Avatar of Bonesaw McGraw


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@Universorum Are we still doing the run-in finish to the Wake match? Like do you want that Sexton promo to be an in-ring promo after he screws Thunderbird?
Been almost a week. I think we can move forward. One player even was worried if this dead.

Alright, Ièll make a post tomorrow since Ièm working today, and move things forward.
Yo bro? What happened to this?

Just waiting to give the other players a chance to introduce their characters in the IC, if we don't hear from them then I'll just move things forward.
Main Event: Sexton P.S. Love vs. Thunderbird

Sexton Love had shown up for this week's TV in considerably better shape than the week prior. In truth it was pretty much impossible for him to have looked any worse, so maybe it wasn't that impressive an achievement. A few days ago, he got the call from a member of the "booking committee" (or "creative team" or whatever the hell they were calling themselves these days), letting him know that he would be working the main event against Thunderbird. As far as opponents go, it was a decent choice. The Bird was a fiery babyface, with a good amount of experience working in Japan as well as in the United States. Sexton had been asked to put Thunderbird over, which of course was not a problem, and the front office knew that he had the ability to make any babyface, whether they were wearing a headdress or not, look like a million bucks. Sexton was a lot of things, but a mark wasn't one of them.

Sexton stood waiting in the gorilla position. He'd been ask to go about 15 minutes, which was perfect. Just before exiting the locker room he had popped four somas (or was it five?), and knew they would take about that long to kick in. When the pills started to kick, that was his go-home signal. He probably could've just listened to time cues from the ref, but fuck that guy.

Sexton's music hit and he stepped through the curtain to a mixed reaction. This week's show was in Los Angeles, and Sexton himself was a California native. He had anticipated a bit of a hometown pop, and so he had come prepared to deal with it.

"The following contest is a first round match-up in the AWE World Title tournament! Introducing first, from Venice Beach, Cal--"

"Gimme the fuckin' mic!"

As he ripped the microphone from the ring announcer's hands, Sexton hoped that his F-bomb didn't come through on television. He suspected that it did. Oh well. At least it was after 10 PM.

"Listen here daddeh, because I got a little somethin' for ya. This is truly a new era for American Wrestling Entertainment. A new era, with a new champion. And you know Sexton P.S. Love wants a piece of that action darlin'. This company needs me as the World's Heavyweight Champion, and you know I need that belt just as bad. Sexton Love's got to have that world's title belt daddeh. He's got to have it. It's got gold on it. It's got platinum on it. It's got lead, iron, copper, and zinc! It's got uranium, and TITANIUM. It's got cobalt, asphalt, your fault, my fault, SAN ANDREAS FAULT! You heard that right daddeh."

Sexton lowered the mic for a moment, allowing the crowd to cheer. The line really made no sense, but it was all about delivery, just ask Superstar Billy Graham. After allowing the crowd to amp themselves up, Sexton began to speak again. It was time to bring them crashing down.

“Sexton Love is being oddly… polite here tonight, you don’t hear that very often from him.”

"I've been all around the world, and I've been a champion everywhere I went. I was a heavyweight champion in Canada, Japan, Iran, and Pakistan, a champion all over the world daddeh. But you know that I was born and raised in southern California."

Another huge pop.

"And I have never, ever, learned more about what it meant to be champion than last week in CHICAGO, ILLINOIS!"

And there it was.



The crowd turned on a dime, relentlessly booing the brash and arrogant villain. Was it cheap heat? Yes. But he was just getting started. Sexton tore off his t-shirt to reveal a Chicago Cubs jersey underneath, the team that beat the L.A. Dodgers in last year's National League Championship Series. Heat didn't come much cheaper than that.

"I'm DOWN for the Chi-Town darlin', because Sexton Love is a champion, and Chicago is the city of champions! Just ask the Los Angeles Dodgers! L.A. is a city of losers, and daddeh that just doesn't work for me..."

Sexton continued ranting, but his voice was being drowned out by boos. Suddenly, the sounds of A Tribe Called Red blasted through the arena as the crowd exploded. Thunderbird rushed down to the ring, instantly bringing the fight to Sexton and sending the fans into a frenzy. The proverbial shit was on.

Thunderbird took him from pillar to post, whipping Sexton across the ring and relentlessly beating him down in the corner with a flurry of punches. The Bird grabbed Sexton's jersey and pulled it off his back, holding it up high for the entire arena to see. He tore the jersey in half and threw it down as the crowd cheered.

“Thunderbird is doing what’s right and the fans are definitely in favor of it. Who can blame them? Sexton Love may as well have betrayed his hometown territory and committed high treason.”

