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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I vaguely recall seeing the OOC for this somewhere around a year ago at least and this hasn't even been up for three days

Is this a reboot or is my memory acting up

That was... a lot of people. Jane was inside a 4.78-ton hydraulic monolith, whose existence was dependent on forces beyond the collective understanding of everyone in the room, and she was starting to feel uncomfortable by the number of people filing into the bunker. Jane wasn't used to be around a crowd, and it was just generally a lot of things to keep track of, someone says something between conversations directed at her, and she might not notice and end up getting on someone's nerves. Or maybe someone asked a certain question she didn't feel comfortable saying, and then Jane would have to think of a way to say, "it's none of your business" in a polite way in front of everyone. She hadn't even been here for a whole hour, she didn't expect that she'd even be touching this robot for another week. At least she wouldn't be going in alone... right?

And of course, the Director was at least a little bugged that she was making absolutely, crystal-clear certain that things would go over smoothly. And then everyone started going into powers after her... Teleportation, holy shit. They basically had Gatecrasher on their team. Maybe they'd make it out alive long enough for Jane to see where the nearest warm, insulated bedroom would be. What were they doing before she got spooked? Oh- right, the Proving Ground. Jane hauled ass very careful there in the suit, clunking down the stairs with what sounded like quiet thunder from far-off clouds. She was here for weeks at a time, slowly building her rig up from nothing as entire days went by in minutes, and until, now, Jane didn't consider other tinkers using it. It wouldn't be a problem, necessarily, but what if the other girl asked about her arm? What if she asked to look at it? That nervous feeling of being out of her element came back again, right up until she opened the doors to familiar territory.

A huge workshop full of everything multiple tinkers could ever need for any of their tech. Jane hadn’t built and kind of special tools for things yet, but she could if she had the need for them. The junkyard she lived in had ample materials to salvage, but everything was either molded, rusted through, both, or home to one or more colonies of insects. But here, the condition of materials wasn’t a concern. Jane could make damn near anything as long as Rachel said it was okay.

She hobbled over to a sectioned off portion of the floor marked with yellow-black hazard lines- something she recommended during construction of the suit for safety. Jane positioned the rig so it was inside with enough space for people to walk, and a loud hissing noise signaled the back plates unraveling as she climbed out, and stepped to the ground in a thud. The suit reoriented into a stationary pose as Jane rummaged through stuff in a set of drawers. She pulled out a notebook and a pencil that she left there, and started frantically scribbling things down about the internals. Things like, “mag-wheel 2B sticky,” “relayer consistency in orange,” and “needs more gain.” These were things that sounded like an alien language to most people, and likely other tinkers as well, but they were like second nature to Jane. Notes for the mechanical monster that she would use for fine-tuning the little things. It was still fully functional, of course, but tinker tech was rarely perfect.

Jane then quickly pulled off the right gauntlet and clamped it into place on a table. Jane then ran across the room to a metal container and removed something from it. It looked like a ball bearing with a mandala inside of it, and when she slid it into an indentation on the gauntlet’s surface, it began to spin. Jane slid the gauntlet back on, feeling it connect to her arm, and the arm felt looser. It was a rusted stick held together my geomagnetic forces and esoteric alien brainpower, but with the strange disc attached to an outer shell, Jane could feel the rust smooth over, and the joints clench less when she moved it.

It was like getting an extra bar for cell service, and wouldn’t be difficult to explain to Rachel. Even if it was now starting to glow. Jane looked up and saw Beverly tinkering away with something. They would both probably be down here together a lot, almost every day. Jane felt like she should say something to Beverly, maybe make a good first impression if it hadn’t been made yet. She walked over to where the other girl was, and tried to socialize. ”So- uh. This. This is a lot. At least we don’t have to worry about resources, right?” She was mentally kicking herself for sounding awkward when they were about to get thrown into the shit together.

Location The Patch.
Interactions Hanna @Prisk | Kelly @Bartimaeus | Zhalia @Benzaiten | Simon @Prosaic
School of Magic Abjuration & Evocation
Items ???


