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C H A P T E R T W O : C A P T A I N M A R V E L V S . T H E T E E N T I T A N S


December 4th, 2017 | 6:34p.m. | S.T.A.R. Labs

Thunder rolled in the distance.

Above the cityscape below, the clouds were illuminated by the flashes of light that momentarily lit up the sky at dusk. There was a bright bolt of lightning, the clap of thunder like a bomb dropped in the atmosphere above, after which there was a small figure floating in the heavens.

Static crawled up and along the blue-on-red ensemble that covered the boy. The white cowl and cape flowing from off one shoulder as he hovered there a moment. As he turned his gaze below, the child found his mind already working out the points of orientation.

The message had been routed by Matrix in the Justice League Watchtower. A break-in reported at the S.T.A.R. Labs in Jump City.

Descending down through the dark clouds, the raven-haired boy found himself floating over a structure that looked like it had been hit by a bomb.

Or worse.

Someone had wanted to get into S.T.A.R. Labs rather badly, it seemed...

The sound of sirens -- police, fire, and ambulance -- could be heard in the distance. The building seemed to tremble, as though the foundation had been disturbed. Moving quickly, the boy began moving through the building looking for anyone who might still be in there.

What he found, two layers deep, was ground zero.

A strange, reddish-purple ooze seemed to coat the ceiling, walls, and floor around where some kind of containment unit had been blown apart.

And some rather large, messy footprint made clear that something -- or someone -- had walked away from this. Bringing one hand up to the communicator recessed into his ear, Billy said, "This is Captain Marvel. I'm at S.T.A.R. Labs, but this wasn't a break in... it was a break out."

As the boy went to follow the mucky trail, a decidedly squick squish immediately sent a shiver up his spine even as he took a step. Looking down, his boot was now gummed up in whatever slime or sludge had re-decorated the interior of the place.

"Ewwww..." the child-hero murmured, floating up off the group as he moved through the air on the trail.

C H A P T E R O N E : W H A T M E A S U R E I S H U M A N ? / / P A R T I
Matrix's Music Files//Sample 47A [Hall, Daryl; Oates, John, 1973] [She's Gone]

Kryptonian structures had superior acoustic properties.

The sunstone's reflective properties, crystalline surface area, and physical arrangement created vaulted ceilings that served to resonate the music in a way that was both efficient and aesthetically pleasing. The notes of the opening bridge to Hall and Oates early Seventies ballad of a love lost reverberating around where the amorphous figure undulated before a multitude of holographic screens.

The artificial intelligence was monitoring a variety of orbital sensors, identifying areas of concerns and then assigning them a classification based on preliminary calculations of the threat profile. Level Four and below were automatically forwarded to Titans Tower in addition to the Justice League. Those graded at or above Level Five were assigned further categorization in order to determine whether a particular specialization would be required in order to adequately and efficiently address the danger. Those threats graded at Level Seven were a League priority. Technically, there was no Level Eight. That would represent an existential or extraterrestrial threat that extended beyond the planet Earth.

It was also browsing Amazon for holiday gift ideas, arranging its sampling of human music files into a new arrangement, and streaming Netflix. The Expanse. The AI had the second season of Stranger Things in the queue, but intended to binge watch the first season in order to move that information back to active memory prior to initiating that viewing experience.

In terms of holiday shopping, the matrix had already identified an ugly Christmas sweater as it's gift for Clark. There would also be matching ones for Lois and Jon. The American tradition of the ugly Christmas sweater appeared to necessitate a communal sharing of tackiness along generational lines according to it's internet-based research on the topic. Jon would require additional gifts, though Matrix was uncertain how to gauge the nature of toys. It would seek advice from Clark or Lois on the matter. Connor was similarly difficult, for reasons that were entirely unrelated to the challenges faced with Jon's younger demographic. Was it the nature of holiday gift gifting that made it difficult to ascertain gifts appropriate for male gender norms? Kara would receive a bottle of Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel. It was a top selling fragrance for young women in her age demographic according to numerous web sites.

It was also debating a gift for J'onn or M'gann. While the habit of Christmas gift giving went along with the Christian religious tradition, the Matrix calculated such a gesture might be indicative of acceptance into their alien surroundings.

