Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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Current I just wanna sleep...
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Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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Hayden walked up to the Caddy and getting in waved to the truck that he'd follow. As it pulled ahead he started the car and pulled along. His head running through the events that happened during the fire fight. And taking in the words and actions of what happened. Sean so easily joined in on the blood bath. IT's almost like it was a tailor made moment for him. He just fit in so easily to the puzzle in his head. And Yekatrina he's really not sure at all what to make of that. But all he can really say is that was just like the last time on mission. He shook his head and tried to forget the voice that was in it. He takes a deep breath then drives.


Sometime later after the drive on the highway they return to the SAMC compound. The party still going pretty strong. SAMC mercs and militia jogging over first to make sure they weren't being raided, but when one of the pair of Amazons who had accompanied Victor comes out and starts to shout orders. The mercs quickly detaining the driver and taking the truck and the driver to safety. The Amazonian African woman going with them. Leaving the four standing there more or less with their dicks or tits in their hands. Hayden blinking, surprised really that they are suddenly left there. Hayden looks about then at the other three in the group, "Now what..." He turns to look around, that rifle slung over his shoulder. The thing is ancient by modern technology but it's still useful. Might be able to hawk it actually. Who knows.

As they stand there though finally there is a roar of an engine.

Turning as a group they are met by a uparmored limo, pulling up off the street and stopping in front of them. After a moment the other Amazonian African woman steps out of the diver seat and motions. Babbling in that tonal lyrical language of hers and gesturing at the limo. After abit the first Amazonian African woman returns, "She says to get in. And we will take you to Victor. He waits for you to give you all your payment. Don't worry we wouldn't be using a Limo if we intended to off you." She grins and gets into the front passenger side seat. The speaker woman opening the door for them.

Hayden hums, 'Well don't got alot to lose. Come on." He then slips into the back.

And good gods that back area. It's like a rolling night club. The sides are revealed to actually be cleverly disguised armor plates with video screens to show the outsides, wine, champagne and a few other alcoholic treats. A few options for food and refreshsment indeed. Once everyone is inside, the limo begins to roll. The Amazon with the face chain speaks through the intercom, "Eat, and drink if you like. It'll be abit of a ride."

Hayden hums, "Never had champagne so what the hell." As he's pouring himself something to drink with one hand, he's digging for one of several very fancy looking sandwiches out of a cooler at the same time. He nods to the others, "Why the hell not right?" He wiggles his eyebrows playfully.

And as he's saying that. The limo begins to roll.

The limo pulled out of the SAMC compound and soon out onto another highway, heading away from Bo'lobo atleast. They weren't on it long as they rolled into a residential district tall red brick and sand brick buildings. People bustling along. Talking and fighting. Trading and being. It's a glimpse of what Matanbai is. Even as they are riding in a SAMC super car, it\s a glimpse at a country that's on the brink. Because it's clear, the poverty and the danger and the pain.

Hayden for seeing all this looks a little unmoved, outwardly at any rate. As he devours that sandwich and sips at a flute of champagne he's looking out and staring at the underlying problem.

And that problem. Well it's not easy to put into words.

Hayden is about to say something, when the Limo turns into a side street, the housing blocks and low tenement buildings. And what opens up in front of them is a sprawling street market. Where they stop on the edge it appears to be food, though a laye rin looks like clothing. Down a ways is a mass of furniture stalls.

The limo's doors pop open and the Amazonians guide them out and deeper into the market.

Soon things begin to look darker. Clothing becomes plate carriers, and weapons harnesses, furniture becomes guns, and food, food becomes bullets and grenades. And walking out of this central section of the market, is Victor complete with his white suit and a new golden chain around his neck. He walks towards them arms held to his sides, "Well hello my little darlings. Welcome to the Central Gun Market." He boots a suit case over to them, "Your payment. You can divide it up yourselves if you like. And then, you had better find yourself some gear. I have another job for you." He grins as his two bodyguard hotties join him.

