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I keep forgetting you were ever here
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@Zeroth Make the cool thing your PC did fundamentally impossible without someone else's PCs. Like someone with super strength throwing your pc at a giant monster to fuck it up at point blank range.
3 mos ago
Mahz has a desk?
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4 mos ago


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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"You and I have influence over a force that so many others cannot understand." Jack stood, and held the book in one hand. "That is the way of any sorcerer, wizard or magician you meet in life. What we do is the same, insofar as it can be considered magic. To question what you see is to accept you do not know everything. And as someone who can wield such power, that is something you must acknowledge."

He stepped out of the room, beckoning Annika to follow. Only it wasn't the same hallway she had come through. No, the living room downstairs was on the other side of that door. And when they walked through, the door simply wasn't there.

"Some mysteries are meant to be solved, others are not."
”These shadows we live in amount to a fickle thing, Annika.” he traced a circle in the air, and a black ring of smoke appeared there. ”They grant us safe passage into this world between all other worlds, and make our ruin otherwise. We cannot truly know it, for that is what it means to be hidden in the dark. But in what we do understand, we find that the darkness, even here, does not truly want anything.”

It was a paradox, in a way. They worked with supernatural darkness and studied what it could do, yet that very darkness was something they could only understand in passing. The Everdark was an entire universe all its own, with endless secrets- Far too many to learn in one lifetime.

”Such questions will often have no answer, but they are importantly nonetheless.”
Jack did have standards for a child raised by him. That was true, but Annika was a child no less. She was not meant to be a mirror to the things he did, even if she learned every single mystic technique he ever invented. Jack peered down at the page, and recognized what Annika was looking for: A simple conjuring. Nothing particularly difficult, in fact, manifesting things from the shadows was something of a foundation for Umbramancy. Jack waved his hand, and the shadows cast by his fingers became something solid. Along the page manifested a black bookmark, and he turned a few pages towards the back of the book.

He recalled writing down methods in the back of it, once.

"To create things is to develop influence over the shadows," Jack began. "The dark is often regarded as having no substance, yet for you and I, there is something within that we may reach for. Once you have that something in your grasp, your methods will determine how you shape it, to what length you see it as an extension of yourself."

He pointed at a page where he'd scribbled down precise shapes, and outlined how he'd hew them out of shadows. "Think of a simple, mundane object you are familiar with. A pencil, or perhaps a knife. Treat the dark as if it were that object, and cut it away until the shape becomes clear. Once you have this shape, the trick is to give it substance."

To demonstrate, he held out a hand that was itself made of shadows. He had never told Annika how that came to be. In the palm of his hand, there formed a rose black as oil. He held it out for her, and let her hold the solidified shape between her fingers.

"To make it real."
It was an ominous house they lived in. Once, it had just been an untouched field of land, this place Jack referred to as the Twilight Pass. He had many maps of the Everdark, and chose this area to construct a home for himself through a dizzying amount of spellcraft. That was long before he’d crossed paths with Annika.

Everything in the backdrop of the universe was cast in gloom, yet the house embraced that. Black walls, rows of bookshelves, halls illuminated by purple lights, even a black cat that was probably benign walked up and down the halls like it owned the place. Other magicians had their sanctums, their spires that overlooked a realm. This was Jack’s, and now it was Annika’s as well.

He sat within a room at the top floor, in a reading chair with a book open in his lap. In front of him was another chair, and a fireplace that burned with flames as purple as the evening sky of Earth. He looked over his shoulder as his daughter came running in. The book snapped shut and floated away to a shelf.

”Hmm? What have you found?” He spoke in a quiet voice that made the walls listen. Like a god in a realm of their own creation.

Under Black Stars is a side story set within the Skyrose Multiverse, taking place over a decade after the end of Inferno. This story is based on the lore and worldbuilding of the Skyrose universe, but does not interact with it, as it is separate from other stories in the main timeline.

