The Crew goes slummin
Nico bit through his last spud and bolted thr last of the troll brew. With a hiss and a shake of his entire body he nodded, "Alright then, so Ritchie gets a mark to watch out for'em. Blow hard but you never know."
He got up with the crew stepping away from the table and was nearly perfect with his timing. A turning step and that squeezing sensation as everything raced by. After some time they popped out in Central Park. He straightened his outfit and pulled his beanie down a little tighter. Nico peered about then followed along with Bobby. Drawing his eand as they approached the terrace but kept it hidden in his palm. When the entrance faded into view he huffed, "Pretty ain't it. Who is funding these guys?"
They entered as a group. And Nico's eyebrows crept higher and higher in wonder. The place looked good. Paneling and good woods and stone. All run by the gutter snipes? This isn't right. He whip0ed his wand, and shouted, "Clear out fish." Wordless levitation spells sending trays and glasses flying. The clientele all bolting.
The bartender pointed their way inside.
And then the fun began. First he saw the safe, oh that'd be fun. But the Blood Pqck in the room and the ones coming in had to be dealt with first. He took a step to the side to get out of the way of his cree mates. Then lashed his wand, "Diffindo, Profero, Immoblius Horriblius!" He crowed. Cutting and piercing curses and a body paralyzed with a mild torture curse attached to it. He chained these together adding a bombarda and a reducto here and there to be random. All the while he inched his way across the room towards the safe. At one point taking the legs out from one of the blood pack then casting a cauterzing charm on the stumps. Getting right up on her, "Don't go far. We may need you, then smashed her head into the floor knocking the woman out. By then he's by the safe.
Despite himself Nicodemus started to look the safe over. Even as the fighting continued behind him. He nodded, "Your an interesting thing. Wonder what's inside you." He turned at just the right time catching a blood pack newbie by the collar as they tried to.jump him. He spun them and slammed them against the front of the safe then jumped back as the air is filled with the smell of burning flesh and sizzling of curses going off. He watched as the poor fella is almost eaten alive by the safe and it's curses.
Nicodemus grins, "A challenge then." He turned to rejoin the fight.