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All right. This is a total stab in the dark, but for your consideration.



Out of curiosity, in your timeline, have you defined how long ago the Hyrule Civil War was? Or, in other words, how long has the Hyrule Royal Family been in power?
I return home at last!

...and have made good on my threat to update Albedo's shitty fanart with my own shitty-er fanart!

I think I'm going to stick with just Albedo for the time being.
Holy cow. Kudos to you guys for keeping this running for 2 years. Also, nice to see a familiar face in a Zelda game, @ColonelCaboose.

Got room for yet another freeloader... er... character sheet?
Mandy is Numbuh HMFIC
Finally, another boy and someone Albedo's age (relatively speaking). So now he has someone he can play BMO with that is not afflicted with a double X chromosome pairing.
@Mr Allen J

For your consideration, commentary, or feedback.
I reserve the right to swap the picture out for something better once I get back to my Wacom tablet though... >_>

Edit: Achievement Unlocked: Update shitty fanart with my own shitty fanart.


It will definitely be nice to have Steven and BMO to round out the cast. And then see what other characters we might pick up.
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