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Current Absolutely fucking not
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5 mos ago
Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think weโ€™re in a dark age where skills like art and writing havenโ€™t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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<Snipped quote by Jumbus>

That is a good question, and my answer is....

Probably tomorrow. xD

Sounds good to me. Iโ€™ll probably play multiple characters too lol.
This reminds me of an old idea I had for a dnd character once and I can probably adapt it to this

A warforged built by a cultist to server his god. He was found just before the machine was officially set loose upon the world, and the robot was put in a coffin or some other hidden compartment, and found way after. This machine was "coded" for lack of a better term to have forbidden magic up its sleeve, but doesnt really know how or why.

All he knows is that he has a weird innate ability to use these forms of magic, but for some reason he can't use any others. Likely because hes a literal robot and shouldnt have magic abilities anyway.

How viable is something like that?
<Snipped quote by Blizz>

Hmm... Her hand signs could be one of the runic systems for the Arcane Tongue, kind of like a magical version of sign language. In written form, it could look something like Kanji, with different slashes and curves matching the formation of the hands and fingers. That would actually allow her to use magic that maybe she isn't able to write down, like: "Crap, I forgot my notebook!" and she uses hand signs to shape out the runes instead.

That being said, I've been thinking about the individual spells, and I'm wondering if it would be easier for storyflow to just lump similar effects together. For instance, instead of having stuff like Fireball, Burning Hands, Fire Blast, etc. as separate spells, maybe have those together like Firebending in Avatar: The Last Airbender. Manipulating existing Fire/Air/Water/Earth or converting Mana into those elements could be done at will, kind of like how powers work in X-Men, but through a Conduit. And then the more complex stuff could be where written spells in the Arcane Tongue come into play.

So, if you have a magic stick, you wouldn't necessarily need to have a specific spell attached to it, you could just use it to fling out Force Pushes at will or something. That was fall under Universal Magic, and if you choose Air Magic as your elemental affinity, you could jump and flip around like an airbender and also use lightning with your staff, kinda like this:

And you could also have Arcane Tongue runes tattooed on her arm or wrists to fire Force Pushes out of her hands like:

You know damn well I'm gonna have her do some arcstrider bullshit. I was thinking of hydromancy but electromancy sounds cooler now lmao
Iโ€™m thinking for my Jedi wizard, her ability to cast magic will be based on a number of different mediums. For spell 1 she uses a magic stick, for spell 2 she writes a rune down, for spell 3 she does some somatic Naruto hand sign bullshit, etc. the reason for that is because sheโ€™s self taught/homeschooled. She just learned whatever worked for her.

Bit of a mixed bag when it comes to what she used as a focus, but her fancy wizard stick is generally what sheโ€™s accustomed to the most since sheโ€™s trained with it for years.
If you need help setting a server up let me know, Iโ€™m pretty good with it
That system sounds interesting. Iโ€™m fine with that, as long as I can keep my character ideas lol.

Also, now that weโ€™ve got a bunch of people interested in this, do you think we should get everyone into a discord server? Might be easier to talk back and forth between each other that way

Time: 11am
Location: Sorian Festival
Interactions: Sadie Camilia @Potter

Clearly, Varian royalty was the type that could entertain a conversation. This was something that Lyra was grateful for, since the Captain had left her to her own devices earlier. "I am from another place, yes. I am from the kingdom of Baltyria. It's very far away from Sorian, so I would be surprised if you had heard of it before." Baltyria. A kingdom of stone and brass, months away both by sea and land. It is an old place that has stood against time longer than most. The kingdom is quiet, and older legends tend to speak of it as a cursed kingdom where bad things tend to gravitate. One could easily connect this with the fact that Baltyria's history is closely guarded; very rarely does anyone leave the kingdom, let along go to it. It is a place of enigma long since forgotten by the kingdoms of today.

Very few people have even heard of it. And even fewer people know what the word "Baltyria" translates to in the language spoken today.

"The food here? It is simply lovely. The city is beautiful, and I cannot think of anything to say against it." The General could tell that Sadie yearned for a bite of the food that was being sold in the market stalls, and held out her snack, offering the princess a bite or two. She turned her body towards the girl and gave her a smile. "You must be famished after a long journey. Tell me, how have you enjoyed your time here yourself, princess?"

If either she or Verrick were particularly observant, they might've noticed her eyes were a shade of red, like fresh blood from a wound, or the color of a rose...
Considering my character is basically self taught/homeschooled up until now I would sure hope we could have some experience before now lol
I like the second idea that Light pitched, but honestly Iโ€™ll be down for it whichever way we go.
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