And so when you have one player who plays both of the characters, that means they are dictating and creating their own character growth rather than it being dependent on someone else's writing.
5 yrs ago
And so when you have one player who plays both of the characters, that means they are dictating and creating their own character growth rather than it being dependent on someone else's writing.
5 yrs ago
I think the failing of most Fate RPs is that they have each person play both a master and servant. The problem with this is that the bonds between the servant and their master are the deepest growth.
5 yrs ago
Little busy with Christmas and whatnot over the next couple days. And driving. A lot of driving.
5 yrs ago
I'm sorry to people who had put effort into the RP I was starting a few months ago. My father passed away unexpectedly on the 1st of July, at the age of 56. So I haven't really been on here much.
8 yrs ago
I don't care what anyone says, I'm having the most fun with FFXV that I've had with a game since Metal Gear 5.
First post is up, sorry for the wait, it's been a long work week for me. So whoever wants to post can go ahead and do so. I'll be focusing a lot on the surroundings of your characters and things to lead them along rather than my own character, until the group is brought together, at which point I'll take more control over my character.
That's fine. I'll put a starting post up soon, and then everyone can just sort of post whenever. Once everyone has posted, that will be our post order but as I've already said, if there's no need for you to wait for someone else and you feel like posting, go ahead.
Looks good to me. I would suggest having more advanced weapons as these characters are using massively advanced equipment, 'mostly' energy based weaponry BUT, you can use whatever you want, there is no real like, standard for them.
Edit: I typed up this whole thing like, yesterday, then never pressed post.
@Sierra I understand, but that's some of the beauty of it all. You build your character without knowing who they are, so you have to 'learn' who they are, though in time, they will get their memories back, and you will get to give them a backstory then. You're welcome to join, though I'll be cutting off applications after you.
@ASTA Characters need to be human I'm afraid. Not something I specified but I didn't expect someone to try and make a character like that.
And also a minor spoiler that creates more questions than answers but any sort of 'automaton' would pretty much be dead on arrival due to in-story reasons.
Both look fine to me, go ahead and post them. I'll be getting an initial IC post up soon (More than just the intro post) and then we can post in whatever order we want. Characters start out separated so there's no reason for anyone to need to wait for someone else to post, and from then we can just settle into a post order based on who does their starting post when and try to stick to that from then on.
Please keep in mind this RP is apply-only and will only have a very small group of players maxing out at 4 people including myself.
This is a RP set in a post-apocalyptic world where humanity has crawled out of the dirt to rebuild in a desolate wasteland, torn apart by an unknown war of the past. The setting is a city, covered in a massive dome that protects it from the outside radiation, allowing its inhabitants to live relatively normal lives. But you will soon come to realize that what you consider normal, and what these people consider normal, may not be entirely the same.
Your character awakens inside a strange pod that fell from the sky, shattering through the glass sky above. They find themselves alone, in a world they do not recognize or understand. The only things they know, are the absolute basics. What a weapon is, how to use it, how to walk, how to talk... but they don't know their own name, their own purpose, their own origin. The only thing they know for sure, is that they are in danger here, and that they need to find the others... whoever the others are. A gut feeling, nothing more, that they shouldn't be alone. And so they set off to regroup, and hopefully get some answers.
The Rules of the RP:
Don't be a dick, or an elitist. If you have a problem, bring it up and talk about it. As for being an elitist, what I mean is, this RP isn't set in the advanced section for massively sized posts. It is here for the expectations of each player's competence with the English Language, and ability to drive their character forward. It is here for people looking for a deeper story that they can write in, and learn about, discovering more about the world they find their characters in. There are not post size requirements or anything like that. However, you should know better than to post one liners, or a single small paragraph. This is low advanced, high casual, somewhere in-between. But let's treat it with the respect of an advanced RP.
I will be acting as both DM, and a player myself. This means that I will both be writing for my own character, as well as the going ons of the world, creating it around your characters and giving you, hopefully, what you need to have them exist within it. My say is final on things, as far as what is allowed, what can or cannot be done, and what you are, or are not allowed to do. I won't be putting too many restrictions out, but if you meet a friendly NPC and your first act is to try and attack them, your character will be stopped, and there is no getting past that. That's just an example... try not to be 'that person'.
