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Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
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Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
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My community needs an enema -.-
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As the meeting broke up the four made their way out and finding the Caddilac. Hayden standing there for a moment to look at it, "I just wanna go on record I have never seen a Cimarron in my life and I'm not sure how to feel that this is the first one I've ever seen." He hopped into the back seat and winced, "Fuck...something's sticky..." He sighs and starts to check the back of the seat in front of him and the door pockets, coming up with some old gum, and a pamphlet. He doesn't quite look at it immediately, as his attention is taken up front as maps and dossiers and phones are found. He reaches up to grab one of the burners. Looking at the venerable thing, "Huh, haven't seen once of these since high school." He pops his open, powering it on and checking the setting, noting down that all the phones have only their contact numbers on it. He nods, "Alright kids then this is what we can do with it. We can find ourselves something better later." He looks out the window as they go.

After abit he nods, "Okay, yeah I like this idea. Once we get to the slums dump Sean and I off somewhere, we'll tail the car. We sketch the truck first, and any security it has. If we can, we want to take out outliers first, maybe jack their weapons too, just to have something that we can use in the long run." He hums as they come around a slight bend in the road to see a fire fight on the side of the highway, between what looks like some SAMC mercs and COGS mercs. It's nothing big maybe five people a piece hiding behind their vehicles. And looks more like a gang situation then two potential army units. He shakes his head, "Course. Not an actual conflict. More like two fucking gangs picking at each other." They drive on and he shakes his head, "Fucking hell reminds me of insurgencies." He sniffs and looks ahead road signs alerting them to coming turn off. He nods, "The way I understand it, these slums out here are almost like the drug favelas of South America, or places like Jaurez in the states. High crime rates, run maybe by gang lords, or community militas. No real police presense unless it's something like a triple murder. So all we're going to have to worry about are the Dry Trail Mercs, the driver himself and maybe some nosy community reps with a pistol or shot gun, maybe a surplus WW2 rifle even. So unless we stay too long and make alot of noise, maybe, maybe," He emphazies the second maybe, "We'll come out of it without too much trouble. And our first payday."

After some driving and some planning the turn off for the slum appears. Hayden finally reaches into the inside of his coat and brings out his Hi Power going through a check on it carefully, popping the mag, checking the chamber, ejecting the round in the chamber, and adding it back to the magazine. He then slots everything back into place with a practiced click pop. and out of his duffel that be brought with him, an evil looking tomahawk axe with a spear point head, that he hides inside his right sleeve. He grins at Sean as he catches the other man looking, "Just in case." He winks.

And then it's like they just entered the wild west. The slum is super different from the well to do area they came from earlier. But it's still got it's flavor. Hayden nods, "Alright pull over. Sean, let's go. Beth, Yek, roll forward, we'll do this grid like until we find the truck. Don't get more then a block away from us. We'll scout on foot, and once we find the truck we wait until everyone is one is in sight before we move." He waited until the car stopped them popped the door, getting out and looking up and down the street, waiting for Sean to get out. He then reached for the phone, trying one number getting Sean's to ring, he then tried again getting Yekaterina's. He nods and motions, "Let's get moving folks. Let's get a pay day." He chuckles and playfully flicks the car's occupants off as he started up the street motioning for Sean to follow him. "Fuck is it ever easy to just fall into old habits..." He's already got a hand around the grip of the pistol inside his jacket, and he's scanning about already. Giving the car another bird as they roll by.
@13org@Kumbaris@King Cosmos@AWACS

Micheal Crane

Micheal panted, looking up at the abomination, several moments before the sealing begins. Not knowing it's about to begin. He thrusts his tomahawk into the air. And stomps onto all four runes. Bang...bang...bang...and on the fourth there's a woosh! Into which Micheal sweeps his tomahawk through, then with a throwing motion seems to throw a spectral tomahawk through the air. It twists and whirls through the air striking the abomination in the chest again. Knocking it off balance. From then Micheal stands and pants. He's no combat mage in anyway so it's taken alot of out him almost as much as the grand ritual at the warehouse. He watches and throws his free hand skyward as the sealing begins. A war whoop piercing the the air, "Return to the beyond dark fiend!"

