Sorry that I haven't posted yet, have been trying to come up with a good first character introduction. I am still working on it. I haven't forgot to post though. I'll get my first post in as soon as it is done.
Sweet, I would love to join this here is the character I want to sign up with
Name::Thane Ervin Nickname/Alias:: The Crystal Dragon Slayer Gender:: Male Age and date of birth:21 and unknown date of birth
Guild:: Harpy Wing
Personality:: He is a friendly person talks a lot and jokes around just as much. Thane likes to fight, whether that be physically or verbally. Anything that can get him a challenge. He is very violent if one should anger him though. Insulting him verbally doesn't normally get a rise out of him though, things like attacking those he considers his friends or the guild he is part of or people that cant really defend themselves.
: Thane's birth is rather unknown, just he appeared in a basket and given to the guild that he later became apart of Harpy Wing. When he was five years old he took a board job without anyone knowing and got lost. He was lost for four years, he was found wandering the out skirts of town. He was trained by a dragon in the art of dragonslaying or at least he claims it was a dragon, he was delirious when he was found. He was sick, and had been found eating strange mushrooms.
A year later he took up a sword handle as a prize, after completing a job. He had broken the sword in battle after nearly being skewered with it. For the next eleven years he improved his magical abilities and learned crystal maker magic with in those eleven years when he was sixteen years old his dragon slayer magic went nuts, he went under a little transformation that went wrong. He turned into a crystalized mixture dragon with just primal instincts and no control.
In the middle of a job in a little remote village Thane's magic took over after he went too far. The village was devastated. Thane woke up a day later unknown what he did until a survivor told him so, a boulder had hit him in the head and destroyed the crystal dragon head that was covering his own head. Thane was devastated in what he did. He spent a year trying to put the village the way it was. Thane always forgets the name of the village though.
Description:: Crystal Maker Magic- it is quite similar to Ice maker magic, instead of creating things out of ice, creating things out of solid crystals. Give its nature, it can use the particles in the air, to crystalize nearly anything. From water and moisture in the air to other things. A very skilled Crystal maker user could crystalize elements creating lacerma out of them.
Crystal dragonslayer magic- The power to slay a dragon, or at least it is suppose to. In form using the power of crystals.
Known Spells::
Crystal maker objects- Thane can create a varity of objects made out of crystal. All the objects are all objects that cannot move on their own or are tools that he has to use himself. The objects vary in how dense they are. The longer he takes to make the spells the harder they are.
Crystallization, Thane can crystalize things from the particles in the air he has limited to control over this though. He currently can turn water and moisture into crystals. Making him very close to an Ice wizard just its not ice it is
Crystal Dragonslayer Crystal cloak- Rather defense spell but it is also used in offensively. Thane's body gets covered in crystal scales slowly. This is done in multiple stages.
First stage: it is only a small coat of armor that covers his skin which is only used for small defense. Able to protect himself from attacks at a small degree.
Stage 2: The crystal skin armor thickens and starts to grow sharp spine like scales. The scale armor is harder now and can be used as sharp weapons that are part of his body.
Stage 3: This next stage is a tricky one, Thane will start getting crystal dragon parts. Wings start to form and a tail. This stage is slow and often incomplete. The body starts forming slowly and uses a lot of magic power. It even will start to cover his head if he uses this stage too long. While it gives him a bit of power it also slowly takes control over him. This gives him the abilities to fly slightly and hit people with a tail
Full complete Stage 3: A full complete takeover form looks like a miniature humanoid dragon. Thane has no control if it gets this far as he turns into a feral like creature. Attacking anything and everything around him. Friend, foes, innocent bystanders. To break him out you have to smash the crystal armor that is covering his head. Which is like breaking a rock
Crystal Dragon Roar- A dragonslayer breath attack, mixture of magical energy and shards of crystal gets blasted out in a breath attack.
Other- He eats crystals to boost his strength, from lacerma to just plain crystal rocks. Thane cant eat his dragonslayer crystals, but he can eat the crystal make crystals for only one fourth of the original boost Relatives:: Unknown
Posseions:: He owns a handle to a sword that has long since broken. Focusing his magic into the handle, he can turn it into a crystal blade which always changes shape depending how Thane creates the blade.
"Alright no staring, wouldn't have done so anyhow. It's not polite to stare anyhow." Carver commented to Joshua after his comment of not to stare at Miss Averyonna. Carver was unsure why he would stare but he will try his best not to at her when he meets her. As Amaya beckons Carver says "Alright lead to the stadium then. Lead the way Amaya!" Carver already beginning to follow Amaya's lead.
Carver would go anywhere he had to. It was interesting meeting these three, Amaya, Cecilia and Joshua. They were friendly Carver's mind was nearly already set with joining Phoenix Wing he just wanted to talk to a few more people before fully asking. If these three he just met are the best way to judge the guild he feels like he would fit in with Phoenix Wing.
Listening to Cecilia, Amaya and Joshua talk among each other. Carver was rather amused with the exchange of words between Cecilia and Joshua. Carver rather more fascinated with the exceed though the flying cat caught his interest. He wonder if he could make an exceed pact and what he could do as one. He heard that their master wasn't available, then Amaya mentioned a Lacerima. Carver didn't really want to bother the Phoenix wing master if she is busy.
Carver then thought of the ball Amaya mentioned before and figured that would be a great place to run into their master. Then again he wasn't really invited to the ball so that is a complication. Then again that didn't concern him very much he knew he could figure a way in if he had to.
Joshua had mentioned two others before Amaya talked about the Lacerima Carver then says, "I'll talk to anyone if it gets me closer to getting into a guild. You guys can take me to whoever that maybe."
"Try to capture one alive.", This order shocked Zero but it was clear slaughter them and keep one alive if possible. He grunts in acknowledgement to the orders. Zero then releases the energy stored in his body in a quick burst of speed, turning into a red blur like flash. Dashing up and out of the crater and towards the rebel forces. Trying to use his speed to use his quick burst of speed along with the dust cloud that got created to give him the element of surprise.
Zero rushing in literally head first into battle looking to gore one of the rebel soldiers with his horns, meanwhile using his other extremities to fight as well. Trying to use his tail to grab one of the soldiers looking to wrap his tail around someone's throat looking to get an advantage over two rebels. One he is hoping to kill the other he could possible take alive if not use as a meat shield from energy blasts. The plan seems simple in his head but that's it the Slucks can't keep up with his speed and if the quick rush from the dust cloud did its job.
Me: Gosh diddly darn I sure am excited for Persona 5 this upcoming Valentines day
Friend: You know they delayed it by another 2 months right?
Me @ Atlus:
That describes how I feel whenever the Mass Effect Andromeda keeps getting pushed back to a later date. Look forward to the game all year and the closer you get and it goes back.