While all of this was going on within the notional framework of cyberspace, the artificial being's body was undulating side to side, swaying to the rhythm of the music that was echoing off the walls of the Fortress. It seemed a free-flowing mixture of disco hustle, latin swing, and deephouse shuffle. In between transitions, the figure flowed fluidly through a metamorphosis. It was female. It was male. It was young. It was old. It was white. It was black. It was Asian. It was Latino. It was any number of possible combinations. A young black Latina doing Cuban salsa freestyle with some New York hustle. An old mixed Asian man hanging on the saxophone bridge with an old school shuffle.

A large canine shot into the room. It might have passed for a retriever or labrador, except it had a white coloration uncommon in either of those terrestrial species. A short, red cape emblazoned with the sigil of the House of El flowed from off the collar adorning the creature's neck. Barking happily, the animal's paws skidded across the smooth sunstone floor, as it circled around the amorphous dancer.

The music paused, the dancer transformed into a glittery form that seemed to shrink as it took a knee, reforming itself in the likeness of a young boy. A black suit enveloped his frame, as a white cape dropped down from his shoulders. The crest of El was emblazoned in red. It was a very different scheme from the one that the world associated with Superman or Supergirl, being Krypton's wartime colors.
"What's that, Krypto?" the brown haired child asked, reaching up his hands to tousle the dog's floppy ears. The animal gave a shake, followed by a sort of snort-sneeze, then dropped down so that it's haunches were in the air and it's head was lowered as it looked up at the boy and barked."You want to go for a walk? Is that it?"

Krypto's tail was moving so energetically at this point, that the animal's entire back ended seemed to be wagging. "All right, let's go for a walk!" the boy uttered, coming up from the floor as his red tennis shoes broke into a sprint. Krypto was chasing after, circling around the boy, as the pair made their way through the sprawling Kryptonian complex.

There was a Level One distress nearby, off the waters of Arctic Bay, Canada. The exercise of attending to that minor emergency should be adequate for the purpose of allowing Krypto time to play outside.

The boy emerged into freezing air, pushing off the ground as he lifted off into the air. The canine followed after, as the two orbited around one another while climbing in altitude. Then, the child banked right, whistling for the canine to follow as Matrix calculated the navigation route over air to the destination.

"I heard a sound of distress. Please state the nature of the emergency."


C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

In this version, Matrix is one of the Worldkillers created by Zor-El, but re-programmed and sent to Earth by Jor-El in order to construct, and then guard, the Fortress of Solitude prior to Krypton's destruction. A protoplasmic matrix, “Mae” is composed of liquefied sunstone and bioneural circuitry. It is both genderless and formless, being a purple-pink gelatin in its natural form. Capable of producing telekinetic fields, Matrix alters its molecular arrangement and shape to create the illusion of humanoid appearance and locomotion. It can also mimic the abilities of flight, super strength, and super stamina. As Matrix has no true eyes or ears, the nature of how Matrix perceives the environment around it is fundamentally different from telescopic or x-ray vision, or super hearing. While lacking heat vision or freeze breath, Matrix has two abilities unique to it: force blasts and the ability to become invisible.

As a non-Kryptonian, Matrix is not affected by red sun radiation. Instead, being composed of sunstone, Matrix derives its power source from any kind of solar or visual radiation. It’s stamina is not as high as Superman or Supergirl’s and it can succumb to fatigue.

The point of the character is to support the Superman cast with a familiar character from the 1990’s that’s updated to compliment Superman and Supergirl, while still allowing another writer to come in and pick up Kon-El/Connor or Jon Kent. It's also intended to serve the Justice League in a similar role as Oracle given the updated computer/digital interface aspect to the character.

H I S T O R Y:

The history of Krypton is not a peaceful one. The planet that gave rise to General Zod was a world whose hands were stained by blood. Some of it their own, such as when the threat of the Manhunters arose. Some of it the blood of those they wronged, such as the war fought between Krypton and their former colony of Daxamite. Krypton needed weapons for its own defense. And there were those whose genius was frighteningly capable of providing them, not the least of which were the Worldkillers. Biological weapons, the product of experimentation, including on other species.

The protoplasmic matrix was one such weapon, devised by Zor-El as a defensive weapon to safeguard the House of El. When the Science Council later declared the Worldkillers to be illegal and ordered their destruction, Zor-El placed them in hibernation instead. An artificial entity, Matrix was re-programmed to serve as a “chore bot” and handled household tasks related to maintenance and upkeep of the home. It also cared for the infant Kara-El as a robot or android nanny. When Zor and Jor-El’s father, Seyg-El grew infirm with age, Matrix worked alongside a creation of Jor-El, known as Kelex, to see to the patriarchs needs.