After a time Micheal relaxes then looks around, some of the first people he sees are his three godly friends who are huddled up back behind the wood pile, looking ashen and fearful. Micheal lets out a breath then nods to them, "It's alright cousins. It's alright. It's gone." The three nod, all shaken to their cores. Micheal turns around checking everyone out. Spotting Scarlet, the new comer to the group nearby. He heads over to her, sliding his tomahawk back onto his belt as he goes. He nods to her, "Good shooting Nisim. I've seen people shoot while hunting, but you take the cake. I'm a shot with a bow, but your rifle work was amazing." He sighs, "Doing alright?" He gestures to the others, "The rest...seem to be okay."

He calls to Amanda, "Boss! How are we doing? And what does this all say about our search do you think? Think we're done?" He sniffs, knowing full well they are very unlikely to be done. His posse of dieties come out of hiding finally. micheal smiles and nudges Scarlet, "Even gods can show fear. In the face of something that other worldly. Last we faced something like that we did it from afar. This time right in our faces." He sighs, "Still draining."
I'm going to bleed a little more description into my next post as well. As I know I didn't do much in my last one.

We'll get a much better picture soon.
If you cannot post immediately do not feel you need to get it done right on the spot. I tend to let a day or two pass before I post. I want us to be able to interact as well as advance the story.

So take your time, if you need time then take it then find the time to post.
Victor grinning sitting on his stool. His two near amazonian guards-women standing just behind him and to his sides. That wide grin on Victor's face tells a great deal. First that's he's pleased to hear and see they are considering his offer and mission. He's positively giddy by the looks of it. One of his guards coughs and speaks up, her voice a lilting African tweak to it, "In case you are wondering. Twenty Diamonds, is worth almost five hundred American dollars at the moment. Maybe just a little more. It's a fine sum. And for a job like this...rather, much." She looks at Victor side ways. The other guards-woman huffs and smiles at Bethan giving her a nod at the compliment, then says something in a almost sing song tonal language that flows like water and has a variety of tongue clicks and motions with her hands. The first guard who spoke smiles, and nods, "She says it's almost over generous." As the two speak Victor seems to shrink in on himself abit, as if embarrassed somehow. The business man coughs finally, "Alright alright alright alright! Enough please. So I assume by your making plans you will be taking the job?" He grins brightly yet again.

Hayden takes a deep breath and turning back to the group he nods, "First yes I think I like this plan. We're all going to look as out of place as a Quebecois in the middle of Calgary. But if the big guys are the ones moving we're likely to get spotted. The girls are right. It's easier to be suspicious if two guys walk up, but two women do, it's a little disarming. We watch from a distance, and be ready to run in to back them up. I don't know alot of this Dry Trail, but they're going to be ready for any bad business I'm sure. I've done operations in areas with lots of unknowns. If they're coordinated they tend to be able to sniff out the ones that look like they mean business. But a pair of women? Not so much. In fact a good insurgent or enemy may even discount these two. If they play it right." Out of the corner of their eyes they may notice the two Amazons grin brightly, as they feel complimented by that as well.

Hayden nods, "We get after them the way you laid it out Bethan." He looks over, "I don't know why I'm the one saying yes, but we'll take the job. And I hope you keep us in mind for future jobs." Victor grins broadly, "Oh I'm sure I can. You'll find a older blue Cadillac waiting for you out the north-west gate. Along with four Matanbian cellphones with sim cards already to go. They're burners mind so don't expect them to last forever. I'd advise to use some of the Diamonds I'll pay you to get something for communication. For now, load up, and get moving." he stand sup and offers his arms to his two guards, "Ladies, let's mingle." The man then walk soff, his two guards looking miffed at having to go along with this.

Hayden hums, "We all have atleast a mag or two for our pistols right?" He reaches up to smooth his dark hair back out of his eyes, darker skin briefly lit by the light, his full jacket hiding alot. The tall and broad Canadian shifting, where he sits. Grey eyes narrowing a little, "We're going to have to fight I know it, so when we do, make your shots count. Looking around I'd wager that combat armor isn't a major thing." he gestures at the fighters around the party, none of them wearing any king of armoring, "So a body shot will work. But we're going to need decent weapons eventually." He sniffs, "Either way, let's go see if we can find this driver, and then we see what happens after that."
We'll get to it.

I've got plans. And so far they are playing out.

Thank you both for taking part so far.

