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@Zeroth Make the cool thing your PC did fundamentally impossible without someone else's PCs. Like someone with super strength throwing your pc at a giant monster to fuck it up at point blank range.
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Mahz has a desk?
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I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

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Jack watched Annika pull an entire bow out and felt a bit taken back by it. She’d just been struggling to get something simple to form and was understandably frustrated. And suddenly she’d pulled that out without so much as a thought. It was a strange sight, one he approved of, to be sure, but curious. What was the difference? He wondered, for a brief moment, if it had something to do with who she once was.

Still, his surprise was quickly replaced with approval. Pride, even. He smiled back at her, which was a rare sight even when he was empathically proud of her.

”Well done, Annika. You found the trick, it seems.”
"Patience is something you will learn, not something you will find." It would've sounded corny to say something about how raising a kid taught him patience, so he didn't say it, but that was true to some extent. Magic required patience as well, it was something he had an ample amount of at this point in life.

”For now, try to reach for something tangible in the shadows you are working with. Do not search for it. Rather, assume that you already know it is there, and take hold,” He suggested. ”Draw it up from Nothing.”

Location: Outside
Skills: Runic Floral Revival

Leah wasn't having a good day. In fact, she wasn't having a great time lately. She would've just stayed at the school the whole time, but no, someone who didn't understand the circumstances or had any right to understand them just had to stick their nose in it. She was perfectly capable of looking out for herself. These stupid laws about human beings not being able to do that until a certain age didn't feel like they mattered to her, they never did, and Leah was lately wondering if she was ever human in the first place. Mutants technically weren't human, and she always thought she was one, but at least that meant she was at least born on the same planet as April and Sabine.

And her dad knew she was here, and could've sprang his trap at any point. Was there even a trap? Did she just delude herself into thinking he still gave a shit, and didn't go off to have another kid?

And now all this. Just one shitty thing after another, now compounded by the fact that she was probably going to get investigated, interrogated, or some other inane shit by the Avengers. Leah was about to just go sit under a tree and tune the whole world out when some fucking golden retriever in human form started yapping in her ear. Danni.

God, fuck, damn, shit, fuck. She never could get along with this guy, and Leah never really had any idea why. He just didn't shut the fuck up, and she could never fully understand what he was saying, and he was so fucking loud about it. April was pretty energetic too, but holy shit. At least she had some semblance of a filter. He held out some damn bracelet, and she just stared down at it before walking.

"I don't know what the fuck that even means, Danni," She griped, not giving much of a fuck if he actually followed her. He probably would.

"I already know what happened, I can take a guess. He stuck is in there, tried to kill us, won, and someone had to fuck with time to fix that. I get it, okay? It's not hard to read the damn room." April usually did a worse job masking her fear of mortal perils, than Leah. "I don't know what possessed the little fucking prick to try it, but he got away with it, right? The clock just got wound back for a do-over, tell me if I'm wrong."

She walked out into the front of the school, taking a spot under a tree like as she wanted to. She dug out a pouch of small stones. "I'm guessing April's going to want you and Dorian on the same team as me and Sabine. That's fine, I don't care at all about the teams, as long as someone knows what they're doing. I'm sick of caring. So, sure, bother me. It's fine, seriously." It occurred to Leah that she could keep being arbitrarily annoyed by Danni's existence, or she could grow the fuck up for April's sake. And for Sabine's too, but Sabine was probably a lot more willing to chew her out for it than April.

There was a flower in the grass, one that looked frail and wilted. A sunflower. Leah reached into her pouch and grabbed two of the stones. One carved with a symbol resembling a capital B, the other an S. Berkano and Sowilo, based on some shit she looked up over the break.

"Okay. Fuck it, why not." She placed them both between her fingers, and pointed her hand down at the sunflower.

"Do something."

The flower twitched, and the stones felt warm to the touch. The sunflower bloomed into something golden, bright and downright majestic, reflecting the sunlight in the sky like polished gold. Leah hadn't ever seen something grown in dirt look that healthy, and she was a bit confused that it worked so easily.

"...Well, shit." She looked up at Danni. "I guess I'm a plant wizard."
Ryder walked forward with not a single disregard for keeping herself concealed. Umbra knew they'd come, knew the Sword of Damocles was raised. She wasn't here to play nice.