"Oh, I heard. Sometimes, you'd rather eat something that's less sweet but still counts as a guilty pleasure, right?" He joked along with them, sliding the absolute pyramid of fresh brownies across the table just a little into Hanna and Kelly's general direction, and then accepting the previously turned-down plate of apple pie. "I'll take that off of your hands, thank you. But, both of you should try one of these if you're still hungry. They're still warm, and I brought plenty for everyone." The brownies Stormy brought looked to be about as big as someone's hand, and they smelled like they were just pulled out of an oven. He then proceeded to grab a plastic fork and help himself to the pie before him. "This is great, Hanna. Now I know why I came here.” That was an obvious joke to anyone who was familiar with him at all. Stormy would’ve come to this celebration even if there wasn’t any food, because people would be there and they would be there together. In Stormy’s eyes, that was the part that mattered the most during any of the countless celebrations that witches adhered to- Togetherness. In a world where their mere existence was seen as a problem, it fell on the collective shoulders of witches everywhere to look out for each other when things got rough, and put off the hard times to come when food was put out on tables during a light show.

Regarding Zhalia, though? Stormy wasn’t sure what to say when Hanna asked. ”Ive heard rumors about her being in a bad situation, but that’s it. I don’t usually pay attention to rumors.” He was, after all, a high school teacher, who was around hundreds of teenagers daily. Kids were cruel and spread rumors like politicians spread paranoia… too soon? If Stormy paid attention to every rumor he heard about a student being gone for more than a day, or about what he said and then she said after he said, then he’d never get anything done. Stormy knew there was usually a person on the other end of those rumors, and even if they were true, rumors were typically negative things about people. This wasn’t the right evening for negativity. ”Whatever it is, I’m sure she’ll mention what is and isn’t true when she wants to.” That was pointed at Hanna mostly. Not for the sake of singling her out, but Stormy knew she liked to talk, and that she couldn’t really help it. It was just how Hanna was. ”Some people have things they don’t enjoy talking about during celebrations.” He said between bites of that pie.

When he saw Zhalia come over with someone else- what was his name? Simone?- he wondered if they heard him and Hanna talking about her, but all they did was grab some food and leave again. That would've been awkward. "But if those rumors are true, then she must be here to get away from her surroundings. Anyone who has been in a cult would tell you it's a completely different world once you've left, and it makes sense that she'd be here. Lina wouldn't stand for someone being here if they weren't well-intentioned." He paused for a minute, finishing the pie. "I think that's why we have these gatherings still. Witches have celebrated the turnings of the seasons throughout history, but we need each other just like humans. It's only fair we keep up the traditions when they welcome people into safer places." And now Hanna had him talking nonstop. She just had that effect on people, didn't she?

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #1: Magnetic Madness

Interaction(s): @PatientBean - Oracle | @Damo021 - Flamebird | @Lord Wraith - Blitzkrieg | @PapaOso - Sacrifice | @Hillan - Accelerate
Post #1.01: Falling Star

The good thing about Shattercrash's power was that it allowed her to move with explosive bursts of speed, propelling herself forward like bullet from a rifle, with the potential to broadside an unfortunate target from potentially hundreds of feet away with the force of a freight train. The downside to her power was that the ability to slingshot across a city was not even remotely comparable to super speed. Shattercrash had to put complete trust in her trajectory from the moment her feet pushed off of the floor to the moment she collided with something that wasn't nailed down, and as it turned out, you can't trust your trajectory when a mad scientist flipped in 90 degrees upwards. Before she could slam into the man, Shattercrash was sent through a ceiling and out of the battle into open air like a piece of trash. The ceiling was punched open with a sound like a reverberated whipcrack and a flashbang of fuchsia-purple light, and the Titan kept sailing upwards like a rocket.

Ordinarily, being flung into the ceiling like that would be an instant death with the amount of force she collided with, but the glowing shell of kinetic energy circling around her was the most cushioning she could ask for, and as the manifested inertia dissolved into concrete, Shattercrash experienced the equivalent of a baseball bat to the face, and she would most definitely be feeling that in the morning... In every bone she had. It was at that moment when she realized that Doctor Polaris clearly had some kind of well-trained reaction time if he could flick her away that fast.