Thunderbird turned around and was instantly met with a clothesline as Sexton exploded out of the corner. The cheers turned quickly to boos as the Lovely One began mouthing off to the fans. Looking for some payback, Sexton grabbed the Native American headdress that Thunderbird wore to the ring as part of his entrance and tore it up. He threw the shredded mess of feathers onto his opponent as he put to the boots to him, drawing even more heat.

“Yeah, and look what he got for it? Paid back in the fullest by Sexton Love, you never take your eyes off of a wiley opponent like the Sexecellence of Sexecution.”

Enraged at Sexton's display of disrespect, Thunderbird began to fire up, mounting a comeback with a series of shots to the midsection. With Sexton reeling, Thunderbird came off the ropes with a full head of steam but was cut off with a boot to the face. Sexton pointed to his brain as if to say he was "outsmarting" his opponent. Classic heel move. Sexton went for a cover, but Thunderbird kicked out at two. As soon as Thunderbird lifted a shoulder off the mat, Sexton transitioned from a pinning position to a reverse headlock, wearing his opponent down.

“And now he just keeps the pedal to the metal and closes this one out. Another feather in the cap, so to speak.”

“Is that a reference to the headdress being torn up?”


Sexton tightened his grip, looking around at some of the fans in the front row. A younger fan was wearing a Thunderbird t-shirt and a Dodgers cap. Target acquired.

"Clayton Kershaw sucks!" screamed Sexton, trying to get a rise out of the fan.

"Let's go Thunderbird! Get him!"

"Shut up, kid! I'll be your new stepdaddeh!"

The kid's mother was sitting right next to him.

"What the hell did you just say?!? Kick his ass Thunderbird!" yelled the rather large woman.

"Fat broads need Love too!"

This was the best part of the job.

“Now that’s just plain uncalled for. These fans came here to see a show, not get picked on by the wrestlers!”

The crowd began to clap, willing Thunderbird to break the hold. The Bird reached out with one of his arms, as if drawing on the energy of the 15 000 plus in attendance. He slowly rose to his feet, but Sexton refused to relinquish the hold. Thunderbird hit a few elbow shots to the midsection, losing his grip, and then powered him up with a back suplex! This time it was Thunderbird with the nearfall.

“Look at Thunderbird feeding off of the energy of the crowd! It’s beautiful.”

“I still don’t think he has it in him.”

Both men slowly got up, with Thunderbird having a slight advantage. He hit Sexton with a kick and set him up for a double underhook powerbomb. BAM! Sexton was slammed down in the middle of the ring. The Warpath River Plunge. One of Thunderbird's favorite moves. 1...2...Sexton barely kicked out.

“You were saying?”

“Two count isn’t a victory, Wade!”

Still in control Thunderbird grabbed Sexton with a front facelock, lifting him into a suplex position. He held Sexton up in a stalling vertical suplex, a pretty impressive feat of strength, and prepared to flip him forward into a uranage slam. He called it the Totem Pole Suplex. At the last second, Sexton countered, hooking Thunderbird with a DDT and planting him down on his head!

The Impale-Her DDT! Thunderbird was rocked by the signature move, clutching his neck in pain. But the exhausted and battered Sexton was unable to capitalize right away. Finally, he crawled onto the cover. 1...2..Thunderbird kicked out! Frustrated, Sexton got up to his feet. He slapped Thunderbird across the head, yelling at him to stay down.

"You see this? This is the real Thunderbird, right here!" Sexton pointed down at his crotch, then slapped his opponent again.

“Sexton nearly had him there! And look at him taking the time with his opponent, taunting him.”

“Need I remind you that a two count isn’t a victory, Kane?”

Hooking Thunderbird's legs, Sexton bridged backwards into the Love Lock, essentially his own version of the legendary Muta Lock. He wrenched back on Thunderbird's injured head and neck, thrusting his bridging pelvis upwards repeatedly. Still feeling the effects of the DDT and earlier headlock, Thunderbird desperately crawled for the ropes to break the devastating hold. By now the crowd was fully in The Bird's corner, cheering him on to keep fighting. Thunderbird outstretched his hand, looking like he may tap out, but managed to pull himself just a little further and grab the bottom rope. The referee ordered Sexton to break the hold, but Sexton kept it applied for a few extra seconds. More heat.

Looking to finish things off, Sexton lifting up Thunderbird by his injured neck, and called for the piledriver. As he set his opponent up, Sexton's gaze found the same enthusiastic young fan in the front row.

"I'm gonna break his damn neck!"

“Here comes the end, see ya Thunderbird. Come back Wednesday, maybe you can open the show.”

