Avatar of BCTheEntity


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9 mos ago
Current Harambant, who once went by Harambe, now only recalled in light of what followed.
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3 yrs ago
It seems today, that all you see,
3 yrs ago
Holy Spirit Activate
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3 yrs ago
Remember the indigenous people of the Americas today.


Hello, I am me from the internet. I migrated here from Kongregate's Forum Games Forum, so feel free to look for me there if you wish to follow a career in internet stalking people. (ಠ_ಠ) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A link to some of my past characters, which I need because static tabs do not take up internet.

Infamous Quotes From People Who Exist

“I really don’t follow how your faith believes its perfectly acceptable to doom 4,000 years plus of sentient beings, on a pre-set path of no escape from sin, just so their descendants can be offered the ‘chance of salvation’ when the god murders its own son.”

“Don’t be an ass or a pussy, ’lest you get screwed by life. Being a mouth or a hand is somewhat safer, and an eye socket is pretty much sacred in this regard, so always keep a look out.”

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Ah, yes. Her desirability in the assault was not unexpected - if nothing else, her presence would be suitable for enhancing the group's resolve and ensuring the boarding action's success. Bidding her Choir continue to contemplate their next message outward, and designating one to lead them in her absence, she let them be, heading on to the assault point in due course. She had everything she needed with her, of course.

And yet, the Eldar still reached the location long before anybody else. She had a knack for physicality, not to mention intense arrogance and a soul that could be singled out from well across the ship. Granted, its potency compared to the others on board was significant, but it was the strange form that really stuck out when it came to seeing her. Naturally, this made her no easier to communicate with - especially with such mocking greetings as "highmind".

'Ah, and a distinct greeting to you too, xeno,' she replied , her sardonic grin cutting. Her glare would have been too, but... well. 'I certainly hope you get your fill of combat today - why, you must be raring to get to the front line ahead of us mere humans, mustn't you?' Even as she said this, she set her mind upon bolstering the group's resolve in advance of the attack, her soul reaching out to touch those of the others in the group. Severus', mostly gilded from fear already, but precise and specific in its function, and simple enough to add extra reinforcement to. Isaiah's, tired of the galaxy as it was, but proof against most fears, and yet worth proofing further. Even Laeveyla's. Eugh, like prodding grox refuse with her toe - not that Laeveyla had any relation to a grox, of course, because those were actually useful, but one could all but smell the pompous crap spewing from her mind if only one had the capacity to sense it.
@Frettzo It's anime inspired, so I imagine a dog kemono would be entirely acceptable.
'As before, sir, none whatsoever,' the Choir-Master confirmed, 'and an additional message will take more time to send out.' She'd been leading the choir in the process of distress signalling for most of those two days - "We are in peril, unknown enemies pursuing our ship, send assistance immediately", roughly encrypted as follows: A tide of teeth pursues a lone grox across an empty plain, attempting to devour it. It is destroyed by a solid projectile rifle from a distance, a flurry of shots shattering the teeth and allowing the grox to turn and slay what lies underneath. Well, she suspected they could destroy this unknown foe with support. The problem was getting the support, if it was even forthcoming - and since the message took several hours to even contemplate, let alone properly encrypt, they had broadcast a grand total of four actual distress signals so far. Which, granted, was a great deal better than most astropaths could pull off in just two days, helped by the fact that the actual content remained similar from projection to projection, but came at the cost of physical exhaustion and sleep deprivation even beyond the usual for her and the rest of the choir.

And it wasn't as if she hadn't tried to find life elsewhere. But, within so many Void Units, there was just theirs and the pursuing ship, and its strange xeno minds. She had yet to establish what those were, only that they lacked humanity - but then that was obvious by the ship's actual design. And whilst she had the theoretical option to insinuate fear into the attackers or make their ship appear to be in many places at once, with great effort on her and the choir's part of course, those only really mattered if and when the ship started firing at them again. Maybe she should start practicing her telekinetic abilities to try and break something on the other ship... or figure out how to convey Voidfrost across as vast a distance as its nature implied.