Hayden eased his elbows on the table top, "True, we're likely going to have to swim in Shit Creek before we get to rose scented waters. It's not going to be an easy trip." He looks around, then at his three table mates. He hums and nods, "We're going to need time, work and funds. I think that should be our priority don't you all think?" He reached down to take a slug of the whiskey in his glass and hisses softly as it goes down, "Smooth...just like I remember back in Army training. Hoooo, Gunney would sometimes take a trip down to Lethbridge from Wainwright and would sometimes bring back a few bottles. Share most of it with the Brass, but sometimes he'd have a bottle or two left over. And he'd bring it to the Barracks. And the Company would sit in the dining area get a glass each and we'd sit there and get a little buzzed on it. Bunch of kids mostly, our first real taste of alcohol came about in those barracks." He swirled his glass.

He heard the talk about their training and their prospects, "Hmmm we're probably a few pay grades above what they usually get. I see alot of militia manning the walls." He gestures towards the guard points, "Those aren't men and women who have full training." There was indeed about thirty to fifty men and women in uniforms with weapons patrolling the perimeter or standing at posts along the walls. Sure they held their guns like they had an understanding of their use, but none really had the look of a person who's seen true combat. Not really at any rate. Hayden sniffs, "I'm sure us four have seen our fair share. I'm Canadian Armed Forces and CSOR. Riflemen with Autogunner training. Give me a Light Machine Gun and I can do wonders, give me a rifle and I'll perform surgery if I have too." He nods with abit of a chuckle. Hayden thought it a good start after almost starting that fight earlier. The Canadian reached over for the bottle on the table and poured himself abit more of the whiskey. Taking a drink before speaking again, "So we need work. And get our hands on some gems. And then we can figure out what we can do about the Hyena." He gave a sharp nod, "So the question then, is, where do we start?"

There's a chuckle from behind them all, and Hayden whips around. Sitting at the table he vacated a short time ago is a trio of people, it's not the group that all brought them together but another group entirely. All of them dressed in white, cream colors or light grey. Two women and a man. And it was the man who is wearing a grin and seems to be the one to have chuckled. He nods to Hayden. The women at the table looking at the four carefully, saying nothing. But the man raises a hand, "Looking for work then? Perhaps I can be of assistance." He sits forward and smiles, "Four prime new to Matanbai mercenaries. Not often I get to to be the first one. Pop your cherries yes?" He chuckles again, "Victor Manar, CHRO of the South African Mining Corporation. I don't usually get to talk to potential new hires, temporary or otherwise, too high on the ladder. But well a shin dig like this I had to show up. And I get to be the one this time." He laughs softly, the two women with him giving looks of annoyance at the man. They're both tall, dark skinned African women, with almost amazonian qualities to them, one of them has a beautiful golden chain pierced to her nose then up to her right ear, some facial bling. The other is tattooed from the top of her bare head to somewhere below her neckline. And both bare the sense of professionals.

Victor smiles, "You see I have a, well let's call it an oppurtunity, on the bottom floor. I can tell you four have some skills. So, I'd like to put forth a feeler let's call it. SAMC has been trying to get in with the Dry Trail. And I have news of a Driver coming through Southern Tangayi. Namely the Bo'lobo slums. There's a notorious black market in the area or so I'm told. And the Driver may be there." He pulls a photo from his suit jacket, with an emblem on it. A circle with what looks like a dry riverbed painted along it, "This is the symbol of the Dry Trail. And all of their trucks and vehicles are marked with it in some way. Find the truck, find the driver. Bring him here, alive. Whole if you can as well, but wounded is just as good. And twenty diamonds are yours, a piece. Should be enough to get you some gear each yes?" He smiles, "I'll even provide transportation to Bo'lobo. What do you say?" Victor gave another huge cheshire grin at the four. His companions, likely his guards giving them apologetic looks.
I don't remember. I can make something in my next post.

Hayden gripped his pistol tight. He realizes he started this with his own paranoia and distrust, but even as it slowly looks like it's about to turn into a shit show. He breathes evenly, his eyes closing as he wrestles with himself to try and turn this around. When he opens his eyes he stares down the barrel of that pistol. His eyes narrowing, but not backing down, it's too late for that. He stares over the business end of pistol in his face, “Fine...fine...” He takes another deep breath then slides his Hi Power into the waistband of his pants, and raises his hand, “My paranoia gets the better of me. Tell you what. Let’s sit, all at one table get a drink. If we’re all on the same side that should be okay right? Come on.” He motions to Bethan and Sean’s table, and then motions the Russian woman over.

