kendokas, and the advanced Kendokas - the latter two of which are incorporated into the academy's competition teams. You hold a place on one of Akimitsu's several competition-teams, and as such will be one of the intermediate-to-advanced Kendoka of 16 to 18 years-of-age - a student that displays significant skill in Kendo, but evenstill possesses their own notable flaws.
Yo! Here it be, your Kendo-Club SoL RP! So yeah, we gonna be a buncha goobers in a competitive Kendo team, attending school together, and whathaveyou. I've a few plans in terms of arcs for competitions and such whenever those happen, but overall its a lil malleable world for us to all work with centered around the school, so any arcs and ideas you got, throw em out there! For now I'll include some info on the school, but I'm not gonna make the initial thread post too thicc.
Akimitsu Academy POIs
Akimitsu Academy Staff
Your CS doesn't have to look like mine, but it must have the included sections in it. Style however you like!