Lorenzo Gabriele Augustus "Enzo" Giovanni
97 years (57 years ghoul, 40 years kindred)
Underworld Accountant

A “tweenage” youth of an ambiguous 12 or 13 years of age, Enzo has a mop of raven black hair and nondescript brown eyes. His original Italian complexion has paled slightly in undeath, though the alabaster quality of his resulting condition renders him an appearance some regard as “cute.” A small boy, standing about four-and-a-half feet tall (54 inches), Enzo has an overall impish appearance that is only heightened by his permanent fangs. Often mistaken for a child that is cosplaying, in recent nights he has dipped into the “Hot Topic Goth” trend to hide in plain sight when he must venture out around mortals.
Conceal, don’t feel. Smile, don’t show. Don’t let them know.
Outwardly, Enzo appears as a happy, even cheerful boy. In truth, he’s a frightened child who knows well just what might be peering back from the Shroud. A love of music has become an enduring vice and personal luxury that has helped him to cope through the Long Night. Those who have heard him sing have been known to remark that he would have made a better Toreador, had he any other last name. A ghoul from a young age, he was brought up in Kindred society as a servant beholden to a strict patriarchal hierarchy that would make a Ventrue sweat, making him adept at reading the room to know when to be entertaining, or seen and not heard, or neither seen nor heard. In truth, he much prefers the latter, being better with ghosts and numbers than he is with either the living or the undead.
Enzo was doomed to the Curse of Caine by the accident of his birth. Born into the incestuous family of necromancers, as a child he demonstrated a natural talent for mathematics and was ghouled at a young age to help with the family finances – just one of many ghouls serving as clerks servicing the family’s many legitimate and illegitimate transactions. From the view of the traditionalists within the Family, this wasn’t seen as either cruel or capricious, but followed the old practice of a child becoming apprenticed to the trade that he would be expected to follow into as a career for the remainder of his life. Except, in the case of Enzo, that fate was an eternity of child labor as a bookkeeper.
It was a task he attended to for over a half century. Then, forty years ago, the Sabbat-Camarilla conflict around Milan had proven too tempting for several up-and-coming middle management Giovanni, who sold information, blood, and weapons to both sides. Externally, the sectarian response was to attack the Giovanni as if they had taken sides, while internally the elders of Clan Giovanni eliminated two of the ring leaders and sent their heads each to the Sabbat and Camarilla in order to reassert their neutrality and independence from the conflict.
The vacancies within the Embraced middle management of the family business necessitated the accelerated promotion of ghouls that could take over their boss’ portfolios. Seen as both competent and loyal, Enzo was “promoted” with the Embrace during one of the Giovanni’s Fourth of April ceremonies, and then transferred from overseeing currency exchanges to more oversight over the Family’s distribution of funds across currency markets, eventually moving up to managing a portfolio of the Family’s investments. It was a position he managed for more than two decades, before he made the “mistake” of catching an accounting error that led to the revelation that one of the elder Giovanni nonni was stealing from the family. Before the evidence could be brought before the Anziani, the books were altered to make it appear as though Enzo had been siphoning off the accounts.
The nonno might have had more friends in higher places, but Enzo was fortunate to have had enough allies of his own that he was able to disappear before he could be brought to Venice. Some speculated that the nonni had been involved in order to silence the only witness, which created enough disbelief in Enzo’s continued existence that his “early retirement” from the Family has caused less controversy than is typical for these (all too common) situations. Enzo left the European continent, arriving in America where the Giovanni’s influence was largely that of the Milliner family, who were often left in the dark as to the internal politics of the Clan’s “pure blood.”
As there are no Giovanni antitribu, Enzo didn’t see that he had any prospects for finding shelter with either the Anarchs or the Camarilla. However, neither of them were looking for him, whereas his family was. At the start of his “coming to America” journey, he moved around as often as he could manage. With his knowledge of accounting, he managed to eek by doing contract work mostly for Anarchs, primarily Caitiff, Brujah, Toreador, and even the occasional Ventrue who needed some off-shore accounts tied up away from the eyes of his own Clan. Eventually, he found his way to New York and fell into work Ludwig Strauss and Edwina Adamson, settling into their coterie as a surrogate family for the one that he’d lost.
Of course, to those who know the real Enzo, finding someone to care for him was always the excuse to stop running that he’d been searching for.
In terms of the Giovanni family's internal blood politics, while a member of the main family, Enzo is considered a "half-blood." That is, his father is a descendant of Augustus Giovanni, but his mother hails from the Rosalini family. He was ghouled by his second great aunt, who became his sire.
Child flaw not used as the official rule specifies “between ages of 5 to 10.”
Resources **
He eeks by as an accountant, more so in the advent of remote work where he can hide behind a computer screen and may never be seen by his employer, but is also able to pad his income with interest from investments.
Contacts *
Spirit Slave * (Clanbook: Giovanni Revised)
Bruno Francesco Matteo Rosalini, a ghost fettered to a locket that Enzo wears, which is the last remaining item belonging to a daughter he lost in the bombing and devastation of World War II.
Rituals **
Call the Hungry Dead
By burning a person’s hair over a black candle, the Necromancer can listen for voices across the Shroud.
Death’s Communion
A Last Supper-like ritual with vitae that gives a temporary bonus to any use of Necromancy.
