Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
2 mos ago
Apart from the crackle of flames, the click of heated steel cooling, and the groans of pain from the dying, and the living both. Well it's quiet. Strangely so. And it's that quiet that causes what at first appears to be a mass of metal and cloth high in a tree to shudder.
... Error: Environment unknown Error: Optics in Error mode Reboot and Restart Engaged
The mass of metal and cloth moves again. mechanical arms grasping blindly for a time. Heavy treaded feet wheel. Multi-articulated joints creaking. Finally a hand wraps around something thin and hard.
Warning: Unit sensors read anomalies in position Supposition: Unit is not standing. Left hand Sensors grasping material....scanning
The not that kind of Metal Man, one of the Holy Warriors of the Omnissiah, a Skitarii. One of the one hundred Adeptus Mechanicus Metal Men, the Warrior Elite of the Machine God. Stuck in a tree. Because that's what his sensors and scanners tell him soon after. Stuck in a tree. His left hand wrapped around a branch that had missed impaling him. Another branch between his legs, another under his right arm. And yet another just to the left of his throat, any one of these branches could have actted like a wooden spear to have piked right through him.
Attention: Optic reboot and restart complete
The world swam back into view. And Arkos ADAM could finally see where he is. Some 30 feet off the ground, in the upper branches of what could only be this planets version of a mighty Oak. He looked left right, up and down a few times. Before looking back and spying the burning hulk of what's left of the Fortune's Dominion about seven hundred yards away. His optics click and whir. And with something that sounds like a grumble of machine code, Arkos ADAM starts to try and untangle himself.
As he does he goes over what he can remember. Being woken before the scheduled reactivation. The Magos Primus saying the ship needed their help. And the march of the Maniple down to the engine room. The Magos had shoved data-slates into their hands. Unlocked and decrypted.
Arkos ADAM stopped to see if the data-slate he knew he had still held when the decompression had occured is still near by and there on his waist attached to his combat belt it rests. The last thing he had done before being sucked out into the atmosphere. Praise the Omnissiah he hadn't been burned to a metal crisp on the way down. And Praise the Cog that he hadn't fallen much further from the ship then he did.
Arkos ADAM returned to the task of untangling himself from the branches of the tree. His long range scouting suite had started to pick up the sound of survivors. His Maniple count showed zero, but perhaps he was just out of range, perhaps if he could get out of this tree, which is proving quite a task he can find out about the rest of his comrades. A burst of Machine Code as he prays to the Omnissiah for their safety, and for patience in getting clear of this blasted organic puzzle!
Name: Akros Alpha Delta Alpha Mike 10111:110 ext. 110001 addition 111 aka Akros ADAM Age: Approx. 466 years old - Assimilation date: 5973 Cycles ago Gender: Before Assimilation - Male. Genderless upon joining the Skitarii hosts Role: Skitarii Legio Alpha Ranger - 4th Legio Alpha Commander of Maniple Felixus Fulgari Beta attached to Tech Priest Primus Rex Helicanum
... Error: Unknown activation ... Code Orior Nox 7, Seed 101t011j98Alpha Magos Primus Rex Helicanum activating Maniple Alert: Ship in critical condition
That was the first waking moment of Alpha Akras, their Alpha Primus, the other eight Alpha commanders and the ninety Skitarii legionaries were awoken from their stasis slumber aboard the Fortune's Dominion. As their mission codes scrawled across his visor to remind him of their mission to a war somewhere in Segmentum Pacificus, all around him the ship was undergoing quite a moment. Before him as he stepped from his resting position, he and his other nine Legio cohorts listens as the Magos Primus told them that something had happened to the ship in the warp. And they and the Maniple would head to the engine room to attempt to help in repair and rebuilding.
But then the drop had occured as the 100 skitarii and their Tech Priest were working. The plunge out of the warp into the real world caused far worse damage.
For a moment he blacked out, sensors feeding to his brain...
