Hayden was just about to reach down into the case, but Sean beat him too it. And well what Sean does makes sense. Waiting his turn he's the last to kneel and scoop up his share of the diamonds. He pockets them carefully putting them inside his jacket though, close to skin. Easier to protect that way.
And the group splits up. Some to the edge of the Black marker gun shops. Some to the central area.
Hayden roams.
He makes his way from stall to stall. Passing Bethan as she deals, and seeing Sean at a short distance wheeling and dealing. As he makes a lap of one length of stalls he stops at one, looking over the wares. This one seeming to deal in battle rifle style weapons. He picks up a M14 looking it over, spinning it expertly. Down the sights, over, and checking the insides. rubbing at the release. Thumbing back the Iron site wheel. Setting it down and getting the stalls owners blood pumping a little as Hayden picks up a near vintage SVT-40 from the table top. Hayden smiles, "Wow...look at this...you hear stories of these things. The Garand, the SVT and the Gewehr 43. Some of the first honest to god battle rifles." He went through the same motions as he did the SVT. Smiling the whole time. But in the end he shakes his head, "Not what I'm looking for, and probably too rich for my blood." He bowed to the man, "But if I need a good rifle, I'll know where to come too." He smiles and headed off. Deeper into the market.
Hayden roamed.
He passed a table selling nothing but launchers by the look of it. Carl Gustaf Recoilless Rifles, and RPG-7s. A fair bit of firepower. Most of them look a little beat up, but that's the kind of force that comes in handy when in a big battle...so why are they here.
Hayden passes by and continues to roam. And as he can see the others gathering up he still hasn't bought anything yet, and it almost seems like he isn't going too. He stops at a kiosk selling stripper clips for older weapons like the KAR he's carrying. And looks to be about to buy a harness and a few 5 round stripper clips until he drops the items and rushes down the line.
It's hard to see as the kiosk is small, and overshadowed by three others surrounding it, in fact it'd be hard at first to even notice it unless they had something that sparked your interest. Which it did indeed for Hayden. The older woman who's manning the stall looks up from the well used magazine she's reading. She looks at him through a squinted eye, the other hidden under her long fringe. She gestures an in rough english growls, "Other stalls have better weapons. Better for fighting. Go there. No one wants Aunties' weapons." She sighs and looks down at the squat table top sadly. Hayden hums, "Well, we shall see about that won't we Auntie? I'm Hayden, and I'm very much interested in this." He reaches down and stops when Auntie lets out a gasp, he archs his eyebrows waiting then she nods. And Hayden lifts one of the guns. It's not a rifle, or a shotgun or even a long rifle. Something one would expect from the mercenary lot that come through here. No this gun is a different beast. Hayden smiles as he looks the lovely lines and robust shape of a Stoner LMG. He grins, "Look at that. Sad that not alot of the mercs about here want something as beautiful as this Auntie. I mean look at this, a little more pristine then like is for my blood." Auntie nods, "Sixteen diamonds that." Hayden nods, "Eh...wooo, tough sell there Auntie. Too rich for me. Let's see..."
He goes over somemore of the stock. Picking up an AUG H-Bar, "Look at this beast. I saw one of these in action once back in my Service days Auntie. Spits like mad, and with a 100 round box on this thing you can lay down some serious fire." He looks at her. And she nods, "Twelve gemstones my boy." Hayden winces, "Ooof still too rich." He hums then blinks, "Auntie, may I see that one?" He points behind the table at a weapon hidden amongst the cluster of other squad automatic weapons the older woman has. She blinks then reaches down lugging it up. He looks at the old woman. She smiles abit, and says, "Ten." Hayden fishes into his jacket and pulls out nine diamonds and places the KAR he had down, "Nine and this." She blinks at the rifle then reaches over and pulls out a thirty round mag, full of the .303 rounds and slides it too him, "What else?" He hums as he's attaching the 30 round magazine to the Bren gun, "One more thirty round and two 100 round pan?" She starts to look while muttering, "Four more Diamonds." He places the diamonds on the table, "A harness to carry it all?" She places the magazines full of rounds as well on the table top and a harness, "Harness for free...you give me business, first time in months." He smiles, "Here..." He shrugs out of his Red Cross jacket, "Sell that, it's real. Ought to net something." She gulps and pulls out a full case of 160 rounds of ammo, it's fairly large really, and also places a backpack on the table, "2 more diamonds...all this is yours..." She gulps.