Still, she had the option of enfearing them if they attempted to invade, or empowering the crew if they boarded back, or even trying to make an enemy gunner aim incorrectly if they began firing again. For now, she and her choir could only continue the process of contemplation anew - and she had to ensure her choir remained healthy, as well. If anyone burned out, it was on her head; she knew very well the agony of burnout and how it aged its victims, and she was quite intent on keeping the Rogue Traders' in good health for a long time.
Justicar Hektor Autark

The outer wall was secure. It was inevitable, frankly - the rogues had numbers, but much like the Imperium against any other barbarian horde, discipline and superiority of equipment proved their might over those who would pit themselves against humanity, even other humans. And when it came to what amounted to thugs in carapace armour against the true upholders of the Lex Imperialis...

Well, it was an inevitability regardless. The Guard's melta bomb bought them the entrance, opening it up for the vehicles to enter through; the cyber-mastiff handler bought them the parapets, ending the threat of heavy weaponry for the time being. The assassins declared their intent to enter at this stage, leaving the men and women on the ground to plan the second level of the siege.

'Arbites, regroup at my position!' Hektor called out through his shield-vox, the men and women of the Adeptus Arbites moving to him behind one of the buildings in the structure as the last of the Enforcers fled into their inner keep. Amongst them, Handler Ceras and Adept Frea appeared, along with the two cyber-mastiffs - though they were both clearly quite battered, marks and dents scarring their outer shells, and on one of them the telltale signs of plasma burn, they certainly weren't destroyed yet.

'Good work thus far,' the Justicar addressed the team. 'The facility is breached, but it is yet to be taken back in full. From here forward, we will likely need to approach on foot; the Rumblers don't have an angle on the mansion, and the Repressor will need to be brought in later, unless some of you want to risk being caught in a fresh crossfire to open the door.' Kowl and Lance glanced at each other, Hektor could only assume debating with themselves whether they could get the other to do it, but when they said nothing, he turned to the breaching team. 'Handler, Verispex, your role was well-executed. Anything to report?'

'Sir, we've gotten a Rumbler into the inner walls,' the brighter woman announced, smiling with just a hint of worry. Worry? 'Incidentally, some fresh welding may be needed at the access point later.' Ah. And by "got the Rumbler in", she presumably meant "used it as a battering ram". Hektor sighed with minor annoyance. Those weren't indestructible, for the Emperor's sake.

'Additionally, sir,' Michael added, 'we have secured the majority of heavy weapons on the outer wall, including the lascannon and a plasma pistol. I would recommend relaying these to the Imperial Guard; they will see more use under them, I suspect.'

'Sir! Permission to equip Verispex Adept Michael with the plasma pistol?' Victoria asked, utterly out of step and clearly unexpected on his end.

'Denied. We don't know whether it's been properly maintained or engineered, and if it overheats, it'd likely kill any of us, let alone him. And watch when you speak, Handler.'

'...wul- well I can throw it-'

'Denied, Verispex. You can examine it later if you're still intent.' The enthusiasm was appreciated, but like a plasma pistol's power, it needed to be directed. And he suspected Michael just wanted to try and back up Victoria, rather than actually putting himself at risk.

'Magistrate Kowl,' he continued, seeking to proceed with the matter rather than giving the Enforcers more time to regroup than necessary, 'lead half the Arbitrators plus Handler Ceras to the Guard Captain, inform them that they are recommended to take control of the autocannon and lascannon installations for the next phase of the operation. Marshal Lance, everybody else, you're with me. Lockshields primed for movement.'

'Yes, sir!' the team replied - Rheanna in particular with a growl of enthusiasm, and Darius much less so. That rivalry really needed to remain unencouraged as far as possible, in his mind. Nonetheless, the split was made: the Magistrate's team of six moved out in the direction of the Imperial Guard's forces, cyber-mastiffs and all, whilst the Justicar led his party of nine in the opposite direction, moving quickly between structures to minimise exposure to the Enforcers and get as close as possible. Should any show their faces, of course, he'd do what he could to put rounds in them, but then one could only do so much at a distance.

'Précisément,' she replied, in response to Taras' statement regarding the ghouls, only to be a bit blindsided by Chloe's explanation. The Speedwagon Foundation? They were... well, she was enthusiastic about them, in any case. Frankly, though, the rest of the group didn't seem to share it, at least until Miss Cakebread explained further; ultimately, though, she sighed with relief rather than exasperation.

