Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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4 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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Fireteam Northman - Scion the Bastion

The strides are paced and careful.

They eat the distance in an almost stately way. The Blues from earlier trailing along in a staggered wedge formation he at the spear tip. A few small skirmish had been had since they linked up. A focus fire situation being worked out quick. Scion lead the way steadily, letting the fights last just long enough foe Opfor to.send out earnings of the walking tank.

And it sounded like it paid off, as Scionnis notified about the BMPs rolling towards them. He grinned brightly responding, "Scion copies." He motioned and the blues scattered for cover, a quartet settling into his armored shadow as Scion hunkered down a little.

They waited. The first armored vehicle hove into view. And was met by a ripple of rifle rifle fire, the Bluefor causing a distraction, long enough for Scion to paint the first vehicle, then the second one as it came out from behind the first.

Eight rockets fire. Six from Scion, and another two from Bluefor man portable systems.

It was an order of magnitude more then needed.

One BMP got hit by all four rockets aimed at it at once. Armor buckled and the thing went up in flames with an almost pathetic thump. The other got rippled, the four rockets hitting it one at a time. Gave it time to burn it rolled forward, trailing flames before plowing into a tree and them finally exploding. Jamie nodded then motioned to keep moving.

He radioed to the crew "Armor taken care of. I'm moving to one of the compounds try and make as much noise as I can. Let me know when to start falling back."
@Theyra@Infinite Cosmos@Almalthia

The Walls Settle down

Jericho grinned brightly. Nodding his head, "Mi bredda, yuh have di patience a one saint. an yu get mi rispek. a likkle drink naa go hurt yuh. An mi naa go get yuh smash. mi swear pan mi soul." Jericho often brought clients to the Cafe and bar before or during trips. It's almost a staple now for his tours. Thr place is a prime place. And that Nate didn't get more business them he already did is a crime. Jericho nodded, "mek wi try yuh magical brew yeah? si ou i pair wid gud Jumiekan jringk." He chuckled a little and uncorked the rum.

As he did he turned and gave a nod to Andres, "yuh waan in pan dis too mi fren? no pressure yeah." He liked Andres. Jericho had seen a bunch of his illustrations. And covertly commissioned Andres a time or two. Not that'd he'd admit it. Guilty pleasure and all.

Ahh and then the situation right up.

Jericho turned them almost jumped to his feet. Sweeping a near courtly bow to Cori.

Jericho chuckled, "mi day is blessed fi see a goddess a di blue isles. As mi live an breathe it's good fi see yuh Cori" Can we blame the guy? Oh Jericho knows she's so out of his league, but he can be friendly. He grinned and pulled a stool out for her. Absolutely unknowing of any conflict or pain he may cause Cori from his countenance or manner. Thr well tanned Jamiacan is just being a fair fella.

"An now di party can staat, cause di magic deh yah." Jericho said as he sat himself back down.


Hope this is okay boss. Let me know if I need to change anything.
Been waiting on my end. I'm the last IC post. Was getting worried.
Is this even still on the table it's been nearly a month since the last post.
The temper temper incident. An enemy arty installation hit Big Whisky once with a 105 shell. Big Whisky turned all 9 of its Big guns and hammered the mountain with a full broadside. Deatr9yed the arty position and leveled part of the mountain. I think it was her sister ship new jersey who then sailed up beside Big Whisky and radioed 'temper temper". Stuff of legend
Micheal Lifts!*stomp stomp*

Micheal was still singing, and occasionally rattling the chains and weights as if chimes for his singing.

His voice hitches though. When he feels all that weight vanish. He stops in the middle of a lyric telling the story about the flood that the First Man weathered and brought the land back after. To say he was not prepared at all to have his singing interuppted. Or to feel the oppression of the weights and chains fall away. Well he lets out a crowing whoop. And then heaves back, and throws his arms up, back, around, he wheels his arms, causing muscle to bulge and surge as he sends the chains and weights clattering off his body.

He stands again tall, then takes a deep breath, pulling air back into his lungs. Though he can't use his magic right now. The mighty war cry he lets out, may as well be infused with his joy, his sheer happiness and wonder and freedom. Enough so, that just across the room, the three trickster gods jerk awake. One by one first Manabozho gets to his feet groggily. Then Whiskeyjack with a groan. Lastly Raven. And then hearing the warcry, they stagger over towards Micheal and join in, turning their heads to the cieling and crying out, like joining in on a wolfs howl. Then the four clash together and share a hug.

Panting a little after abit the four turn and head ove to check on Amanda, Faye and Morgana. The four limping over. Micheal speaking for them, "I think we're okay. That was rough. Faye? Boss Bot?" He looks over at Morgana, "you alright Morgs?" He bends over abit, gritting his teeth, "We should get the hell outta here...think the OMR is sending help? We can't have gone unmissed right?"
<Snipped quote by Ithradine>

I'm going to have to bow out. :(
I don't do anime. sorry

You know what, I saw this coming.

Ah well. Can't account for everything.
Hah these are great.

Can't wait to see where our other ideas go.
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