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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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Fey Encounter

Which one moved her legs? Which one lifted her arms? Which one tilted her head and gazed around their surroundings? Though her body had been restored, it did not belong to her, and Fear remained a prisoner, trapped within the tumultuous confines of her fragmented mind. As Annoyance and Pride competed for complete dominance, the remaining weaker voices shrieked and warred with each other in the shadows where Fear had been shoved and had found no way of escaping.

Even as one prisoner among many, she was still given the unique privilege of being pulled forth by Annoyance to the fore of her being where she could watch as a spectator to the heinous acts her demonic self committed with her body. Annoyance and the parasite within her had an accord, as the latter found that while Annoyance provided the most delicious sustenance whenever she lied or murdered, it was not enough without the regret that Fear held in abundance.

Over the course of their journey, the possessed champion could not discern where they had traveled towards, only recognizing that they were still south of the dark ring and nowhere near Keltra. She was left wondering where they would go as she continued to follow Zima, how far, and what terrible suffering they would leave in their wake? She struggled to maintain any semblance of coherent thoughts as the cacophony of incoherent voices continued to scream as they assailed her sanity, and Fear allowed herself to surrender to them once again.

It was Annoyance that spoke aloud, dulcet and mocking with her sweet voice and forked tongue. “When are we going to plant this seed? Jeez, are you still lost and afraid? I’ve a few suggestions if you care to hear them, hmm.” She moved closer to the wraith, capering and humming with every step while internally lashing out at both Fear and Pride like a frenzied animal that howled with vicious laughter.

Zima seemed to drift in an unseen breeze as she walked, never turning her head back to glance at Annoyance. "To think you would be the one so dominant a personality." She grumbled. "I don't care to hear any suggestions, least of all from you. I know precisely where we are going, you would know that if you had any faculties that paid attention." She hissed.

Annoyance let out an amused chuckle while Fear wept, and pressed on. “I’m here because of you, brother. We’ve a special bond. The God of Hunger simply said beyond the desert, and we’re beyond the desert! Anywhere will do now, so…” With a flamboyant display of acrobatics, she languidly tumbled and somersaulted ahead of Zima. She alighted with agility and purpose, before gesturing all around. “Why not here?” She asked.

Zima didn't even look at her as she walked ahead of her. "These plains are far too open. Do you think the God of Hunger would be happy with us if any old mortal came and burned his seed if it was just left out in the open? Think for once, it needs natural defenses, a place it can grow to protect itself." She pointed ahead, and there in the distance came a rocky outcropping that jutted out from the earth, like a sword leaning sideways. "We shall plant it there and sit around for however long it takes for it to root. As per the Lord's wishes." She sighed.

“That was my second suggestion, ya. Seems very natural defenselike, I think. Well then, what are we waiting for!?!” Annoyance said as she leapt high into the air, and then fell back down, before she turned and began marching towards the chosen location with false nobility in her stride, like a drunk warrior about to walk into battle. “We can’t disappoint our Lord, lest I become terribly transformed and you find yourself facing his wrath. Oh it’d be awfully annoying if I lost the seed somehow.” The possessed champion cheerfully called back.

"A tragedy indeed." Zima confirmed. "Though I assure you, no transformation would save you from my own wrath." Zima skirted across the ground and out in front of Fear, gaining the lead as if she were a part of the wind. "Do not tally, and do try to be aware of your surroundings. Who knows, perhaps there might be a snack waiting for you." Zima then resumed her pace and before long they were before the great rock. A solitary hill formed rose with the rock, a great monument it could have been, now used for a more profane act.

"Plant the seed at the base of this rock." Zima pointed to where the hill smoothed out on top, right at the base of the towering behemoth. "Do it and I shall go scout the land for any… Inconveniences."

“You could say please…” Annoyance and Pride replied simultaneously, causing the possessed champion to falter for a moment, until she swiftly strode to where Zima directed, and began digging a small hole. Afterwards, she sank her hand into her chest and pulled out the seed so that she could bury it. In the end, the whole process was rather mundane, as she shoveled dirt roughly to where it was before, and Annoyance sang a short nonsensical song as she stood over her finished work.

