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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

Most Recent Posts

Leah Jordan

Location: Gym
Skills: N/A
First Day Fit

In no uncertain terms, Leah was promptly laid the fuck out.

She fell backwards, totally asleep for 30 seconds and dreamed more than she normally dreamed. Leah "awoke" in a different place from AA. It wasn't a city, it wasn't a town. It was a forest. The trees, red-brown and towering, stretched into the sky over her head, far enough that she could scarcely see the clouds, or perhaps the leaves were the clouds. She couldn't tell, because everything overhead was gray in some places and pitch black in others. And yet, Leah could see perfectly, though she didn't actually see with her eyes. She just knew where things were instinctually. The ground felt closer to real than it should have. The feeling was indescribable to her senses, it was like this was real life and her experiences at AA were a dream. Wind blew leaves down from the impossibly tall trees, and the leaves were like thin sheets of pure silver as they brushed against Leah's skin. The air felt clear as pristine glass, and when she breathed it in, it felt like the very first time she ever breathed in her life. The air was neither cold nor warm. It was neither light nor heavy, but it felt natural. The breath went to every muscle in her body, and Leah felt a sensation that wasn't quite familiar to her.

The feeling was like she had been asleep, and someone had splashed her with cold water. Some part of her sense of self was called to the surface, some intrinsic, primal pillar of her soul, bearing strain for the first time. It made her feel alive. Leah inhaled a force of nature, and exhaled pale, bone-white smoke. Her throat burned, but it felt right. She felt at peace here, she felt like she belonged here. From somewhere in the trees, Leah could hear what sounded like footsteps. Heavy, measured footsteps coming closer to her, from behind. Leah turned to look in the direction of the sound, but in doing so, she realized her body was shaped differently. She felt taller, but was she actually taller, or was she simply walking on different legs? The more processed things, it felt like the answer was both. By the time she looked to see where the footsteps were coming from, she realized just how quiet the forest around her was. The noise she fixed her ears on was the only thing apart from her breathing and heartbeat that made a sound. Everything was silent.

Something stepped through the trees. Taller than Leah, with the body of something resembling a human, only... Not. It had skin that looked like stone, with broad shoulders covered in thick drapes of moss. Scars decorated the creature's body at every corner. The closer it came, the taller it looked, until it was maybe 100 feet away from Leah, at which point it looked taller than a 3-story building. In the creature's hand, it held an axe that looked just as weathered as its wielder. Upon their head rested curled horns, with what must've been gold and silver draped across like jewelry. Its eyes were animal, but looked at Leah like it was less predator, and more thoughtful. More sentient than that.

It spoke to her, in a slow, almost slurred voice as deep as the greatest rivers and as far-reaching as the oldest mountains.


It was a single word that had no meaning to Leah, but just hearing it was less like hearing someone speak and more like feeling something wash over her entire being. The titanic being stood overtop of her with a quiet, peaceful, unthreatening presence despite it being the biggest thing she ever saw. She felt safe. Safe, in the sense that anything could happen, and this creature's presence would guide her to a better place, after the worst things happened, after loss of life, limb, or-

-Or a fight.

Leah woke up on the gym floor with a gasp of breath, like she just had a nightmare. Her heart was suddenly thundering in her chest, and for a moment, she didn't realize where she was. When she saw her sparring partner, it became a little clearer. "Andy? What happened?" Her face was full of exasperation, confusion, and a loss for words for what she just experienced.

Oh dear lord, more people. Why did there have to be this many people in one building? Now Kyrus felt awkward not saying much.

"I am Kyrus Lohenn. And yes, I'm here about a room. Any is fine, I'm not picky about it-" Oh, oh they're walking away now, Kyrus hurried along to keep pace with the group, taking care not to walk too close to those knightly constructs the one girl was puppetring around. They looked big, and that stuff looked heavy. Between the Harpy boy's wings, the statues, the seemingly blind girl using that puppet as a frankly ingenious aid, this place felt almost hard to breathe in. Kyrus kept up with the group, listening intently to the things everyone was saying to try and keep up with everyone and hopefully not forget something important that was being said. The first room needed to be dusted for what might've been days, but Kyrus was considering taking that one. Maybe, he thought. He didn't exactly have much cash to fill it with things but it was just a space to crash in. "Are those your constructs? They're impressive." He said to the Minerva girl, to strike up some sort of conversation with somebody. "I don't do constructs, but I do make things." He said, holding up his magic, mechanical arm. "Technosorcery."

Leah Jordan

Location: Gym
Skills: Punching things and throwing rocks
First Day Fit

"Okay, that works." Based on their fight a few minutes ago, Leah picked up on the fact that Andy had some decent footwork and knew how to stay light on her feet. There were typically two ways of dealing with the featherweights who mostly moved around their opponents: Option one was to be a rock that stayed still, only responding when they attack. It put them in an awkward spot where they had to be the aggressor and risk getting grappled by someone who could pummel them. Option two was to back them into a corner somehow, and cut off their escape so that they couldn't dodge. By making the only way out be through, they ran into the same problem as option two, except their opponent was the aggressor. By the looks of the way Andy was stood, Leah got the feeling that she wouldn't fall for option one.