Hayden stares at her for a moment then pulls out the request amount. Setting it on the table, "You sure about this auntie?" She nods, "Yes, you've given me the first business in months, and gifted me quite abit." hayden walks out into the path way, full loads the Bren and pumps a few rounds into the air, no one flinches, nearby as it seems to be a fairly common thing. He grins, "Fully working Auntie!" He chuckles walking in, setting his new gun ont he table top and shrugs into the harness that's resting over his inner hoodie, and starts to attach the two pan mags and extra two thirty round mags to it, and finally hefts the long box of ammo up and attaches it to one of the side hooks of the harness, backpack and all he's got quite the load out now, "Thank you Auntie." He hefts his weapon reaching over and grabbing one of her dark gnarled hands bringing it to his lips and kissing it, "You're a gem stone yourself Auntie. If I'm back this way and I have more money, I know where I'm coming." The old woman gasps and honestly giggles a little and nods as Hayden walks away, Bren tucked up over his shoulder.
Rejoining his teammates, "Lads and Ladies. Well look at this spread." He grins brightly, not quite showing off the squad weapon he's carrying.
As if on cue, Victor reappears with his two amazonian guards "All ironed up are we friends? Feel like coming with me? I want to ask a few questions, then maybe introduce you to someone. She has some work for you maybe." he grins and gestures over to the limo again.
(15 diamonds spent, 5 remain tucked in the harness pockets for now)
Hayden was just about to reach down into the case, but Sean beat him too it. And well what Sean does makes sense. Waiting his turn he's the last to kneel and scoop up his share of the diamonds. He pockets them carefully putting them inside his jacket though, close to skin. Easier to protect that way.
And the group splits up. Some to the edge of the Black marker gun shops. Some to the central area.
Hayden roams.
He makes his way from stall to stall. Passing Bethan as she deals, and seeing Sean at a short distance wheeling and dealing. As he makes a lap of one length of stalls he stops at one, looking over the wares. This one seeming to deal in battle rifle style weapons. He picks up a M14 looking it over, spinning it expertly. Down the sights, over, and checking the insides. rubbing at the release. Thumbing back the Iron site wheel. Setting it down and getting the stalls owners blood pumping a little as Hayden picks up a near vintage SVT-40 from the table top. Hayden smiles, "Wow...look at this...you hear stories of these things. The Garand, the SVT and the Gewehr 43. Some of the first honest to god battle rifles." He went through the same motions as he did the SVT. Smiling the whole time. But in the end he shakes his head, "Not what I'm looking for, and probably too rich for my blood." He bowed to the man, "But if I need a good rifle, I'll know where to come too." He smiles and headed off. Deeper into the market.
Hayden roamed.
He passed a table selling nothing but launchers by the look of it. Carl Gustaf Recoilless Rifles, and RPG-7s. A fair bit of firepower. Most of them look a little beat up, but that's the kind of force that comes in handy when in a big battle...so why are they here.
Hayden passes by and continues to roam. And as he can see the others gathering up he still hasn't bought anything yet, and it almost seems like he isn't going too. He stops at a kiosk selling stripper clips for older weapons like the KAR he's carrying. And looks to be about to buy a harness and a few 5 round stripper clips until he drops the items and rushes down the line.