"That's one task done." Zima said, hands folded behind her back. "Now we wait in boredom for it to sprout." She looked at Fear. "Once that is done we shall be free to travel where we choose. I have half a mind to return to Keltra to enact some revenge but that would be foolish. If that owl survived," she shot Fear a dark glance, "They may already be looking for us. I've a feeling the next we meet your sister’s it will be out here," she vaguely gestured at the horizon, "Somewhere." She spun and began to pace. "We shall have to be ready for that. Tell me… What secrets might there be to share? What makes the honorable tick?" Her eyes narrowed in devilish intent.

“Hmm… I would say that our names convey much, but is that true? Courage and Curiosity never kept secrets, and Wanderer would say the strangest things when she did speak. It’s a shame I’ve severed my bond with most of them, or you could just ask them yourself. Only little Pride remains, and soon I’ll kill her as well.” Annoyance answered nonchalantly. “It doesn’t matter… Fear wasn’t very honorable, so how should we know?”

"I'm sure Fear keeps secrets, even from you. But no, Fear was not honorable. She tried but failed and now only a coward remains. Say," Zima raised an eyebrow, "Why is that of all your countless personas, only you remain at the forefront? Where is anger or hate? Greed or lust? Why Annoyance? Surely not because I named you that?"

“As I’ve said before; I’m here because of you. Names like Anger and Hate have no meaning when I’m with you. Eh, are you disappointed? Would you prefer someone else? That’s rather rude!” Annoyance feigned hurt, crossing her arms and turning her gaze away from Zima. She then close her eyes and sought where Fear and Pride had sequestered themselves because torturing them would improve her mood, not that she was irked or anything like that, she told herself. With a mental gesture, she summoned forth Anger, Hatred, Greed, and Lust, and commanded them to seek out the missing pieces of her mind and unleash all of their cruelty upon them before bringing them back before her. Externally, Annoyance began to giggle.

"If only…" the wraith murmured. "Don't do anything foolish while I'm away."

It was in the distance that life betrayed its presence in the darkness of Galbar’s night. It started, simply enough, with a spark. A dark red, unnerving flame that seemingly floated by itself as it traveled along the plains at a surprisingly quick speed.

It was joined by other flames coming out of the darkness, all the same disturbing dark red color manifesting an aura of unease into the night. While none of them seemed to share a point of origin, they all appeared to be heading in the same direction. A strange sight to be sure… and mortals would almost certainly have been freaked out by it if any were present to witness it by itself. But it was soon joined by a melody that drifted on the wind, finding a welcome stage in the silence of night. A slow, melancholic yet strangely upbeat and energetic tune that sounded like the very wind itself made it.

Annoyance looked back and forth between the red flames and Zima before she shrugged. “Speak of devils, and they shall appear. My family can be rather dramatic. Hmm… would you rather face them or hide?” She asked, speaking softly.

Zima strode past her and looked out at the peculiar sight. Her brow furrowed. "I doubt this is the work of your siblings. Unless they've suddenly become fleeting flames. Most curious all the same, Annoyance. We should not leave the seed but what if our mere presence beside it were enough to draw attention? Decisions decisions." She mused, gripping her chin with a hand.

While the traveling flames were fleeting in their appearance and the tune on the air faded away, they would prove to be merely the prologue of strange things to appear on this cold and otherwise quiet night. It was the creaking of wooden wheels that was first to be heard, but out of the darkness itself a wagon was pulled.

Its appearance was strange for a few reasons, but the one that would almost certainly be sending a warning into Zima’s head above all else was the fact that there had been no trace of it coming into sight. One moment the plains had been empty apart from the sound of creaking wood… and seemingly within a moment in which neither Zima or the many personalities within the body of what formerly belonged to Fear had been looking at the same spot it had appeared, moving at a steady pace but slowly coming to a stop in front of the pair of them.

Had either of them cared about mortal designs or even just the local mortal cultures they might have registered some decorative and design choices that would have easily exposed that this wagon wasn’t built locally, from the timber used from non-local trees to the black and red coloration the wood appeared to have been colored with. However, even without the knowledge of local customs and designs the steed in question would reveal its outlandish origins, because bugs generally didn’t grow that big here.