"Didn't ask, don't fucking care." She held her makeshift laser weapon up, walking out in front of Cyclops and mentally hijacking the intercom systems. Jean might've wanted mercy, but Ryder was hardly pushing for that. They'd come here for a fight, she came here for retribution, for a fucking finale. On every level, there were several guards who felt anything but moved by Jean's announcement. In fact, most of them weren't inclined to pay her and mind given the company they'd followed here. Ryder knew this, because she had her finger on Umbra's pulse long before now.

So following her well-meaning message, there came one more menacing.


A door was telekinetically forced open, and three guards aimed rifles at Ryder. She was an easy target in the pitch black darkness inside. They didn't have NVGs on, they wouldn't need them. Though, being an easy target cut both ways in this case, as two flew upwards into the ceiling, and then slammed face-first into the ground faster than a person could survive. All the while, Ryder fired lasers straight through the arm and rib cage of the third. Their radios gave away their positions before she stepped inside.


The walls shook under the volume of her transmitted voice. She pushed another four guards away into the wall and turned their own firearms back on them. She paid no mind to watching their bodies slump over. Ryder jacked her mind into the elevator system, it wasn't working for them but she didn't want it to. She ripped the doors out, and they floated behind her.


Her face was the picture of apathy. Not a single trace of malice to read, just cold determination.

When the X-Men caught up with her, the elevator was dragged up by Ryder's telekinesis.


She stepped into it, while it hovered above a shaft that descended far below.

"You coming?"
A cloud of shadows raised up from the floor, around every corner and underneath the furniture of the house. It became a bubble of sorts, closing around Annika, and it could've swallowed her whole were it not for the one responsible.

"This is how." Jack's hand reached through the black, and it rested on Annika's shoulder. All at once, she suddenly had the ability to see in the darkness and well beyond it. The magical gloom was both there and not there, like an optical illusion, or some sort of transparent veil layered over her vision.

Jack's eyes, though, became pitch black. Like they were made of charcoal.

"Darkvision. A spell you will one day want to learn, that requires a firm grasp on the fundamentals. We live in a land cloaked by mystery, defined in the negative. You'll understand, one day, how to think in that lens. For now, merely be patient."



They got the Magma Titan, that was good news.

The bad news was that it was just replaced with a much bigger titan made of bone. Stormy wasn’t exactly a heavy hitter in the sense that he hit things. He could throw a mean punch, but this? No, they needed magic that could put something down quickly to deal with that, and several of them were starting to lose steam. And Stormy wasn’t at 100% right now himself, not after that Hallow Blast.

His channeler showed another nine minutes before he could use Phantombane in any capacity.

Maybe he could dig up a Barrier Storm or maybe a Phantomblade, if Drake were around here. But he’d vanished. Stormy didn’t trust his shields to stand up strong against that thing’s foot; If it slammed down on them, his Iron Fortress would take it with no trouble, but it was too small. Think. How could-

Oh, yeah.

”I know what to do… LEON! I have a plan!” Stormy shouted.

Leon had been staring upward when Drake vanished, and had been in hesitant awe ever since. There was a moment of waiting before Stormy got his answer… He could hear the bubbling of Kenshiro’s levitation in the sky ahead, and hoped he wasn’t making a headlong dive toward this new threat.

His voice echoed across the muddy field, and Leon pressed off the ground hard enough to cause dirt to fly up and around him before skidding to a stop.
"Plan up, hit me!”

”Back at Kari’s house, there was this flesh creature that 8th Street sent after us… It didn’t have an emotional field, and it was undead.”

He pointed up at the gigantic fuckass skeleton. ”That thing is undead, too. I’m thinking if you use some of Lelou’s strength, you can hurl me at it like a damned missile,” he explained. ”And I’ll force my Consecration spell on it.”

He bumped his left shoulder with his right hand, and green scales made of his Lux crawled up Stormy’s skin. ”I’ll grab on. Worst case scenario, I fall and hit the ground, but Dragonhide will keep me alive. If this works, it’ll be too distracted by the fact that it’s withering to fight us!.”
The Holy Missile! Leon pointed a long and muscular finger at Stormy and his eyes widened.
"Oooh, you’re going fuckin’ long!
Immediately, Leon had Stormy half by the shirt and half by the belt. Purposefully, he aimed Stormy’s face toward the faint purple light in the sky nearby.
"If you start to miss, scream for Ken! I know he’ll catch you! Brace yourself!”

