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I keep forgetting you were ever here
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@Zeroth Make the cool thing your PC did fundamentally impossible without someone else's PCs. Like someone with super strength throwing your pc at a giant monster to fuck it up at point blank range.
3 mos ago
Mahz has a desk?
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3 mos ago


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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as the person who writes varnan i am curious wtf a vampire wants with him
for me too apparently

the fuck

Raven's Rest

Varnan sped down the highway on his motorcycle in the late Monday weather. These old mountains were bitter cold at this time of year, definitely not the type of weather to be riding through on two wheels. But the icy wind kept him alert, in the same way a commanding officer's presence made people stand up straight. According to the trail he was putting together, the last two lycanthropes had come through this way. He had found trails going through the south end of Cloverfield and both were coming from the west, more or less. They hadn't killed anybody before he managed to lure them away and into a cave and tossed a crude molotov in. They just happened to be the apparition type of werewolves, so they'd shrug it off in a few weeks, maybe longer. He would've sealed them, but he was on a tight schedule right now.

Using some chronomancy to check the past, Varnan had deduced their trail into Cloverfield, and eventually pulled off to the side of a long, cold, dark road as he got to an intersection. Four lanes in each direction, some leading up into another clutch of mountains and some heading into another town. There was an overpass stretching across them, with more cars on it than on the ground. Varnan came to a stop. Traffic was down to a skeleton crew’s worth of cars, mostly people heading home or doing early Christmas shopping.

It had been about a week now, since the apparitions started to get his attention in town. Errant undead and werewolves in a frankly strange concentration. The mountains were full of strange things that humans were smart not to disturb, things older than the modern city that was nestled in them, but beast men and blood drinkers were a niche. They lived in those mountains away from civilization and didn't care for humanity. No one went up those mountains, no one bothered them. It was their own little world.

And yet they were flocking towards people that they didn’t ever bat an eye towards. They were migrating, and it couldn’t have been the weather. Usually, those clans would never do this. It would’ve been easier to just ask them what was happening, but werewolves and vampires weren’t known for diplomacy.

The light turned green, and he turned down the road that led to Raven's Rest.

On his investigations, he'd noticed a pattern. The two werewolves he had to dispatch later came from the west, and so did all of them. Not a single vampire strayed from that course, either. It followed, therefore, that since Raven's Rest was closer to those mountains that this was the first place they'd make landfall.

The low hum of his motorcycle filled the near-silent air. Varnan kept an eye out for any trouble while he slowly cruised down the empty roads. It was quiet, about as quiet as anyone could expect at this hour. A few lights on in houses went out as he passed, the snow was a bit thicker here, and it was starting to build up on the roads. Luckily, he changed the tires out last week for this.

Varnan pulled up to the side of a shop with a neon sign still shining in the sleepy hours. Bill’s Tattoo Shop. Varnan had called the owner in advance to say he was coming over to talk about paranormal things, since he had also been there in the Cataclysm and would know these sorts of things. Dusting himself off, he stepped inside.

"Bill? It's me," Varnan spoke, looking around around and seeing absolutely nothing out of the ordinary. "Have the werewolves been giving people trouble here too?"


Good lord, these kids knew how to set things on fire.

The sun struck the mansion, and Rohan couldn't help but turn his eyes away to avoid going blind. It was just a sea of white through the eye slits of his mask, like a big flashbang going off. And now the mansion was a crumbling wreck that they were going to have to fight through. That was a good way to start off, and a good way to get attention. But that seemed to be the plan. But, it didn't take long for the security in this place to start returning fire.

Unfortunately, Jess wasn't looking very okay, and she got swarmed by her people. Rohan skidded across the ground like he was skating on ice, slipping behind one of the glowing green shields Sycamore's defense put up, and grabbed the Briar Spear from his back. He pulled a rubber bit off the sharp end and flung it at Jess's burnt body. It wouldn't have hurt, in fact Jess would just feel cold where it impaled her. Upon making contact with her, her wounds were quite literally going up in smoke, as bone-white fumes rolled up her arm as her injuries were replaced with healthy skin. She'd feel like she had just woken up from an oddly restful nap, and the "wound" where the artifact struck her was replaced with the smoke as well.

Trying to pull it out would just look like it wasn't even stuck in her at all. It was a matter of seconds before the pain started to recede, as well.

"Save your one time use healing emergencies!" Rohan shouted over the gunfire. "Just remove that when you're fine, and hold onto it! I'm going up, I'll pick them off!"