Six black legs gracefully and carefully walked the ground, poking out of a cloth like material that covered their body and swayed as it moved. The shape of its body under the strange cloth suggested the body of some kind of beetle, but its head rested at the top of a long, craning neck, hidden under what appeared to be some kind of white mask as it looked down at the pair of them. It was hooked up to pull the wagon… but there weren’t any signs of reins or a means for the driver of the wagon to control it.

Now that the cart had completely stopped, the ‘driver’ in question did in fact leap down from their position. They stood tall, draped in some kind of beautiful cloak and gazing at the pair of them with pure red eyes. There was a brief moment of silence… before the figure offered the pair of them a bow. “Wonderful… Wonderful! I was hoping to run into the stars of the westernlands dreamscape in all their dark, infamous glory. I didn’t expect to come across you so soon though. Still, hiccups are a part of any performance, no matter how planned or rehearsed they might be, and thus all we can do is push on. How are your evenings going, ladies?” The figure spoke with a surprising energy. Some would find it dark and unsettling, but he seemed legitimately happy to see them.

“No, you’re definitely right... My sisters wouldn’t be involved in this… Well then, shall we kill them?” Annoyance asked, tilting her head as she peered beyond the stranger greeting them to the wagon itself, a predatory glitter in her eyes.

The stranger offered a small grin… before they seemed to move from where they had been standing to before the contested body of Fear in the blink of an eye, left hand pulled across his chest by his face and brought down swiftly and harshly against the cheek of Annoyance. There was a crack of something that wasn’t flesh and blood as the world seemed to get… hazy for a second. And then there were two as the personality known as Annoyance was flung away from the main body, for the first time having a form of her very own.

“Why were you seeking us?” Asked Pride with all hint of levity gone, addressing the stranger as she prevented Fear’s body from just collapsing, and choosing to ignore as Annoyance fell backwards until suddenly the second personality was soaring towards Zima and crashed into the spirit, crying aloud. “Oh dear, I seem to have slipped, catch me brother!”

Zima caught Annoyance and then let go once she was steady, "Patience." Zima commanded the personality. If at all any of it had intrigued or alarmed Zima, her face remained neutral as she looked at the newcomer. “You belong to the Keeper, don’t you?” she said with little emotion. “Such a devious trick.” Her eyes danced all around them, as if she saw something more but said nothing else.

I was empowered by the Creator of the Sea of Dreams, but my loyalties lay with another. While I don’t know the name Keeper, the fey deity does seem to enjoy changing their name at a whim.” the figure answered truthfully, before they turned to gaze at Pride. “My interest was purely that of curiosity. Between the carnage and survivors you’ve left in your collective wakes, your presence serves as a source of dread among the dreamers of this continent, twisted and morphed by story and attempts to explain the unknown. It’s still early days yet, but I have a feeling that the two of you will haunt mortal legends for a very, very long time. Who wouldn’t want to meet such legendary figures in the flesh?

There was a brief pause as the figure glanced towards Annoyance and Zima before adding with a small degree of amusement “...As a matter of speaking, of course.

"You fit well enough with what I imagine that deity could conjure, different names or not." Zima tilted her head, slightly narrowing her eyes at the strange being. "I have never heard of this Sea of Dreams but it seems we've left well enough an impression to drag out a seeker, as you say. Curious." She held her hands together letting them fall just below her waist. "Though you may know our names, introductions are in order. I am Zima and that is Fear. She has… She is a bit of a mess, apologies if any of her personas offend you. She will behave, won't she?" It wasn't so much a question but a veiled threat as Zima glanced between Fear and Annoyance. "And who or what, might you be?" She asked the newcomer. "I have never seen the likes of your kind before and this… Power you conjur."

For their part, the cloaked figure shook his head. “Oh no. Your names aren’t mentioned at all. It’s not like you’re in the habit of politely introducing yourselves to people who are going to survive the encounter after all. As for myself… I am Grimm.” There was a small bow with the usage of his name, though nowhere near the extent of the earlier, performance like bow from before. “Truth be told, I’m inclined to offer you both an invitation to the Troupe I’m putting together at the behest of my master. We always need new agents and performers… and I can personally attest to the fact that joining is a wonderful way to start anew with the weight of the past burned away.

