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I keep forgetting you were ever here
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@Zeroth Make the cool thing your PC did fundamentally impossible without someone else's PCs. Like someone with super strength throwing your pc at a giant monster to fuck it up at point blank range.
3 mos ago
Mahz has a desk?
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I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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Did exist
I mean. Phantasia does exist.

Location: The Framework
Skills: Gay

There weren’t many things that could bug Leah. But her girlfriend being distressed was certainly one of them. She clicked her wet hair backwards over her shoulder and held April close. It was a bittersweet sight, these three being so intimately close to one another in a flooded room of broken glass and bleeding teenagers. The Avengers had taken over, cuffing Ed and healing all the injuries. Thankfully, the three of them weren’t in any bad condition. Not physically, at least. Leah still wanted to reduce Ed to dust for what he did- For what he would try.

But when She Hulk mentioned their parents… A small part of Leah cringed up.

”Why don’t we just get out of here?” She whispered, just loud enough that the two of them could hear. She put a hand around Sabine’s waist and pulled her in closer. ”They can handle this. And if they know about this, April’s parents definitely know by now. Let’s go, just the three of us.” It would probably do April a lot of good to be away from all of this. ”You can stay in our dorm for tonight if you want, April?”
You already know what the fuck boutta happen

Eleventh Path

Up until now, Amara had been silent as a mouse. She was observing the way people behaved, the information they were bringing. The plan was to just broadside them and split into four teams. One for the broadsiding, one for the artifacts, one for making teleporting possible, and one for everything else. Okay, solid plan. Amara didn’t have a problem with that, necessarily. But that came with its own issues.

”Okay, back up a second,” she spoke up at last. Amara stood up and walked around to the map. ”I’m seeing a couple problems with this. The first one being communication. Like you said, we gotta just let this shit flow sometimes so a hard and fast plan won’t be perfect. But, how’re we getting everyone in gear for shit when we’re actually there? We just banking on teleported being enough when the Veil’s down?” She asked. ”That’s gonna be a lotta people moving around, some of them might need to meet each other when they’re done, for backup. But that’s no big deal- I got an idea for that.”

Five ghostly figures appeared around the room, standing ramrod straight with their hands folded behind them. ”I’m magically linked to all of them, like a hive mind. Four teams means I’d have one to spare if I gave up one for all four. Treat ‘em like they’re expendable when you’re in. They’ll fight and if someone happens, I’ll know even if you don’t radio in.”

The biggest danger for the vault team would be getting there and last that dog. ”I’ll send the extra in with your vault team, so two of them can deal with this “Starving Dog” thing. Based on what you’ve got here, the vault’s gonna be the most dangerous part of this even if you draw heat away.”

If Lynn’s prediction was correct, zombies wouldn’t be the biggest hurdle. They usually died when you shot them in the head. ”I’ll put myself on the assault team, I’m a good shot. Greyson-” She turned around, pointing at the Pink Patriarch himself. ”Any way you could use your mob connections to get some ammo fast enough for this?” She, the ex-cop, asked the capo.

”…Wait. Where the fuck is he?”

Interactions: Everyone
The Eleventh Path

There were of course, many questions to be answered. And he'd answer them.

Jack walked in behind the rest of the 317, back to where he was before stepping out. Letting them meet the others and get on as they would, he took to explaining things as best as possible. There was much to do, but thankfully, time in the Eleventh Path moved differently by design. One hour here was only forty minutes in Shimmer, roughly speaking. They could spend additional time discussing particulars here and have time to spare back home. Jack mentally counted the minutes between now and when Greenwood was due to step in, a chronological calculation he could keep track of thanks to a clock on the wall, which flipped between relative time and Shimmer's as he thought of it. The simple wonder of this pocket realm was the sheer control one gained when creating it from raw Lux.

"The plan, as I understand it, is to divide ourselves into two groups," Jack explained. "One to distract the Elite with brute force, and the other to raid their vault. Decide for yourselves where your skills are more appropriate."

”In the last few days I’ve met with a contact to get an in with Blake Schmidt- a way for me to access his dreams. It would be ruined if I’m caught raiding his island for Artifacts, and then our second option for if this fails is gone.”

”You failed to mention it, but I presume our plan is to take Kari’s notes along with the Artifacts? We don’t want them deciphered by the House of Cards, even if the Artifacts will be more useful to us.”

“What sort of… artifacts are you hoping they'll hold? Is it worth risking the lives of the living?”

"If we can find her notes, then we will," he nodded. "But our primary goal is the artifacts: The Map of the Drunken Sailor and the Mirror on the Wall. They are information-gathering tools, which is what we are after. They will point us in the right direction, and lead us to Father Wolf."

Sloane walked over, and Jack didn't give her any reason not to pick up the Brass Needle. She looked terrible, a far cry from the usually dignified, noble air she cultivated. Had she heard the news of the murders before now? It worried Jack that among the people assembled, only a few seemed to be taking it this badly.

“Also, Jack, you found Auri, yes? Do you have the Butterfly Staff? I’d happily lend out my Counterfeit for the raid if I can hold on to the original.”

He caught the look she was giving Luca. A plan to replace his Rot with something less malignant?

"I did not find her. Britney did," he said, knowing what she was attempting to convey. "The Butterfly Staff is across the hall right now, in our artifact vault. I considered returning it to Auri's family out of respect. But-" Surely they'd understand. "We have more important things to concern ourselves with. I'll pull it from there for you shortly." That was the sign that he picked up on it.

"And I want to make something clear to all of you." Jack gestured to the Sycamore members in particular. "Should any of you decide not to participate in the raid, you won't be judged for it. Not everyone can comfortably fight to the death in these situations, and there is no shame in acknowledging that. This was Greenwood's and the 317's plan. Not ours, so only join them if you know you can handle this."


A grizzled old man followed the 317 into the Eleventh Path, wearing all black like the rest of them. Black gloves, black shoes, black everything. Only he also carried an animal mask, a longbow, a comical amount of arrows, and a wooden scepter made of ashen oak. Rohan was rarely seen outside the 317's compound, barring an odd job fixing floors or moving furniture. But tonight, he was ready for war. He looked around the room and studied the people gathered. Octavia and Faith were cool with these people, that was enough for Rohan.

"If you need weapons, I can scrounge something up," He said, speaking up in a gruff, yet mellowed out voice. "I don't make them that often, but I have some in my shop. This staff can turn just about anything to ash, magic protections or not... Name's Rohan, by the way. I'm with them." He pointed a finger at Octavia and Jordan. "And I'll be up on somewhere high, picking people off so the way's clear. I brought medical supplies, too. If anyone wants or needs a rundown on first aid, grab me before we go."
”Yeah, you’re looking at it,” Ryder commented, pointing a thumb at herself. ”Me. All I have to do is get in there and the whole building is mine to fucking control. They made me so I’d be that powerful, they just didn’t think I’d be more just powerful.”

The images on the screen shifted to a map of the computer systems. ”Everything in there is redundant- One thing breaks, something else picks up the slack and keeps operating. I’ll cripple it regardless, so the bastardized have to actually worry about keeping their systems up.” Diagrams of the elevator system appeared and demonstrated that there was no possible way to get anywhere quickly without them. Shutting them off as well as other intersectional systems would prevent the vast majority of the guards from doing anything about their assault.

”I’ll be heading down as deep as possible, so don’t try and slow me down.”
I’d get him kicked of there too but murder would be involved
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