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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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Carrie dreamt of fire. It had been the only thing on her mind in recent days, only tonight, the dreams lasted longer, and they felt warmer. It was like she was there again, scuttling through clouds of smoke to pull her mother from the burning house that claimed her life. She wasn’t reliving the events, no, she was dreaming of them; Dwelling on the memories of that evening and their finality. She hadn’t realized she was dreaming until she woke up from a particularly heavy night of sleep.

A message on her phone. It was jarring, but out of sheer habit, Carrie hauled herself out of the bed she was in, into a standing position at which point she realized she was less awake than usual, and not at home. Carrie flicked her eyes across the room she was in, and felt confused. It was an awfully fancy room, better than anything she had at- Oh.


Carrie grabbed her phone and looked at who texted her. No recipient. It was a video, she opened her phone and saw that it was her consenting to being taken here. It made sense now, her memory was starting to come back, and Carrie remembered that she met someone from here. What were their names? One sounded like hers, the other was a longer name… Kassidy? Karen? It would probably come to her at some point. Carrie slid the phone into a pocket and continued looking around, getting more used to her surroundings when something chirped at her.

She turned and saw a floating object that looked like it had a pug’s face. Big eyes, stubby nose, maybe not like a pug. It looked funny, though. ”The hell is-“ Carrie was stopped when the ugly little machine starting blurting out words. “Ms. Mullen” this, and “personal assistant” that. So it was a robot. Like an Alexa or something. Pretty cool, actually. Then it told her to get dressed and get moving. Well, okay then.

Carrie spent the next 30 minutes looking through what she had with her and taking a shower. It was pretty easy to “put on her face” as they said when she had four hands to work with. One hand to comb her hair back, two fidgeting with a shirt and the other holding her phone watching the full video of her consent. This room she had to herself was nice. Back home, if you turned the sink on then the shower would lose water pressure for a while, but that didn’t seem to happen here. Whoever stole Carrie away to- where were they again? Italy? Wherever they were, someone seemed to snatch up a lot of her belongings beforehand. She even had the jacket she used for blending in back home. Carrie recalled that there would be other mutants here, so she wondered if she would actually need it.

Then again, she didn’t actually know anyone here, and it felt weird being away from home, let alone in another country.

She put it on anyway, a large, old Carhartt jacket that would definitely look out of place in a place as fancy as this. Carrie slid her front arms through the sleeves and folded her back arms so they wrapped across her stomach. She then zipped it halfway up. To someone else, it would have seemed strange, but Carrie felt comfortable putting it on; From what little she knew about this place, there would be strangers around. While she didn’t mind strangers, she wanted to seem normal at first. Hopefully no one would say anything about that, right?


Carrie asked to funny-looking robot for directions and headed that way, towards where other people- other mutants would be.


In times of waking up in a strange room with a lack of your own memories, there were usually one of two things that a person did.

In case number one, the first instinct was to simply lie there as you took in your surroundings, looking around and seeing where everything was as you tried to rouse your brain into remembering just what the hell transpired in the correct sequence that could possibly lead you to this exact situation. The other thing people usually did in this situation was the get up and panic, knowing that something had to be terrible wrong if they went to sleep and woke up in a place not even remotely familiar to them. Nathan Kay, being an individual possessed of immaculate individually, did both. When he opened his eyes, he was expecting to see swirls of colors that he had seen countless times before, and while Nathan did see swirls of colors, they weren't quite the swirls he was used to seeing. The vague shapes that the colors curved around were not the curves he recognized in his mind. This was not a place of familiarity any more than the feeling of absolute fatigue was familiar.

Nathan didn't stand up or roll out of bed upon realizing this. No, his first inclination was to stare forward and assess the situation: He felt like shit, like he was drugged. What was he doing before this? He was in a public setting... Something with a lot of people in a crowd... Where? Nathan couldn't remember. Could it be that someone had found him? Was this some kind of imprisonment for his actions in the past? Had Blackhawk not been-

Blackhawk. Cloudchaser. Candles, sadness, Jotun. Something stirred in Nathan's head. He could swear he remembered something. He met somebody, and that was related to him coming here. Rather than stand up, he floated up. Directly up out of the bed and into a cross-legged position a few feet above the bed he was in. The room proceeded to shake slightly as he stretched his powers outwards to better understand the room. A door, windows, a bed, and... Something mutant-related. When Nathan turned, he could see something floating by his bed, it glowed like a person but it was shaped more like a trash can. Patterns danced across it like an ocean of white hypercubes shrinking and growing infinitely. Mutants. Mutants Mu- Nathan had seen that pattern once already, someone else had it. Who was she? Karen?

