Avatar of BlueSky44


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5 yrs ago
Current Congrats to my X-Men peeps! 2 years and over a 1000 posts later and we are heading into our 5th story arc!
6 yrs ago
RIP Stan Lee... You will forever be missed. As someone whose grown up reading Marvel comics, you've always have kind of been a part of my life. Thank you for making most of the Marvel heroes we know.


Name: BlueSky44
Aliases: Blue
Age: Mid 20s
Birthday: October 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Dog Groomer
Languages: English
Current Bio Theme: Five/Emily Kolburn
Previous Themes: Remy LeBeau (Gambit)
Years Rping: Too many
Preferred Rp Section: Casual

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Most Recent Posts

So sounds like we are probably screwed? Sounds like so much fun. Pietro responded to Guin mentally, before deciding that it was likely a better idea to just drop the whole thing all together at this point. This was a bad situation, and who knew how things were going to end at this point. All he knew was that the flaming space chicken is usually a bad sign.

"This whole situation is just weird to me, but sure, let's get going then. We've got what we came for, kind of funny that we were so close to it this entire time." Klara said with a bit of a laugh.

"Yeah, turns out it was only a few hundred feet away from here... So let's get moving then and hope the others are alright..." With those words, she headed off in the direction of the noise and roars, figuring that they'd eventually reach the other group or something like that.

"Well, this is going to be a fun instance to figure out what happened after all of this..." Pietro responded, as both he and Klara followed along after Mary.

Over with the others, Nightlocke (before she got thrown away from the fighting by Runa) would be able to have sent Klara flying towards where Lance was, though that was about the extent of it for the most part. She ended up on the ground more then anything, not having gotten hit in the process, and she managed to get up off the ground, dusting herself off a bit. "Well that was annoying..." she muttered as she saw Runa send Nightlocke and Mage flying away.

Lance seemed to more or less glare at the others telling him to seemingly stop, and he let out a loud roar, and seemed to not be shifting back at all. Of course he wasn't currently throwing anything at them, so that was something right? Klara was still incredibly confused as to who everyone was, not to mention the whole alternate reality selves, not to mention Runa mentioning something about what her brother had done? This was weird, really really weird, and she had no idea what to do at this point about it.

"Uh... Runa? Most of what you just said, does not make any sense to me... At all... Alternate realities, that part makes sense, a little bit... Everything else you just said doesn't... Not really anyway..." she commented to her, before she walked to stand next to Runa again.

There was the sound of movement nearby though, and suddenly, a sword seemingly came out of nowhere, and Klara whirled around and caught the blade in her hand, wincing only slightly from the blade slicing into her hand. Of course the sword looked like her own that was still in her other hand. She held the sword in her hand, flipping it around to hold onto the hilt, and she seemed to be comparing it to her own sword.

They'd eventually see the other group walk over, and Mary glanced over at the Klara that was with them, "Care to explain why you did that?"

"What? I didn't know if she was the enemy or not can you blame me?" came her response.


"Cool, now we've got two Klaras hanging around, fun." Pietro responded with a shrug, looking at the group.

"...I need to commend you on one thing... Not so much your aim, but also how the sword looks, since it is pretty close to my own. But not quite, the coloring is all... Wrong. Yours is darker overall in general, same colors, just darker in tone. Plus the blade itself seems to be almost a cheap knock off, still able to cut everything... But clearly not very much like the original now is it?" she said slowly, before tossing the sword up in the air, before whirling around with her own sword and hitting the other blade. The blade seemingly shattered, bits and pieces of the blade flying everywhere, and the hilt with only a small piece of the blade still attached hit the ground, and she slung her own sword over her shoulder. "See? Cheap knock off... So... Who are you exactly? Also still not sure who the rest of you really are..."