After Seyg-El died, the matrix was placed in storage until Jor-El came across it while making preparations for the Kryptonian exodus from Krypton. The matrix was included in the materials that were sent to Earth in order to create a colony in the arctic wastes of the planet. Programmed with the blueprints for the colony habitat, the matrix activated upon arrival on the planet Earth and began construction of what would come to be known as the Fortress of Solitude. Once completed, the matrix remained active to serve as the guardian of the colony, waiting for the Kryptonian people to arrive -- unaware that the battle between Zod and Jor-El had made all of Jor-El’s plans impossible. Instead of a Kryptonian colony, only two rockets made it off Krypton before the end.

When the son of Jor-El and Lara, now believing himself to be Clark Kent, found the Fortress of Solitude, he discovered the matrix there, functioning as both the mainframe and security system for the facility. The matrix, usually referred to as either Matrix or Mae, was able to connect Clark back to his heritage as Kal-El as well as several recorded lessons left for him by Jor-El. Matrix was also able to mimic Superman and Clark Kent’s likeness, enabling him to serve as a body double when required. On several occasions, Matrix substituted for Clark at the Daily Planet during periods where Superman was off planet.

After the discovery of his 11 year old cousin floating in Earth’s orbit, Matrix adapted it’s likeness and role in order to serve as a training program for the young Kryptonian -- allowing her to use her yellow sun enabled powers without fear of harming an actual person in a safe, controlled environment. To facilitate interaction between them, Matrix adopted the likeness of a teenage girl that was modeled in part on actress Hayley Mills from 1961’s The Parent Trap. Personality profile was derived from popular media, most notably The Patty Duke Show. When in public and operating incognito, Matrix formulated the identity or name of “Linda Danvers” for itself.

Matrix retained this female form for several years, using it as a default template for whenever it needed to approximate humanoid form in order to interact with the House of El or the environment. When Kara-El began training the clone of Superman, the form seemed to allow a similar level of rapport building, so it was retained. However, when the young Kryptonian-human hybrid offspring of Kal-El and Lois Lane began to exhibit powers and abilities, Matrix calculated the need for a new template to serve this function. Patterning itself of Jon’s likeness, Matrix possesses brown hair and eyes when in its male form. As with the development of its female persona, Matrix conducted research into young male behavior using the available media as a resource; specifically, Leave It To Beaver.

S U P P O R T I N G C A S T:

Krypto the Superdog
A canine native to the planet Krypton, Krypto is sometimes kept at the Fortress of Solitude for the protection of both people and squirrels everywhere. Matrix takes care of Krypto’s care and feeding within the kennel inside of the Fortress.

While Matrix was envisioned as the guardian of the Fortress, Kelex was meant to be the overseer of the Fortress' medical bay.

Mon-El (Lar Gand)
A Daxamite who briefly served as Earth’s Superboy for a time, Mon-El was placed inside of the Phantom Zone to stop the spread of lead poisoning within his body. Matrix socializes and communicates with him via the Phantom Zone monitors, aiding the man in retaining his sanity.

R O G U E ' S G A L L E R Y:

Five biological weapons remain. Like himself, the creations of Supergirl’s father, Zor-El, during Krypton’s embarrassingly violent past. Unlike himself, an artificial intelligence whose personal code is guided by the dictates of the matrix programmed into his core by Zor-El, these living experiments know only what they were created for: war, famine, pestilence, and death.

The Manhunters
The rogue robotic police force that inadvertently spawned his creation.

A walking toxic waste vat that endangers the environment, including the arctic.

C H A P T E R O N E : T H E L O N G W A Y H O M E


November 13th, 2017 | 11:17a.m. | The Xavier Institute of Higher Learning

The life of a ten year old was not for the faint of heart.

Sammy was facing the sum of all fears. A terror that threatened to overtake them all. Helpless, he and the other students steeled their nerves in hopes of not overcoming, but merely surviving what was still to come.

It was a lecture by Doctor McCoy. Genoshan history after World War I.

There was going to be a test later.

Sammy was already positive he would not survive this.

The X-Men had departed to help Calvin with whatever was going on. The students were back in their classrooms in some effort at instilling a sense of normalcy after the attack. But everyone was still on edge after the explosion, so much so that when the door to the classroom was thrown open everyone jumped out of their seats. The sudden interruption drew everyone's eyes to the green-skinned Anole who was framed in the doorway, as he belted out, "Ilyanna and Billy are TOTALLY going at it in the back yard!"