"Do not be alarmed, Mr. Kay. I am your personal assistant while you are attending Istituto Nova per Giovani Eccezionali. If you are struggling, I am a robot. Not a mutant." That lifted some of the fog out of Nathan's mind, he came here willingly. He was told this was a safe place for mutants.

"Okay... I remember this. Yeah- Yeah, I get it now. Okay, robot. Now what."

"There will be an event taking place soon, which you will be required to attend. You have time. If you would like, I can accompany you until you're adjusted to the surroundings."

"Nah, I got it. Just tell me where to go."

The robot gave Nathan the directions after he grabbed a shower, at which point he found the door and floated his way through the halls. He could see faint traces where another mutant had flown through the walls, which would hopefully be there when he came back so he could find his way room easily. He passed by other mutants, and it was very clear that he himself was one with the way his feet didn't touch the ground and the way his eyes fumed with white smoke. He was starting to remember things more now, and had a feeling that this would be a good things. Nathan had been drifting aimlessly for a while before he came here, and honestly, he wasn't sure he was even going to eat that day. As long as those people he met beforehand agreed not to spill secrets ahead of his own decision, this would be easy. He felt confident.

Eventually he found a room with some other mutants... One glowed with a pattern that didn't stay the same, and another looked like the was made of Lichtenburg scars twisting around each other in the shape of limbs It was almost blinding to see this many mutants in the same room at once after so long. There was a third who looked as if she was a mix of both other mutants. Everything else was a murky blur to Nathan. Not that this was unusual.

"Yo." Was all he said, as he took a spot by some chairs, floating above the ground in a cross-legged position. Others in the room might have noticed a faint trace of something moving through the room, like a weak brush of the wind or something prickling against their skin.

Location The Patch.
Interactions McDonald @Bartimaeus | Simon @Prosaic | Manon @PatientBean | Phalko @CasLink
School of Magic Abjuration & Evocation
Items ???


Regarding the subject of Abjuration magic, Stormy believed there were two types of problems. There were the kind of problems that could be solved with Abjuration. Those were problems such as a witch deciding to commit a crime and transmute a nearby innocent individual into an obituary. In those cases, having the ability to metaphorically say "no" to fireballs, familiars and necromantic energy bent on depriving you of your will to live was life-saving. There were also the kind of problems that Abjuration could not solve; Fizzling out fireballs or banishing a creature back to where it came from were nice, but they rarely did much against physical harm outside of healing. In Stormy's case, he had tricks up his sleeve for both sides of the coin, but that required more than one thing to go right in the current situation, neither of which were on the table for getting to safety and away from the Black Shuck.

His chromatic barriers were more oriented to less physical attacks, but for now, they served as insulation between the evil hound and their throats. The other person, Phalko, suggested avoiding eye contact. That would explain the stare it had. "Manon's right, Lina needs to know this thing is here. If we can get out of here with cloaking, it's worth trying. I can leave the barriers long enough for us to get away from it- I don't have to actively maintain them, but they'll dissolve on their own eventually if I don't. Ten minutes max if I don't pay attention to them." Without his chains, he couldn't use magic at his best. Of all the times to not carry magic anchor chains on your arms, it had to be when they took a detour during a holiday.

"Zhalia? You seem pretty calm about this. Do you know something about that creature we don't?" He asked, trying to avoid looking directly at the hound, since eye contact seemed to be part of its method. He wasn't so much of a fighter as he was a defender. Stormy could keep it at bay for a while, but that was the only thing he could reliably do in this situation. If the cage failed, he was out of options.
I prob could too, I dunno how many people I know that are looking for another rp tho

I will ask

anybody know someone who would join this and hasn't yet

Location: Midway City, - Michigan
Episode #1: The War Room

Interaction(s): Way too fucking many. And also Shuriken @Birdboy
Post #3.01: Warmup

It turned out, that a speedster was entirely capable of slapping something onto a kinetic warhead's wrist and not risk being scattered the city. It also turned out, however, that Boom Tubes didn't slow Shattercrash down, so she still had a nasty bruise after the incident at the lab. She stood in the War Room along with all the other present Titans, dressed up in a vibrant, violet suit fitted with a spiky shoulder pad just to add aesthetic insult to injury. She was still wearing her usual mask, because it was sentimental. It was also useful for when reporters tried to take pictures of her, but that was secondary. While the others wrapped things up with Polaris, she and Accelerate got to play with the tech that made their suits, and naturally Evie went for something like her old getup.

