First Name: Leon
Middle Name: N/A
Last Name: Narukami
Nickname: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Birthday (Month and Day): February 13th

Height: 6'3
Weight: 120
Personality (Optional): Leon is a calm individual who loves his brother. He will do anything for the sake of Fairy Tail and his guild mates.
Bio (Optional): Leon's death was accidental, for his brother, Michael, had gone beserk after witnessing the death of his wife and had mistook his own kin for an enemy, flattening him under some rubble. Next thing Leon knew, he was ressurrected by the same unknown lost magic user that brought back Michael. When the unknown lost magic user told him how he corrupted his brother, Leon killed him on the spot, burning him to ashes. Now, knowing that the Grand Magic Games would be occuring at this time of year, he decided to travel toward the arena, hoping to find his younger brother there.
Guild (Wendigo Wail or Fairy Tail): Fairy Tail
Location of Guild Mark (And Color): Black and below his collar bone on the left pectoral muscle.
Guild Rank (S-Class, Member or Newbie): S-Class
Likes: His grandchildren Inigo and Morgan, cherry blossoms, and music.
Dislikes: Unneccesary violence, seeing those he cares about in pain.
Magic (Can be something you created. MAX 2): Fire Magic and Illusionary Magic
Magic Preference (If You have two magics): Illusionary Magic
Spells (Optional. Please create for both if you have two magics!): TBR
Companion (Optional): N/A
Outfit: Shown in appearance
Theme Song (Optional): Reverie - Persona 4
Crush (Only if you have approved it with the characters owner!): Open
Other: Leon, in terms of weapons, will wield a sword or a variety of ninja tools.