It's hard to see as the kiosk is small, and overshadowed by three others surrounding it, in fact it'd be hard at first to even notice it unless they had something that sparked your interest. Which it did indeed for Hayden. The older woman who's manning the stall looks up from the well used magazine she's reading. She looks at him through a squinted eye, the other hidden under her long fringe. She gestures an in rough english growls, "Other stalls have better weapons. Better for fighting. Go there. No one wants Aunties' weapons." She sighs and looks down at the squat table top sadly. Hayden hums, "Well, we shall see about that won't we Auntie? I'm Hayden, and I'm very much interested in this." He reaches down and stops when Auntie lets out a gasp, he archs his eyebrows waiting then she nods. And Hayden lifts one of the guns. It's not a rifle, or a shotgun or even a long rifle. Something one would expect from the mercenary lot that come through here. No this gun is a different beast. Hayden smiles as he looks the lovely lines and robust shape of a Stoner LMG. He grins, "Look at that. Sad that not alot of the mercs about here want something as beautiful as this Auntie. I mean look at this, a little more pristine then like is for my blood." Auntie nods, "Sixteen diamonds that." Hayden nods, "Eh...wooo, tough sell there Auntie. Too rich for me. Let's see..."
He goes over somemore of the stock. Picking up an AUG H-Bar, "Look at this beast. I saw one of these in action once back in my Service days Auntie. Spits like mad, and with a 100 round box on this thing you can lay down some serious fire." He looks at her. And she nods, "Twelve gemstones my boy." Hayden winces, "Ooof still too rich." He hums then blinks, "Auntie, may I see that one?" He points behind the table at a weapon hidden amongst the cluster of other squad automatic weapons the older woman has. She blinks then reaches down lugging it up. He looks at the old woman. She smiles abit, and says, "Ten." Hayden fishes into his jacket and pulls out nine diamonds and places the KAR he had down, "Nine and this." She blinks at the rifle then reaches over and pulls out a thirty round mag, full of the .303 rounds and slides it too him, "What else?" He hums as he's attaching the 30 round magazine to the Bren gun, "One more thirty round and two 100 round pan?" She starts to look while muttering, "Four more Diamonds." He places the diamonds on the table, "A harness to carry it all?" She places the magazines full of rounds as well on the table top and a harness, "Harness for free...you give me business, first time in months." He smiles, "Here..." He shrugs out of his Red Cross jacket, "Sell that, it's real. Ought to net something." She gulps and pulls out a full case of 160 rounds of ammo, it's fairly large really, and also places a backpack on the table, "2 more diamonds...all this is yours..." She gulps.
Hayden stares at her for a moment then pulls out the request amount. Setting it on the table, "You sure about this auntie?" She nods, "Yes, you've given me the first business in months, and gifted me quite abit." hayden walks out into the path way, full loads the Bren and pumps a few rounds into the air, no one flinches, nearby as it seems to be a fairly common thing. He grins, "Fully working Auntie!" He chuckles walking in, setting his new gun ont he table top and shrugs into the harness that's resting over his inner hoodie, and starts to attach the two pan mags and extra two thirty round mags to it, and finally hefts the long box of ammo up and attaches it to one of the side hooks of the harness, backpack and all he's got quite the load out now, "Thank you Auntie." He hefts his weapon reaching over and grabbing one of her dark gnarled hands bringing it to his lips and kissing it, "You're a gem stone yourself Auntie. If I'm back this way and I have more money, I know where I'm coming." The old woman gasps and honestly giggles a little and nods as Hayden walks away, Bren tucked up over his shoulder.
Rejoining his teammates, "Lads and Ladies. Well look at this spread." He grins brightly, not quite showing off the squad weapon he's carrying.
As if on cue, Victor reappears with his two amazonian guards "All ironed up are we friends? Feel like coming with me? I want to ask a few questions, then maybe introduce you to someone. She has some work for you maybe." he grins and gestures over to the limo again.
(15 diamonds spent, 5 remain tucked in the harness pockets for now)