Shakka Ven

15 pts (Neutral)

He seemed to think on what Raynor said for a moment, likely thinking about the best course of action to deal with this sort of thing. Shakka was a bit concerned as to how exactly he was going to react. Though there always was the chance that Jarothe would basically try to kill Raynor, but she kind of was hoping that he wasn't stupid enough to try something like that. Facing the Jedi in any capacity was a foolish endeavor, but going against one while they knew perfectly well who was there and what they were supposed to be doing? That was just asking for a death wish or something of the sort. Though he was the type to be fairly stubborn as well on an issue, so this could go either way really at least the way she saw it.

After another moment of thought, he spoke up, "Very well then, she can stay if you are so insistent," he responded, before motioning for Sparky to join them and have a seat.

That actually did surprise her a bit, but she more or less did was she was asked and sat down as well, a bit unsure of what to really do at this point. Raynor was a complete anomaly in her life and existence at the moment, and the Jedi seemed to be a bit more on the stubborn side then what she had been expecting. He definitely was a bit on the strange side, and she wasn't entirely sure what to expect to happen now.

Shakka Ven

15 pts (Neutral)

Shakka was actually very much surprised by what it was that Raynor had said, not to mention he was the first person to really seem to want her around. Most of the time she was just there, doing what she was told and hoping to not to screw things up. Now here was someone who seemed to actually want her around, though for what reason she had no idea. She was a nobody, no one important at all, she lived in basically her own little world it seemed like. Just a person who wanted to explore the galaxy but was stuck and couldn't do anything like that.

Jarothe leaned back in his seat, a bit surprised and almost amused it seemed by what it was that Raynor was saying. "Oh her? Why do you seem to think she knows so much about the vessels? She mainly just repeats what she has been told about each of the ships, makes it a bit easier then to carry around something that actually has the specs for the ships and everything on it sometimes to just have someone state it. Several employees can do very similar things. Why do you wish for her to stay? She has other things she needs to do currently."

Yeah this was getting to be a bit of a problem really. She knew that Jarothe would likely question Raynor as to why he wanted to keep her around in general. This was getting nowhere she didn't think, so she said the only thing she could really think of really. "...I can leave, it is alright. I don't mean to impose or anything."

Zelda Flynn

Location: the Field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A

Zelda wasn't too sure about this, starting off a school year at a new school, not to mention if she had to guess a lot of the older students probably know her sister in some way. Yup that was going to be fun to deal with in general. However she wasn't too sure what to think about with regards to there being a carnival of sorts right now, and she was more or less in a somewhat crowded area where she was now, and she was sort of just wandering, trying to figure out what it was that she should do, or something. April had already taken off to go find her friends, which more or less resulted in her being left alone.

There was a lot to do at the carnival, and yet none of them actually seemed to really interest her too much. It was just overly crowded to her in general, and now she was just trying to find something to do really. Actually she wished she had managed to keep up with April and follow her around at least for a little while. Though no point in trying to figure that out now of where she went. There were so many different things that she could really do. Eventually though, she ended up deciding to go over towards the trivia booth. Since that was something that she might do that could be fun. Though she wasn't entirely sure what sort of trivia that would be.

Zarina Raynordattir

Location: the Field (School Carnival)
Skills: N/A
First Day Outfit

It was the first day of school hooray! Her parents had more or less left her and Andy at the school after helping them get settled in the dorms, but she was a bit excited for the most part. Even though her roommate seemed a bit distant towards her and she couldn't understand why, or at least the full reason why, but she couldn't dwell on that too much. This was her first time going to a school of any sort, and she's excited in general. Not to mention she'd have Andy with her too this time! She was practically dragging her around to go explore the carnival that had been set up for the first day of school. This was going to be a great day that was for sure, at least in her opinion. What could possibly go wrong honestly?

"Aaaandy what do you think we should doooo? There's so much going on around here, oooh we could go get our fortunes told which would be fun, though wonder if the person they have doing the fortune telling is as good as the Norns at prophecy, but it would still be fun anyway. Or maybe we could go get some food of some sort? I don't know this food looks a little strange to me, then again never really been to a carnival or whatever before, so this is new. Wait, we need to avoid the strength thing, I hate the fact that apparently it seems like I'm not going to get the Asgardian super strength thing and really don't need to be reminded of it... Oh wait wait wait I know!" Zari was just sort of rambling as she usually did while talking to Andy and dragging her around. "Sword fighting always is fun, plus you could learn how to do that sort of thing anyway! Come on it'll be fun!"

