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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

Most Recent Posts

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Isolde Ryder

Time: 2pm
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions The Fuckwit Brigade and Corporal Yiffenheimer

Isolde listened to the rules, well aware that Menzai was being serious. This was the first time she ever heard him speak with a tone that didn't sound like anything other than passive and indifferent. He was the most levelheaded person among their group, so naturally when he was being serious, there wasn't a question about it. They would be on the clock for this hunting trip now and could not venture too far away from the group. On top of that, they could either work in pairs of two or as a whole. Isolde was inclined to push for the latter option.

"Working in pairs sounds like it defeats the purpose of hunting together as a group. That means we either have two pyros on the same team or one without Darius to put them out. Or I use my magic and something catches on fire with him on the wrong team. We need to group up. Plus, it'd be easier to stay in twenty feet of each other when we're all together, wouldn't it?" Isolde was radiating confidence lately, but it was tempered by competence. This was Menzai's home, his entire world. He knew it better than them. "Makes it easier to pull everyone out if we can't win, also. Splitting up would get us killed in a place we aren't familiar with, especially with something as ominous as whatever a "fog beast" actually is. We gotta be smart about this. If we're ready after all- and we fucking are- We can pull this off." Isolde was dead-set on it now. Guarav was going to eat well tonight.

(I'm sage in the discord)

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #1: Magnetic Madness

Interaction(s): @PatientBean - Oracle | @Damo021 - Flamebird | @Lord Wraith - Blitzkrieg | @PapaOso - Sacrifice | @Hillan - Accelerate
Post #1.01: Opposite Forces

Evie's alarm went off right next to her head during that quiet hour of the morning where the sun wasn't quite up, but the sky wasn't quite dark either. Light poured in through the windows of her room as she flung herself out of the bed with the grace of a tractor tire, onto her feet before the blood could rush to her head. It was three months since she first showed up at this place, and every day served to drill a new routine into her having left home. The first part of that routine was to wake up with the sun to get a head start. She was doing that now. Rolling her neck, stretching her arms and shoulders, then her legs. Evie's joints popped like an empty plastic bottle clacking against the ground as she grabbed a fistful of what she called “the essentials,” her phone, two energy bars, rolled up hand wraps, and her earbuds. All of this happened in the span of two minutes, with throwing on a fresh pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt making it three, before she even turned on the lights. Reaching the hallway made it four minutes.

It was a little over three months now since Evie first got here, and so far, she often felt like the one high school student among a group of grade school students. Most of the students at Titans Academy were wide-eyed metahumans or otherwise “super” in their own right, but lacked the confidence she had as she walked across one arm of the comically shaped building to the other. One earbud was currently in her ear as the other dangled from her shirt collar as she crunched down on one energy bar after the other. As she walked, she was hooking her free thumbs into her hand wraps and slowly getting them looped around her palms. Evie was very much a morning person, enjoying the quiet atmosphere of early day, and taking advantage of the overall deficit in distractions that gave her additional time to dedicate to the second part of her morning routine: The training.

The gym was completely empty. Good. Evie instantly broke into a run around the gym, starting slow and gradually picking up speed with each lap, until she was running as hard as she could after 15 laps around the gym, as which point she slowed down to a walk the same way after another 15. Evie took a short break while flipping through her phone. She walked over to a punching bag and started a playlist titled “Soundtrack for Fighting God.” The first song started, and Evie put it on full blast as her hands started glowing.

What followed was an entire hour of noises that could have been mistaken for explosions had anyone been around to witness it.


Evie laid into a punching bag with ferocity of a machine gun, like the rapid-fire drums of heavy metal. Each punch was punctuated by a burst of neon fuchsia light that rippled across the punching bag in a shower of sparks. A full second didn’t have the chance to pass in the time that one fist left the bag and the other made contact once again.


The floor around her bag to shake as her arms began to wear a mantle of the vibrant glow that assaulted the punching bag without end, like the rumble of a million feet stomping through bleachers. Evie’s arms were starting to burn from the brutal workout, while light traveled up and down her like fire, she would maintain this until either she was too fatigued from such an intense exercise, or…


Evie reared her left fist back into a haymaker, and slugged the punching bag, leaning into her right leg. The bag swung upwards from the collision, and her left leg absorbed every drop of light brimming from her as it was brought up in time with the punching bag’s fall. The contact resulted in a blinding flash and a sound similar to a deep whip crack. The bag was destroyed, and the entire gym rumbled like an earthquake. Evie was carried into the ground by the motion, tumbling only somewhat gracefully as clumps of foam and nylon were exploded across the gym, leaving half of the punching bag hanging from its spot. Faint trails of neon light were left behind from concussive shockwave. Kicks were not Evie’s strong suit. Hopefully no one would know that it was her who just destroyed a perfectly good piece of training equipment. Now that she was warmed up, it was time for breakfast.

Breakfast, however, was cut short as the alarms went off.

“If you’re here at the academy suit up and get ready to go into the field. There’s been an accident at STAR Labs and the local authorities aren’t able to get through. Meet me out back at the helipad in three minutes to teleport there. Cyborg out.”

Evie immediately sprung for her gear in a level-headed dash to the armory, and was at the helipad in record time. Teleportation wasn’t something she had much experience with. Interestingly enough, she never faced a teleporter at Blackburn, and she wasn’t a tech whiz who knew how an engineered teleporter worked. Evie- now Shattercrash- stumbled a little as she found herself in STAR Labs surrounded by her fellow Titans-in-training. The lab was an absolute mess. Scattered degree, broken glass, and a mad scientist in front of her. Shattercrash’s eyes darted around the room under her fuschia colored hood. The glow of her power emanated faintly like the flame of a candle as she processed the situation.

Cyborg was in pieces… literally.

"Shattercrash, Flamebird, take the offensive-

You read my mind, furball.

Shattercrash was wearing black, knee-high boots than began to glow brighter and brighter along with her right arm. Shattercrash broke into a run and pushed off the ground with a loud booming sound, slingshotting herself across the lab as she turned her shoulder towards Polaris. Her plan was a simple one: Wait for an opening- check- and punish the Doctor for letting his guard down with a frontal body slam.

In that sense, she was living up to hers as well.

Dear god
fuck yeah
This is an RP about teens and young adults. It only makes sense that they would be horny little monsters also.

Evie be like “all these hot girls are about make me go from Shattercrash to Shattersmash”
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