Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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5 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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Okay we'll try again...@ClocktowerEchos

I'm gonna keep an eye on this. Always up for an WH40k RP.


Question: Outside of Dwarves, Humans, and the Elves, are there any other races besides?

Reason I ask is as I was reading I got the idea of a "beast" race Relic user. If this is too much I'll abandon it because I do have a few other ideas besides. I'm just asking so I don't go ahead and cause problems. I've had enough problems in other RPs of late. So just want to get it out of the way.
Hmmm well looks like an interesting idea. I'd like to throw my hat into the pile too.
I have no intention of finishing this at this time but I'm going to post what I had anyway up until I stopped writing. If you need to talk to me you now how.


Okay Letter suggested I @ you for this.

See I have an idea for a servant, I just don't want to post anything and find out it's not compatible. I learned that lesson in another of Letter's RPs.

Want me to put it here, or is a PM better?
Somewhere in Baffin Bay, Greenland
0249 Hours

Eric walked into the torpedo room of the sub. He grabbed a handhold as the sub rocked. And he heard tinly though the radio one of the submariners had turned up on his webbing, "The SDV team has been released. They're moving, closing outer doors and dumping water intake. Front team on your go." Eric nodded, "Help me with this." He called as he pushed his mission kit bag first into the modified insertion torpedo. They said this shit is movie grade, and no one had ever actually tried it. Well it was better then swimming all the way there.

The torpedo is just barely wider then he is. And he has to squirm and squish his way inside, he can feel his kit bag down between his legs. He nods, and gives a thumbs up as he lays back, "Seal me up and push me in boys." The men nod, heaving the plate up back into place. A hiss and pish of air as it's sealed and the 2 hour oxygen supply inside the torpedo begins to pump. He beeps his radio, "Osprey here. Sealing complete. Captain, ready when you are." The captain replies, "We got you Osprey, say Eric...about Markus..." Eric gulped, "I'll tell you what I remember later. Still raw for me too, just know your cousin...he died doing what he was meant to do. Cleaning up the filth of the world." He heaved a shaky breath and grabbed the bracing holds inside the torpedo, he didn't want to bash his head against the upper cone of this thing. The torpedo shifted and he heard the clang and crank of the breach door closing. The hiss as water filtered in.

And then for a moment or two all is chaos. The first woosh of the firing mechanism, the tumble as the torpedo's engine starts and leveling out as the fins catch. And he's off. The SDV left about 15 mnutes ahead of him, but in a short moment he's catching up, draws along side, and briefly Nolan watches as a dark grey tube with a trailing cavitation wave speeds by. He laughs, "Holy shit." He gestures ahead with his arm, "There goes Eric." He laughs his voice sounding tinny in his rebreather, "That boy has the biggest balls I've ever seen I'm surprised that Torpedo hasn't sunk yet." He pulled himself up out of the SDV, strapping his things on and started to kick, "He'll be there and moving long before we get there."

Elsewhere Carl finished the last bits of his kitting up. And followed his teammates outside. Victor already standing out in the cold grinning. And looking ready to bring hell. Carl nods, reaching over and slapping Jenny and Ross on the shoulders, "No hesitation, no troubles. We all got this. With the snipers, the inflitrator, and those two." He nodded to Natalie and Victor, "We can do anything. Taking back a freezing cold black on black base in the middle of the frozen north? This will be an operation we'll always remember." He nods and hopped up into their chopper. Victor roars out to the mercs, and army grunts, "Nolan, Andrew and Eric are the tip of the spear. We're the following edge the edge that kills. Leave no doubt. Leave nothing behind. Hoo-rah!"
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