Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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5 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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Dang that's nice. Helps with the idea I'm working on too. Thank you.

I applaud you for that.

Taking things a piece at a time keeps things from bloating.

I think I have an idea forming so I'll run it by you at a future date.

Hmmm interesting.

Thank you for putting a little more detail, but not dumping me an essay.

Well you have my interest anyway. I'll see if I can come up with an idea or two.

What's the premise then?

Two factions warring it out? Are the characters then choosing aside, maybe against each other?

An intrigue and suspicion story? Are the characters solving the death and disappearance?

Are the characters just there for fluff and watching as the mentioned cast are major NPCs doing their thing?

Not going to lie, it's interesting at it's base right now but there isn't really alot of go on.

I'm going to place a sub on the thread to see if this goes anywhere.
Q'ral Dinrah, Troll Earthcaller

Straight and tall.

That's how the ancestors always told him to walk.

Even if you're unsure of what's to come. Even if you're trying to hide what or who you are.

So this is how it happens that a being enters the outskirts of the Capitol city of Eltrid. Far from his home range in Cellhad indeed. But well the personal adventures of one Q'Ral Dinrah has taken him far. He's just now getting here to Eltrid after moving about in Cellhad some. But now lands to the north call him.

That one bard in a Soft-Folk inn on the borders of Cellhad had sung of great forests and almost unending plains. Sands and dunes of far off deserts and to the north, the cold ices of far Northern lands. And Q'Ral still being young enough felt the wanderlust and too the road he had gone. Oh yes it will be interesting indeed to see these places.

Entering the city he'd pulled his hood up abit, covering his face and the bald slightly rough scalp beneath, he'd rather not get in trouble for being a Troll among soft-folk no indeed. Though he can respect the humans for this monument. He can see the city walls ahead, and already smell the stagnate air within. YEs it's true the air doesn't get into these cities often. Those high walls keep the wind out. But it's all part of the adventure. Yes snorting up the stiff air of these cities is all part of the adventure.

Moving on a little he entered the city. Looking up at the buildings, "Far bigger and more permanent then our clan towns." The big Troll rumbled to himself. He probably would have went on to have visited the home of ruler here but there something caught his eye.

A Circus Tent.

There in the distance. All idea of visiting more of the capitol gone as he headed down the road towards the tent, "Yes this will be much more interesting then architecture I think." He grinned, "Players, clowns, dancers and fools, yes much more interesting." And so the disguised troll made his way towards the circus. He can check out how the soft-folk work their stone later.
Eric held on for dear life. Gritting his teeth as the torpedo sped through the water. After a few minutes he felt the crunch and bang as the torpedo hit rocky sea shelf, angled up and a moment later felt the crunch as it punched through a ledge of ice, throwing itself up and out of the water onto the ice about 20 feet from shore. He waited abit then unsealed the torpedo from within. Looking out he took stock of where he is. Above him a cliff of snow ice and stone. He nodded, "About where I'm supposed to be..." He whispers this then adds, "Hey Markus...here we go again right?" The shrinks and the doctors know about this of course, his way with coping with his partner being gone. They're sure it'll pass but he still speaks to his missing partner as a way for him to gain the resolve he needs to do more. He gulps, "Just a short climb buddy." He grabbed his weapons and the bergen bag from within the torpedo. A pair of foot spikes, and climbing axes. And it's up the cliff he goes, "Just....another day...in saving the world brother."

Elsewhere Nolan breached the surface of the water, just his head, and shoulders and part of his back just enough so he can see up and around. He looked around and nodded to Andrew taking the hand up. He dumped the tanks at the edge of the water letting them lay there in the lee of a low dip in the ice, "Retrieval team will have a fun day with finding these..." He whispers. Out of his water proof bag comes the recustomized ghille, white and grey and ice blue strips of cloth and cords, blending in quite nicely. He grins and nods, "The cold can be good for you." He chuckles a little, "Like tromping through the Manitoba north in the middle of winter." He sniffs, "Even smells clear up here."

He set his weaponry appropriately then started moving at Andrews rear, covering their back angles as they go. Picking their way across the ice and snow.

He froze sensing it almost as soon Andrew called it out. Nolan slowly turned around and took stock, "Hmmm good call on the distances..." He took out his wind and range finder, setting it up on a rise of snow. He looked at it, "Call the wind at nine kilometers per hour, make that...yep two clicks left, damn Andrew good calls. Okay..." He shifted to his left abit, climbing over Andrew, "Okay...got a good hold on them...this will be a through and through I think." He nodded, made one last adjustment. "Count of three...and on shoot..."