'I do know them, yes,' she explained, smiling gently. 'Whatever their reasons or methods for acting here, I know they would not help the Germans, not after such atrocities. Very well.'

Moving around the room, she began working to help sterilise and bandage any stray cuts the others had, looking them over as she spoke to them. 'My name is Alouise. When the war started, and France was first occupied, I was sadly content to rest on my laurels as the Boche took over the nation. Fool that I was... one day, perhaps a year and three months ago, members of my family were accused of hiding or being malcontents. Jews, homosexuals, slavs, I'm not sure exactly. The point is, my entire family on my mother's side was taken away. Great grandfather, grandfather, grandmother, mother, uncle, even my cousin Jeanne. I escaped their attentions only by proving openly that I had done no such thing, and that was but barely.

'Part of me wonders if I ought to have let myself go with them. I miss them greatly...' She took a second, dabbing the tears from her eyes and sniffling. 'Pardonnez. But it was my inaction that lost my family. I couldn't let that happen to others.' Now determination welled in her eyes as she concluded her business, not pain and grief. 'I did my research, found my way into this rebellion, and was assigned to a cell here in Orléans, by order of... my boss, shall we say. I don't know how significant she is to the counterattack as a whole, but she is certainly a major organiser - I apologise, I only have her codename: Lily the Pink.'

Putting the supplies back in the cupboard, she took a seat again, looking over the mixed crowd with some consideration. 'If you wish to help us, you have two routes by my consideration. First, stay here and help rebuild the local resistance. We have lost a lot of manpower; if you are Stand Users, even one of your number would be incredibly useful. Or, second... seek her out. I can send a message forward, and a meeting can be arranged, if you don't mind somewhat of a trek. That may be more useful for expunging the Germans in their entirety, perhaps, but...' She leaned back in her chair, a grimace crossing her face. It'd be dangerous either way - though, she suspected they knew that much, and were of all people prepared for it most.

@Zoey Boey@Yankee@OwO@Lady Selune
Interacting with Kirsty @Lugubrious, Liam @CriticalHit, and The Raven @LetMeDoStuff
Alina Sanford

She'd done nothing.

'Worthless. Useless.'

She had seen Kirsty fight off those creatures, and she'd done nothing. She'd seen her trapped by flames, watched Liam save her, seen them both run back to fight the cow angel thing, and she'd done nothing.

'Cowardly Alina. You're awful.'

Eventually, the sounds of fighting died down. Eventually, Alina couldn't sit idly by any longer, now that it was over. She forced herself to stand, to slide up the wall and walk back around the corner where combat had been taken.

'You could have helped. You should have- should-'

That. That was Kirsty. She'd lost an arm. She. Oh.

'Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God.'

Suddenly, Alina was running to her side. This was what her lack of support did. She could have stopped this from happening. Kirsty's arm, she reckoned the real Kirsty, was - it was meat. It didn't look like it could be fixed, that was for sure.

'Do you two have any ice?'

Stupid question. Worth asking. She knew it needed to be kept cold. If a body part was lost, it'd die quickly unless they were kept cold enough. That wasn't a chemistry thing, but it was in every bit of media she could think of that featured it, and it wasn't a stretch to say it was due to nerves more than anything else.

And for the stump, she needed to stop the bleeding. How did she... yeah, okay. She had to put pressure on it, right? That wouldn't work- oh, wait, there was a knife right there! Could she... maybe. How did they do a torniquet on TV? Cloth, and something to tighten the cloth before the point of blood flow?

Well, they had both. Taking the knife, she cut off the excess sleeve on Kirsty's destroyed arm, and wrapped it around the arm above where it had been ruined. Shit, how would... twist the cloth until it's tight, she supposed, then wrap it around the knife handle, turn that in the same direction as the first twist... was that working? Maybe? She was twisting a knife around to try and stem the bloodflow on somebody's arm, shiiiit. She had no idea what she was doing here. Fuck it, she'd just use her hands to keep it twisted, the knife had done its part there.

'We need to find a doctor. Or a hospital or something.'

That was stupid too. There weren't doctors in here. This place was devoid of anyone other than themselves and the death dogs from earlier, and whatever Kirsty's evil version had summoned. But they had to do something - she'd already maimed Kirsty by proxy by not helping, it was the least Alina could do to keep her from dying outright.
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