More than a decade after an army of demons tried to destroy Earth, Annika lives with her foster father, Jack Hawthorne, who has raised her as his own despite the circumstances that brought them together. For years, they have both searched for answers to an unanswerable question: Where did Annika come from? Jack has taught her many of his mystical secrets, but even he does not know everything.

The two have a long road ahead of them, and some questions are best left unanswered…

Far from the bounds of the cosmos, in between the stars and deeper down in a place so few can find, there sits a realm cast in eternal gloom. The backdrop of the universe, a rift between all other places. There have been less than a hundred people to ever set foot there, since the birth of this reality. It has gone by many names, the Void, the Shadow Realm, but most know it was the Everdark. It is the abstract, the place where all things in the material world are deigned to elude. There, the cracks and little forgotten places throughout reality tend to vanish, and fall through a distance without measure. Often, these are physical fragments of other worlds, which eventually "smooth out" and diffuse into their new environment, giving way to forests eternally in bloom and oceans without a floor.

But other times, life slips through the cracks.

Across human history and even further, dating back to the earliest times in which there were living things that could reasonably called intelligent, a small fraction of the already small population that finds this place can draw power on it. When something with a soul enters the Everdark, one of two things can happen. Often, the strange energy that constitutes it "denies" their presence. In this case, they slowly lose themselves in a delirious miasma, as their soul erodes and they become a hollow creature of madness. But the rare few who are "welcomed" by the Everdark feel a presence in their soul, taking a small sliver and replacing it with that magnificent darkness. These people, few as they are, have no academic name to classify themselves, but they can learn to bend the shadows as sorcery.

To find such a person is a rare sight indeed, and the Everdark is a fickle thing. There may very well only be one or two of them alive at this very moment, if even that many...

It is difficult to fathom the Earth when you only study one continent, and more difficult to understand the universe when you only understand one galaxy.

Knowing this, as he knew many things, Jack Hawthorne dedicated his life to the study of reality and the transmundane. Across time, and across the endless sea of realities that most would never see, he wandered on a never-ending journey. He had always been a scholar of the unknown, of the supernatural secrets old and new. Ever since the day he fell into a land of starless skies and autumnal voids, and left the mundane behind, it had been his calling in life to walk an endless road.

And for more than a decade, now, he has taken to a new purpose.

An old friend has grown furious with the world and sought to bring Earth to ruins. And in the aftermath, there may two defenseless children: Ananym of Limbo, and Annika of Earth. It has not been an uneventful time, raising Annika as his own. In the years that followed, the two had found that the shadowy land he called on for power was safe for her, they’d discovered the magical abilities she was capable of, and most of all, they’d spent her lifetime wondering where in all the universe she had originally came from.

For a man who could move across trillions of light years in a single step, it had been an impossible task. But one that they had accepted they might never answer. And so it was that Jack embraced his role as Annika’s guardian for as long as was needed.

In recent times, she’d developed her first spells under his guidance. They were simple, but it was a start of something powerful. They stepped between universes, trespassed into realms unknown and learned what one another was capable of as he shared an unending journey with her.
In SPIRITUM 3 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Morden was silently like the grave during the walk on foot to the meeting place. The “Spooks” were subtle, but something he found strange was the fact that they were doing things in a particularly obvious way. Dunbarton was a sleepy city, and there was only so much justification for armed personnel around a building like this. On the surface, I could very well just be a police raid from a civilian’s standpoint. But then, the average civilian would’ve expected a truck or at least a cruiser to be here. There were none of these things outside the meeting place, it was as if a bunch of federal agents had just walked in. To his trained eye, Morden could see their weapons and their armor, but they weren’t really trying that hard to conceal those things, why hide them at all if they were going to be lazy about it?

He had to wonder what the angle of that was.

Inside, it was more what he’d expect. obvious force. And yet they were actively loading and checking weapons, not simply enjoying a relief period. They were actively preparing for something.

There is something unusual about this, He commented, wordlessly. Still, Morden followed them up the stairs to where “Dirk” waited.
The set-up to clown on this fuckin apparition is hilarious

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