Another thing this group desperately needs to work on is collateral damage. Isn’t that right little miss One Punch Girl?

"You try surviving a fall like that without some kind of cushion. That kind kinetic energy's the only reason I didn't snap my neck with Polaris shot me through the ceiling. Can't blame me for self-preservation, Crew Cut." That was her new nickname for Arsenal, Crew Cut. And it was going to be his nickname until he had more than 3 inches of hair on his dome. He had a point, though. They could have avoided a lot of the chaos at the lab with a bit more caution or planning. Admittedly, Shattercrash could've tried a ranged attack to avoid getting turned into a ballistic missile, but there's rarely time to think when a threat is that close to you. She was used to going all out against opponents without collateral damage being a consideration, so that was a new thing for her.

When Shuriken stepped up to the digitizer, she came out with a pretty sweet suit herself. A hood that covered her face, and a violet-black suit of armor. As the other person on the team who wore violet, Shattercrash thought it suited her. She didn't know Chie very well, they hadn't interacted at all since Evie showed up. If her suit was anything to go off of, she assumed the girl was some kind of ninja or martial artist. Arsenal then asked if anyone wanted to do an "Exercise" with her. Shattercrash took that to mean a sparring match. She really liked the idea of banging knuckles with another member of this goon brigade who hopefully wouldn't instantly toss her into orbit. "Already got mine, but I'll head in there with her. What's it gonna be? Sparring match? Robot army? Or are we just gonna have a rerun of the Lab where we do some constructive "how do we do better" nonsense?" She asked, observing the armor that Chie was wearing. It looked light, so she had to be pretty mobile.

"Name's Shattercrash. Evie. You're Shuriken, right?"
I think we still needed somebody, right?
Shazam, NPC sheet

Time: 11am
Location: Sorian Festival
Interactions: Anyone who wants to

The investigatory detour with the Captain proved fruitless, so General Carris took her leave to enjoy the rest of the day. She left the warehouses for the time being, with the knowledge that once Captain Durmand found something, she would need to hear about it herself. There were things in this land that needed to stay dead and buried, and things that needed to be brought to light among the eyes of a kingdom. Lyra Carris knew this. Who could know it better than here? She walked her way back to the street where the two first met and continued from there. It was no shock to Lyra that there were onlookers; Ordinary citizens that couldn't help but stare in curiosity at the formally dressed woman in a red and white uniform. The sword that rested against her side was a dead giveaway that she was somebody who mattered. In this city, rumors spread like flames. She knew that much would not have changed at least.

When the church bells rang for the eleventh time, that was the reminder that Lyra had planned to attend the Sorian Festival. So, that was exactly what she did. The park was covered end-to-end in booths, crowds and children hyped up on sugar. All of these things pointed to a substantial amount of enjoyment to be had, and even a foreign Major General deserved time off every now and then, right? Lyra passed through the crowds, her eyes flicking from one spot to another as if by muscle memory, seeing what was happening around her to maintain situational awareness even during a festival. Lyra passed by the ring toss game which a small child was currently failing badly at. He was aiming for the furthest bottle to get the biggest prize, but the rings didn't fly straight.

"Here, child. Let me." she told him as she paid for some rings, stepping up to throw them. With near-effortless flicks of her sword arm, she landed three rings on the same target, and won the largest prize in the entire game for the child who looked happier than anything she had ever seen. The child's mother thanked the General, and Lyra continued on having made someone's day. It was at that point she found her way to a stall selling a variety of popcorn. Lyra paid for toffee and salt, and supplied the woman with a rather bubbly compliment about her hair to get a little extra sprinkled on top. She then made her way to a bench and enjoyed her snack, throwing one knee-high booted leg over the other. A Major General had things to do, but she'd be damned if she didn't enjoy herself in the process.
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