There was an earnest smile on his face as he decided to add “Of course, all of our recruits were damned in some way before they were brought into the Troupe. I’m afraid it would be difficult for any of you to empathize, since despite your current hardships Lady Zima… you passed the trials of the afterlife but decided to return.” The smile faded for a terrible moment of seriousness. “Those who fail don’t usually get the option to go back.

"Intriguing. You knew not my name but know of that?" Her hands untangled from themselves and fell to her sides. "A creature of mystery indeed."

There was a small shrug. “You are a creature that is between the living and the dead. Considering the murderous fury towards the living that is a hallmark of your performance on the dream scape, this is not your natural state of being. Considering you lack the magical markings of having been raised from the dead by a third party, you came back on your own… and considering those that fail the trials of the afterlife are dumped into the Ashen Planes, you didn’t fail.

"Perceptive too." She murmured.

“I’m afraid we’ll have to decline your offer, Grimm, as we’ve other obligations elsewhere, and I’ve never been one to pretend the past is something so easily forgotten.” Pride quietly replied, remaining still where she stood before, as Annoyance had begun pacing back and forth excitedly. The second body of Fear came closer to the first with a malicious grin, playfully poking and prodding the back of her previous shape’s head, while the latter simply ignored her presence.

There was a second shrug, before a simple “If you ever change your mind, we’ll happily accept you. However, the night is young and I am needed elsewhere. I wish you good fortune with your endeavors ladies.” For the third time that evening, Grimm bowed before he turned to return to his wagon. He paused for a moment, looking over his shoulder as he added “Oh that reminds me. Do kindly leave the members of my Troupe alone as they go about their business. Death is meaningless to us, but we do have a schedule to keep and delays are annoying.

"Oh but of course." Zima said, giving a slight bow of her head. "Safe travels." She stared, watching him go. Pride bid him a faint farewell, while Annoyance idly waved once before turning her gaze to Zima and raising a hand as if seeking her attention through the noticeable gesture. “Question! Why are we letting this one speak for us? Joining could’ve been fun, you know.” She asked as she pouted.

Hopping up back onto the wagon, Grimm merely offered a small wave to the girls in question before his strange mount started to skitter away, pulling the wagon behind it. As more and more distance was put between the two parties, Annoyance would feel a firm pull on her person… “Seems my time is up.” She muttered. The pull was mild at first, but in time it became simply too great to ignore as she was recalled back into the tormented body of Fear to rejoin the rest of the offkey chorus.

Zima’s expression soured as the night returned to normal. She turned to Fear with a glowering expression. "Joining would have been counterintuitive. You'd be just another pawn, nothing more. But this little chance encounter does paint one thing in my mind. We need weapons, perhaps our own minions…" She grew silent.

“How pitiful.” Pride murmured, staring at Zima for a time before she shook her head and let out a sigh. It was an arduous effort, protecting Fear from Annoyance, as she also maintained command of their body, but the alternative was letting the latter regain control which would be much worse. The Keeper of Keltra was perhaps a little grateful to Grimm, as he had temporarily banished the worst among Fear’s inner demons from her body. There would be peace for Fear, for a little while.

"Pitiful indeed." Zima hissed back, before she flew off into the night. Off to go scout no doubt, leaving Fear to herselves. Fear was never alone after all, and Pride mentally consoled the one whom this body truly belonged to as she listened to her cry. Now they could only wait for Zima to return, and for the seed they had been given by Yesaris to grow.

Raethel Norvegicus and Aethel

Raethel took a deep breath as he sat down on the wooden seat, closing his eyes for a moment as he felt some of the pressure on his old bones be eased and letting out a sigh of relief because of it. The scent of the food on the table before him was delicious smelling, but he didn't even think of eating it as he took a deep breath and prepared himself for a conversation that he knew needed to happen, but he had been putting off for some time now.

For the moment he resisted the urge to scratch an inch that had been on his arm for some time now on a patch of skin that had been exposed by the loss of a patch of his paling fur as he breathed deeply again in preparation and spoke aloud to an empty room and an opened door leading to the balcony "Aethel, tender of mana, Raethel Norvegicus the first of the Rattus invites you to discuss a matter of divine relevance over lunch. I hope to see you soon, but I will understand if you are busy."