She could still feel a crackle of force running through her bones as she sailed upwards, getting hit physically did that to her, and as the cold morning air rushed past her, that was when she fully realized what just happened, and by then, she was at least a thousand feet in the air and falling back down. It wasn't the first time Shattercrash had flung herself straight into the air with her powers, she often kicked up into the air to see how far she could go and how much of an impact she could sustain with her landing. This, however, was a record-breaking height by a landslide.

Now you've done it.

When she started falling further down, Shattercrash reached deep into her power's reserves, and lit up in the sky like a miniature sun, violet light poured into the lab through the hole that Shattercrash was flung out of. The same hole she was aiming for as she intended to blow Doctor Polaris into the next dimension. Tactically speaking, turning into a missile for the sole purpose of punching someone wasn't the smartest decision when collateral damage and innocent lives were a factor. However, one couldn't blame Shattercrash for pulling her punches. Besides, if was either she cushioned her fall with an absurd burst of kinetic devastation, or splat against the ground like a bug on a windshield. If anyone asked, she would say she was killing two birds with one stone.

"YOU JUST MADE THE WORST MISTAKE OF YOUR LIFE!" She yelled as she was falling.

Did anyone hear her? Probably not, but they'd definitely know she was coming.





Yozora shut her alarm off as she flung herself out of bed in such a way that she was drifting out her bedroom door like a balloon. She landed right outside and instantly set about getting prepared for the day. Stealing some food from the kitchen and throwing on her school uniform in one blinding motion… all before the sun was even fully in the air.

This was the day. The day. All the steps taken to get here were starting to pay off.

Yozora was standing outside the gates to UA, checking her phone to tell her parents she got there, watching people file in at the door with the help of a robot. Yozora was practically glowing… Literally. Her hair was aglow like neon, her eyes were a pair of bright blue lanterns against her face. It made her stand out somewhat, but no one seemed to be bothered by it.


Practically, the early bird catches the worm: a philosophy that Mira lives by, earnestly. Just seeing the friend she had for a while now triggered her OCD of not being punctual enough. Considering both of them were addressed with the highest esteem of position as Recommended Students or for a lack of better term, Scholars, setting an example was a must.

Punctuality and proper etiquette. These were the things that the entertainment industry engraved on someone who grew up too fast.

"Yozora. Aren't we fashionably early?" Mira, who was earlier than Yozora, stood by, cloaked. Her facemask, hoodie, and simple scene fashion, all black, concealed whatever perverts may oogle, though it didn’t help that her voice too posed some curiosity to what her looks might be and the possible figures, implied by the flesh, accentuating from her clothes.

"No matter, you're the only one I can count on. I refuse to let these stalkers and paparazzi around me." Mira implied the possibility of their surroundings being plagued by degenerates, because of the news that was trending of Mira being enrolled to UA.

Yozora looked up from her phone and saw a good friend she had made recently, her blue hair poked out just vaguely from under the hoodie, and Yozora felt a chill come over her. ”Mira! There you are. I waited for you- I didn’t wanna walk in alone. There probably wont be a lot of cameras inside, the robots are taking names at the door before they let us in.” Yozora had a smile on her face that somehow made her face look even brighter than it already did. ”And if there are stalkers, I’ll run them off!”

It was hard to see the facial expressions she made but everything was reassuring. Mira has forgotten that the robots would actually use her maiden name and not the pseudonym she uses for work. Who's to say that the robots will say it out loud? A gamble but nevertheless, being in school means there will be some staff who would know your registration.

What Mira expressed was gratitude by a mere nod to Yozora's assurance, yet whatever Mira wanted to say to her friend remained bottled up. It made those pent up feelings tense and stiff in the mind, she then received a call from her Talent Manager, Georgie and indiscriminately turned off her phone, ignoring him. Two weeks from now, there would be another Cosplay Convention in the Budokan, Mira thought of not attending it.

"Let's head to class then. The longer we stay here, it will only make the line longer."

”Yeah, let’s go.”

After they gave the robot their names, they were free to wander about the dorms how they wished. ”How has your media career been going? I’ve been practicing with my quirk, so I haven’t been keeping up with the news much.”

