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Writer's block has struck. Please don't wait for me. I'm going to take a break to recharge here.

Short, but a post.

I'll take it.

"On His Demon Head's Secret Service" // Part 12 // [ Dami's iPod ] // @GreenGrenade

N E W   Y O R K

Twenty million dollars?

"Well, that would buy a PlayStation," the boy mused aloud, as though contemplating just what the Spider-Boy was worth. In all honesty, with a price that high, he was surprised that the wall-crawler hadn't attracted larger game hunters. Or even the League for that matter.

One thing didn't quite sit right with the child however.

"...wait, you and another vigilante had this guy hemmed up and you allowed him to escape alive?" the boy noted aloud, looking over at the Spider-Boy with a look that bordered between skepticism and genuine confusion. How did that work? Was it supposed to be like that fishing-not-fishing stuff, where people caught fish and then released them back alive? "Wouldn't that be a tactical error?"

The first rule of fight club was there were no rules. But the second rule was that you destroyed your enemies. Left nothing that could come back and bite you, as this loser appeared to be attempting to do.

"Your abilities seem like you should have easily been able to neutralize your target without any resistance."

My apologies for the wait. I am just not feeling the aster today.

Damian post should be up tomorrow at the latest.

Yes. Yes I did. Damian post... tomorrow-ish.

My apologies for the wait. I am just not feeling the aster today.

Damian post should be up tomorrow at the latest.

"On His Demon Head's Secret Service" // Part 11 // [ Dami's iPod ] // @GreenGrenade

N E W   Y O R K

“Hey, who’re you calling an id– ”

Dashing low, the small boy had shot beneath the man's notice, his presence revealed in the heel that dug into the man's solar plexus. "We're having a conversation here," the child uttered, hands still tucked into the pockets of his hoodie as took the wind out of the man's lungs.

There, he'd hit him.

Straightening back up, the boy looked over at the Spider-Boy. "Hey, what's this about a price on your head?" the youth inquired curiously.

"Like, how much we talking? I've been wanting to buy a PlayStation 4..."

Was he joking? Most likely. Even so, PlayStations didn't buy themselves. And he'd blown his allowance on a new laptop. And he wasn't getting squat for the job in Gotham City. Ghuls didn't serve the League for rewards, Damian.

Bitch, whatever. Ra's al Ghul was mad rich. If the League wasn't rewarding him, then the man must have had one hell of a sugar momma.

Now I don't feel bad.

I was going to suggest Control Freak from the Teen Titans animated series, but then went "nah, too comical."

Figured I'd give us an opening for something to interject itself (random villain, news crew, etc). Otherwise, I figured we might be headed toward a Damian vs Miles fight.

Save that for the Plants vs Zombies tournament.

"On His Demon Head's Secret Service" // Part 10 // [ Dami's iPod ] // @GreenGrenade

N E W   Y O R K

Want some answers?

"-tt-" the boy uttered, a half sigh and a click of his tongue as his emerald eyes flashed up at the gangly teen. "Want some answers?" the child echoed, tossing the words back at the Spider-Boy. The sense of entitlement was grating.

"You're a guy in a mask who's already admitted to lying to a child." Did the words 'stranger danger' come to mind? "You want to know what my teachers taught me, how does 'don't talk to strangers' soun..."

The boy paused, his head cocked to one side. In a flash, he pulled the ear buds from out of his ears. The faint sound of the music from his iPod trickled out as the headphones dangled down the front of his hoodie. ♪...got me lifted feelin' so gifted... sugar how you get so fly...♪

It wasn't what he heard so much as what he didn't. As the boy's eyes scanned the park interior, it occurred to him that there was a peculiar absence of by-standers. They were out in the open in broad daylight. If Damian was looking to put a hit on the Spider-Man, he couldn't have asked for a better set up.

The same was true for someone targeting him.

"Shouldn't this park be more heavily populated at this hour?" the boy asked, without glancing back up at the Spider-Boy.

He had a bad feeling about this...

"On His Demon Head's Secret Service" // Part 09 // [ Dami's iPod ] // @GreenGrenade

N E W   Y O R K

“Yes, it’s Spider-Man. It’s not my fault that I have dwarfism, and..."

The boy's head jerked back, the skepticism transformed quickly into pure disbelief. What was it with Americans and pretending to be offended?

"Seriously, who’d you learn from, Chuck Norris?”

"Jean-Claude van fuck off," the child tossed back in answer, without so much at batting an eye. He'd just looked Damian in the eye and lied to him. Or, at least, Damian thought that he'd looked him in the eye and lied to him. With the mask, it made the whole eye contact thing hard to discern.

Either way, the gloves were off.

"Seriously, you're lying from behind a mask... and my attitude is the problem?" the child snapped, his posture tense as he seemed wavering between the choice to just end the conversation and walk away... or punch Spider-Boy in the face.

Currently, the jury was out on just which of those he was more inclined toward.

All this, because he'd stopped a lady from getting mugged? "Three syllable words though. Impressive, for an American." the boy offered mockingly. The anger from earlier in the day was starting to come back, giving some heat to his blood as the boy's mind began entertaining the thought of testing for himself just what this Spider-Boy was capable of.

Of which, convincing bullshit was not one of his super powers. "First of all, you're too tall for dwarfism. Second of all, your proportions are normal," Damian noted caustically, firing off the two observations one after the other."Pro Tip: Next time, just say you're eighteen with a glandular problem. That might be believable."
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