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There Are Many Paths In This Life.
Some That We Choose And Some That Choose Us.

G R E E N   L A N T E R N

| NAME |
Kai-ro, Green Lantern of Sector 2814

Lawful Good

The Green Lantern Corps

Kai-ro is a descendent of the ancient and extinct civilization of Nanda Parbat, born on Earth as the off-spring of refugees who escaped the destruction of their homeworld and were successful in integrating into human society centuries ago. Born into an impoverished family living in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, Kai-ro became one of many boys orphaned into the various Buddhist temples throughout the Himalayans. As a result, Kai-ro is fluent in both Tibetan and Mandarin Chinese, being formally educated in the latter while more often speaking the former in normal conversation while 'growing up monk.' Functioning like a boarding school and orphanage, the monastery saw to all of Kai-ro's basic needs while providing for his education.

It was during Year 3 of our story's continuity that Kai-ro's story became something beyond that of a simple monk, living and learning in a temple in China. For it was in that year that the Green Lantern Abin Sur took off his ring and retired from the Corps. That ring was sent to search the universe for one whose will was strong, one who would stand up in brightest day and darkest night. And that ring found a young Tibetan monk named Kai-ro and the ring spoke to him and said, Kai-ro of Earth, you have the ability to overcome great fear.

Transported by the ring to the Corps Headquarters on the planet Oa, Kai-ro found himself indoctrinated into a new order and discipline; that of the Green Lantern Corps. Graduating from Killowog's training, the boy finds himself charged with maintaining peace and order in the wider galaxy, while ensuring that Earth remains out of the growing conflict between the Shi’ar and the Kree. He returned to Earth several months ago, garnering much attention for his youth and abilities.

Clarissi Salaak – The title roughly translates as 'Commander', denoting that this Slyggian from Sector 1418 and veteran Green Lantern is one of the chief administrators of the Lantern Corps, and is responsible for directing the Enforcement branch of the Corps.

Kilowog – Kai-ro's drill instructor and trainer, a Bolovaxian from Sector 0674.

Ch'p – A squirrel or chipmunk-like alien from the planet H'Iven in Sector 1014.

Aya – An artificial intelligence which exists as a humanoid robot and the computer of the Guardian patrol ship, Sentinel.

Uatu, the Watcher – The GLC Dispatcher for Sector 2814, based out of the Blue Moon Area of Luna.

This interpretation stays true to the DCAU Kai-ro, except that this version has Abin Sur's ring whereas the DCAU Kai-ro used John Stewart's ring, owing to the reinterpretation of him as a surrogate Hal Jordan. This is obviously flexible if we have someone who wants to come in as Hal Jordan.

Additionally, I’ve broadened the notion of the GLC from “Cops in Space” to more of a UN Peacekeeping Force, charged with maintaining the security of neutral borders such as keeping Earth from being used by either the Shi’ar or the Kree in their interstellar war. I’ll also incorporate the Z’ynx (Snarks) and the Kymellians, with the idea that the GLC works to prevent non-space faring civilizations from being corrupted or enslaved by exposure to more advanced races, in order to incorporate the notion of the GLC alongside the Marvel universe with its many warring alien factions.

Oh, and Kai Ro is accepted. @Bounce

Cheers, mate :D
<Snipped quote by Morden Man>

*quietly deletes Damian Wayne CS*

You know I would challenge that sheet with the quickness.

I dare you just for the voting.
<Snipped quote>

4-6 years since Superman debuts is plenty of time for Supergirl to debut honestly, and the New 52 makes the Robin's happen even sooner (and briefer) for a good comparison point.

We do not speak of the New 52.

It is dead to us.

For fuck's sake, they've made Robin the new Jean Grey of death/resurrection. And I can't forgive them for Wondy's pantsuit.
<Snipped quote by Morden Man>
Considering that Miles Morales originated in the Ultimate universe, but is now integrated in the 616 universe, would he be on the table?

EDIT: I've discussed him with prospective Spidey players, all of whom are cool with it.

Dude, I dropped Kai-ro for GL. He's never been incorporated into the DCU. He's from the DC Animated Universe and its "Beyond" label comics.

Thus far @Morden Man hasn't rejected that, so I'm thinking so long as it has a Marvel or DC label, it's fair game.
I like both sheets, so this is a tough call. So I feel I owe @Morden Man an apology as he has a strong concept I'd love to see played. However, between the two, I have to give my nod to @Gowi.

My vote goes to @Gowi's Superman application.
I'm going to ship Thor and Wonder Woman.

This is legit.
Can't say I've ever written with him/her.

Just bite the pillow. I'll go easy since it's your first time.
[@Byrd Man

There. Edited in a Lor-Zod reference for you.

No, I meant just using the posts as references. That was some of your best work, son! Flash/Superboy team up forever.

I was too lazy to go look up the links on SHH ^_^

Flash/Superboy forever tho <3
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