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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
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Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
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i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Avalia 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Sounds good.

Are you gonna make a discord?
Hadris is now an Inquisitor who felt like doing his own thing in secret on Korriban. If there's anything else needing to be changed lmk
<Snipped quote by Blizz>

After reading it there are some problems like you are going to have to explain how Darth Hadris managed to stay low and not be detected by the empire and by Darth Sidious. Along with how he came to be a Sith and a Darth at that, and start a Sith Academy without anyone knowing about it. I think a rouge Inquisitor would fit more.

<Snipped quote by Regime Goon>

Being a New Republic deserter in the New Jedi Order will cause problems, mainly the relationship between the Order and the New Republic. You can say she left the New Republic after the Valdont. That and there being a legion of sith apprentices is very unlikely, so how about removing that bit?

<Snipped quote by Martian>

I am not sure that he would be that skilled with the force on his own and with no training to do stuff like that. Perhaps he was a cheater or would seem lucky because he was using the force without knowing it and after making some risky bets. His luck ran out and he owned bad people credits. So he fled and either managed to run into a jedi or was captured and was later saved by a jedi would be dealing with the criminal that imprisoned him?

I can change that, no problem. A rogue inquisitor who thought he was hot shit and bit off more than he could chew with the students. Him being a Sith Lord in particular isn’t important to the story, just that Hadris was a certified Bad Person mainly.

Updated: Darth Hadris is no longer a Darth anything, but an Inquisitor who decided to go do his own thing.

<Snipped quote by Blizz>

So after thinking about it, I think I will allow it. But, I am going to say this, no more ex sith and no ex imperial chars from here on out.

Hell yeah. I’m part of the way done with Sildarg already. She might remind you of Tara when she’s done if you remember her.

Edit: Nearly done
If Theyra’s cool with it I’m down. I’d just hate to bar someone else from playing a certain type of character, Y’know?

I’ll be back tonorrow
Right of the bay the biggest difference is that Sildarg (my character) is an apprentice. She basically crash landed on D’Qar months ago, and lived in a dead-end down as a pseudo-mechanic until a Jedi realized the kid had force abilities.

She’s basically trying to completely move on from the Sith. Eventually someone will probably figure it out and then shit will hit the fan. If your character happened to be around too, she might be the first one to realize because Sildarg fights like a Sith somewhat. She uses their fighting forms if she gets pushed too far, and if things get especially bad she’ll essentially fall back on instincts and then hatred spews out like a Sith with zero discipline.

Do you think it’s possible they could both be in the rp? I’ve been playing with the idea that Sildarg will struggle a lot with the dark side. She’ll slip in and out of moments of uncontrolled anger like a real Sith, and into moments where she’s acting more like an actual Jedi. I think if there was someone else around who understood the struggle of being a former Sith, it would be a huge help for here.

That’s if you (and Theyra) would be down for two ex-Sith being around.
<Snipped quote by Dragonfly 9>

So a force-sensitive former stormtrooper? I have to say no to this since he was a stormtrooper. He would have probably would been discovered to be force sensitive and taken away for another use to the empire.

<Snipped quote by Blizz>

Yeah, I remember you and while I am not against the idea, it looks like you have the same idea as another interested player. So I have to ask do you have a second idea for a char or how attached are you to this current one?

<Snipped quote by Birdboy>

Yes you can

<Snipped quote by Hyyde322>

We are primarily using legends content with some of the new canon in the rp. So do not worry about the sequels since they do not have an effect on the rp for the most part.

I started on a character sheet for her already. I could come up something else potentially, but right now I don’t have another idea. Depending on how similar the other person’s idea is or isn’t, we might be able to work something out.

I even made a lightsaber for her

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