Avatar of Blizz


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Current Absolutely fucking not
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5 mos ago
Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

Most Recent Posts

You already know what the fuck 'boutta happen.

Location The Patch.
Interactions McDonald @Bartimaeus | Simon(Safeguarded)@Prosaic | Manon @PatientBean | Phalko @CasLink
School of Magic Abjuration & Evocation
Items ???


Everyone had broken into a dead sprint to get away from the beast. Phalko, apparently adept in Conjuration, actually teleported away. Stormy found that rather impressive. He'd have to ask them about that after this was all said and done. Keeping up with Simon, he was looking back and forth between every member of the group, but his attention was completely taken over by the Black Shuck suddenly appearing before them. There it was again- that haunting choke in the air that felt like death had taken shape and looked at them. Stormy was already preparing to raise more defensives when it vanished again, in the corner of his eyes, and off to somewhere else. He started running again once he couldn't see it. It's playing with us before it-

Stormy heard something hit the ground, and he turned around to see that Zhalia had fallen, and the beast was staring at her. Everything in his mind completely stopped, and the only thought he had left was to do whatever every Abjurer did best.

Class would be ending in five minutes, and the gymnasium floor had been blackened from countless attempts of Stormy's students to penetrate his defensive magic. Fireballs, small familiars, conjured firecrackers and even a skeletal cat of all things did nothing but give the janitor a long day. The magic protections prepared before this lesson held, and standing among a class of fatigued witches was a pale green dome. Inside of it was Stormy, or Mr. Wheeler as they knew him. His arms were crossed, wrapped by glowing chains saturated with magic. He looked at all of his students, visibly drained from raining utter hell upon the man who didn't even flinch behind that dome, and let it disappear so he could wrap things up.

"You all look killed. We'll stop now. You all did great, you didn't simply give up because it was too difficult. That is exactly how you improve. Jordan, the firecrackers were clever, but you'll be seeing me after class for that." Someone in the group laughed, but everyone looked absolutely tired of this. Today was the first time Stormy had brought them here to throw themself upon him. He didn’t know his Abjuration students had been practicing to this degree in their other classes, and frankly, it made him proud. ”Listen, I don't want any of you to feel discouraged for not making it past my barriers. I know you're all frustrated. This is what your own Abjuration should become one day. If one of you were inside of that dome with me, nothing- and I mean nothing would harm you. From now on, this will be a regular part of our lessons. When I test your nullification, you should aim to make them this strong. Your forcefields will be the same way if you put in the effort, and I will show you how."

”How’re we supposed to do that? You’ve got magic chains that make your magic stronger.” One student said, looking ready to fall over.

”Even if I didn’t have these chains. I would have no trouble defending myself from all of you, and I don’t say that to demean any of you. I say that, because that is what Abjuration is supposed to do. As Abjurers, you are healers, you are protectors, and you are a line of defense between those who need protection and whatever the world throws at you.”

Their teacher, which one of them had long ago nicknamed “Mr. Stormy” for the look he got in his eyes when talking about this very subject, spoke in a way that held as much conviction as his magic held strength. His students were children, and children often stopped paying attention when they got bored, but everyone gave him his undivided attention right now. ”The path to unbreakable defense is a long one, but it is worth it. As someone who studies Abjuration, it is your responsibility to make yourself into something that cannot be overpowered. Be unbreakable, and-“

-Be a wall that danger breaks against

Stormy turned and darted towards Zhalia, as two more of his green-black barriers manifested. One appeared in the air between her and the Shuck, and the other appeared in Stormy’s hands. Without another moment’s hesitation, he wound his arms back and hurled it towards the beast with as much force as he could manage. If the Shuck broke its attention away from Zhalia, it could have seen this and moved. If it failed to get out of the way of the flying shield, it would likely have a significant oration of its energy drained as the shield either passed through or crashed against it. Whatever it did, Stormy kept running, until he was behind the shield with Zhalia. Stormy bent down to help her to her feet. He’s carry her in his arms if he had to.

”Come on- We aren’t leaving you here. We’re almost there! I’ve got you.” In the back of his kind, he was ready to summon even more of those barriers. Stormy would strain his magic as far as it took to get everyone through this. If he had anything to say about it, he wouldn’t let that mutt land a scratch on any of them.

Also, we should probably make a discord server so we can talk back and forth a little easier as a group in the meantime.

Just a thought
How many players are you looking for before you consider starting the official thread?
Oh now this sounds good.

Count me the fuck in.
Does this mean we can finally kick JSA off?
You gonna make a character?

Location The Patch.
Interactions McDonald @Bartimaeus | Simon(Safeguarded)@Prosaic | Manon @PatientBean | Phalko @CasLink
School of Magic Abjuration & Evocation
Items ???


Fan-fucking-tastic. A zombie dog looking for a snack on someone's mortal coil.

Stormy could feel the pressing of necromancy against the barriers. It was like water crashing against the hull of a ship, pressing it inwards only to wash away in the drowning power of Abjuration. The black chain-like patterns across the barriers rumbled with the impact in the sense a piece of sheet metal might react when struck with a hammer, but it wasn't until the beast slammed against them that Stormy could feel just how much of a life span the shields would have left. When the Shuck crashed against one of the shields, it flexed and let out a metallic whine, as if a church bell had rung submerged underwater. The sound echoed through the dead silent forest, and the others accompanying Stormy might have felt the ground jolt slight from the impact. When it made a second leap against the shield, the sound was much sharper, and something broke away; A splinter of the glowing shield was knocked loose and fell to the ground with a flicker, disintegrating like glass into nothingness. There was now a jagged hole in part of a shield...

A hole that its gaze could potentially pass through unfiltered if it was smart enough to realize.

"Necromancy. Okay. Those shields aren't holding much longer- We need to get out of here. It's trying to drain us with that stare, I can feel it trying to get past the shields, and if it keeps breaking them, we're in trouble." Stormy looked over and saw that one of them was on crutches. Fuck. "Simon, here-" Stormy shuffled over towards Simon and touched him on the shoulder, causing a seafoam-green light to spread across him, eventually covering his whole body. He glowed in the night like a campfire. Simon might feel whatever necromantic energy he was being exposed to recede once the shell of magic covered him.

"You can't run on those, and it might try to go after you first. This'll keep you from getting frozen by it, but I can't do this for everyone. I'm going to slow it down, but Zhalia's right. We need to move. Let's go." Stormy turned and started to leave, trying to move just slow enough that Simon, however fast he could move, wouldn't be left behind. As long as the Black Shuck didn't break out too soon and sink its teeth into Simon, he was relatively safe from its gaze. The barriers would hold for up to ten minutes without damage once Stormy stopped concentrating on them, which was right now.
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