Warning damage to hull sections of engine room Warning Engine Room venting. Error: Maniple units lifesigns waning. Alert Alert Alert Akros Alpha Delta Alpha Mike is in freefall
Accessing Adeptus Mechanicus Archive Echo-Epsilon-Tetra Alpha12090 Archive Junction 3a09000101:Trinary Record Name: Akros Alpha Delta Alpha Mike 10111:110 ext. 110001 addition 111 Legio Alpha Ranger Skitarii Parsing... Parsing... Access Allowed...
All records before Augmentation and Skitarii Assimilation Expunged... Accessing Post Augmentation Records...
2987 cycles ago - Skitarii Designation Arkos Alpha Delta Alpha Mike undergoes final step of Augmentation and Assimilation
2980 cycles ago - Arkos ADAM joins Maniple Felixus Fulgari Rangers as Legionnaire 87
Arkos ADAM has nearly Flawless service. Maniple is put to the Desolation seven times when failure of mission occured. Arkos ADAM survived all seven Desolations.
Note: Five out of seven times Failure was due to Tech Priest Liason using inadequate intelligence. Leading to mission Failure. Desolation called to purge worst damaged units. The two Desolations called to purge failure Alpha Units who failed to follow Mechanicus Orders. Maniples would fall upon them and destroy them utterly.
2457 cycles ago - Arkos ADAM undergoes Upgrading. Internal augmentations. Augmented arms, synthetic lungs and heart, removal of liver, fortification of other internal flesh.
2331 cycles ago - Arkos ADAM promoted to Skitarii Alpha designation, heading one of 9 Cohorts, and reporting directly to Legio Alpha Primus Ranger Pho-Crixus 47 00001:111
2224 cycles ago - Battle of Forge World Camatus Nine, Maniple Felixus Fulgari nearly completely eradicated during final assault of Dark Mechanicus strongholds. Losses for entire Mechanicus forces near 87%. Only Nine units of Maniple Felixus Fulgari left functional. Arkos ADAM has minor damage. Set into Forced Shut down for repairs and Augmentation upgrades.
225 cycles ago - Arkos ADAM brought out of shut down. New Designation assigned Legio Alpha Two. Assigned as Legion Alpha Two to newly rebuilt Maniple Felixus Fulgari Beta.
A single cycle later Maniple Felixus Fulgari Beta is put into Stasis Sleep to undergo bio-technological training for upcoming Joint operation with Guard and Astartes units.
27 cycles ago - Maniple Felixus Fulgari awoken to board "Fortune's Dominion". Legio Alphas meet their new Assigned Tech Priest Liaison Tech Priest Primus Rex Helicanum. On route to Mechanicus World Alpha Pixus Nine in Segmentum Pacificus, after off loading of Pilgrims, Guard and other cargo at Shrine World Designation Orior 1000111 in Mechanicus Database. Once aboard units set into stasis sleep.
Strong-minded, Devout to the Omnissiah, strict policy to the Mechanicus Priesthood orders. A Skitarii Legio Alpha to the core. A man not meant to question but to do as he is ordered. Gifted in command he knows how to make a maniple of Skitarii work it's best. There is little emotion left in him thought as it's been scrapped and ground out by years of service and careful techno-indictrination.
- Skitarii War Doctrine: That the Legio Alpha will lead at the fore of his Maniple and show no fear before the fire of the enemy
- The Omnissiah and the Motive Force: A brief understanding of the grace of the Tech God and the force behind the motion of the machine
- Light and Medium weapon accuracy and proficiency
- Techno-Indoctrinated Tracking and Sensing suite of skills
- Recon Doctrines, specifically for long range intelligence
A Transuranic Arquebus, grafted to his left arm
One Arc baton that folds away into the wrist of his right arm
Back up Galvanic Rifle Mk. VI Arkhan
Tech Priest Blessed copper tinged ceramite armor across his upper chest and shoulders.
Face mask is an augmetic grafted directly to his head.
