Here is sheet #1, boss. I had two different ideas vying for control, and may try to formulate the other next week when I have time. Let me know what you think.
I would like my Wal-Coupons now.
NAME: Origami Runs-With-Scissors
GENDER: Female
DEPARTMENT: Stationary Shogunate
AGE: 18
Origami, despite her offbeat appearance, is the type to be looked over as though part of the environment. If she stood still, she could easily be mistaken for some sort of cardboard cut-out. She certainly has that mascot look, after all. The first thing anyone will notice about the girl is that she wears a brown paper bag over her head. Most often, it is quite simple, bearing two immaculately circular eyeholes and a slit for a mouth.
What lies beneath the mask is a mystery to even the most sage denizens of the Wal. Occasionally, tufts of black hair stick out from beyond its opening and fall along Origami’s shoulders. Everything below the mask looks like it was peeled right off a stock character design and pasted on. She is a relatively small girl with no distinct musculature, and she wears a plain uniform with a white shirt, black skirt, and black knee-socks. Often, every pocket, waistband, or opening in her clothes is overflowing with miscellaneous stationery.RESUME
Runs-With-Scissors was born into a humble family of papersmiths that had carried their craft for countless generations. Some would go as far to say that their modest hamlet “hidden in the sheafs” produces some of the best folders in retail. The hamlet, believed to be directly under a massive pneumatic tube that leads to the Recycler, is filled with excess paper and must fight just to avoid being buried in the miscellaneous sheets and scraps. Her family is renowned for their talents to turn even piles of scraps into the finest sporting goods. As such, Runs-With-Scissors was raised to be a great artisan, taught the Way of classical folding and penjutsu from birth. It is rumored that the first time Runs-With-Scissors was left alone, she folded her first 999 cranes with no instruction.
Despite their grand talents, Runs-With-Scissors’s clan, the KamiKami were devoted to their craftsmanship and had little interest in the unvirtuous realms of politics and territorial feudalism that seemed to guide the shogunate. Guided by ancient Bushido doctrines, the clan of masters retained their neutrality, making their great tools of war for only the most worthy warriors. Their rectitude, however, would ultimately lead to the scheming of their enemies, and thus, the downfall of the hamlet ‘hidden in the sheafs’.
While Runs-With-Scissors occupied her idle time with fervently decorating her village and folding new plantlife into the mounds of sheafs, the elders of the KamiKami clan were caught in heated negotiations between various Daimyo of the office supplies. While KamiKami refused to provide aid to the troops of Bic’s vast army, they were humiliated and shunned from the greater summits of the shogunate. As tensions with the Tronic Temple increased, however, the shogunate knew that the skills of the KamiKami were necessary for victory. Spitefully refusing once again to give up their masterworked art in favor of mass-produced weapons, any dissenters of the KamiKami clan were sentenced to be scrapped along with their village. KamiKami’s Old Masters fought bravely for 8 ½ days and 11 nights, but the village hidden in the sheafs inevitably fell to the vile new world tactic of pyrotechnics.
The young Runs-With-Scissors watched the Old Masters fall one-by-one in the attack. Those who managed to beat back the Bic troops would give up on the 11th night, committing Hara-Kiri as a final dignified act of KamiKami unity. Of course, there were remnants. The wise old ronin ‘Origami Spills-His-Ink’ knew it was unwise to die with the village, and sought to save the youth before he escaped. Just as the village hidden in the sheafs was surrounded and a final charge of Stationari Samurai came to run through any survivors still writhing in the flames, Spills-His-Ink, in a ditch effort to save the young Runs-With-Scissors, undertook the greatest fold he had ever attempted: the Million-Fold Crane Technique. In an ultimate display, Spills-His Ink folded a massive bird mounted atop a paper balloon and lashed young Runs-With-Scissors to his project with a roll of wrapping-paper. As she rose into the sky, the great bird taking flight due to lift generated by her burning village, great ronin Spills-His-Ink turned and leveled his mache-blade against the approaching horde.
Runs-With-Scissors, one with her fate, had no choice but to sail up into the monolithic looming vent of the Recycler. The millionth crane of the mysterious ronin sailed through the air for days before it was taken down by the biting winds of the Recycler pipes and Runs-With-Scissors was set free. She soon found that attached to the ground was Spills-His-Ink’s final draft of the ‘calligraphic experimental memoir’ he told everyone he was working on. They all thought he was just lazy, but now Runs-With-Scissors held the manuscript in her hand, and it was much more than a manuscript. It was a collection of all the ronin’s knowledge about the eldritch nature of the Wal, and it was a guide to his esoteric way: The Way of the Million Folds.
