Location: Blackstone
Skills: N/A
Things that were becoming even more obvious at this point was how overly dramatic Selene could be, which honestly, when he thought about it, wasn't all that surprising. He also wasn't entirely sure what to do, considering the fact that he still had that thing that his father wanted him to do. This just led him to wonder how he ended up stuck in the position of between Selene, and Sinister. That was not a thing he ever expected to deal with in general, but eh, whatever.
There still was the whole reason why he was even in Blackstone to begin with, and what he could potentially do to get what it was he had been sent there to retrieve. Sure, he could try to pull a strand of hair off her or something, or he could just do the sort of simpler thing and see if he could find her hairbrush or something, that likely would be easier then doing any other strange thing. "Need me to do anything at the moment or no?" he figured he'd ask, give him a bit of an excuse to maybe still be in the building.
Location: Hellfire Bay
Skills: N/A
She figured that Ellie was likely going to try and get her to explain things, why she had aided in changing everything back. Part of the reason why she didn't say anything about it, or even try to explain it, was partially because she truthfully didn't fully know the answer to that. Why had she helped with that in some way? It was an incredibly difficult thing to really figure out, so she wasn't entirely sure how to even begin to explain what was going on.
Before she could even start to answer the question (that she was sure that Ellie was going to ask), or even create a potential answer, Ellie started coughing, a lot. That wasn't fully the part that concerned her though, coughing was normal really. It was the blood that she was coughing up that freaked her out a bit. Miranda instantly put a hand on her shoulder. "Speaking of secrets and all, Ellie are you okay? Because coughing up blood is definitely not normal."
Location: House of M
Skills: N/A
Zari instantly pulled the object out of her bag and tossed it on the ground, clear that she didn't care. "Sorry, history was never my forte, though growing up where I did, that's kind of to be expected," she ended up saying, before she continued to walk away, but she looked at Andy for a moment, "You can stay here if you want to Andy, it's okay, just not for me with someone who more or less insulted me and then got mad at me for getting made back and defending it."
Another thought crossed her mind, something that she figured she'd mention. "Another thing I was going to maybe ask help with at some point, but just going to mention it now. Aside from being half-Asgardian, I'm from the future, I'm not going to be born until October of this year. Which leads to the question of why I'm here right? The Norns had a prophecy of their own that they gave me, but considering the fact that you insulted anything to do with that, not like you'd believe it. Reason I'm here is because in that prophecy, it was foretold that something was going to happen here involving Genosha and whatever it is, still not fully sure yet what, it's going to be bad. I got roped into it because if I don't something will likely happen to my mom that will result in me never being born and ceasing to exist entirely, something I would really prefer not to have happen. And another thing, where I'm from, Ragnarok happened, Asgard is gone, I've never been, and I never got to meet my paternal grandparents or most of my father's family. So I was more raised around them on Earth as opposed to normal humans because they claimed a part of Earth as their own. This is my problem though and you already made clear you don't respect my beliefs since you basically kept saying that Valhalla doesn't exist and basically saying my faith didn't matter. So that would probably include anyone who foretells any sort of destruction or whatever." Those were the last words she said as she left, basically completely ignoring them for the moment.