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Current Absolutely fucking not
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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

Most Recent Posts

Leah Jordan

Location: Training Room B
Gear: A hot ass dress
Skills: The insurmountable will to not lose her cool under any circumstances
Oh god oh fuck

"That sounds like something that has a lot of story behind it," Leah joked, clearly amused by it. She watched everyone continue to take pictures, on and on...and on. Dear lord, how many pictures could someone possibly take? Holy shit. Danni's creativity with the number of ways people just stood still was baffling, as were many things about him. But finally- finally, they got their pictures dealt with, and got moving along. Wow. The dance started half an hour ago, and the results for who would be going off to face the Baby Avengers would be announced once they got there. Hopefully they were saving that for the end when everyone didn't have a dance to take their minds off of it, otherwise the whole night would be ruined for some people. They got through the doors and... Yep. That was a lot of people. There were people dancing, and Leah didn't dance. Besides, that would be awkward with three people probably. And there was a table for drinks, but Leah wasn't going to even entertain that idea. She fully expected some jackass to sneak past everyone and spike it with something, someone could go invisible or just cast a Fuck You Here's Spiked Dance Drinks spell from somewhere else.

Looking around, there wasn't a whole lot that made this whole... Thing feel like Leah's scene. She saw Vicky off in the distance dressed up like Frankenstein's monster, which she found fucking hilarious but wasn't going to say why for obvious reasons.

And then she looked back at her group. "Okay, we're here. So... now what?"
You told me the shaping shadows stuff was a whole different Lux from purple so I was going with that assumption lmao

the shadow construction stuff tho, I'd say that's about as strong as something like the floorboards in someone's house. You could swing a hammer at them and you might not punch a hole through them but a gun would shoot right through.

@Blizz Could you give me an idea of how strong these shadow constructs are?

He does kinda seem like a single color-Lux user tho since he can easily open portals to one of the hardest places to reach, teleport easily, and shape shadows within a hundred feet of him. lol

Location: A Fucking Swamp
Interactions: The Team

"Slow down! This is a boat, not a yet, it doesn't have breaks!"

"That's north, so turn about to here and go left."

"That's not how you steer right- Turn the stick left."

Cora knew how boats worked, and she did not shut the fuck up once while Viktor was the one driving. It felt nice to be at least in the same state as her family again, even if there was about 40 miles between them right now. Kobra was back on their shit, and decided they needed to do it here- That made sense, but they had to know that there was no way they'd be genuinely safe around here. Between the wildlife, and her team, Kobra wasn't walking away from this in one piece. While they went down the waterways, Cora occasionally dipped a few metal vials into the water, to collect some of it for later investigation. According to Daphne and all the trees, Kobra had been dumping chemicals into the water. What chemicals, she wasn't sure. But if they were doing experiments here, they had to have been doing something different- Maybe trying to refine the venom formula and make it stronger, or last longer, or have less side effects- And any information would be good information for tracking the punks down. The last thing they needed was to walk headfirst into a Kobra facility, and being surprised when the venomed-up goons started breathing fire or something. In total, Stormcaller filled six, each one from water about an hour closer to the facility, and she'd fill at least one or two more before they left, for research purposes.

Once they hit a shallow area, the boat had to be ditched. Immediately, Zatara's bored ass started flying and Rain piped up with a plan. "Mirage can probably keep the animals around here off of us. Poking them with a sound stick'll just piss 'em off. We don't want to fight the wildlife on top of Kobra. I've been getting faster at flying, so I can go up front ahead of us all to scout if we want," She lifted up off the boat, over the edge and out to where Zach was. In the downtime between last mission and now, Cora had picked up a bit of speed and more control, feeling more comfortable moving around in the air. "It might be better to save the sound emitter for later. They might be expecting us, so they could be looking for intruders right now."

"This is your mission, Nymph. What's the move?" Cora quietly hoped that Nymph would try to at least hang back and not charge forth herself, given how much she used her powers just trying to get them here. She also wanted to subtly hype Nymph up, since she had a habit of letting others take the wheel. It didn't help, in that regard, that Rain was already laying out a whole battle plan for them.
Bumping this

We've still got room for a couple of players if anyone would like to join

Hey, remember me?

Got a character in the works, dude who took to wandering the All-Verse after the coven fell off. He spent some time in the Void and learned some weird magic there (possibly) and your character has a thing with the void. So I'm to conspire since there's potential for a dynamic there if you're interested
Alright you talked me into it
We got space for one more person if anyone's been lurking

Velhass didn’t want to be like the stories that Shirik told him. The thought mages who took hold of a person’s mind, manipulated them like bricks in a wall, and then died at the hands of an Inquisitor for trying to use his magic.

Velhass did not want to be disrespectful to the person who took him in, taught him what magic was, and kept him safe. Shirik was owed that much, at the very least. But seeing how aggressive Shirik felt when he just mentioned their old friend, whose memories came through like water from a river… It hurt.

It had been days since Shirik exploded in his face, and neither of them brought it up again. It was a boundary, and thus far neither of them explicitly had boundaries. They trusted one another, kept each other company when the nights grew colder, and hunted together every day. Shirik had done so much for Velhass in so little time, and it hurt not being able to do anything good for them in return.

He thought to himself, perhaps if Shirik were to forget whatever heavy memories they had, that made it so difficult for them to feel peace, then maybe they would live life a little easier.

But then Shirik would know. Shirik knew everything.

What was the point of such power, if not to use it for the good of others? Shirik used their magic to cook and give Velhass warmth. Even the Inquisitors used their magic to protect. But if they tried to hurt someone, they’d be hurt too. Would he be hurt if they were hurt badly enough? Maybe not, but Shirik would be.

And Velhass knew that Shirik wouldn’t look at him the same way after that.

But it would be so easy…

Shirik noted that Silbermine wasn’t directly answering their question, stating that his people knew the hills very well, but not where they had scouted lately. They took that to mean he was hiding something. Of course he was. All the lords in the land had designs on their realms, and the Glen nobility of yesteryear were no different. ”Yes… I once chased a fallen moon across the fields of Narkant. You would have been hardly a green-horned whelp, it was long ago. The moon fell from the heavens, abandoning her two sisters in the sky, and all the warriors of the kingdom failed to find little more than dust upon the grass.” Many of Shirik’s stories were fantastical, but held a more than a kernel of truth in them. They made their tales capture an audience, without diminishing the events that did happen. They were also, however, spouting absolute bullshit at the moment just to make Silbermine look like a dumbass in front of every person present. Kanth-Aremek never had a third moon.

”They set it fell into the Driddic Sovereignty, and tore open the earth, leaving behind a chasm greater than the deepest oceans, and darker than a moonless night.” There was an old rumor about a “Great Chasm” in the land of the Driisu. But it was just tbat- A rumor.

Shirik didn’t pay much mind to the Glen lord’s bragging of the Running, they were far above such squabblings. The humans, however, might be found some novelty in the idea. So when the Glen all began their knightly chant, Shirik switched languages as well. ”Glen song. Old, annoying. He is hiding something. Your ship remains, maybe.” It wouldn’t do to converse with the humans in such a manner when the Glen weren’t distracted. While they were all singing, Shirik wanted to take the time to confirm their fears to Ixtaro. Silbermine might’ve found something already, but isn’t saying so.
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