Rohan's Mask of the Antelope started to give off red smoke from the eye slits. He ran forward, and jumped higher than anyone could physically jump without magic. His feet his the bark of a tree, twenty feet off of the ground, and then he rebounded higher into the canopy above. With the hail of bullets focused down there, the old man didn't have to worry much. Leaping from tree to tree with supernatural agility, he let loose a volley of arrows from Steelfeather. His bow was enchanted by his curse, in such a way that the arrows flew straight now matter how far it took to hit something. And then, when they did hit something, they hit with the force of a bullet. The arrows themselves were cut and processed by his hands to be able to withstand that strain, so they'd hit nice and hard.

A rain of these arrows fell upon the Elite's distracted gunmen with no rhyme or reason. One minute, they were raining down from their left, then behind them, then directly overhead. By the time anyone had a bead on where the arrows came from, Rohan already vaulted into another tree, circling around like a vulture.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Interactions: Everyone
Elysium Island

Getting onto the island was the easy part. Now came the calm before the storm, now came the hard part.

Stormy had gone off and changed into all black, covering his head with a hood and black bandana. Historically, this type of thing was how people covered their tracks, (because of course a history professor would think that way, the fucking nerd.) and go home alive. He stepped up with Drake and the Aggro squad. "Keep near me, and I'll keep all of you covered," he said, cracking his knuckles with the kind of stoic fury that mountains stood tall against time itself with. Green sparks of Lux sizzled down his hands and caught the wind, filling the air with a sound similar to sheet metal bending on a roof. These rich bastards would break against his shields, or he'd break them, whatever it took to bring everyone home alive. Stormy had been silently dreading this fight, but he dreaded every fight. There was always a threat of death, or someone going missing, and he was an Adept of the Spider. That sort of thing defined him.

"It's most of us against a bunch of aristocrats, and the plan is good. We've got this, so trust yourselves, okay?!" He said this to everyone. Stormy wanted them all in good spirits, as good as they could get, because a good start was everything in life. "Everyone here has seen worse than this! Good luck!"

"Now would be a damn good opportunity for Shock and Awe, Aryin- Speak now or hold your piece. I can get you in deeper for an ambush."

Amara was armored up in a way that felt all too familiar. Black riot gear, a black riot helmet, combat boots, gloves, the whole nine yards. She went back in time today, gripping a well-adorned Beneli M4 chambered with the Temple's renown Wall Shot; More pellets than mundane engineering could possible pack into a twelve gauge round. Across her armor, she had whole rows of the shells lined up in speedloaders, along with maybe a dozen magazines full of forty-five caliber ammunition of equal quality and source. Her phantoms fell in around her, and unlike the usual ghostly appearance, they were also armed to the fucking teeth. Amara had gotten in good with the Temple, promising goodwill and favors in return for them going the extra mile to arm her gravebound warriors. It wouldn't do good to disguise themselves if her ghosts gave away who she was, after all. So each one was damn near identical to Amara herself, armed with a shotgun and ammo.

"You heard the woman!" Amara shouted, as her phantoms stood by their appropriate groups. Two went to the Artifact team, and every other team got one. "We'll be in touch as much as possible- Even if you don't radio, my phantoms will give me a constant play-by of what's going on for you! If you need backup, everyone will know!"

The old carpenter of the 317 pulled his antelope mask down over his face, and the world became grey through his eyes. "I'm faster than most of you with this mask on," he announced in his gravelly tone. "I'm your sniper, and in-a-pinch medic." He pointed to a spear of gnarled, white birch slung over his back. "This heals someone I stick with it, if we can't heal any other way. I'll probably be the first to get somewhere else quick if another healer can't, so don't forget!"

He held a long and stout bow of wood in hand, and between that, the Briar Spear and his scepter of ash both on his back, Rohan looked like he was ready to kill.

And lastly, Jack became the picture of Death. He had abandoned the usual dark academic look, forgoing his woolen coat for a black cloak that hid his face. Shadows curled at his feet like smoke from a fire, ever the ominous and pointlessly dramatic man he was. He stood with the group intend on dealing with the Veil. "As I mentioned earlier, when we find the Eustis Veil, I'll banish it to Void at the earliest chance!" The Shadowzone could, hopefully, fit that stone in the living room now that most of it was empty. It definitely couldn't fit anywhere in the Eleventh Path without some dimensional string-pulling that would take too long for their current schedule. "If we need to retreat, remember that I can teleport us out! I have faith in all of you, and I will see you all back at the Eleventh Path when we are through!"

He hoped those words of encouragement would help whatever doubts they had. He was a confident, egotistical man to his core, and Jack felt that now was the perfect time for everyone to have an ego.

If all went well, everyone would meet back up in the pocket dimension, and they'd all get drunk over a victory.

Alizee already forgetting the coven has someone else who can yeet everyone into the void lmao

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