Lorenzo Gabriele Augustus "Enzo" Giovanni
97 years (57 years ghoul, 40 years kindred)
Underworld Accountant

A “tweenage” youth of an ambiguous 12 or 13 years of age, Enzo has a mop of raven black hair and nondescript brown eyes. His original Italian complexion has paled slightly in undeath, though the alabaster quality of his resulting condition renders him an appearance some regard as “cute.” A small boy, standing about four-and-a-half feet tall (54 inches), Enzo has an overall impish appearance that is only heightened by his permanent fangs. Often mistaken for a child that is cosplaying, in recent nights he has dipped into the “Hot Topic Goth” trend to hide in plain sight when he must venture out around mortals.
Conceal, don’t feel. Smile, don’t show. Don’t let them know.
Outwardly, Enzo appears as a happy, even cheerful boy. In truth, he’s a frightened child who knows well just what might be peering back from the Shroud. A love of music has become an enduring vice and personal luxury that has helped him to cope through the Long Night. Those who have heard him sing have been known to remark that he would have made a better Toreador, had he any other last name. A ghoul from a young age, he was brought up in Kindred society as a servant beholden to a strict patriarchal hierarchy that would make a Ventrue sweat, making him adept at reading the room to know when to be entertaining, or seen and not heard, or neither seen nor heard. In truth, he much prefers the latter, being better with ghosts and numbers than he is with either the living or the undead.
Enzo was doomed to the Curse of Caine by the accident of his birth. Born into the incestuous family of necromancers, as a child he demonstrated a natural talent for mathematics and was ghouled at a young age to help with the family finances – just one of many ghouls serving as clerks servicing the family’s many legitimate and illegitimate transactions. From the view of the traditionalists within the Family, this wasn’t seen as either cruel or capricious, but followed the old practice of a child becoming apprenticed to the trade that he would be expected to follow into as a career for the remainder of his life. Except, in the case of Enzo, that fate was an eternity of child labor as a bookkeeper.
It was a task he attended to for over a half century. Then, forty years ago, the Sabbat-Camarilla conflict around Milan had proven too tempting for several up-and-coming middle management Giovanni, who sold information, blood, and weapons to both sides. Externally, the sectarian response was to attack the Giovanni as if they had taken sides, while internally the elders of Clan Giovanni eliminated two of the ring leaders and sent their heads each to the Sabbat and Camarilla in order to reassert their neutrality and independence from the conflict.
The vacancies within the Embraced middle management of the family business necessitated the accelerated promotion of ghouls that could take over their boss’ portfolios. Seen as both competent and loyal, Enzo was “promoted” with the Embrace during one of the Giovanni’s Fourth of April ceremonies, and then transferred from overseeing currency exchanges to more oversight over the Family’s distribution of funds across currency markets, eventually moving up to managing a portfolio of the Family’s investments. It was a position he managed for more than two decades, before he made the “mistake” of catching an accounting error that led to the revelation that one of the elder Giovanni nonni was stealing from the family. Before the evidence could be brought before the Anziani, the books were altered to make it appear as though Enzo had been siphoning off the accounts.
The nonno might have had more friends in higher places, but Enzo was fortunate to have had enough allies of his own that he was able to disappear before he could be brought to Venice. Some speculated that the nonni had been involved in order to silence the only witness, which created enough disbelief in Enzo’s continued existence that his “early retirement” from the Family has caused less controversy than is typical for these (all too common) situations. Enzo left the European continent, arriving in America where the Giovanni’s influence was largely that of the Milliner family, who were often left in the dark as to the internal politics of the Clan’s “pure blood.”
As there are no Giovanni antitribu, Enzo didn’t see that he had any prospects for finding shelter with either the Anarchs or the Camarilla. However, neither of them were looking for him, whereas his family was. At the start of his “coming to America” journey, he moved around as often as he could manage. With his knowledge of accounting, he managed to eek by doing contract work mostly for Anarchs, primarily Caitiff, Brujah, Toreador, and even the occasional Ventrue who needed some off-shore accounts tied up away from the eyes of his own Clan. Eventually, he found his way to New York and fell into work Ludwig Strauss and Edwina Adamson, settling into their coterie as a surrogate family for the one that he’d lost.
Of course, to those who know the real Enzo, finding someone to care for him was always the excuse to stop running that he’d been searching for.
In terms of the Giovanni family's internal blood politics, while a member of the main family, Enzo is considered a "half-blood." That is, his father is a descendant of Augustus Giovanni, but his mother hails from the Rosalini family. He was ghouled by his second great aunt, who became his sire.
- Former Ghoul
- Medium
- Enchanting Voice
- Blush of Health
- Language (+English)
- Short
- Permanent Fangs
- Clan Enmity (Giovanni)
Child flaw not used as the official rule specifies “between ages of 5 to 10.”
Resources **
He eeks by as an accountant, more so in the advent of remote work where he can hide behind a computer screen and may never be seen by his employer, but is also able to pad his income with interest from investments.
Contacts *
Spirit Slave * (Clanbook: Giovanni Revised)
Bruno Francesco Matteo Rosalini, a ghost fettered to a locket that Enzo wears, which is the last remaining item belonging to a daughter he lost in the bombing and devastation of World War II.
Rituals **
Call the Hungry Dead
By burning a person’s hair over a black candle, the Necromancer can listen for voices across the Shroud.
Death’s Communion
A Last Supper-like ritual with vitae that gives a temporary bonus to any use of Necromancy.