As far as prayers went it wasn't exactly a great one but the Rattus didn't really pray all that much. Part of Aethel's teachings (and a side effect of having them hang around for an extended period of time) was to only call upon the divine in relation to divine matters. Calling upon them for a matter that could be taken care of by mortal means, even if it was difficult to do so, was just as likely for them to either ignore the plea or be annoyed by mortal laziness as much as they might be inclined to help if you caught them in a good mood.

However, there were benefits for keeping prayer reserved for matters that were truly out of mortal paws and belonged squarely in the paws of the divine. They weren't being distracted by 'lazy' prayers for a start, but they would also take a prayer from the Rattus much more seriously because the matter being brought to their attention was almost certainly worth investigating personally. It also helped to be respectful and offer a meal as the matter was discussed beforehand provided that the situation could afford such a thing (if it couldn't, the meal would be offered afterwards. Basic hospitality was a must after all).

So it was that slightly over a minute after the prayer had been offered and Raethel rested with his eyes closed, Aethel appeared on the balcony in the equine form that they tended to favor around the Rattus, looking around at both the tree that they were going to be meeting in and the settlement around it with an impressed, excited gleam in their eyes. However, before saying anything in regard to that the co-creator of the Rattus stepped into the room and announced "Raethel! It's been a long time and we're not meeting in a desert! You've really gone up in the world, haven't you?" They joked, walking over to take a seat at the table while chuckling softly to themselves.

In fairness, a few chuckles escaped and joined the gods as Raethel's opened eyes gazed back with a smile on his face. "Welcome to the Greenland Dockyard, Master Aethel. We took your challenge to set paw on a landmass that wasn't connected to our homeland seriously and so far settling on Greenland has proven a vital step in relation to that. It's not why I called you, but we're currently giving the ocean craft we intend to complete the challenge with a test voyage from here to the port of Firstbarrows before coming back."

For their part Aethel did look interested in this news, but even as they accepted the offer of a rather tastefully steamed fish with herbs there was a question that needed to be raised. "Wonderful news of course but... why have you asked for my presence? Beyond enjoying this delightful fish I mean."

Raethel... sighed as they finally scratched the itch on their arm. "I am aware that time and age mean little to you Master Aethel, but for a mortal like myself... it catches up to you in the end." Watching as the deity ate their fish, Raethel continued "I am nearing the end of my life. I'm not asking you to change that or anything, but I wanted to discuss with you what would happen to the blessing you gave me back when I first awakened when my time comes. Will it just fade away? Be given to a new Rattus?"

Aethel for their part thought about it until after they had swallowed their mouthful of fish before speaking. "A reasonable concern. The blessing you speak of will not disappear in the event of your death. It will be granted to a new Rattus of my choosing." There was a small, thoughtful pause as the deity considered something... even as they reached up to remove a fish bone from their teeth. "I'll need some time to think of a suitable means of deciding who. Do not worry, your time on this plane of existence isn't as dire as it seems. We will have a successor for your blessing sorted out long before your time comes."

A weight hanging over Raethel's head seemed to lessen at the announcement, relaxing slightly as he reached to start enjoying some of his own fish... before pausing as he requested respectfully "If I might make a suggestion?" Looking at his dining partner, Aethel clearly was eating and wouldn't talk until their mouth was empty again, but with a gesture they made it clear that they would at least hear their champion out. "I would recommend that the next champion in line should be a pup. Young enough to be educated in both their powers and the role they are going to play in society, but old enough not to throw a tantrum and accidentally kill people with the power they have been given. The choice is of course yours, but that is the wisdom I have to offer on the subject."

Aethel chewed silently for a little longer before swallowing, making a thoughtful sound as they slowly nodded. "You make a good argument. I won't promise that it'll play a part in the test itself, but I will try to factor it in." Offering a smile, they quickly changed the subject as they started "Now that the important business has been taken care of for the time being, you will have to introduce me to your cook because I've never tasted anything quite as delicious as this before!"