Name: Akros Alpha Delta Alpha Mike 10111:110 ext. 110001 addition 111 aka Akros ADAM Age: Approx. 466 years old - Assimilation date: 5973 Cycles ago Gender: Before Assimilation - Male. Genderless upon joining the Skitarii hosts Role: Skitarii Legio Alpha Ranger - 4th Legio Alpha Commander of Maniple Felixus Fulgari Beta attached to Tech Priest Primus Rex Helicanum
... Error: Unknown activation ... Code Orior Nox 7, Seed 101t011j98Alpha Magos Primus Rex Helicanum activating Maniple Alert: Ship in critical condition
That was the first waking moment of Alpha Akras, their Alpha Primus, the other eight Alpha commanders and the ninety Skitarii legionaries were awoken from their stasis slumber aboard the Fortune's Dominion. As their mission codes scrawled across his visor to remind him of their mission to a war somewhere in Segmentum Pacificus, all around him the ship was undergoing quite a moment. Before him as he stepped from his resting position, he and his other nine Legio cohorts listens as the Magos Primus told them that something had happened to the ship in the warp. And they and the Maniple would head to the engine room to attempt to help in repair and rebuilding.
But then the drop had occured as the 100 skitarii and their Tech Priest were working. The plunge out of the warp into the real world caused far worse damage.
For a moment he blacked out, sensors feeding to his brain...
Warning damage to hull sections of engine room Warning Engine Room venting. Error: Maniple units lifesigns waning. Alert Alert Alert Akros Alpha Delta Alpha Mike is in freefall
Accessing Adeptus Mechanicus Archive Echo-Epsilon-Tetra Alpha12090 Archive Junction 3a09000101:Trinary Record Name: Akros Alpha Delta Alpha Mike 10111:110 ext. 110001 addition 111 Legio Alpha Ranger Skitarii Parsing... Parsing... Access Allowed...
All records before Augmentation and Skitarii Assimilation Expunged... Accessing Post Augmentation Records...
2987 cycles ago - Skitarii Designation Arkos Alpha Delta Alpha Mike undergoes final step of Augmentation and Assimilation
2980 cycles ago - Arkos ADAM joins Maniple Felixus Fulgari Rangers as Legionnaire 87
Arkos ADAM has nearly Flawless service. Maniple is put to the Desolation seven times when failure of mission occured. Arkos ADAM survived all seven Desolations.
Note: Five out of seven times Failure was due to Tech Priest Liason using inadequate intelligence. Leading to mission Failure. Desolation called to purge worst damaged units. The two Desolations called to purge failure Alpha Units who failed to follow Mechanicus Orders. Maniples would fall upon them and destroy them utterly.
2457 cycles ago - Arkos ADAM undergoes Upgrading. Internal augmentations. Augmented arms, synthetic lungs and heart, removal of liver, fortification of other internal flesh.
2331 cycles ago - Arkos ADAM promoted to Skitarii Alpha designation, heading one of 9 Cohorts, and reporting directly to Legio Alpha Primus Ranger Pho-Crixus 47 00001:111
2224 cycles ago - Battle of Forge World Camatus Nine, Maniple Felixus Fulgari nearly completely eradicated during final assault of Dark Mechanicus strongholds. Losses for entire Mechanicus forces near 87%. Only Nine units of Maniple Felixus Fulgari left functional. Arkos ADAM has minor damage. Set into Forced Shut down for repairs and Augmentation upgrades.
225 cycles ago - Arkos ADAM brought out of shut down. New Designation assigned Legio Alpha Two. Assigned as Legion Alpha Two to newly rebuilt Maniple Felixus Fulgari Beta.
A single cycle later Maniple Felixus Fulgari Beta is put into Stasis Sleep to undergo bio-technological training for upcoming Joint operation with Guard and Astartes units.
27 cycles ago - Maniple Felixus Fulgari awoken to board "Fortune's Dominion". Legio Alphas meet their new Assigned Tech Priest Liaison Tech Priest Primus Rex Helicanum. On route to Mechanicus World Alpha Pixus Nine in Segmentum Pacificus, after off loading of Pilgrims, Guard and other cargo at Shrine World Designation Orior 1000111 in Mechanicus Database. Once aboard units set into stasis sleep.