The sound of desks and chairs nearly overturning echoed like thunder amid the sudden stampede. The noise drowned out any attempt by Hank to stop the chaos, and the bombastic Beast soon found himself at the front of the room with his mouth agape and one claw raised as he soon found himself the leader of an empty classroom. For which there seemed very little point in remaining. "As Oscar Wilde remarked, I can resist everything except temptation."

Emerging from out of the classroom, Hank followed the crowd left down the hall and then turned right to gaze over where students were pressed up against the windows. The french doors were open, as students spilled out onto the patio. And there, on the lawn, was a demon.

"Oh, my stars and garters..."

The Xavier Institute kept a diverse armory for weapon and skills training. Billy would have been happier with a Pompei style gladius, but the closest thing they had was a replica Twelfth Century arming sword. The blade crackled with the energy that flowed across the child's body, blue arcs of static electricity sparking along the length of metal.

Ilyanna had started to lose herself to the Darkchilde, her horns growing out from her head as the Soulsword and armor began to take on a more demonic appearance. They had both changed into the standard Xavier training uniform for the practice, the yellow-on-black uniforms causing them to stand out against the snowy backdrop of the gardens.

To be certain, Ilyanna was good. She'd fought hordes of demons and emerged a capable swordsman, if self-taught.

Billy? That was a somewhat more complicated answer. He had the courage of Achilles, the Greek hero who had fought in the Trojan War and bested Hector of Troy in single combat outside the gates of the city. The blade turned easily in his grip, wielded as comfortably as any part of his body.

They were more like dancers than combatants, the magical energies surrounding them providing a pyrotechnic light show as they wove an intricate danse macabre round and round and round again.

Then, Ilyanna vanished. Side-stepped into a teleportation disk. She re-appeared, striking at the boy. Who similarly had disappeared from sight. What transpired next could only be heard, as Ilyanna blinked in and out, while Billy's movements defied humanity.

Sammy's jaw went slack in a mixture of awe and terror. "Did... anyone even see that?"

Jumping back, Billy spared a glance back toward the mansion. It seemed the sparring session had attracted some attention. And he was starting to cut loose with how Magik was pushing herself. Snapping up his free arm, the Soulsword smacked against the Nega-Band encircling his forearm. "You win this one," the boy conceded, allowing his power levels to drop back to normal.

As the magic stopped flowing into the sword replica, it seemed to break apart and disintegrate. 440 steel wasn't exactly the material used by Hephaestus in forging the weapons of the classical heroes. Dusting off his hands, the boy extended an arm out toward the woman as he offered, "How 'bout we get some lunch?"

"How'd you learn to fight like that?"

Looking up from his tray, Billy was somewhat surprised when Sammy dropped down across from him at the otherwise empty table. Most people avoided him. A lot of questions and uncertainty. A lot of rumors and a couple who were asking why now Captain Marvel would show back up. It created a dead zone in the cafeteria, around which people at the surrounding tables were looking at him and whispering.

"I don't know how to fight at all," Billy answered, the cryptic response eliciting a stupefied expression from the aquatic mutant before the boy added, "I borrow my powers from five immortal legends."

Taking a sip from the small carton of chocolate milk in front of him, Billy paused a moment before he looked up and said, "It actually makes me kinda jealous of people like you. You have your own talents and abilities. Me? I doesn't even have the courage of Billy Batson. Instead, I hafta borrow that from Achilles."

The stupefied expression remained. "Who's..."

"Legendary dead guy from Ancient Greece," Billy supplied, having anticipated the question. The Iliad had been intended for an oral tradition. Sitting down and trying to read it would be a little advanced for someone like Sammy. Recalling the story, Billy began, "He led the Myrmidons in the..."

The blank expression on Sammy's face told him everything he needed to know before he even started.

"...nevermind. The sword fighting's from him."

"Oh," Sammy uttered. "That's cool."

"I heard a sound of distress. Please state the nature of the emergency."