"01011010 01100001 01110010 01101001 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100100 01101111 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01101100 01101001 01111010 01100101 00100000 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100101 01110110 01100101 01110010 01111001 01101111 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101100 01101001 01101011 01100101 01110011 00100000 01110011 01110111 01101111 01110010 01100100 00100000 01100110 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110010 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100" came the beeping reply from the robot eye floating around after her.

"Oh come on, you shush, and no one asked you what your opinion on what we were doing!" she protested in response to the robot with an eye roll.

"01011001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01101100 01101100 01111001 00100000 01101110 01100101 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110011 01101100 01101111 01110111 00100000 01100100 01101111 01110111 01101110 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101100 01100101 01110100 00100000 01000001 01101110 01100100 01111001 00100000 01100010 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100010 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101101 01100001 01111001 01100010 01100101 00100000 01110111 01100001 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100011 01101111 01101110 01100100 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100001 01101110 01110011 01110111 01100101 01110010"

"Once again I didn't exactly ask you!" it likely would be strange to many, as there weren't any words spoken in the one half of the conversation. She was talking to a floating robotic eye right now, and her attention turned towards Andy, "So what do you want to do Andy?"

Rosalia Rider

Location: The Moors
Skills: N/A

She was glad to be alone for the most part, especially considering the fact that the hunter people or whoever they were seemed to have left her alone, with her having lost them at the river or creek of water that she had raced across. That was a good thing for the most part, since the arrow in her shoulder was really starting to hurt a whole bunch. Now she's trying to figure out the best move or what she could do now at this point, when she heard movement outside of the cave.

Rosalia didn't move initially, wondering what to think of in general, when she heard the voice of her bio father Flynn Rider outside of the cave, seemingly trying to find her or something. He did seem a bit worried for the most part with the way his voice sounded, but she was still a bit hesitant to poke her head out or respond to him. After a few moments, she decided to respond to him in general, and she yelled out in response from the cave not moving, "What do you want?"

Jack Gold

Location: Atlantica
Skills: N/A

"Cool, get to be on the group rigging up explosives, that sort of thing sounds like a whole lot of fun," Jack responded with a bit of a shrug. Blowing things up sounded like fun, but in his case hopefully it wouldn't end too badly and he wouldn't set everything on fire and blow them all up already on accident. Yeah, this was going to be an interesting mission of sorts to say the least for him.

He wasn't too sure about being separated from Megan, since they for the most part aside from one or two instances, namely when he got dragged off by his father to go have a "conversation" or something like that. Jack knew that he wasn't the best person in a fight, he was better at figuring things out or potentially following up clues or ideas and things like that, fighting wasn't exactly an easy thing for him to do. Sure he was getting better at throwing fireballs, but still, not super the best in general really.

Location: New Asgard
Skills: N/A

Flynn wasn't too sure what fully to go with considering the fact that Cass was talking about arresting them where she had no jurisdiction or anything like that, and he glanced over at Raynor when he said they needed to focus on dealing with Doom as opposed to fighting amongst each other. Well he knew that already, he paid attention to what it was that Destiny had said about Doom and him being able to destroy everything or something like that, including their reality.

"Well I knew that already," he ended up saying, before he headed along after everyone else to see what was going on in general over there. He showed up just in time to really see everything get dealt with and Doom get turned into a stone statue, and for his memories to clear up and things to be back to normal again. Flynn blinked a few times and looked over at the others as they were discussing what to do with that now. Things definitely seemed to be a bit strange right now, and it looked like the current queen was dead.

