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In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Love your gods introduction, Shurikai. The confusion about mortals and festivities is a nice contrast with the other deities. I hope you’ll find a good connection with a commoner, maybe create a champion yourself.
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
LordMarwain said
"I think my little brother is absentminded, because he is in the middle of choosing if the prostitute is worthy enough," Tavon spoke while appearing before the other gods. "And its a bit rude to talk about the remaining of farming without inviting the god who's domain is just that. By the way, Arcturius, about our chess game, I sent you a messenger to tell you I had to postpone it. Anyway Laslo, about being an ancient god, where were you at the creation of this world? But I agree we should join together to face the coming darkness. And about villagers looking for you Laslo, how can people come to you if they hardly know you?"

The15thSpycrab said
"Then, Brother Laslo, I accept your offer. Hesitate not to call upon me when you have found someone worthy to be your champion." Arcturius took the shield from the Builder, then paused. He heard a voice, praying for help. Not calling the War God by name, yet still seeking strength against an unjust, overwhelming adversary.

“I wish your chosen good luck and victory in combat.” Laslo said when he gave Arcturius the shield. Then he turned his attention to Tavon.

“My brothers and I didn’t want to disturb you, Tavon. We saw that you were preoccupied. We did not want to insult you, you are a vital part to civilization and humanity. That must be recognized.”

Laslos face darkened, while he pondered his next remark.
“Where were we at the beginning? Is that a question that matters to you? We know we were there at the cradle of the first empire. We were there when the Allfather spoke and started his eternal vigil. We were there, just as much as you were there when the first flower started to bloom. Just as much as Arcturius when the first blood was drawn, and Erä when the first beast was flayed. That is what we know, that is all we need to remember.”

Then Laslo smiled and waved his hand. He showed Tavon a place far away, or it might be a long time ago. Enormous cities, build of stone and metal, dotted the landscape. Cathedrals, decorated with figures of The Doctrine, raised to the skies. Priests, dressed in red, wielding swords, torches and hammers were seen building a better future.
“We are well known, just as you are. Just not here, just not now. Only at the cradle, and the grave, of a civilization are we needed the most. ”
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
TheSecret said
C.C, still with her arms crossed uner her breasts in an attempt tomake them look bigger rised an eyebrow to the boy who obviously did not know how to hold the spear correctly. She was amused by how the boy begged for help"Boy..." She said as she pulled her sword from the sheath on her back "...those who wield a weapon must be ready to die..." She said and walked towards the boy


The15thSpycrab said
A sound like thundering hooves and clashing steel, mixing as a rumble of thunder, yet lasting a mere moment, and the God of War appeared beside the young lad."I have seen your bravery, and heard your plea. Take heart, my blessing, and this shield. Fight your foe for honor and the defense of those weaker than yourself. Uphold the codes of combat, and show mercy to those you defeat."The boy, wide-eyed and full of hope, took the shield from Arcturius. Then, standing as tall as he could, faced the savage woman and let out a shout! The villagers crowded around cheered, and the battle began.

He could do this. A god came down for him, and gave him a shield. He was ready.
The boy chose not to hesitate. He knew that whatever he did, he had to act fast and without pause.
The strange woman threaten him, so he had the advantage of self defense. Also, the reach of the spear would help in this fight. Lastly, she still had her arms crossed.
A firm whack to here knee, than a jab to her dominant arm. That would make her think twice.

Flin was amazed by these realizations. Maby he was better at fighting than he thought.

Flin brought the spear into motion, with all the strength that he had. Only then he noticed the weight of the 6 foot long weapon. He just wasn’t strong enough. Doubt and fear overtook him again, as the spear went for the woman’s knee with too little strength to hurt her.

What Flin din’t notice was that the shield started to produce a low humming sound, like a tuning fork it started to sing.
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
TheSecret said
"Stupid woman! What do you think you are doing!? You are a beast just like your father!" The fat man yellwd at C.C who's heels had destroyed the offerings almost completly.C.C turned back at the fat man with a spinning kick hittngthe man in the left cheekbone , the man fell the the floor bleeding.C.C crossed her amrs "Anyone else who wants a scar like his?"

“Get away from dad!” shouted a high voice. A young boy, barley a man, ran up to the wounded man. He was visibly shaken by the odd appearance of the woman, but the open attack on his father made him forget his fear.

“Get away from that women, Flin, she looks maddened!” shouted the wounded man, but the young boy didn’t hear him. As he took a spear from one of the bystanders his thoughts went upwards.