The hesitation cost him, as Thunderbird exploded with a back body drop, countering the piledriver! 15 000 strong collectively lost their shit as the babyface fired up for his comeback. Thunderbird began a Tatanka-like war dance, strutting around the ring and ramping up the crowd.

“You never take your eyes off of your opponent, that was a rookie move from Sexton, taunting the crowd like that.”

Sexton fed in for a series of knockdowns and bodyslams as the Native American warrior built momentum. Sexton fell down to his knees, begging and pleading for mercy. The babyface balled up his hand into a fist but Sexton grabbed the ref by his shirt and pulled him in between them like a human shield. Thunderbird shoved the ref aside and grabbed Sexton, but Sexton quickly hit him with a lowblow! Having been thrown out of the way by Thunderbird himself, the ref wasn't in a position to see it.

“Not again! We just saw a tourney match end like that last week!”

“Shut up, Wade! You do what you need to do to win the damn tournament and take the AWE World Title home! Where I come from, cheater is just a fancy word for winner.”

“Remind me to never go where you’re from.”

“We don’t want you anyway.”

Boos began raining down, as the crowd sensed where the match was headed. With a smirk on his face, Sexton lifted Thunderbird up for his finishing move, the Sexecutor. He elevated Thunderbird into a torture rack position, relishing the moment. One last time, he looked at the fan at ringside.

"It's all over daddeh!"

Suddenly, Thunderbird trapped both of Sexton's arms form the torture rack position and rolled backwards! He countered the Sexecutor into a crucifix pin! Caught in the rollup, Sexton kicked his legs in panic, trying to break free of the pinning predicament! 1...2...3! Thunderbird had won the match!

“Again looking away from the business at hand! Too caught up in making sure the fans know he hates them, Sexton Love just got eliminated the AWE World Title tournament!”

“Even I have to hand it to Thunderbird, he took his shots when he could, and now he moves forward.”

Thunderbird rolled out, leaving an utterly shocked and stunned Sexton Love in the ring. The triumphant babyface walked up the ramp, his arm raised in victory as the announcer confirmed the result.

"Ladies and gentlemen your winner, THUUUUUUUUNDERBIRD!"

And not a moment too soon, as Sexton's somas began to kick.

Sunrise in the City of Tomorrow.

Alexander Luthor stood facing the window, looking out at the brilliant cityscape. Ironically, this was his way of feeling grounded, of reminding him what he was fighting for. Alex couldn't help buy smile as the streets came alive. The sights and sounds, while familiar, always seem to take on a new meaning with each passing day. This was home. This was Metropolis.

Despite the closeness Alex felt with the city, there was still a feeling of disconnect. Alexander Luthor Jr., son of the multibillionaire Lex Luthor, stood atop his perch in the LuthorCorp tower, lording over the city. Looking down on Metropolis and it's inhabitants. Separated from the scene by much more than just glass.

Luthor turned away from the sunrise, instead focusing his attention on those who has just entered his office.

"A new dawn for Metropolis, and a new dawn for the world," said Alex.

"Indeed," replied Superman. "A brighter dawn."

Alex had stood alongside Superman before, most recently on the day the partnership between LuthorCorp and the Justice League was officially announced. On that day they seemingly stood together as equals, but even as man as powerful as Alexander Luthor couldn't help but feel humbled in the Man of Steel's presence.

Superman was joined by two others, a man and a woman. Icons in their own right. The woman stepped forward and spoke.

"When are the new recruits arriving?" asked Wonder Woman, her black hair glistening in the sunlight. Her presence too brought about a sense of humility, accompanied with a mix of other, more primal, feelings.

"Later today," came Luthor's reply, "I trust that LuthorCorp's training simulations will be up to your standards?"

"I tested them myself, Luthor. Very impressive."

"And I understand one recruit in particular has caught your attention?"

"You could say that."

Suddenly, the third man spoke up, remaining submerged in the shaded half of Luthor's office.

"Are you certain we can trust these so-called heroes?" said Batman.

"I've personally vetted all of the recruits," said Alex reassuringly. "The dossiers I compiled were--"

"It's not just the recruits I'm concerned with Luthor."

Alex let out an uneasy laugh, turning away from Batman and looking back out at the Metropolis skyline. Of the three primier Justice League members, the Dark Knight made Luthor feel the most uneasy. By far. An impressive feat given the seemingly god-like power of the others. Alex tried to put his fear aside before responding.

"Something tells me you don't trust very easily, Bats..."

When Luthor turned back, Batman was gone.

"He doesn't," said Superman.

"I look forward to a full report on your training exercise," said Wonder Woman. "If these new heroes are to one day fight alongside the Justice League, they must prove themselves worthy."

"I do not intend to disappoint you," said Luthor with a wink. "I wouldn't dream of it."