There was a strange rubber snapping sound like bands breaking as they get wrapped around a ball directly next to Stormy’s head. Like something constantly rotating, coiling… And then Leon’s torso began to contort fully, ribs and organs being tugged into a smaller, tighter space. He was rotating his spine in place, and as it came to the extent that it appeared as if he may snap in two, the whole world would start to spin around Stormy.
Round and round, heavier and heavier gravitational rotations pressed the two tighter together until all at once, there was nothing holding him back. Just the sensation of air passing through Stormy’s hair.

Stormy went up, up and up higher. For a moment, he was free and weightless and simply aimed a hand out. As he soared above the battlefield, a note of green energy snapped into being between his fingers.

He started dropping, and the titan came closer.

Stormy crashed right into the ribs, feeling the strain against his chest as he wrapped both arms around the huge bone. If he hadn’t used Dragonhide, he might’ve ruptured something.

On contact with the bone titan, he let the Consecration spell do its thing, and felt that drag on his soul. It taxed him by taking a piece of what made him who he was, but that was a fact Stormy was used to. He’d walk it off.

All that was left now was to wait and see if it worked.
"You are reaching to assert your will over that which exists in the negative," Jack explained, watching her attempt. "Where there is Nothingness, you are giving it shape. That is something that will require time to master."

Whenever Jack spoke, walked or so much as waved a hand before him, the house they lived in had a way of shuddering. Those who could call this place home became inseparable from it. From the moment this world welcomed Annika, it was one and the same with her. This is an extension of hers and Jack's souls. The act of using Umbramancy involved pulling on that connection in the same way one leveraged their ability to close their fingers into a fist.

"I remember when I was only a few years older than you are now... I spent weeks simply learning to see through the shadows, shaping them was unthinkable."

Location: She-Hulk's Apartment
Skills: N/A

Leah wasn’t paying much attention right now. When Coulson had said what he wanted, everyone seemed a little pissed off in one way or another, even the ones who weren’t. Mainly because the room felt like it was just a blanket mess of noise to Leah. She tuned everything out after the mention of therapy and didn’t hear anything meaningful about teams or even what Sabine had to say. Victoria’s rant didn’t register to her, she was too damn tired to deal with this right now.

There were too many voices, in a room that was too small. Leah just slowly blinked and got sick of this shit quicker than she normally got sick of things.

”This… Is a fucking joke.”

Leah sat up in her seat, and glared daggers at Coulson. ”The Avengers didn’t do a fucking thing. For months. Did any of you ever stop and think that maybe it was a little weird that Arcade was holed up in there long enough to do something like that? Or did you just conveniently never notice, even though this place is full of dumb fucking idiots who call themselves superheroes?”

If Arcade had just threw this scheme together overnight, she could believe it if the school was just caught off guard. That sort of thing happened, but the amount of shit he had loaded into the computer had to take weeks or even longer to get organized, even for him. There was no reality where they could look good or come up with an excuse for that.

”You don’t get to ignore all of that and pretend you give a damn about any of us,” Leah continued. ”And you’re not sticking me in “therapy” for it, either. The last guy who tried to make me do something I wasn’t willing to do was buried alive.”

Leah wasn’t the sort of people who got shaky when stressed. She was used to fighting for her life, getting hurt badly and dealing with awful shit. But right now, sitting in this office with all these noisy people and staring down a guy who didn’t matter nearly enough for her to care, while running on a fuck-you amount of sleep? Yeah, she was about to explode if she didn’t get the fuck out.

So Leah stood up and swung the door open.

”I don’t care about the contest, I never did. I only went along with it because it mattered to everyone else. It means nothing. It’s a waste of everyone’s time, but everyone keeps pretending it’s the only way you get to be superhero. Do whatever you want with the teams. I don’t care.”

She slammed through the door shut behind her, not even trying to hold back all that inhuman strength she had for the door’s sake.

”No. it does not.”

Jack walked into the kitchen and returned with a small knife. He sat it down on a table in front of a couch, sitting down himself with the book. ”Draw the shadows inwards, however slow and difficult it may be for you, and show me your ability to learn.” He held his hand over the table, and it cast a shadow far too dark for it to make rational sense. That shadow bubbles up and then collapsed.

It became a rectangle, and bits and pieces of it fell onwards, as a shape slowly coalesced into something tangle. A vantablack kitchen knife.

”Do not feel the need to rush your attempt. Use patience.”
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