Can anyone hear me? Please, will someone help me? I cannot fight, I cannot fight, but please please please let me protect dad from this strange woman.
He readied his spear, awaiting the woman’s next move.
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
The15thSpycrab said
Arcturius thought for a moment about Laslo's offer. If anyone were to best fit the mysterious aspect of the gods, it was the Triplicate. Not even the fellow pantheon knew what they were up to. "You know much of our actions, Master Builder, but I am unaware of the champion you have selected. Who is it you wish us to empower?"

Laslo’s face saddened by the question. His eyes lowered to the ground.
“We have no champion of our own.” He said softly. “It is at times like these that men forgets the most important and ancient gods, distracted by the flair and temptations of the young ones.”

He looked at the absentminded Erä. “You both sought out your champions, din’t you? They did not come to you, give you sacrifices. You came to them. We want someone to come to us, to seek enlightenment. This takes time.”

Laslo held up the shield again. “But with this offer, we make sure that humanity survives. We will call on you when one is chosen.”
“War, tradition, hunting and farming, crafting, civilization… We are bound by mortality. As long as they remain, we will remain.”
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
MasterOfMetal said
"Tevan is doing as he always is Arcturius, Playing with girls and flowers"Erämaa sank down to kneel, leaning on his spear"see this girl? She was to be an offering to us, so I told the man to hunt her.You will not believe the madness of this mortal! Thinking it would please me somehow, he starts chasing her.. on hands and knees!Fool..But this girl.. she interests me. She fled, with wit and agility. All she has to do is prove she can also fight, not even win, and I will bring her to my hunting grounds to make her mine."Erämaa looked at Arcturius"If she is worthy, I might even make her one of my brides one day, it has been long since I had sons on this world.Did you know she is a professional birther?"

“A prostitute, you mean.” The Builder, Laslo, appeared besides Eräma and Arcturius. Donned in red robes, wielding a stone builders hammer, two clear eyes pierced from under his bushy eyebrows. He stroked his brown beard before continuing.

“Good day to both of you, gentlemen. I see all of us are looking for a champion.”
Laslo looked to the other gods, playing with their mortals, searching for the right one to make their champion
“Arcturius, you have chosen two champions I see. And you, Eräma, the prostitute has potential, even though she comes from bad stock.”

Laslo pondered. “I propose a trade, a deal. My brothers and I a searching for a new mortal to raise to sainthood. Dark times are coming, my brother Ingmar saw it in the stars. Trouble is amongst us.” Laslo pointed to the different dark deities, tempting mortals to hedonism or murder.

“We want allies. All of us, savage or not, have a sense of honor, virtue or justice. Let us be united, so that we can protect and safeguard this world from evil.”
In Laslo’s hands there appeared two objects. One was a copper hunting horn, the other was a steel round shield with the symbol of Arcturius.
“Let us bless your champions, so that in return you’ll bless ours. Let us be united by our champions.”
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Loving Haedorman, let's see if he can tempt an old well-lived man to sin ;). Als love the sudden Arcturius, Tevan, Erämaa interaction, creates a lot of flavour.
Spycrab, could you maybe add my deity to the list? The one called The Doctrine?
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Vortex said
Haedorman laughed "I apologise my dear man I did not mean to frighten you. But from past experience mortals... Of your age seem to ethier want it one way or the other and trust me Ive had ALOT of experience with your race most entertaining you all are" Haedorman looked as a flower formed in the flames and he smiled gently "Oh yes this is my work indeed! Took many of your mortal years to form it did, myes a true work of art and all. But please, please! Do touch it, feel its soft petals at your touch... Or take a petal for yourself if you wish it is of no concern to me" After intense study of the flower wondering who of the gods created it Haedorman yawned and looked back at the old man "As for me you can call me Haedorman, a name im sure you heard many tales about considering all the exploits ive been on"

Jormen hesitated. If the fat man truly was Haedorman, then temptation and damnation wouldn’t be far way. The Great Temptator, god of pleasure and hedonism. Jormen had to be cautious.

But then again, he was old. Maybe it was time for one last glorious story?

“Well then, Lord of Sinners, I am most grateful with your appearance. That a great divine like yourself would honor us with your presence.”
Jormen turned away from Haedorman, facing bystanders. He put his hands to his mouth and shouted.
“Come all, Com all. A great divine is here, Haedorman is attending our feast!”
Groups of people stormed to the pyre, surrounding Jormen and Haedorman. Some praised him, some cursed him and some were just disappointed to see a simple fat man standing in the fire.

“I present you, Haedorman, Lord of Sinners! He just created this beautiful rose to honor our feast!”
The crowd cheered, only to be suddenly interrupted by Jormen. “OR DID HE!?”

