Avatar of Blizz


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Current Absolutely fucking not
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5 mos ago
Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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I helped man find the name Daybringer so lemme help you out

Gemini: Pretty obvious

Vaulter: Like a vault that holds something, as in the thing that holds Ezra

Double: Seems pretty obvious too

Blueshift: I’m picturing Ezra as glowing bright blue when he’s out of Thom’s body

Or some variation of those.

Just off the top of my head

@Blizz It’s an app called wonder! You may choose the ones you like the most and move your CS to the characters section.

Awesome. I might actually fool around with it and make some later. I’m gonna get her sheet fixed up now. Thanks.

Oh my

I like all of these ngl

I’m gonna put a couple of these into Carrie’s sheet thanks! Also… what’s the name of the app you used?

If you’re referring to art blender (I think that’s the name of it) I hadn’t considered that like… at all. That would help a lot

I tend to use picrews for a lot of my characters so I have one for Carrie if that helps with her appearance

This is her, only with two arms since I’ve never seen a picrew that lets you make four limbs lol. I can go into more detail with a written description if that

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Isolde Ryder

Time: 2pm
Location: The Fog Beast's Lair
Interactions The Fuckwit Brigade... without Corporal Yiffenheimer

They ran.

And ran.

And ran.

Isolde could find that her footsteps became less and less heavy, meaning she could stop leaning into her spear so much. Eventually they retraced their steps through the fog enough that they could stop running, at which point everyone wondered what in god's name they needed to do about... that. She was still leaning into her spear because even Dante hadn't made them move that fast yet.

"We've- Fuck. We need to do something about that. Menzai just bolted and he's not here now. If he got himself killed I'm gonna drag him-" She ran out of breath mid-sentence.

"I read a lot in the library when we're not training- A lot. I know what a kiuroth or a basilisk could do, I haven't ever heard or seen anything about what that thing was!" We gotta go and tell the village about it and whatever Menzai's doing. Dante? You alright? Can you stand yet?" When they made their way back to the trees where they started, Isolde looked behind them to see if Menzai happened to be right on their heels, but she couldn't spot him. This went from zero to a hundred way faster than she imagined.

Location The Forest of Doom.
Interactions McDonald @Bartimaeus | Simon @Prosaic | Manon @PatientBean | Phalko @CasLink
School of Magic Abjuration & Evocation
Items A handful of Nettle


Everybody seemed to be getting along just fine at the edge of the forest, there was something ominous about it. The fog was thick enough that someone could slice it apart with a knife, but Zhalia didn't seem bothered by it, and there was safety in numbers. Stormy chose to follow them in. If nothing else, they wouldn't get turned around and accidentally walk further in with this many people, right? As they all stepped deeper into the fog, Stormy managed to pick up some clumps of nettle that he managed to spot between the tendrils of fog. It felt quieter than anything he had ever witnessed before; The school was usually full of loud children, the coven itself was full of life in its own way, but this? It felt like there was nothing more than five living things in the woods, not a sound or the slightest trace of a disturbance beyond their collective presence. Nothing about it felt off exactly, just peaceful.

Just the sounds of their footsteps alone felt louder than usual, like someone was stomping against his ears. As they walked deeper in, the fog was getting too thick to see the ground as it snaked around their legs like liquid water. He wasn't able to find much, but Stormy didn't want to get left behind, so he kept up with them. He heard Zhalia say something, but before he could ask, they were no longer alone. Out from the side of the tree came a black shape, not much bigger than a dog or maybe a wolf. There was little light in the forest at this hour, but its pale eyes were as visible as a full moon through the gloom. And its gaze made Stormy's blood run ice cold the second he locked eyes with it. There were usually two reactions a person had to danger, one was to fight it, and the other was to put distance between it and themselves. Stormy did neither.

A Black Shuck. Shit. He read about magic and all the accompanying subjects about as much as a cat slept- constantly. He rarely ever heard much about these things. Okay. Do something. That's a dog. Dogs don't like being threatened, right? He wanted to turn around and run, but his legs didn't want to move. Instead, he shrunk inwards slightly, keeping his arms folded towards himself, bent down slightly to try and not make any sudden movements. What did they do again? They trap you, they kill you if they get you. How? Come on- How? Say something already. His eyes flicked over to Zhalia, who seemed calm enough that it was like the creature wasn't even there. That certainly made an impression, and helped ease Stormy out of his freeze slightly. She's not scared, how bad is this?

They drain people, right? Drain. Drain- Do it. Just-

Seeing that at least one person was composed in this shook him out of the "freeze" response to do something. One hand went forward in a rushed motion. A soft, sea-green glow came into existence in front of the creature, then another two behind it. The lights solidified into transparent, circular shapes that rang against each other. Across the surface of the disc emerged patterns resembling chains colored black against the green backgrounds. They were shields; of Abjuration magic known as chromatic barriers. Black was the color for Necromancy. Stormy assumed, based on what he could slightly recall, that this thing intended to suck the life out of them, so he tried to cage it in anti-Necromancy shields. There was, of course, the possibility that it could simply leap over them, or smash the shields, since they weren't intended for stopping physical damage, let alone the wrong type of magic; Assuming Abjuration magic could even stand a chance against this thing.

And then Stormy loud out a breath of air. "That's not holding forever." He said with a voice implying calmness, which betrayed the lack thereof he was still feeling. "What the hell is this thing? What do we do? Anybody?" He asked the group as a whole, to no one in particular. Normally, he wasn't the type to get scared, but the look in that creature's eyes cut right through him. It felt wrong to be stared at with those eyes, even as it was still looking at him. It felt even worse to look back.

My secondary was the Shade lol
Guess I'll need to think of another secondary then, oof.

But who...

Also, I don’t have a face claim yet because I can’t find one so consider this a WIP lol

When I get a real one I’ll replace the 100% accurate meme I included with it

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