Hayden stops the case as it slides towards them, then hums and kicks the lock on it. And with a click the case opens to reveal the agreed upon amount of diamonds. Eighty conflict Diamonds. Sitting pretty in the case. Hayden looks down at them with a look of shock, "That's...pretty incredible."

Mikey's Got it Going on

Micheal turns as he hears another person coming to join them. And with a playful grin on his face he waits until she's joined them before giving Scarlet a wolf whistle, "Saying I'm looking good? Look who cleaned up great. Looking good yourself." He nods, "Sounds like we're trying to decide where to go out on the town. Little downtime after the warehouse and the Abomination. Yeah that sounds good. Got any input here Red?" He grins still using that nickname he first used back at the Gang houses. He thought it sounded cute, and informal. A way to be friendly. He grins brightly, "I'm hoping for steak. A big thick end to a steer or heifer. No muss no fuss just alot of meat." He shrugs a little.

He too turned to Faye and smiled to her, "I'm sorry you know I should have said something too. Facing the Abomination, it's not fun. I was in a Lodge the first time. I hadn't been a Shaman for more then a few years I think back then. Even from the protection of a Lodge with fifty Oska-peyos and near one hundred of us inside the Lodge I watched people burst into bright evil flame from one side of the Lodge to the other. Men cry out about seeing nothing but eyes in their mind before dropping. I think I understand the horror, and other worldness of it. Need to talk about it you got a set of ears here." He gestures over his shoulder at the Gods who are casually using their magicks to randomly change eachothers outfits into different colors, "And believe it or not, they were there too. If you want to hear some fun stories." He grins, "You aren't alone is what I'm trying to say yeah?" He chuckles, "Sorry we First Nations tend to claim people we make friends with. They become our extended family. And so far I like the lot of you. So I'm going to be actting like a big brother sort here in short order." He grabs Scarlet in one arm and Faye in the other and gives them both one armed squeezing hugs. And booms out a laugh while doing so.
It took abit, it's like some clouds parted for Hayden and he came back to himself.

He stood there then tossed the AKM aside, looking confused. He looked at Katerina and swallowed thickly, "What...what was that?" he looked back at the bodies, and he knew the wounds from a AK, and he had been the only one holding one. He swallows again, his eyes finally unclouding, "Crap...crap..." He turns and grabs up the KAR98 that the other fellow he had axed earlier had dropped, it's not a modern weapon true, doesn't have the modern bells and whistles, but until he can get his hands on something heavier, say a LMG of some kind he wants something that's pin point accurate. He loots the stripper clips of rounds off the dead man. And makes for the truck. As he goes he looks back again.

Blurry images run through his head. The fight starting, popping one fellow, a dead double tap. Popping off some cover rounds to help Sean. And him yelling? What was he yelling...and was is his memory foggy after that up until him chucking the AK? He sighs and makes for the truck again, getting to the back and looking up at Bethan.

his eyes go wide at her words. He stops himself from fully climbing up. His eyes narrowing, "I wanna say something about battle and alls fair and shit like that..." He looks at the truck and the dozen or so long crates in the back, "But I don't think that would make much sense after that." He hops into the back of the truck sitting on the edge, "Get me to the Caddy Kat! I'll drive it back."

He takes a moment or two checking one of the crates and then bashing the lock off with the butt of his scavenged rifle. Looking inside to find smaller containers of grenades. The paperwork on the top containers reading something like six M67 fragmentation grenades in each small container. He sniffs, "Explosives." He looks over at another, finding signaling for mortar rounds on another one, looking to be 30mm mortar rounds. He sniffs as they roll a little forward, "Some one is getting serious...and preparing for a fight." As they pull up to the Caddy he looks at Bethan.

