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Current Absolutely fucking not
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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

Most Recent Posts

I haven’t been able to do much posting lately but I’ll try to get something out tonight or tomorrow.

If I can’t I’ll let you know and you guys might need to go on without me. I don’t wanna lag people behind.
Leah Jordan

Location: The Carnival
Skills: Punching things and throwing rocks
First Day Fit

While most people left for the summer, Leah stayed in her dorm for the last few months alone. Over the summer, she trained with her powers constantly, learning new ways to make them apply to additional use cases. And now, she'd be doing the same thing around a lot of other people. The entire building was almost always dead silent when she woke up, so it would certainly be jarring when she suddenly had roommates. Luckily for Leah, she woke up hours before she had the privilege of being reunited with Sabine fucking Bassard. While others were getting ready to hit the books again, Leah was hitting a reinforced punching bag in her room. It was reinforced because she once punched a hole clean through her last one without even trying to. Warmups like that kept her sharp, even when it was technically "breaktime," but Leah considered herself something of a superhero already. This was simply her. She found comfort in it. That, and it was easy for someone to underestimate an absurd level strength when they weren't intimately familiar with it.

She knew it was time to actually start the day like a normal person when the sun finally came up. Leah grabbed a shower and threw on her favorite Carhartt jacket, and a water bottle from her firdge before heading out. She really didn't feel like running into Sabine right now after she had just gotten herself properly awake. Time to go and eat something.

Leah eventually made her way to the line that was quickly forming outside at a food truck. Whatever they had there didn't really matter to her, because she spotted April among the group. Leah enjoyed being around April, more than she did a lot of people. It was always nice having friends she could chill with. She also saw Dorian, who she didn't really have a problem with. He was cool. What wasn't as cool however, was that some tiny shortstack-looking kid seemed to teleport out of thin air... And then Danny appeared. Yay. Leah didn't dislike Danny Kingston, she just had a hard time dealing with that guy's energy. Still, she knew them so she may as well try to interact with people.

Leah strolled over to them, just in time to see someone was on fire. Really, Danny? Well, at least they got it under control just in time for Leah to say something.

"Nice way to welcome new people, Danny. Welcome back, guys. Who's the new kid?" The "new kid" was roughly three inches shorter than Leah, and looked absolutely tiny in both size and just general mass. This kid looked like Leah could kick him for a field goal if she really felt bored. What are they feeding people these days?

When Shirik said they'd bring the heavens down on the bug, they were serious.

It stopped moving, and Shirik ran over to the battered Glen with Kareet. He was alive, by the gods. "I am Shirik. And you are very luck to be alive, J'eon of Mythadia." The Glen would be treated to a very strange sight, and Iriad suffused with fire beneath their bark. "If you can stand, we will take you to Ertiseda where this Life mage can tend to you as Kareet says." Shirik looked over to the wretched mess they left behind after striking it down. "I am a thousand years old, and I have not seen such a beast before." They said flatly. "Regardless, our new friend requires assistance, so let us be on our way, yes?" Shirik bent down to help the Glen onto his feet. When J'eon touched Shirik, he wouldn't feel burned by the Iriad's hands. Rather, he would simply feel the sensation of dried bark against skin.

"I am certain the Sages would be interested to know what that beast is. Or perhaps they do. But we can return for its remains later, Kareet." They said, seeing that Kareet was taking an interest in studying the insect-like monster they just brought down.
Moral of the story: Get your vaccine

My bad, i thought she was with the others. Would you like me to edit my post?

You probably should. Haylen and Matilda are like... On the far side of the park right now.

Was she always there or did she just appear out of thin air in front of Mat and Haylen? Lmao

A wave of biting cold washed over the road, followed by Kareet's magically charged hammer shattering a frozen mandible off of the creature's face. It truly was impressive what multiple mages were capable of. Lightning coursed across its skin, burning it as the cold contracted it. The skin of this insect-like beast seemed to serve as its armor, and like any armor, it was suited for certain things and certain things only. Extreme warping was not one of these things. Shirik raised their staff as the ball of sparks came to roughly the size of a S'Tor's head, and slammed it into the ground.

The sparks became lines, and those lines animated themselves into a circle that crept around the stunned creature in seconds. The ring that burned itself into the ground glowed like steel from a forge, and the Iriad mage shouted.


In the sky above the three of them, something resembling a star exploded into a warm, golden light. For a brief moment, it was as though the night had been turned back by a few hours, as a sound filled the air. The ground began to illuminate, and Shirik, despite their warning, only took a singular step back. Something fell from the stars above, directly onto the creature's head. A blinding flare of intense heat, similar to the fireball they sent into the sky earlier as a demonstration to Kareet. In the field of astronomy, comets and shooting stars were a common occurrence. An object of celestial origin, soaring across the sky of Kanth-Aramek and disappearing as soon as it emerged. It seemed as though Shirik had called down a star in the same fashion incinerate the creature, only there was no solid stone to be found, only fire concentrated into a blazing lance of arcane fury.

J'eon and Kareet would have noticed something falling from the sky, as the ground grew brighter to signal its arrival, and when it struck the creature, there was a rupture of golden light, like a volcano erupting into elemental fury without a trace of smoke. There was no explosion to threaten J'eon or Kareet, but what was once bitter cold was now a sweltering heatwave akin to a blacksmith's workspace.

"I hate insects."

Of course he didn't return the money. That would be stupid.

Haylen followed the kid until they got to a secluded place, only to be questioned about the things he wore. She didn't seem much like a government bloodhound, and judging by how she seemed to just materialize money out of thin air, they had something in common. Haylen relented, and pulled the sunglasses off. His right eye was unassuming, a pale green. The left, however, wasn't the kind of thing a human being should have.

Where Haylen's left eye should have been was nothing more than a pink sphere in the shape of an eye where white should have been. There was something resembling an old surgical scar running horizontally across the strange eye, and Matilda might have felt it was actually watching her like a real eye.

"You're doing that with magic." He said flatly, less of an accusation and more to convey he understood it.
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