Sparky hadn't been able to stop Doom from killing Sif or Luminous, and that wasn't a good thing at all. She had been about to send some more electricity at Doom, when others came into the area and instantly started attacking him, with Maria easily somewhat slowing him down by draining his energy. When the commotion ended, she was a bit surprised to see a statue currently where Doom had been, that was a bit random in her mind. She walked over to where Raynor was, wondering what was going through his mind currently, and she looked at everyone else. "So... What exactly now?" she asked, before she heard footsteps as someone else came into the room.

Klara raced into the area, her sword in her hand, before she saw the seen before her and she lowered her arm, "Mother?" was all she said, before walking up to where Sif's body was. She, like Raynor, didn't have much in the way of actual family anymore after Ragnarok, but she still had one of her parents afterwards, and for that she had always been grateful. Now though, she only had Raynor left, not to mention the fact that now, she was effectively the ruler of New Asgard, which meant that another thing needed to be said. "You know, with my mother gone now what this means right?" she ended up asking Raynor, wondering if he'd connect the dots or not, aside from the obvious being that she was technically the ruler of New Asgard now.

Raynor looked at her gravely, and he bent the knee to her. Klara just sort of laughed, shaking her head. "I meant more of with regards to you... Because yes with my mother gone, the rule of New Asgard falls to me... But what a lot of people don't think about... Is whose next in line after that. And I don't have any children or anything like that... Which means you would be next in line after me..."

β€œβ€¦.I….” Raynor seemed surprised to hear her say that - largely because her mother had just been killed and her body barely cold, but also because he had assumed he wouldn’t be in the line of succession. β€œNew Asgard could not ask for a better ruler than you - or a worser one than me.”

It was a bit obvious to many that it looked like she was fighting back tears a bit at this point when she spoke next, "I've always told you that you sell yourself a bit short... But... Raynor you're the only family I have now. I don't have anyone else... I know you are capable, plus you even have a family of your own now aside from just me... I'd love for you to be my successor, and considering what just happened, a lot of people forget how important a line of succession is, or how short life can be even for people like us who live a lot longer then Midgardians do... I just... I don't think I can do this whole thing alone, even if you think that I can... So why not make your little girl a true princess of Asgard too while we're at it..." she was starting to cry now.

β€œβ€¦.Alright,” Raynor relented. He was uncertain, but he could never stand to see his cousin cry. β€œI’ll do it.” She just nodded her head in response, not really saying anything else much as she was trying to keep it together now, but was failing miserably at it for the most part. Her laughter before had more of been her trying to cope with what just happened, and failing at it.

Sparky wasn't too sure what to think at this point, considering the fact that she never actually really thought of Raynor being a prince of any sort for Asgard, since from what she figured, it sounded like he didn't expect that sort of thing either. They were basically stuck there trying to fully figure out what to do now, and she looked over at Sylvi, wondering what was going through her mind with regards to what was going on.

"...So flaming space chicken? Uhhhh why is it here? Also is it this universe's version, or ours? Or is it technically both?" Pietro asked, he knew vaguely what she was talking about, but still, this was a bit insane for him to really think about since it made no sense as to why it was here.

"...It might be because of the crystal that it came, though let's be honest be glad that it did, otherwise we'd all likely be dead because that was going what was going to happen with regards to what happened seconds before hand..." Klara commented with a bit of a shrug. "I mean be grateful that we're living in general because wow that was ending poorly."

"Should we maybe go after her? Or is technically it them I guess with the flaming space chicken and the psychopath who is also there in her head? Actually wait that's bad right?"

"You guys do realize that I can hear you right?" Mary's voice responded as she ended up back by the others, "Or at least was able to hear the last part about the psychopath in my head... Anyway, we should see about finding the others, because pretty sure this is what we're looking for," she added, before holding up a pink crystal shard of sorts that was in her hand.

"Are you okay? Because literally not that long ago you were on the ground and we were about to lose and no one has explained much of anything about what happened. Because I couldn't keep up with that still..." Pietro said out loud, before looking at Guin a bit, I know we were just talking about the flaming space chicken, but still Guina, I'm not sure this is a good thing, and we now have the crystal that's around so what do you think we should do?