He hops down, "I can't explain what happened...atleast not in a way you'd like. Just take at value I have demons. Left over from stuff that I don't like remembering. I'll try and contain it. Do I feel bad? Fuck yes I do...do I think I'll do it again...again fuck yes I probably will...I doesn't get any easier. Oi! Toss me the keys to the Caddy...I'll follow you guys out." He brought out his phone and placed it in the front pocket of his jacket, "Call me in abit..."
@13org@King Cosmos@Kumbaris@AWACS

Micheal Crane, Smooth Criminal

After some time and returning to base, Micheal and his deific friends had gone to find their rooms. the gods getting a really nice three bunk room right across the hall from Micheal's room. Stripping out of his work gear Micheal had then put on a very nice black suit ensemble, black vest over a dark grey pin stripped dress shirt, with feather embroirdery on the lapel, black slacks and black boots. And to top it off a wide brimmed felt hat, sometimes called a Navajo hat on the top of his head, a beautiful blue, yellow and white beaded band finishes everything up.

Honestly makes the young shaman look pretty fly.

He trots down to join the group in the front of the building, "Hello everyone. Sorry if I took too long. So what's the plan." He unconsciously slides his fingers along the brim of the hat. And if anyone had it in them the general idea might be, "Kung Lao Wins!". He smiles brightly, "I heard something about a dessert menu? I could go for a steak personally. Some big piece of a steer or hiefer. Slathered in HP sauce with a side of onion rings and sauteed mushrooms. Anyone with me?" He nods, and then looks up as the gods come piling down the stairs somehow both skipping down and falling over each other, all of them in technicolor versions of what Micheal is wearing.

Micheal chuckles and shrugs, "How about we get a car, or limo even get the drive to take us to the night life portion of the town and go from there?" He nods to the others. Not sure what else to offer.

Hayden took a deep breath and nods, "You all got a point." He grumbled. And he drew that mean looking tomahawk first. Screw trying to be too covert about it. He made purposeful strides forward, splitting from Sean's side as they went, his eyes on a pair of the mercs. One of them with a dirty looking AKM and the other with the lone KAR rifle.

As the girls started their interactions things started to kick off. None of the Dry Trail folks had noticed that the women had come together in the same car. So the one Yekaterina approached turned and he took a second or two to try and figure out what she meant or was asking about. He had to call over another Dry Trail merc to even attempt to understand her. Seems that rough anglo-german dialect that Gunther spoke is some back woods red-neck bumpkin dialect that very few people spoke. And it took a german speaking person to try and get some idea of it. As they babbled, more men started to inch closer. Guard duty can be boring and witnessing this interchange relieved some of the boredom. And kept about four of them busy.

Hayden signaled, not overtly but to those who could see him he made his targets clear. It was swift, he took the two out quick, crack crack crack, three hits, the first punching a hole in the AKM fellows temple. The guy with the KAR turning slowly the pair of strikes to his jaw then to the side of his throat laying him out. Oh it wasn't pretty, but they were kills. His Hi-Power then snaked out of his other sleeve. And then shit hit the fan. He popped one man, bang bang a double tap. His special forces training clear as day with a bright sun. One to the chest, then another to the head. Perfect, quick shots. Laying the man out. He docked behind some half cover, as the guards started to yell and bark. And it started.

Hayden leaned out and rattled off a few rounds covering Sean's run across the ground. Hayden saw movement out of the corner of his eyes, he growled, "Fuck the driver...what...right Bethan, make sure he's in one piece. Sean one's coming around the other side of the truck. He's yours. Kat, find your gun and get some rounds out." He stopped to grab up the AKM from the guy he hacked down. Oh this thing has seen better days. He checks the mag, then the chamber, full loads the damn thing in a few short professional movements. And suddenly the roar of the gun joins the pops of the pistols. He slots another Dry Trail guard quickly. He looks over covering Sean, but knows full well these people he's managed to team up with are very good at what they do.