"Goodbye Luthor," said Wonder Woman as she stepped out.

Luthor was left alone with Superman, the man responbile for taking his father down. Alex once again found himself glancing through his window, the sun having nearly risen.

"When will you tell them the truth?" asked Superman.

"Superman," replied Alex, still gazing at the sun. "I haven't even told you the truth."
@Ryteb Pymeroce Sounds good, makes sense with the origin.

@Archmage MC I think the team is pretty full as it stands now. I don't want to have too huge a group.

@mattmanganon@NecroKnight I'll make the first IC post tomorrow.

The story will begin with the recruited heroes meeting up at the new LuthorCorp tower for training. This will be a chance for the characters to meet and interact, and show thhe others what they can do. Don't worry, crisis will soon strike.
@mattmanganon@Burning Kitty Sure, you guys are both accepted.
@Divine Darkness No it's not too late, and your character is accepted. We are probably reaching the character limit now though.
Name: Alexander Luthor Jr.

Powers & Abilities:
If money truly is power, then Alexander Luthor rivals Superman. As the new president of LuthorCorp, Lex Jr. has nearly limitless resources at his disposal, and wastes no time in putting these resources to work. Not only has he positioned his company as the number one humanatarian aid organization on the planet, he has been able to finance his own version of the Justice League. Much like his father, Alex is a brilliant scientist and engineer, developing his own superpowered battlesuit such that he may be able to fight alongside the heroes he has recruited to his cause.

Alex takes the phrase "put your money where your mouth is" quite seriously. Brash and outspoken, the young Luthor certainly shares his father's arrogance, despite the fact that they find themselves on opposite sides of the law. Naturally, Alex is a polarizing figure within the public sphere, as many are unable to look past his villainous lineage and wealth. Above all else, Alexander Luthor is driven. His singular focus is the redemption of the Luthor name, by any means necessary. This form of tunnel-vision often makes it difficult for those around Alex to form close relationships with him, as he is a man that has seemingly placed the weight of the world on his shoulders. His own sense of responsibility is both a blessing and a curse.

The bastard son of the Earth's greatest villain, Lex Luthor, Alexander Luthor Jr. was raised primarily by his mother. Throughout most of his childhood, Alexander's father was absent, focused on his nefarious, megalomanical ambitions. However, when Alex reached the age of 16, and was granted a full scholarship to Metropolis Univeristy, the elder Luthor began to take notice. Seeing that his son's brilliance could one day equal his own, Lex attempted to bring his Alex into the "family business."

After graduating from the physics program at Metropolis U, Alex was hired by his father's company, LuthorCorp, to work in the applied sciences department. He quickly impressed his colleagues. A true visonary and futurist, Alex designed and developed a number of cutting edge technologies, naively unaware of how his father might try to take advantage of his work. Once Alex finally discovered the true extent of his father's ambitions, he quit the company in disgust. He was 21 years old.

Blue Friday. The fall of LuthorCorp. Mere weeks after Alexander's departure from the company, his father was finally taken down by Superman. Lex was given a lifetime sentence in the Supermax Prison on Stryker's Isalnd. It seemed as though this spelled the end of Luthor's global conglomerate. Out of desperation, the LuthorCorp board of directors turned to the forward-thinking Alexander Jr., and the prodigal son would return.

Alex completely rebranded LuthorCorp for the future, attempting to shed his father's tarnished image. Under Alexander's leadership, the company began a bold humanatarian aid campaign. The young and charismatic new president would become the face of this initiative, dubbed "Alexander the Great" by some members of the news media. Others remained skeptical of Lex Jr.'s motivations, and comments about apples not falling far from trees have naturally seemed to follow Alex everywhere he went. In truth, the cloud of mistrust surrounding Alexander Luthor Jr. may never fully be lifted, as the sins of the father continue to haunt the son.

On the one year anniversary of Blue Friday, Superman held a press conference alongside the new LuthorCorp president, announcing an unprecendented partnership. In order to continue LuthorCorp's mission of a better world for all mankind, the company would sponsor it's very own superhero team, in order to assist Superman and the Justice League in their global battle against crime...
@thewizardguy Approved, and I already have an idea for a future story arc involving your character.

@NecroKnight Approved. Minor edit would be that Tamaranian is spelled Tamaranean according to wikipedia. Good use of the DCU though with the Starfire/Teen Titans connection, lots of possibilities for the future.

@Kaalee Approved, really cool choice of powers. Although I think you mixed up Superhero Name with Secret Identity haha, just flip that around.

@DracoLunaris Another minor edit I forgot to mention. Robotosist should be spelled Roboticist.
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