"We need to catch up to the others, and considering we came from that direction," Mary said, pointing in a direction, "Guess we should go along with that and hope we run into them... And maybe follow along after the sounds of the hulk roars or something like that."

Back where Annie and Bethany were, the portal that Runa created would open up and allow the pair to end up back where the others were, "Honestly Runa whatever is going on I think you are being a bit overly dramatic with things because I don't think there is anything that really needs to be dealt with or any sort of penance or anything like that, for whatever is going on..." she commented, before looking at the group that they had in front of them. "...Whose the allies again with things and why are there two of one of them?" she asked, incredibly confused.

Meanwhile behind Nightlocke, it probably was not a good idea to potentially have your back turned towards any form of Hulk. So of course, Lance was going to take some notice of her and what she was doing, being the sort of pest that was now standing with her back towards him. He instant knocked her forwards, causing her to slam into the ground, and letting out a bit of a roar afterwards. Yeah Nightlocke would definitely be hurting a bit from that, plus all of the other bits of damage she had taken before.

At least at the moment he seemed to be ignoring Mage who had basically bubbled himself to prevent getting knocked around, so that was something for the moment currently anyway.

"Guessing the green monster or whatever you mentioned is him?" Klara then asked Runa, nodding her head towards Lance. Yup, this was definitely confusing to her.

Janelle Gauger

Location: Train
Skills: Heightened Hearing, Hypnokinesis

"Who are you two talkin abooeht anyway?" Janelle asked, listening to the pair as they were still sort of discussing someone being in the area. Cassian has mentioned there being someone, but now Kristin was saying that she couldn't see anyone there? It was a bit difficult for her to tell what was going on without others potentially just spelling it out for her, however the roar startled her, and she wonder what the hell was that and what could they potentially do about it now.

"Umm... Can sahmeone tell me what dat was?" she couldn't help but ask the other two, as neither one of them had said a word since the monster (she assumed) let out a loud roar. Her immediate thought was to try and pinpoint where everyone was, but considering the fact that Kristin and Cassian had both fallen silent, the only thing she knew where it was was the monster. So deciding to try at least something, she decided to try and make it fall asleep, but she was pretty sure she only made it slightly drowsey.

Jason Gauger

Location: The Train
Skills: Sword Fighting

Well, here was the all hell breaking loose that he thought was going to eventually happen. It didn't surprise him at all that the normal people around them had ran for it out of the train car, and personally he was wondering what they were going to do if the harpys caused enough damage to the train and car to potentially derail the train entirely. That was not something he was looking to find the answer for really with regards to everything. Since this was a bad situation.

He instantly drew his sword and swung it towards the nearest harpy by him. Figuring that he might be able to do something or kill one while they figured out how to best deal with this situation. Jason instantly chopped off the wings of the monster, before he swung around and ran the creature through with his sword, killing the thing, and he looked to see what the other two were doing, really hoping this situation could potentially get a little better for them.

Marygold Isley

Location: The Labyrinth
Skills: N/A

"Well that book definitely seems useful to keep around, probably a good thing you found it then," she said to Andy as they continued along the path. The sounds of monsters off in the distance wasn't exactly very reassuring, but at least they didn't seem to be coming any closer to them, so hopefully they wouldn't have to worry about things too severely currently. Though lowering their guard would be a big mistake still considering where they were.

Mary followed along after Madalyne as they headed down a set of stairs, following the arrow along still as they went. Eventually, after the stairs, she followed the arrow along some more, and eventually came across a rickety old bridge that the arrow was pointing towards the other side of it, which looked to have some sunlight on the otherside or something like that. "We should be careful, don't want to fall or anything like that..."
@Master EffeX
Yeah you are good to move her over, I'll see about sending you a link to our discord, and the backup server we have for RP posts
@Master EffeX
Just the limit of her needing to have dealt with it (or been around it in person) should be fine. We use dice mechanics for most everything when it comes to powers (in her case to focus and manifest a power she wants and then the usual sort of to hit rolls or whatever), so that should be fine
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