Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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4 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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Darien had just finished up the final line of the reel he had been playing about a historic and ancient train back on Terra, the train had been used in a now famous and classic young adults movie series about magic and adventure. Pre-Market collapse holos and video disks of the movies still sold for millions I'd you were lucky to find them. As he's blazing the last notes of the song and into the ending drone, his pipes humming above him, he spots thr captain head I the hall door. He gives the young man a nod as the old Scot bobcat starts to put his great pipes away. As he's doing so the young captain speaks. And the old cat quirks a brow, "Och captain ah kin sum it a' up in a few wee wurds if ye lik'. Or a list tae kin tak' a paukit bit langer. Bit a list yi'll waant a list ye wull git aye." Darien carefully put his pipes back in its protective, reinforced and shielded container and pushes it out of the way. Then turned back to the captain, "Gimme a short bit 'n' ah will follow ye back tae th' fankle wi' a list captain, bet yer fuzzy pumpin' tail ah wull. Gang oan catch up in a short paukit wee bit."

After the captain left the great kilted bobcat sat at his desk in medical and began to draw up a list of supplies. In his mind everything was right damned important. But things like bandages, painkillers, disinfectants, antisceptics and drugs came at the top of the list. Splints, break healing apparti and crush damage solving items were up high too. Space sickness drugs. A new supply of hibernation fluid wouldn't hurt the stuff they had would go rancid in a few trips and no one wanted to come out of the pod smelling like 19 day old cheese and unwashed underwear. Nausea aids might be nice too. On down to getting a crew to come in and assess the ship for medical hazards. Though technically Darien could do that assessment, why do the work, when you can get the Rook or a good team to do it for you? "If you're not cheating, you're not winning" was the motto of the corpsman Corp of Alphabet security after all.

A short time later Darien drifted into the mess hall, still wearing his great kilt tartan and travel short kilt, Macpherson colors, the same colors his family wore, still draped over him. He smiles, "Gie a guid scotsmans yin thing, th' kilt kin seem streenge, bit th' breeze o'er mah baws is sure something let me tell ye." The scottish feline gave out a proper chortle as he walked over to the you captain and handed him a data slate "That stoatin list ye asked fur sur. Itemized 'n' sorted by priority. We're richt fucked if we dinnae pick up everything oan it eventually, bit th' maist wantit is thare at th' tap. Gaun a stowed oot journey wi' oot th' tap stuff, 'n' ye kin ad weel sign oor death warrants son." The rather brutally honest medic made his way to see what kind of snot Luck had put together today.
Take your time
FYI do have a post in the works. At work right now though can't work on it. But will get something out asaic
Darien Z, Doctor

The bobcat looked at the young captain, with a sigh he spoke, "Ah jalouse, th' muckle quaistion is, dae yi'll waant a pleasant untruth, th' bare minimum truth, or th' solid truth?" He looked at thr captain then the first mate, "Ah hell 'n' bugger, th' truth is wee jimmies, wur horribly understocked. We hae th' bare minimum fur a five day trip we micht be able tae stretch that tae seven. Th' ainlie guid thing is, th' emergency help kits ur a' stocked bit main med bay is doon tae mah lest compression bandage. 'n' let's nae stairt in oan gear 'n' medicine. Ahh bugger me bit tis aff tae be ticht."

The crew would be treated to the opening moments of one of Darien's mad Scotsmans tirade. Suddenly he's just growling out what can only be called a near unintelligible string of curses and filth, interspersed with mentioning the bad breeding of various public figures and notaries. All while working up a froth and foam, pulling at his ears and headfur for a good six minutes, until just as suddenly he calms. Takes a deep breathe and looks at everyone, "Pardon me, sorry fur that. A'm gaun back tae medical fur a wee bit."

The old feline would then make his way out.

A short time later, the halls about medical and hibernation are filled with the jolly sound of the missing link between noise and sound. Or some would say. Standing just in the door to the med bay, kilt and tartan on, the doctor blows off some steam, the full stock of the med bay can wait a bit.

The former Corp corpsman is as mortal as anyone really. Everyone needs to relax abit. Not saying the bobcat is stressed out or nothing. But not going to hurt anything. The strident notes of the bagpipe echo through the hibernation bay and back into medical. It's almost psychological warfare one could say.
@Dark Cloud@rocketrobie2

Actually let me reiterate. I know some of Dark Souls. Know next to nothing about DnD.

But as before still wanna try.
@Dark Cloud@rocketrobie2

Hi, uh don't know a darn thing about DnD DarkSouls...

Still willing to try.
Gotcha okay. My idea may or may not work then.
Question: what kind of hibernation pods are we using Here?

Interstellar-type, the long sleep kind with drugs and a cool fluid to slow body functions.

Full cold type, like fallout where they literally froze the victim in a controlled manner to facilitate hibernation leaving only the base bodily functions working.

Disconnected Consciousness type, this again is shown kind of in fall out three where the body is fed and cared for electronically while the consciousness is placed in a construct. Time passed normally but the consciousness is aware of only the construct that helps pass the time.

Generation ship type, a monitored pod with a chemically induced coma on the client. The pod tending to physical care, recycling and the like. A skeleton crew of medical personnel would switch out every few years to watch the crew during transit. A version this is used in mass effect Andromeda.

There are other types but these are all that come to mind right now and I have an idea for a ship flaw. Just want to know which one I can use.

Will we be following a post order? Just want to make sure. Because I'm geting that "post" itch but don't wanna go over someone.

Howfur dare ye laddie. Ye dinnae uise a prepackaged haggis. Yi''ll need tae mak' that meaty bas fae scratch by haun! tinned indeed.

Hehe only the best fresh made for the crew
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