If a long period of time goes by and you haven't posted, or have had to be poked about waiting on a post from you multiple times, you may simple be dropped from the RP. I'm not going to set a time limit or anything that you have to post, but if days and days go by, and there's no word from you... it's a problem. As I have said before, too many Roleplays end before they even get started because people are too shy to post, feel like they're waiting on someone else, or simply get busy doing other things and then a week goes by and nothing but starting posts have been made. I'm not expecting multiple posts a day, or even a post every single day without fail. Just don't disappear. If you need some time, let people know.
Need to Know Information:
Your character has no background, at least, not that you will be creating from the start. You as a player, don't know anything about this world. It's like starting up a game for the first time. I, as the creator of the RP, know the origins of your characters in general, and it will be revealed to you down the line. (Not very early on) When it is, you will be given the opportunity to develop your own version of who your character is, and was before all this happened. Until then, assume nothing.
You won't even know what abilities your character has. You may choose to be a scout, but that doesn't mean they have binoculars or any sort of scanning equipment... at least not that you know or from the start.
Here is what you CAN decide for your character, here and now: Their appearance, their gender, their weapon of choice, their class, their personality, their number. More information on all of this in the character sheet section.
You and your character will be very similar. You will both not know much about anything within this world. Who they are, where they are from, why they are here, none of this is known to you, or your character. You will find out in time. That being said, here are some disclaimers:
I will not be dictating things like names. Your character doesn't remember their name but they surely have one, and you will get to decide that later. I'm not going to suddenly do a big backstory reveal of where they are from and go "Your character is Tom Billy Hill, a farmer from a few cities over". You will be able to decide your own character's backstory... within the context of the overall backstory that is set in place for them by the story. For example, your character may be a soldier from [Insert City Here], but you can still decide why they were in the military, what they did in their off time, the role they played within that military, so on and so forth. I'm not trying to dictate your character, rather, just limit you on what you can decide about them right away.
Your character will 'unlock' abilities as the RP goes on. You won't know what these abilities are, and will not get to decide what exactly they are. You will however, decide on a 'class' for your character as well as a weapon. For example, you may choose Recon/Scout for your character, and a sniper rifle. This will give me a base idea of what kind of character you are aiming for. With this, it's likely your character will go on to unlock related abilities, such as long-range night vision, listening devices, radar, drones, and even the ability to see through walls to some degree. Meanwhile someone who plays a 'Reaper' and uses 'dual scythes' would have incredibly different abilities popping up.
That being said, what you want to play is ENTIRELY up to you with little to no limits. Anything from the typical soldiers like marksmen with sniper rifles, gunmen with assault/battle rifles, demolitionist with machine guns, and so on, to more crazy and fantastical things like a slayer with a greatsword, a reaper with dual chain scythes, a hunter with a bow... all you need to give me, is the name of your 'class', and the weapon they use. You will get to find out what abilities they have as the RP goes on and they recover more memories about what they are capable of.
You should also know that your character is absurdly strong. A greatsword that is pure metal and machinery, and is larger than their whole body, will weigh nothing in their hands.
Character Sheet
Number: (Pick any number from 02 to 99. This will act as your character's 'name' for a long time. And yes, the actual IC format is 02, 03, 04 and so on, not just 2, 3, 4. It matters dammit. AND YES, this number is important to each character, it's more than just a label to make them feel like objects.)
Class: (There are no presets, I won't give you a list to pick from. You give me any word to describe your character's class, and that will be what I work from. That being said, it should be obvious that if you pick a very vague, or odd word, that I'll just have to ask you to be more clear. If it's been used as a class name in literally any game ever before, then it's safe.)
Weapon: (You can pick quite literally any weapon, as long as it isn't assuming anything. For example 'the bones of enemies from the past' is not an acceptable weapon as it assumes something about their past. But a general weapon is fine. Anything from swords and bows to pistols and rifles. Any weapon you choose will be yours to wield. Although, it will be a sci fi variant of said weapon. This means that if you pick a 'magic scepter'... it's driven by technology and is in fact not magic. It's just so advanced that it is indistinguishable from magic. I may 'rewrite' your weapon if it needs to be adapted to a sci fi setting.)
Appearance: (A single image reference is fine along with any details you want to add. Yes, an image is required... I'm stubborn about things like that. I like picture references, so you're going to like them too, or suffer the consequences . . . Of being asked to get an image a second time.
I will also detail that as far as appearances go, your characters are going to be heavily advanced as far as the equipment they carry, very sleek, clean, and chrome since everything in the future is chrome. They are likely to be armored as well.)
See my own character sheet for an example. You don't need a lot of detail to the sheet. The idea is sort of to be going in with nothing, and building up from said nothing.