C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

In this version, Matrix is one of the Worldkillers created by Zor-El, but re-programmed and sent to Earth by Jor-El in order to construct, and then guard, the Fortress of Solitude prior to Krypton's destruction. A protoplasmic matrix, “Mae” is composed of liquefied sunstone and bioneural circuitry. It is both genderless and formless, being a purple-pink gelatin in its natural form. Capable of producing telekinetic fields, Matrix alters its molecular arrangement and shape to create the illusion of humanoid appearance and locomotion. It can also mimic the abilities of flight, super strength, and super stamina. As Matrix has no true eyes or ears, the nature of how Matrix perceives the environment around it is fundamentally different from telescopic or x-ray vision, or super hearing. While lacking heat vision or freeze breath, Matrix has two abilities unique to it: force blasts and the ability to become invisible.

As a non-Kryptonian, Matrix is not affected by red sun radiation. Instead, being composed of sunstone, Matrix derives its power source from any kind of solar or visual radiation. It’s stamina is not as high as Superman or Supergirl’s and it can succumb to fatigue.

The point of the character is to support the Superman cast with a familiar character from the 1990’s that’s updated to compliment Superman and Supergirl, while still allowing another writer to come in and pick up Kon-El/Connor or Jon Kent. It's also intended to serve the Justice League in a similar role as Oracle given the updated computer/digital interface aspect to the character.

H I S T O R Y:

The history of Krypton is not a peaceful one. The planet that gave rise to General Zod was a world whose hands were stained by blood. Some of it their own, such as when the threat of the Manhunters arose. Some of it the blood of those they wronged, such as the war fought between Krypton and their former colony of Daxamite. Krypton needed weapons for its own defense. And there were those whose genius was frighteningly capable of providing them, not the least of which were the Worldkillers. Biological weapons, the product of experimentation, including on other species.

The protoplasmic matrix was one such weapon, devised by Zor-El as a defensive weapon to safeguard the House of El. When the Science Council later declared the Worldkillers to be illegal and ordered their destruction, Zor-El placed them in hibernation instead. An artificial entity, Matrix was re-programmed to serve as a “chore bot” and handled household tasks related to maintenance and upkeep of the home. It also cared for the infant Kara-El as a robot or android nanny. When Zor and Jor-El’s father, Seyg-El grew infirm with age, Matrix worked alongside a creation of Jor-El, known as Kelex, to see to the patriarchs needs.

After Seyg-El died, the matrix was placed in storage until Jor-El came across it while making preparations for the Kryptonian exodus from Krypton. The matrix was included in the materials that were sent to Earth in order to create a colony in the arctic wastes of the planet. Programmed with the blueprints for the colony habitat, the matrix activated upon arrival on the planet Earth and began construction of what would come to be known as the Fortress of Solitude. Once completed, the matrix remained active to serve as the guardian of the colony, waiting for the Kryptonian people to arrive -- unaware that the battle between Zod and Jor-El had made all of Jor-El’s plans impossible. Instead of a Kryptonian colony, only two rockets made it off Krypton before the end.

When the son of Jor-El and Lara, now believing himself to be Clark Kent, found the Fortress of Solitude, he discovered the matrix there, functioning as both the mainframe and security system for the facility. The matrix, usually referred to as either Matrix or Mae, was able to connect Clark back to his heritage as Kal-El as well as several recorded lessons left for him by Jor-El. Matrix was also able to mimic Superman and Clark Kent’s likeness, enabling him to serve as a body double when required. On several occasions, Matrix substituted for Clark at the Daily Planet during periods where Superman was off planet.

After the discovery of his 11 year old cousin floating in Earth’s orbit, Matrix adapted it’s likeness and role in order to serve as a training program for the young Kryptonian -- allowing her to use her yellow sun enabled powers without fear of harming an actual person in a safe, controlled environment. To facilitate interaction between them, Matrix adopted the likeness of a teenage girl that was modeled in part on actress Hayley Mills from 1961’s The Parent Trap. Personality profile was derived from popular media, most notably The Patty Duke Show. When in public and operating incognito, Matrix formulated the identity or name of “Linda Danvers” for itself.

Matrix retained this female form for several years, using it as a default template for whenever it needed to approximate humanoid form in order to interact with the House of El or the environment. When Kara-El began training the clone of Superman, the form seemed to allow a similar level of rapport building, so it was retained. However, when the young Kryptonian-human hybrid offspring of Kal-El and Lois Lane began to exhibit powers and abilities, Matrix calculated the need for a new template to serve this function. Patterning itself of Jon’s likeness, Matrix possesses brown hair and eyes when in its male form. As with the development of its female persona, Matrix conducted research into young male behavior using the available media as a resource; specifically, Leave It To Beaver.