Ever since then, Runs-With-Scissors has become infatuated with the mysteries of the great Wal and its interworkings. Taking up Origami’s name, she has also taken it upon herself to finish the great guidebook ‘Codex OmniWal’. Residing in the vents, Origami Runs-With-Scissors uses the overly-complex piping system to navigate the Wal and document her encounters while mapping the nigh endless maze.
Origami has taken up his mantle after her final encounter with Spills-His-Ink, aiming ultimately to complete the Codex OmniWal and uncover the complex’s Great Mysteries. It is not uncommon to see the enigmatic ronin frantically scribbling in her mystic guidebook. To unravel its grand plan and complete the instructions on “the Way” is Origami’s purpose. She also has a great penchant for collecting souvenirs of her journeys like a pack rat, which she stores in her impressive collections within the beast’s ventilation shafts for careful study and addition to the Codex.
►Paper Fortune-Telling
►Collecting Trinkets
►Petty Theft
►Staying Smooth
►Staying Strapped
►Using Computers
Origami is generally unknown to the denizens of the Wal. While Runs-With-Scissors may be known to a select few Stationari in the shogunate involved in the execution of the KamiKami Clan, she has since become nothing more than a fly on the Wal. Those who have managed to glimpse the elusive Origami know little of her origins or motivations, though legends may circulate regarding a strange shoplifting ronin the roams the Wal with mysterious goals.
HEEL: “No Thoughts Head Empty”
Having very little formal education about the world, save for intensive training in her Arts and the knowledge pulled from the Codex OmniWal, Origami is extremely naive to the general order and structure of the world. While she is known to be extremely independent, that has left her with an extreme degree of naivety. She lacks a capacity to judge people accurately, and often takes things at surface-level. A woman of few words and many actions-per-second, Origami doesn’t strike anyone as the ‘thinking type’.
CODE: “Dao of Wal”
Guided by the esoteric doctrines penned by a lineage of outcast ronin, Origami follows the Way. In her complex, confusing (and perhaps contradicting) Way, the ronin covets harmonizing with Wal. To achieve perfect understanding of the Wal’s machinations allows for perfection of the self. It is the ronin that accepts the Wal’s chaos as the Way that can operate in complete unity and harmony with her environment. To achieve this, Origami aims to empty herself of ‘self’ and exist only as the Way.
►Origami collects as many Crayola colors as possible.
►Due to her excessive Art, Origami has a tendency to leave a trail of dropped, lost, or forgotten stationary wherever she goes.
►Origami often marks where she’s been throughout the Wal by defacing it with whatever supplies she has on hand, often being various crayons.
►Origami is constantly taking down notes in her Codex, drawing maps of her surroundings, and sketching pictures when not occupied. This often draws her attention away from important things.
The Way of a Thousand Folds ► Guided by the ancient doctrines transcribed by Spills-His-Ink, Origami is a practitioner of The Way of a Thousand Folds. The martial virtue instilled in her by KamiKami and the Codex OmniWal have provided Origami with just the regimen to perfect her Arts and Crafts. Her speed with paper is immaculate, often producing deeply intricate folded works in the blink of an eye. Origami’s use of papercraft provides the basis and majority of her arsenal and tricks. She relies on endless supplies of discarded stationary taken from wherever she can find it to fuel her craft.
Crouching Paper Tiger, Hidden Dragon ►
Having lived her life as a ronin, Origami has spent an inordinate amount of time traversing the Wal’s eldritch ventilation shafts, scavenging, and shoplifting to survive. To even stay alive, Origami has had to develop a honed sense of stealth, polished reflexes, and quick thinking skills. Moving through the Wal, evading potential dangers, infiltration, and exfiltration are all her specialty.
Journey to the Text ►
Hidden within the Codex OmniWal is Spills-His-Ink’s collection of maps, techniques, and tactics for operating within the Wal. Because of her careful study of the text, Origami has a vast knowledge of many pieces of the Wal’s layout and functions. She uses the Codex’s wisdom to exploit the Wal and use it to her advantage. An example of this would be her use of the ventilation and recycler shafts for traversal unnoticed. This is how she has evaded the Sec-Bots for so long.GROCERIES
I really love that fluff text in your Resume about the inner workings of the Stationary Shogunate. Shit like this is what the Wal was made for. There were ideas that I had for a faction that lived in the vents and on the Roof Tops but I digress. I could nitpick stuff like Bushido having been bastardised into Brushido by the Stationary Shogunate and other minor things, this is a really good sheet.
My only complaint is that you didn't make this more insane that it already is.