Jormen waited until the crowd was silent again. “If you did create this rose, great Haedorman, then it would be no effort to create another? Would you tempt our senses with dozen more?”
Jormen’s hand reached out to the rose, gently touching it’s pettles. He whispered softly: “Surely, a god of natural or cosmic wonder, would do better than a deceiver or temptator?”
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Vortex said
Haedorman had always been appreciateive of fine music and poems none of which mortals made as mortals had the odd knack for macking a aweful racket when trying to impress a mate "Bed them and leave" was Haedormans only advice on the subject. This old man, well past his expiration date, however was different Haedorman could sense it amd even if he wasnt Haedorman was curious as to what was on the scroll, of course he could just use his "third eye" and take a look but that would take the fun out of it. Haedorman slowly moved of the lounge and departed to the temple.A burst of fire of all colours and yet none came from the pit as a fat man appeared in the flames, as Haedorman kept his true appearance for only when he was at home. "You! Elder, what is it you seek in this life? Would you like to last a eternity? Or maybe you want a clean death to end your suffering?"

The amazement of the flamboyant entrances soon faded when the fat man started to speak.
“Great spirits, a clean death!? Eternity!? No, no of course not! I love living and life, I wouldn’t want it to end. But I wouldn’t want it to never end either…”

Baffled, Jormen took a few steps back. His face, wrinkled and tanned, became notable pale. This was not the reaction he planned for.
“I humbly requested inspiration, to entertain and amaze. To bring joy into the lives of others. If that is what you can, and want, to grant me, then my song is yours. Bit what you offer now is terrifying!”

LordMarwain said
Tavon stood among the men in circle and watched this old man called Jormen. The man was a bit to loud for his taste, but it was a man of skill and it called for wonder. "This might be amusing," he tought while smiling. In the pyre, close to the old man called Jormen a rose started to grow. It did not seem to be harmed by the flames. It grew till it was clearly visible. First the color of the petals were only red, but then started to take colors from the fire. Each of the petals changed to a different color presented in the fire. "The bard should be able to figure out who made it. Let's see what he does with it."

Only then, Jormen started to notice the rose blooming in front of him. It had a beautiful red and yellow color, lake a frozen flame. Jormen caressed it, intrigued by it. Then he realized the situation he was in and returned his attention to the fat man, and the pyre.

“Is this your work? It is truly beautiful, but to delicate for someone like you. Is someone else watching me? Does someone else also want my prize?”

Jormen smiled, whilst he continued. He looked past the fat man into the pyre. “Is it you, Manas, who gifts me this amazement? Or maybe you, Tavon, gardener and keeper of the green? Quintis the daydreamer might have made it too, but it is to plantlike to fit him…”

Confidence radiated from the old, frail main, given strength by the idea of multiple gods claiming his song. Jormen returned is attention to the fat man. “…and you, what can I call you?”
In Godmode 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay

The pyre roared. A lot of people surrounded it, each giving their own sacrifices. Strange sights were to behold. One man challenging a wraith, whilst cooking meat. Another chasing a skimpy dressed girl around. One gifting the gods nothing and everything to get their good graces. People dancing, chanting, fighting and crying.

It was amazing.

Jormen didn’t know where to start. He plucked his long grey beard, cleaned his short sleeved tunic and tuned his trusted kantele. This was a good day to be a skald, a storyteller, a bard.
He arrived a few hours early this day. Listening to stories, dancing, drinking, singing, that’s how Jormen spend his day. But, there was a very important reason why he attended.
Not to let his words wash away by the two men shouting on their sides of the pyre, Jormen walked to the others side. He took a piece of paper out of his pocket, unraveled it and started to speak.

“To all who hear, all who listen, I speak! Greetings and glory upon thee, O great divines, spirits and muses.” Jormen bowed deeply and with great gesture, taking of his small cap.
“I come here with an offer, and a request. You see, I am old and grey. My mind slow, as is my body.” Comicly acting oud, with one hand on is back and one on a imaginary walking stick in front of him. Suddenly, Jormen leapt up and clapped his hands
“But behold, my spirit is young and wants to learn, to see! I feel alive, even after so long!”
Jormen held up his piece of paper.
“On this parchment, I have written a song. A very old song, which I can just barely remember. I will gift a piece of my past. I will forget it, I will never be able to play it again. Only the god, or goddess” he adds with a small wink, “that takes it will know this ancient tune.”

Slowly, Jormen brought the piece of paper closer to the fire. Just when the flames started to take hold, he pulled it back, pressing it firmly to his body, guarding it.
“BUT!” he shouted. “I will only grant it to the one who will be my muse. The one who gives me inspiration, who amazes me. So step fort, claim my prize, my sacrifice, and grant me visions of wonder!”
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