Leah put her fists up to square and started closing in on Andy, moving in a swaying pattern. Left, right, left right. She was calculating just how she would immobilize her. And then she knew exactly what she'd do...

Shirik was likely one of the wisest living creatures on Kanth-Aremek. They lived a longer life than most Iriads did, witnessed and survived the day when the most impenetrable forest in the known world was burnt to ash, and because the very first person to discover Heat magic, as well as master it to its fullest potential. Shirik had wandered to virtually every corner of the planet in the last millennia, spoke every language and could tell an unquantifiable number of stories about the history of the places they have been.

And yet, right now, they were unequivocally flabbergasted by what they were witnessing. Kareet and this weird, fleshy thing were getting along somehow, bonding over... Numbers? "Hmm." The burning Iriad watched them for several moments up until the mention of aluminum. That was indeed a rare material, but how much of it was here? "This is her field, not mine." They said flatly, with a voice like a person who had smoked for 30 years. Shirik did, however, pay attention as they both "communicated" back and forth with numbers. Eventually, they got curious, and waved their hand in the air. Suddenly, flames danced around their fingers in the shapes of the numerical symbols that the foreigners wrote on the wall. II, I, and so on, were all floating around as Shirik used the same trick to make a grid, and noted what was what with letters from the S'Toric alphabet. To Kareet, or perhaps the Castigator, these were notes of some kind, that Shirik could interact with to help them grasp what was happening. To the humans, though, this may have been utterly terrifying, confusing, neither, or both.

Shirik hadn't considered introducing themselves, but Kareet and "Vigdis" were occupied somehow by trading curious little items. They looked at the Castigator and said, "Do you think this creature is alone?"

By the time Shirik had cleared away enough of the fire, they could see that Kareet went into a hole. That was unwise, but she was smart enough to handle herself. Shirik was starting to feel a little lightheaded, so they descended down to the hole where a contingent of soldiers began to form. Shirik touched the ground with a smattering of sparks that gave way to smoke as they reached for their staff that someone left in the dirt. The guards told them to make no sudden movements, but Shirik was too old to be listening to foot soldiers who gave orders. They wiped the dirt off their staff, and all the soot from their cloak, ignoring the soldier boy for several seconds before leaning on the staff more than usual. Flying was something best left to force mages, and Shirik was no such mage. Their hood was down, and the soldiers could see that Shirik had skin like bark, the same way an Iriad would. Except most Iriads didn't have flames lapping out from under their bark and where their eyes would be.

"I am Shirik of the Myriad. This is my companion, J'eon. We are here to investigate this object with a Seeker from Arcaeda, and I must go and ensure that she hasn't gotten herself killed. J'eon, if you'll excuse me." Perhaps the soldiers wanted to order the two mages to stay put, but if they did, Shirik promptly denied them that chance as they turned and trekked inwards, using their natural flaming body as a light source to see the way forward. Countless metal shapes, both twisted and shaped to impossible levels of skill gave way to what could've been a hall of some sort, where Shirik inevitably found Kareet and another soldier surrounded by spheres.

"I assume those are you soldiers outside. Kareet, have you lost your head? We know nothing of this construction, other than that it is damaged, and your first instinct is to run right into-" They stopped talking the moment they saw some weird, pink, vaguely person-shaped creature holding some sort of object. There were living things in this crash. It looked like a S'Tor, only shorter and with less scales on its skin.

"Who is this...?" They asked with a substantially less harsh tone.

@Omega Man bruh I told you to tag me when you were alive again...

Oh shit its Dizzy

Leah Jordan

Location: Swords > Gym
Skills: Punching things and throwing rocks
First Day Fit

Swords were cool and all, but at the end of the day, there was no greater weapon than a person's own two fists. Leah preferred to just beat her opponents senseless than use fancy swords or magic hammers. Andy seemed to like punching people too, so the two of them were on their way to the gym for a boxing match. Leah went off to change, and when she came back, she was in a black tank top and sweatpants rather than a large winter jacket. To call Leah shredded would be an understatement. The girl had a superhuman amount of muscle to spare. Her arms looked firm enough to be hiding solid rock under her skin. And given her powers... She probably was. She also had boxing gloves on.

And to make sure Andy didn't disintegrate her hands completely upon getting a swing on Leah, she managed to tie that sandpaper she called hair into something shorter. It was the messiest bun anyone had ever put their hair up unto, and no one could easily tell that it was actually three loose buns because of just how much hair she had, but Leah's hair wouldn't put Andy's skin and flesh in harm's way anymore. Normally, Leah liked to let her hair grow as long as possible because proved useful in a fight given the way it ate up whatever touched it. But right now, she wasn't Jotunn, she was just Leah, so there was no need to delete someone's hand from the universe.

"I mostly just do MMA, but I'm cool with whatever you feel like. I'm ready whenever you are."

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