HE sits down on one of the stools and motions to a waiter who's walking by. The dark skinned Belgian that comes over, wearing SMAC colors comes over, "Ladies, Gentlemen? Can I be of assistance? Drinks? Food perhaps?" Hayden is about to ask for a round of beers, when the waiter raises a finger, "Ah I should mention sirs and madams, that here in Matanbai, the inflation on our dollar has sadly reached a point that...well it takes millions to buy a sack of flour. So paper money of any kind even coins are mostly useless." He nods, "I am paid in diamonds or gemstones, they are abundant. And honestly at the moment are some of the most valuable things in Matanbai." He smiles, "I say this just to warn you sirs and madams. All food and drink tonight are on the SAMC gem. But out there. Not so much."

Hayden hums, "Then we're going to need to find a way to earn it. Drinks then." He tells the waiter, "Nothing too hard. Just like...Canadian Whiskey if you can manage it, Black Velvet if you can." The waiter grins, "Give me just a short moment sir." He then runs off quickly. Hayden sighs, "Consider this me trying to put in the effort to apologies. We're all in this beside each other. I'm sure we could all just leave and fuck off. But when I'm given a task I see it through. Besides the reward is worth it." He nods, and looks around the table, "We don't have to like each other, but I think, we're going to have to work with each other."

He looks around carefully, "So I propose, we work together. Find some work. SAMC maybe, for now, see if we can figure something out. Get some intelligence. Find out something about this..." He looks at his mission briefing, "This Hyena, learn about him, track him down, get rid of him, then get out of her. Somehow, somewhen." Hayden leans forward, the waiter returning with indeed a bottle of the black labeled Lehbridge distilled Black Velvet whiskey, a good Canadian brewed drink. The waiter pours out four glasses and passes them out. Hayden looking around the table again, "Drink to it?"

The Contribution of a Shaman and Three Gods

The songs and empowering ritual continues. Micheal can hear the fighting on the other side of the wood pile his godly friends and he are hiding behind. He peeks up at one point to see the fighting and can see over the top of it all Scarlet firing clean into the Bikers, Amanda laying about her. Xavrion adding his ability to the chaos. It's incredible to see honestly. And he feels a shock of pride run through him that he can be part of such an able and skillful team. It's incredible to see it. And almost harkens back to stories he was told of Waskechak and other great names of the past. Geronimo's rebellion, and the battles of Sitting Bull. That is what this feels like to Micheal in this moment. Pride in his soul, in his heart at that moment.

A pride that though still warm, cools like a chunk of cast iron in the bottom of his chest. A cold, heavy feeling in his very being. It's the same cold thousands of other Shaman and Shaman women, Medicine men and women who helped to face the abomination years ago. Many of them were extinguished in the fight. Burned by a cold fire, struck by ethereal coils of power, or just destroyed utterly, body, soul and mind, screaming as a dirty power struck them down. He'd been beside a laugh-lined faced Shaman who's voice when in song was like a cheery bell. He'd gasped, stopped singing then screamed as a fire of cold fire burst out from within. He'd died trying to continue the song that had kept the Great Ghost Dance going to help against the Abomination.

And here now Micheal sees a mirror, a image, a fragment of that thing from long ago. Something left over, something brought forth from that dark knife. He'd dropped his drum stick and reaches out towards the mage, "NO!" He's screamed. But too late. The man is consumed utterly and there stands in the mages place. That shard of the Abomination. His friends stand and recoil. They'd either been on the moon where it was kinda safe or in a lodge during the fight. But now they are so close. So very close. Micheal snatches up his tomahawk then angrily, "Being from Beyond! You will not remain here! By the Shaman and Medicine clans! In the name of Misti Louie, Poundmaker, and all great Chiefs and Wisemen, I, Shaman Crane will not let you remain!"

He reaches down and slices the Cree Syllabic rune for Fire, then Ice, then Wind and finally Lightning into the ground. It's not a song this time. It's just a rough, empowered war cry. And he stomps his foot onto the rune for Fire. A glow forming in front of him before he strikes it with his tomahawk, a bolt of fire growling across the distance, and flaring against the things chest, "Fall!" he cries, then another war whoop, stomping down on the Rune for Wind. A near invisible blade of harsh cold Arctic wind lashing out to slash across the Horror's shoulder, "Fall!" He cries again, as he gathers himself for another attack.
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