As they gathered the others and wondered towards the reconstruction site, Rala had silently pondered over her mixed feelings about these violent 'slaves' and their unique predicament. She too had done heinous acts out of desperation, and though she wanted an outlet for her anger when she saw how earnestly these unfortunate souls worked she couldn't bring herself to still want to extort information from them. Better yet, they seemed eager to spill any information for the party. They now knew what the djinn's plan was in the material plane, but Rala was more gungho and eager to exact her revenge for what these extraplanar nuisances had done. Part of her wanted to help these lost souls, but she had bigger fish to fry.
"We'd like to keep anyone else from suffering what you did. I can't imagine what they threatened you with that would be worse than death on the battlefield, but I think I'll sleep easier if you don't tell me" She said to the more talkative of the prisoners, a surprisngly gentle tone to her voice before her face hardened.
"Could you tell us how they are getting to the material plane? I'd like to show your former captures why they call me 'The dagger'" She added harshly, patting the various daggers on the bandolier across her chest.