S U P P O R T I N G C A S T:

Krypto the Superdog
A canine native to the planet Krypton, Krypto is sometimes kept at the Fortress of Solitude for the protection of both people and squirrels everywhere. Matrix takes care of Krypto’s care and feeding within the kennel inside of the Fortress.

While Matrix was envisioned as the guardian of the Fortress, Kelex was meant to be the overseer of the Fortress' medical bay.

Mon-El (Lar Gand)
A Daxamite who briefly served as Earth’s Superboy for a time, Mon-El was placed inside of the Phantom Zone to stop the spread of lead poisoning within his body. Matrix socializes and communicates with him via the Phantom Zone monitors, aiding the man in retaining his sanity.

R O G U E ' S G A L L E R Y:

Five biological weapons remain. Like himself, the creations of Supergirl’s father, Zor-El, during Krypton’s embarrassingly violent past. Unlike himself, an artificial intelligence whose personal code is guided by the dictates of the matrix programmed into his core by Zor-El, these living experiments know only what they were created for: war, famine, pestilence, and death.

The Manhunters
The rogue robotic police force that inadvertently spawned his creation.

A walking toxic waste vat that endangers the environment, including the arctic.
@Nightrunner just wants to hear a British Wolverine, I think.
Congratulations, @Ink Blood!

Now, we apparently have @Ink Blood Titans and @Inkarnate Titans (Titans West?)... can we get some more details on these teams?

C H A P T E R O N E : T H E L O N G W A Y H O M E

The red headed woman was sorting through laundry.

Not in the usual sense. With so many people transiting through the Xavier Institute, the mansion could rack up laundry like nobody’s business. But this was different. This wasn’t wrestling with the piles of dirty clothes left for the ubiquitous someone else to worry about -- as if some good Samaritan existed that would magically make them disappear or transform them into clean clothes -- or even the stack of actual clean clothes that needed to be sorted and then distributed back to their rightful owners... assuming they could be identified.

No, this was the pile of clothing that was gathering for eventual delivery to a Goodwill donation center.

Eventually being the operative word.

She thought she remembered putting a few things of Sammy’s in there and, sure enough, she found them. Along with one of Calvin’s old Wham! tee shirts. Luckily, the laundry room was a judgement free zone. If it wasn’t, then Victor’s underwear would definitely be the subject of more gossip.

Folding an old sweatshirt that looked to be Billy’s size over one arm, the Marvel Girl made her way through the school, crossing into the boy’s dormitory. Knocking lightly on the door, the woman peeked into the room occupied by the school’s youngest students.

Sammy was looking back at her, seated on the floor in front of a Playstation 3, with half a fruit roll-up hanging out of his mouth.

When she turned her head, she found him.

Billy was on the spare bed. Out like a light. The lighting and noise from the video game on the small television in the room not even disturbing him as he slept soundly, and it wasn’t even seven thirty.

Leaving the folded clothes on the nightstand, Jean reached out to telekinetically lift the boy up and tuck him into the bed. Then slipped back out of the room.


November 13th, 2017 | 5:22a.m. | The Xavier Institute of Higher Learning

The mansion was dark.

The tee shirt was too large for him. It was sized for an adult, the collar hanging off one shoulder as the garment reached down past his knees. Big, block letters on the front read PROPERTY OF XAVIER INSTITUTE ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT. The signature X icon was in the center, slightly washed out and distressed.

It was an odd assembly of skinny legs, stick arms, and bed hair coming out of the dorms as Billy stumbled his way in the dark through the familiar-yet-always mysterious Xavier estate.

He found himself standing in the kitchen, but he was afraid to get himself something to eat. He didn’t want to accidentally wake someone up by making too much noise trying to remember which cabinets and draws held things like bowls or spoons. Plus, he didn’t like the idea of just helping himself to someone else’s food.

He found himself out on the back patio instead. The sky was still dark. The sun an hour away from rising. Even still, in the persistent twilight, Billy’s breath formed a shadowy cloud in front of his face.

The cloud was illuminated, the snow and ice around his feet transformed to steam, as static energy crackled around the boy’s small form. Drifting upward, the mansion patio soon fell away from beneath his feet.

He ascended into the clouds, then further skyward still. The temperature and oxygen levels dropping as the atmospheric pressure soon feel below human tolerance.