Strong-minded, Devout to the Omnissiah, strict policy to the Mechanicus Priesthood orders. A Skitarii Legio Alpha to the core. A man not meant to question but to do as he is ordered. Gifted in command he knows how to make a maniple of Skitarii work it's best. There is little emotion left in him thought as it's been scrapped and ground out by years of service and careful techno-indictrination.
- Skitarii War Doctrine: That the Legio Alpha will lead at the fore of his Maniple and show no fear before the fire of the enemy
- The Omnissiah and the Motive Force: A brief understanding of the grace of the Tech God and the force behind the motion of the machine
- Light and Medium weapon accuracy and proficiency
- Techno-Indoctrinated Tracking and Sensing suite of skills
- Recon Doctrines, specifically for long range intelligence
A Transuranic Arquebus, grafted to his left arm
One Arc baton that folds away into the wrist of his right arm
Back up Galvanic Rifle Mk. VI Arkhan
Tech Priest Blessed copper tinged ceramite armor across his upper chest and shoulders.
Face mask is an augmetic grafted directly to his head.
Name:Q'Ral Dinrah Age: 46 Gender: Male Troll, hidden under a large set of furs and leathers to appear like a very large human Faction/Allegiance: Troll and Orc Clan Ixalarah from Northern Cellhád
Relic Description: Ixalarah Sceptre - A sceptre or club made from a large double fist sized onyx stone, supported by a birch wood handle, reinforced by black iron loops around the handle and head.
-Confers upon the wielder enhanced speed and agility. -Gives the wielder increased durability. -Allows the wielder to cast healing and support magics. The most powerful of which is an Aura of Well-Being that can bring a grievously wounded person back to their feet. This does not heal them but allows them to ignore their pain and wounds.
Standing a solid 7 feet and 3 inches tall. Q'ral is actually a rather non-descript Troll to be honest. There is very little to make him unique from the basic green-grey Troll variety he hails from. Tall, thick skinned, brawny bodies that make up the most of Troll and Orc physiology. When he's not trying to pass as a remarkably tall human, he wears the classic furs, leathers and hand stitched wool or cotton clothing that the Troll and Orc clans are known for. His colours of furs tend to be wolven grey, with leathers dyed black or grey.
Currently to allow him to pass through lands where he may lose the relic of his clan, he's wearing an immense mantle and cloak of furs and leathers. Visible furs is one Dire Wolf, and a Kodiak bear. A hood with the wolf head sewn onto it shades his face. It's a disguise so he can safely move about the Human, Elven and Dwarven lands.
Troll-Orc Logic - Trolls and Orcs as a race operate on a more primal understanding of life. So alot of things that Humans, Elves and Dwarves do, well let's face it seem strange and down right odd to him. Sitting at a bistro or a restraurant and pay for food to be served to you for instance. Why not just go hunt, skin, gut and cook your own food?
Something on the air - Having grown up in Troll and Orc country which is cleaner then most lands, well the scent of cities is odd. Makes him a little leery of entering cities and large towns.
Personal space? - Trolls and Orcs are very tactile beings, they touch, and feel and worry at things to get an idea of their use or material, yeah suddenly having a large Troll paw reach up to stroke your cheek. Strange.
Raaargh! - Even the most calm of Orc or Troll Shamans and Earthcallers will lose their temper sometimes. And a berserking Troll or Orc is something to behold.
Trollish Earthcaller - The Priesthood of the Orc and Troll Clans. Trolls and Orcs who commune with the earth and the ancestors there to gain insight and answers to questions.
Trained in living off the land
Trollish sculptor - Using his claws and hands to mold and push stone, and mineral into shape.
Orc/Troll Physiology - Orcs are hardy bastards, Trolls on the other hand are big powerful behemoths with the interesting ability to treat earth and stone like it's peanut butter, carving through it with claws and hands with ease. They are also prone to throw rages in times of great pain or danger, often to their own detriment, often leading to their own deaths, but in those moments of Super-Charged Fight or Flight, the Fight is so strong they can lay low dozens maybe hundreds before they fall under it all.
Herbal Medicine - Living among the Earthcallers has given Q'Ral a knowledge of herbs that can heal, ease pain, and if mixed right cause pain.