Again Elsewhere Carl looked out the chopper as it rose from the ground, "Hold onto your shorts ladies and gentlemen, that wind looks like fun."

In the tilt rotor over Victor hums then unseals the front of his helmet, he squeezed Natalie's hand, "I did my best with what I had, but yes a little adjustment to it would be nice. Doesn't feel right on my cheeks." He lifted his head revealed a fair bit of skin that isn't hidden by the war paint. The Warrior's Print he wears today is fierce and intimidating but not quite finished as he missed bits here and there, "Got your paints or need mine?"

Carl checked his hi-power looking down the ejection port and blowing into it. He nodded, "Clean, almost as clean as a whistle." With a click it slid into the quick release holster at his hip. Then pulling clear his M249, opening the loading panel, checking to make sure nothing is in the way. He nodded to Ross' words, "Don't do anything alone, we don't know if they've boobytrapped anything. right gotcha. Keep an eye on everyone and keep your composure and focus. You bet."

On the ice shelf Eric suddenly threw himself to the snow.

Nolan whispered, "Three...Shoot..." It's a dual crack. And at the range they are at the base barely hears a thing. But the wind carries the report of two high calibre rifles down to Eric. The .50 rounds cross the 420 meters to the targets in short order, barely 3 maybe 4 seconds in the air. The four barely have time to register something happened before all four drop like dominos. Neat holes, kill shots all four. Nolan reached up and levered his breech handle, the click-clack of the handle dead silent compared to what just produced a foot deep depression in the snow just in front of him. He reaches up and places a hand on Andrew's shoulder, "Just wait...just to make sure...don't rush in...I want to make sure there isn't anyone else who might be nearby, keep a hold on the nest. If someone pops up that doesn't look like Eric you nail them." He pulls his eye off the scope and scans the ridge above them for movement.
Oh okay.

No need to apologize I can understand missing things when a person is busy.

Thank you kindly @Sep

I'll work on a intro post.

So uh I never got a denial or a confirmation on my character.

I'll just hang out until I hear something. But I'll assume a denial and wait for news on what needs changing.
Arkos Alpha Delta Alpha Mike

Apart from the crackle of flames, the click of heated steel cooling, and the groans of pain from the dying, and the living both. Well it's quiet. Strangely so. And it's that quiet that causes what at first appears to be a mass of metal and cloth high in a tree to shudder.

Error: Environment unknown
Error: Optics in Error mode
Reboot and Restart Engaged

The mass of metal and cloth moves again. mechanical arms grasping blindly for a time. Heavy treaded feet wheel. Multi-articulated joints creaking. Finally a hand wraps around something thin and hard.

Warning: Unit sensors read anomalies in position
Supposition: Unit is not standing.
Left hand Sensors grasping material....scanning

The metal...man...no not that kind of Metal Man, one of the Holy Warriors of the Omnissiah, a Skitarii. One of the one hundred Adeptus Mechanicus Metal Men, the Warrior Elite of the Machine God. Stuck in a tree. Because that's what his sensors and scanners tell him soon after. Stuck in a tree. His left hand wrapped around a branch that had missed impaling him. Another branch between his legs, another under his right arm. And yet another just to the left of his throat, any one of these branches could have actted like a wooden spear to have piked right through him.

Attention: Optic reboot and restart complete

The world swam back into view. And Arkos ADAM could finally see where he is. Some 30 feet off the ground, in the upper branches of what could only be this planets version of a mighty Oak. He looked left right, up and down a few times. Before looking back and spying the burning hulk of what's left of the Fortune's Dominion about seven hundred yards away. His optics click and whir. And with something that sounds like a grumble of machine code, Arkos ADAM starts to try and untangle himself.

As he does he goes over what he can remember. Being woken before the scheduled reactivation. The Magos Primus saying the ship needed their help. And the march of the Maniple down to the engine room. The Magos had shoved data-slates into their hands. Unlocked and decrypted.

Arkos ADAM stopped to see if the data-slate he knew he had still held when the decompression had occured is still near by and there on his waist attached to his combat belt it rests. The last thing he had done before being sucked out into the atmosphere. Praise the Omnissiah he hadn't been burned to a metal crisp on the way down. And Praise the Cog that he hadn't fallen much further from the ship then he did.

Arkos ADAM returned to the task of untangling himself from the branches of the tree. His long range scouting suite had started to pick up the sound of survivors. His Maniple count showed zero, but perhaps he was just out of range, perhaps if he could get out of this tree, which is proving quite a task he can find out about the rest of his comrades. A burst of Machine Code as he prays to the Omnissiah for their safety, and for patience in getting clear of this blasted organic puzzle!
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