Billy Batson was straddling the line between Earth and space. His eyes shut, the boy tilted his head back and just listened to the world below.

They said his power came from six immortal elders. A titan, two Greek gods, two Greek heroes, and a Jewish king. Even so, Billy couldn’t have said if God existed or not. He’d met a lot of really powerful beings who could have easily fit the bill. Some benevolent. Most of them not. But, even still, he knew the people below were looking up at the sky and wondering if God heard their prayers.

Billy didn’t have that answer for them.

But he heard them.

The sounds of the world below. Car crashes. Guns. Explosions. Sirens. A woman struggling as she took her last breath. The cries of a newborn. It was a symphony of death and life.

It was a world in which he needed to find his place.

“Costume on.”

A wave of heat lightning shot through the upper atmosphere. In the blink of an eye, the tee shirt and underwear clad youth was transfigured into a red and blue hero. The white cowl and cape billowed behind him, as the child looked down at the world below.

He was gone in a flash.

The sun was up before Sammy was.

Coming down into the kitchen, the aquatic mutate stumbled half awake into the kitchen, fumbling haphazardly for a chair at the breakfast table. Someone had CNN up on the television. Sammy immediately tuned it out.

Judging by the look of the people gathered in the kitchen, he wasn’t the only one.

“Breaking news from our affiliate in San Juan this morning...”

Jean came by with a bowl of cereal. “Did you see if Billy was up?” the woman asked, depositing the bowl down in front of him.

The aquatic boy just looked at her strangely for a moment. “Billy was already gone when I got up this morning.”

“...the hero Captain Marvel, not seen since 2015, appeared there in the early hours of this...”

Folding his newspaper closed, the bombastic Beast suddenly looked up from his untouched plate. Turning his head, Hank McCoy offered only, “I may have located the lad.”

A furred, clawed hand reached over to pick up the television remote, and dial up the volume further, as people started to gather around.

“Witnesses report that Captain Marvel appeared here this morning, removing debris from a playground and park that had been inaccessible since Hurricane Maria swept across the island. Unconfirmed reports are also circulating of claims by people in local hospitals of being helped there by the child hero from isolated pockets across the island.”

“He went to Puerto Rico?” Sammy uttered, somewhat in a daze and disbelief.

“It would appear,” Hank affirmed with a faint nod.

“Additional sightings were reported in Indonesia, where smartphone video appears to have captured footage of Captain Marvel rescuing a capsized boat in the straits of Malacca.”

“Just how long do you think he’s been awake?” Jean posed, rhetorically.

The sudden crack of thunder seemed to shake the mansion. When the group at the breakfast table had looked up, the tee shirt and underwear clad Batson was coming in from the back patio. Glancing up, Billy was taken aback by the attention, as everyone seemed to be staring.

“Oh, hey guys,” the boy managed weakly, drifting inside of the kitchen. “I, uh, just felt like taking a walk this morning.”

“We here at CNN don’t know where Captain Marvel’s been these last two years, but we’re glad to see him back.”

Tilting his head to one side, Billy’s attention shifted from the people at the table to the face on the screen. They were talking about him?

In rapid succession, Jean was hugging him. Then she was holding him out at arms length. And then she was scolding him. “You could have left a note.”

“I figured I’d be back by...”

“What’s an Indonesia?” Sammy asked, flipping around so that he was leaning over the back of his chair as he asked the question. Then he seemed to think twice about the question. “Or, like, where’s Indonesia?” he clarified a moment later. Before sliding down in his chair. “That’s a place, right?”

Billy just blinked, looking between Jean and Sammy. Then just blurted aloud, “They know about Indonesia?”

Seriously, he figured Mexico maybe. But Indonesia? That quickly?

“The world’s a smaller place now,” Hank offered cryptically, before picking up his tea.

Whatever that meant.
My entry for the competition.

@Ink Blood I challenge you to a Dick duel!

"We fall because someone pushes us. We get up so that we can push back."

R I C H A R D “D I C K” G R A Y S O N L A T E T W E N T I E S M A L E N E U T R A L G O O D

C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

Think you know Nightwing? You don’t know Dick.

The orphaned circus performer adopted into a hollow home by the gracious charity of a man named Bruce Wayne, Dick lost the only family he ever knew only to find himself living in the shadow of the Bat. He was the first Robin. Why? Revenge mostly. Maybe an effort to try and please his adoptive father. At a certain point, Dick stopped trying because he realized there was no pleasing the Batman. And Bruce Wayne was just a fiction.