Biography: Q'Ral was brought up among the Orc and Troll Clans. One of the Beast Races of the world of Azukhar. Great groups of strong warriors, might shaman, deep delving miners and seekers of peace with land and magic. The great Orcs and Trolls don't shy from danger, but don't go looking for it most of the time either. Though there is always that black sheep who specializes in war and might.
But Q'Ral is not like that. From day one he'd always found the quiet of a mountain meadow or cool of stone to be better companions then a hard sword or the feel of blood. His was a world of sculpting with marble and speaking with the ancestors through hard work and feeling the earth around him. As a young Troll he'd stride across his Clan's land to find new deposits of stone and minerals. And the Miners would come to look and dig forth great hunks of amethyst or semi precious metal to bring back and fashion into great works for the clan or sell to the finer folks in the cities. As Q'Ral grew he took more and more to the ways of the Earthcaller, the so called priesthood of the Trolls and Orcs. Those that would spend time in the mountain crags speaking with the Ancestors of Old Great Ages. Seeking wisdom and answers to Clan questions.
It was well he was on a stroll in the mountains that he found his calling as an Earthcaller. He'd found a crevasse, deep and old, moss crawling all up and down it's sides, and way down below an old underground river raging. He'd started to climb down, his hands gauging great hunks of stone from the wall as hand and foot holds. But then he slipped. Perhaps it was a hidden hunk of iron he hadn't counted on. But something made one of his handholds not be a handhold and he plunged. Missing great spikes and sharp stone until he landed in the water below. And swept away in it's current. He worked to keep his head above water as the crevasse became a cave and then that cave closed up above his head. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop his tumbling in the water. Until as he feared he'd be carried into some angry Underdark. He saw a light. Above, he kicked and heaved, and thinking his air would run out before he reached it he thrust his hand up and through the darkened water and the light he thought he saw two Orcs and a Troll. They reached in and pulled him up. But he passed out. And when he woke a fire was beside him for warmth and a rough map showing him the way out, and a note reading, "We watched you. Would be a shame to lose such a good Earthcaller." Signed with the name of his clans founders Hadal Ixnal, T'ik Alarax and Brok Dinrah.
The story he told when he returned, was almost unbelievable to the Clan, that their great founders fromm the early second age would come back to save one single Troll. Preposterous. But some of the other older Earthcallers. They knew. They understood. Q'Ral would find himself inducted into their ranks soon after. Soon being relative as it took four years of training.
It was a decade later though at 40 that he would be gifted the Ixalarah Sceptre, for the next Great Earthcaller, first among peers. When the current one retired or passed, Q'Ral would take his place.
But while he waited, he decided he wanted to travel abit. And despite some of his clanmates saying it wasn't a good idea he decided to head for Soft-folk lands. The lands of the Humans and Elves. Maybe visit the Dwarves. Fellow delving folk.
Among Trolls and Orcs, Q'Ral is kind, watchful and caring. He takes his responsibilites as a healer and a Earthcaller seriously. But as there are usually many Earthcallers among a clan he is at the moment free of his duties. He is among the Passing Earthcallers, those who help with deaths and funerals and the clan is hale and hearty.
He's also still got a little bit of wanderlust in him. So this has brought on the trip into the Soft-folk lands. Wanting to learn somethings about their lifestyles. Just to say he didn't spend his entire life int he hills and mountains of the Orcs and Trolls.
Relations: Most of Q'Ral's family is back in Cellhád. So there are few Trolls and Orcs between Cellhád and Uk'Dhar that he may be related too. And even in Uk'Dhar there may be no Ixalarah Clansmates at all.
Final Point - Secrets:
-With the abundance of larger then normal people in the world, it would not be immediately obvious that the disguised Q'Ral is a Troll. (General Player base secret)
Question: Outside of Dwarves, Humans, and the Elves, are there any other races besides?
Reason I ask is as I was reading I got the idea of a "beast" race Relic user. If this is too much I'll abandon it because I do have a few other ideas besides. I'm just asking so I don't go ahead and cause problems. I've had enough problems in other RPs of late. So just want to get it out of the way.