Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current Getting that I'm feeling watched feeling again...who are all these people stalking...err...visiting my profile? Ahhhh stranger danger.
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6 mos ago
I just wanna sleep...
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9 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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1 yr ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
2 yrs ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous


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Gunther! Long time man.
Sorry about that Vey. Could always have an NPC? I was asked to bring this character over.
At a request. I bring you a Light from the past. One of the surviving members of Team Scimitar.

I'll make some more tweaks later. Lemme know.
Thank you kindly boss man.

Hayden quirked his head to the side and grinned a little, he swung the Bren down, he let it hang there, over one arm, almost easily. He nodded, "What do you mean more practical." He looked at Sean then patted the WW2 era work house LMG, "There's nothing more practical then a Bren gun my son." He chuckles, "Let's just hope I don't have to use those pan mags eh? Thirty round roars are already massive." He grins, and stretches hiking the weapon up over his shoulder, "You just wait...and I'll try and keep my demons under wraps." He grins brightly, "Alright...so here we are. Guns, good workhorses. Now we need more work. And start to gain some idea about our target." he sniffs, "I'm wondering if we shouldn't try and make a deal with the dev..." He trails off.

Victor's arrival with the amazons beside him was almost what he was about to reference. The warrioress with the face bling motioned. And the other with the tattoo smiled, "Come with us." And victor leads the way to the limo again. The Amazons having the crew put their weapons into the trunk of the limo and then board up the pair jumping into the front, taking over driving.

Hayden as they are loading their guns whispers, "Take what you can, give nothing up that you can help. We need his help right now, but I rather think he could fleece us for everything we have and leave us without a lead to our name. So don't let our mission slip if you can. I know I'm not all that trusting, but if this guy could I really do think he'd drop us in a heart beat." He sniffs and places his Bren in the trunk then leans over and pets the barrel of his gun, "Don't worry sweetie we'll be back." And ducks out of the way as they close the trunk.

Hayden heads for the door into the vehicle but stops at the last moment holding the door open, "Ladies first." He grins at Sean, "Come on then lovey." And gets ready to duck back out of the way. It's not until everyone else is in that he gets into the limo.

Victor waiting there and the limo starts to roll once everyone is inside.

Victor is quiet for a time, but he sits there. Suave and fair. But with a roguish quality to him at the same time. A huge smile on his face, peaked goatee showing off abit maybe and his fine suit, which now that everyone is close seems to have some kevlar weaved into it. He sits taking up the entire back seat while the four mercs are relegated to the side seats. Victor nods, "So then, to brass tacks yes? What are four prime end operatives like you doing here in Matanbai huh? Tagayi even. Gods of the old countries I mean look at you." He gestures to them, "Anyone of you could show your face at a diamond mine and get the security chief position by presense alone. Live like kings or queens after ward on the money of telling other gun hands what to do. But yet here you are." He hums, "Yes, there's something off. I wanna know what it is hmm? Give me a little sugar? Hmmm?" He chuckles, "Recompense maybe? for your first job? And this meeting I'm going to get you?" He wiggles his eyebrows at the women as if his charms would be enough to get them to start talking, or...maybe stripping. Who knows?

Hayden hides his snort of derision and amusement behind what looks like a fake sneeze, "This guy...can't decide if I want to hate him or love him." He says out of the corner of his mouth to Bethan. He then clears his throat, "Just...wanted to see what the place is all about." He starts with, "Hired on by the Red Cross as muscle...and then well you came along." Certainly rang with a little bit of truth somehow. He looks around the car to see what everyone else thought of the ploy.


Lemme know what you think.
Yo! @FourtyTwo Can I call one of those Mediums? the Male one maybe? A ex-yakuza, modern ronin deal in mind if you're okay with it.
@Kumbaris@King Cosmos@Martian@AWACS@13org

Micheal Crane of the Fancy Clothing, and his Performing Dieties

Looking down at the beef-ish dish before him had Micheal smiling and nodding. He kept track of the conversation as the other spoke and ate and drank. He'd been hoping for something beefy, as he so rarely gets beef dishes out where his personal lodge is. It's usually moose, elk or deer. With a grunt he looks up from his meal, "Oh..." He swallows quickly and has to wash it down with near half his glass of something purple. Grape juice maybe. Possibly Welcher's Grape juice. Hey for a First Nations fella it's rather classy. He dabs at his mouth with a napkin, "Sorry. Just been abit, some fine dining here." He chuckles, "Okay yes. Avi, brother. Yes, so very Canadian. Interesting you said you're from Vancouver? Well I'm from just next door. Alberta. About two and a half hours north east of Edmonton actually. Little Reserve called Saddle Lake." He grins, "That's great. We can talk Lethbridge whiskey, maple syrup and hockey. He stops and looks critically, "You aren't a Calgary Flames fan are you?" Honestly the tone of his voices says this very well could devolve into a fight depending on the answer.

But soon he's straightening up and smiling at Amanda, "That Hamburg steak dish some were talking about. Ended up indulging in my need for protein." He chuckles softly. He leans over a little and grins at Faye, gesturing to his three godly tagalongs, "The three over there have been following me around since just after the Abomination was stopped. If you want to get some attention, just go and talk to them at some point." He nods and returns to his meal for abit.

Listening as he eats to the conversation and the revelation about the Agent Potential Calculator. He hums chewing thoughtfully, "So you're saying, it took into account the actions and thoughts of one of the more untrusting factions of the world and somehow choose me of all people to come and help out here? That's...well hard to believe. But then here we are." He nods. tapping his chin with the handle of his knife. As if saying that the Confederacy of Shamans is untrusting is common knowledge. Though it might be news to some, anyone knowing the history of degradation, lies, cheating and misuse of power against the First Nations peoples of North America and the world, would understand why the Confederacy is untrusting of others. Centuries of getting the short end of the stick and all.

He shrugs, "Well we're here now." He spears one of the sauteed asparagus that came with his meal, "I swear this stuff is godly."
Sorry that took so long my friends. I was having a bout of writers block there for abit.
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