Despite her best efforts, the other two young trainers prepared for battle and sent out their Pokemon to battle. Begrudgingly, Elena did the same. She had wanted to be a trainer after all. With all her heart she tossed her ball, and once more the putrid smell of her blank-eyed Pokemon filled the area. She prayed the stink alone would be enough to scare off this villain. Based on the stern, serious look on this strangely clothed man, she doubted it.
Fae Rae took the initiative and Elena worried as her tiny lapdog rushed forward towards the towering figure of the toxicroak. Elena knew a thing or two about battles, she had learned everything she could for this day. If any Pokemon here had a chance of taking a hit, it was hers thanks to Oscar's typing. She knew what she had to do.
"Oscar, protect grace please!" She called out with clear concern. Hopefully, she wasn't sending her Pokemon to an early grave.
Oscar looked at her slowly, before jumping to action after she processed the information. She lagged behind the faster, feistier Grace who was currently preparing an attack. Still, he stayed close by, just behind the Pokemon, ready to pounce when the time came. Elena was so proud of him for listening to her, so quickly too! Perhaps she wasn't so bad at this.