"The usual but not really. Recently, BeYoulders, the company I worked for, had a change of management and I have not met the new Company Director. My group, Destiny Gurls, received handsome funding and while this is all internal, let's just say, we can use the excess cash to do whatever we want and for starters, getting our new room customized. I haven't been practicing but the exam was the most difficult, we're Recommendations after all."

”That sounds like so much to worry about. You’re gonna fall behind if you don’t practice, especially with a quirk like yours! But anyway, it must be nice having all that cash to throw at decorating. You sure do work hard- Where are we even going? I’m lost.” Energetic as always, Yozora was just skipping along until they found the right rooms.

"Ah yeah. I see." Mira said with little emotion.

"Right there." She points. The room itself has a 7 and by imagining how it looked, it's a 007.

Mira briefly flashed her face directly at Yozora, comically annoyed yet cute and then put her mask back, so that Yozora will not feel anything unusual and suggesting that she hates to admit that she's out of practice.

"No. Not at all. I'm not wasting our money for just flashy decorations. We're gonna be sharing 50-50 as allowance, I don't trust the food here at school, I dunno how to cook either and neither am I sure if you could but yeah, basic things to learn."

Mira hands over the credit card and savings card to Yozora, to which both of them have their own copy.

"That's good enough for three months until there's a new gig. Don't abuse the credit card though."

Yozora had eyes that looked like miniature suns, and even she looked a little starry-eyed that Mira was kind enough to trust her with that much cash. ”Mira… You didn’t have to do that!” She threw an arm over Mira’s shoulder in a half-hug. Her arm felt like it was sitting next to a campfire.

”But thank you!”

"Hot!" She said in her mind.

"Alright, not sure if we can go inside the dorm but we'll probably go anyway."

Mira left a mark by making the room temperature cold as it's now their property.

"Let's head to class."

Location The Patch.
Interactions Hanna @Prisk
School of Magic Abjuration & Evocation
Items F O O D


"Nature is revolting."

This is not new.

"Crops are dying."

Start caring about your planet and change that.

"Delaware's coast still stands under water."

You have never stood on a coast before, then.

"It stands to reason, we ask ourselves what the witch community has attempted to correct these unnatural occurrences of mag-" Stormy folded up the newspaper and tossed it onto the kitchen table, he had seen enough of already. Just a shotgun argument to get under a reader's skin before feeding them the notion that every witch was obligated to be a magical soldier. Stormy could have talked for hours about why that alone was nothing short of a red flag, but he tossed the newspaper away for quite the opposite reason. Today was Ostara- Alban Ellir, a time that wasn't worth spending on political echo chambers. There were times and places.

The sun would be dipping lower into the sky before long, and the celebration was already underway.

A two-minute drive down the road and everyone's favorite history teacher was at the Patch. Stormy arrived just in time to hear the start of Lina Calvo's speech. Stormy felt from time to time that Lina was the glue holding Shipden together, more than the cohesion of the witches themselves. Stormy couldn't tell that anything was wrong, but surely everyone else here had read the paper. He stashed the thought away for later that they would probably have some kind of talk about this together. That would be an interesting conversation, but hopefully it would just blow over... Right?

When the speech concluded, the light show that followed was rather beautiful. The people of this coven always knew how to put on some of the best light shows. It put a smile on Stormy's face, seeing other witches just existing peacefully together and enjoying the holiday. Stormy went back to his car and pulled out a foil-wrapped pan. He then made his way over to the tent with all the food and sat it down with all the other food. Pulling off the aluminum foil, it was revealed that he brought a whole plate of brownies for the others to enjoy. Right beside a plate of apple pie, and a slice plopped into the grass haphazardly. The brownies smelled fresh and sweet, and the plate felt warm to the touch.

Apparently that pie belonged to Hanna Whittle. Stormy had seen her around a few times, and they had talked. He was always pretty open to being approached and about his background, so he found it easy to talk to someone like her.

”Well. That looks great.” He said referring to the pie she had on the table, ignoring the one that was being fed to the brass currently.

This looks cool

I haven't read all the lore just yet, which I will soon, but I see at least two people I know here

Also the discord link didn't seem to work. Did it expire?
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