As Robin, the sidekick to the Batman, the teenaged Dick was introduced to several other young heroes whose stories and backgrounds were not unlike his own. Together with Wally West, the Supergirl from Krypton, and others they would form a group that came to be known as the Teen Titans.

The forming of the Titans, and the sharing of his secret identity with others, would become a divide between Dick and Bruce, over which they’ve never entirely reconciled. Dick cast off the mantle of Robin and stepped out of Bruce’s shadow to be a hero in his own right: Nightwing. Emerging as the leader of the Titans, Dick proved to be a mentor to a new generation, including Jason Todd, the new Robin.

That all changed after Jason died.

The death of Robin, orchestrated by the Joker, was a little closer to home than Dick had been prepared to deal with. He decided to take a leave of absence from the Titans, handing leadership over to Starfire and Supergirl. Then he just started hitchhiking back toward Gotham, leaving all of his Nightwing paraphernalia behind him.

He realized that he’d need a job about the time he managed a lift to a truck stop outside of Bludhaven. Bruce had always been so adamant about the idea that every cop within a fifty mile radius of Gotham was corrupt, the idea of seeing the inside of how the police operate had always been in the back of his mind. A week later, Richard Grayson was at the police academy, becoming one of Bludhaven’s finest.

He wasn’t sure just what he’d expected, but this certainly wasn’t it. Trying to operate within a system of rules. Trying to build a case with due process in mind. Having to justify everything with a chain of custody. The experiences caused Dick to re-evaluate his own perspective on some of the things that Bruce had tried to teach him about the nature of crime. And the nature of the police.

Then he worked the Hutchinson case. The body of a twelve year old girl casually discarded off the side of the road. The circumstantial evidence was there, but the district attorney wasn’t even going to take it to a grand jury without something of substance. So Dick got back to his roots. He knew who the perpetrator was, he just needed to lead the cops and the prosecutors to the right decision. And he did, but not without breaking a few laws. But he told himself that the ends justified the means. The evidence helped the jury to put a man on death row and Officer Grayson could sleep just fine with that fact.

The Hutchinson case brought him to the attention of a S.H.I.E.L.D. recruiter. In all honesty, Dick really hadn’t been interested in being some half-ass special agent with a gun and badge, his interest in all of this had been cleaning up Gotham. But the people in S.H.I.E.L.D. just seemed to know things. About the Hutchinson case. About Dick. About the Titans. About Bruce. In the end, Dick wasn’t really certain whether or not S.H.I.E.L.D. was really asking him to join. Agent Coulson seemed to artfully walk a fine line between friendly conversation and straight up blackmail.

Now, Dick sometimes has a hard time keeping it all straight. He’s not Richard Grayson anymore. At least, not all the time. He’s Agent 37. He’s Freddie Dinardo. He’d the guy behind the bar. He’s whatever the job calls for.

He’s the last thing the bad guys never see coming.

S U P P O R T I N G C A S T:

James Bond
A British MI-6 agent known as 007.

Lorraine Broughton
Dick’s supervisory agent in S.H.I.E.L.D., famous for being a successful triple agent during the Cold War.

Donna Troy
The former Wonder Girl of the Teen Titans, now Dick’s partner in S.H.I.E.L.D.

Dr. Shondra Kinsolving, MD
A physician operating a free clinic inside Gotham's so-called Crime Alley.

Colin Wilkes (Abuse)
A young orphan in the care of St. Eustace's Home for Boys.

R O G U E ' S G A L L E R Y:

An international criminal organization operated by a corporate tycoon known as Ernst Stavro Blofeld.

A terrorist organization devoted to bringing about a new world order. In the past, it nearly succeeded in this endeavor by embedding itself into the Third Reich of Nazi Germany. In modern nights, it still operates as a kind of shadow military.

A secret society devoted to Gotham politics. It bills itself as a benevolent benefactor, but a bloodthirty mafia would be a more apt descriptor.

A first blush, an assortment of thugs and killers for hire. Led by the mysterious Demon’s Head, the group has a far more sinister purpose behind its activities.

N O T E S :

Dick’s typical sidearm is a conceal carry Glock 36 pistol, chambered for .40 caliber rounds in a law enforcement 6+1 configuration.

Dick gets around in a variety of vehicles, including a Chevrolet corvette, a Ducati Panigale, and a Cadillac XTS sedan.
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