The shock and surprise and quick lethality of the attack has already driven several of the Dry Trail troupe to throw their weapons and run. They may look tough but they aren't actual fighters by the look of it. Just a seven more die hard guards left over. Hayden levering up and leveling the stolen AKM on the seven standing in the open. He barks in English, "Drop the guns or join your friends here in the afterlife. I don't care either way. Do it now!" Hoping Katrina or Sean join him in yelling them down. He flicks the barrel of the AKM from body to body, "Do it! Drop'em now! Drop'em!"

Somewhere in Hayden's mind he's quietly thinking, "Just end them...just like those wet jobs. It's so easy...so easy...Just do it..." And it's like a cloud passes over Hayden's face and eyes. And before god and all, He seems to forget that he was going to give them an easy out. He empties the AKM's remaining rounds into the seven. Mowing them down. This could almost constitute a war-crime, but Hayden does it with the look of someone who isn't quite all there. When the click of an empty magazine fills the air once...twice...thrice...then a fourth and fifth time it seems he's still not quite there.

As Bethan returns to the gas station he's only then coming back to himself, "The fuck..." He looks around in a little bit of disconnected confusion. Just the shaking guards near Katrina and two bleeding but still barely clinging to life in that group of seven remaining. Hayden blinks, "Fuck...Sean...when you're good...see if you can get the truck started." With a shakey movement he tosses the AKM aside.
@Dark Cloud

Ah well I had honestly written this off...but I am more then willing to take part if it does pick up.
Ahhah okay I see what you mean. Good to make sure either way.
That's pretty small for a machete. Most Machetes are atleast 20 if I understand correctly. You're talking like a long knife if it's just 12 inches. Or maybe a Russian Style axe machete like the evil thing Reznov had back in CoD WaW.
Hayden turns from looking down a side street and...no fucking way. Hayden hums and motions to Sean, "Let's get closer."

The pair moved a little closer, and Hayden stopped them at the line of a small community cafe, they looked like they just lined up for service so it's not too conspicious. Hayden sniffs the pair about 300 to 350 yards away now. Hayden hums, "Well it looks like the one we're looking for." He hums looking at the guards. Run of the mill Matanbain militia. AKs, SKS rifles, one of them sporting a bolt action Nagant style rifle there's even a KAR style rifle in there. Hell as they watch one man steps out and he's got a WW2 German MP40 SMG in hand, "That is quite a spread of weapons they got there." He sniffs, "Okay...this is going to be an interesting lay then. We're going to have to be very careful. Girls, park up ahead of the truck, say in that spot about fifty of so feet ahead of them, get out, make your way to the fuel station they are at. Get the guards attention, get the drivers attention. Sean and I will start moving when they are distracted, try and make our way to the truck."

There is a affirmative response from the car as it rolls by and Hayden loosens the tomahawk up his sleeve, "Best to do this quiet like."

As the car parks up and the girls begin to get out Hayden gasps, "Fuck me..." As a second truck with Dry Trail markings rumbles by and past the first truck and right past the girls and the car. Hayden watches it make towards the intersection at the far end of the block. And as they are watching a third truck rolls north on that intersection. Hayden's eyes widen, "No...that's three." And as if to cock up the situation further Hayden turns to look over his shoulder to see two more trucks driving away from them from the intersection behind them, one of those trucks driving south deeper into the slum, "Five." Said just loud enough for Sean's phone to pick up, "Are we looking at bait? Or am I right in thinking that the Dry Trail has way more business here then we may have been lead to believe? The suit said one truck and it's driver. but are sure this is the truck. Someone still has that dossier right? Look in it. Look for a target type. Weapons, supplies, armor or ammo. We may need to search, and if there is no specification we take any of these trucks and it's driver and ditch."

He looks at Sean, "Remember shit creek? I think we just hit the rapids. And all we have right now are our hands." He looks back at the truck in front of them, "Maybe one of the others isn't as heavily guarded as this one. Maybe we can find a steal over a fight."
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