Mentioning: @Ponn@Ariamis@Shifter_Master

For her part, Roxanna just... looked confused. From the moment MDP started to nearly cry, to the arrival of Lily to calm her down, MDP's response to her request and the Angel... kind of chastising her as well? "Why is everyone acting like I just made fun of her for having a lisp or something? All I did was polity ask that she stop actively baby talking if it wasn't something forced by the transformation because it makes her difficult to understand. She admitted that she doesn't have to, she just does it because she wants too. Just because her and her friend says that she's ditzy isn't an excuse!"

Reaching up to start rubbing her forehead with her thumb and index/middle fingers, taking a deep breath as she forced herself to calm down. She was clearly getting worked up by this and that wouldn't help anyone. Forcing herself to be calm until the boiling frustrating passed and she was actually calm, Roxanna turned her attention fully on MDP as she softly explained "Look, I'm sorry. My parents raised me to always try and speak clearly to show respect to the person trying to have a conversation with you. Even if we've only just met, you are a peer and thus deserve respect as such until I know you better as a person... and all your baby talk says to me is that you don't respect me or anyone else enough to talk to them as an equal. I don't like being talked down to Magical... even if that wasn't your intent."

If there was one thing that having the embodiment of Socialism in ones head, it was that one learned how to express a grievous in a clear, easy to understand manner. Roxanna didn't want to get into a fight over this or to turn MDP into an enemy when she clearly wanted to make friends... but to bury the frustrations and ignore the problem wouldn't change anything. At least this way, MDP would at least see where her frustration was becoming from and hopefully wouldn't take offense to it.

Also there was some kind of drone on her shoulder... and Roxanna felt the need to ask "Is that meant to be there?"
Raethel Norvegicus and the Rattus People

It had taken a great deal of time, but Raethel stood front and center by the waterside of the docks to observe this historic occasion. Years ago, when they had designed craft out of reeds to travel along the River Rattus they had called them water craft. When they colonized Greenland and started using wood as a building material names had changed, with the reed craft taking the humble name of river craft while their wooden descendants claimed the title of water craft.

This new craft through... it would be the first of the true ocean craft. Yes, the water craft before it had traveled the great waters between the two lands of the Rattus successfully but this... this one was designed to fulfill the mandate that Aethel had handed down last time they had been present amongst the Rattus. While the others were suitable for crossing the water that ran between the connected lands of Greenland and Firstbarrows, this one would sail down south along the coast and into the unknown in search of a land that wasn't connected to their home. Where its crew could set down paws on soil that no Rattus could walk to given enough time.

It wouldn't be setting sail today: At least not for its true grand voyage anyway. Today was simply it leaving the dry-dock and entering the water for the first time. The dry dock had been designed with a simply ramp system in mind for the ocean craft to slide down into the water, but with some minor concerns that the craft might have been a bit too big to properly slide two of the water friends had been reluctantly pulled from their local river homes in order to be harnessed up to the craft in order to pull it along and make sure it reached its destination.

Water friends proved rather willing and able to carry or pull along what would be considered heavy loads to the average Rattus, but they never liked being too far away from a source of water or mud in order to rest and play around in. Along the larger tunnels in Firstbarrows in which such transportation was used to quickly move goods, not only was the air generally cool, but at regular intervals along the passage walls were side rooms designed with pools of water and mud aplenty so that any of the creatures that were feeling uncomfortable for having been away from them for a bit too long could take a break and recover.

The same measures had been taken here, only on the surface level rather then underground. The water friends were currently resting comfortably in their respective mud pools, waiting until they were called upon to stand and start pulling. They had even been given baskets filled with plants they liked in order to snack on as they waited for their big moment and they could return to their territory.

And with a word from their carers, that time came as the great beasts rose from the mud, the substance sticking to them or sloshing off in seemingly equal measure as they moved into position to have lines wrapped around them. Wooden supports preventing the ocean craft were knocked away one by one and the crowd watching seemed to hold its breath as the last of the supports gave way and the massive craft started to move...

The presence of the Water Friends proved vital, but not for their intended purpose. The fears about the ocean craft being too big to properly slide down the ramp proved unfounded; Instead it looked like it was all too eager to touch the water. Too eager in fact. For a terrible moment it looked like it was going way to quickly and possibly damage the craft in the process before it had even floated on water for the first time. The powerful grey beasts proved their worth by being quickly turned around and pulling back in the opposite direction, slowing the decent in a major fashion but not quite stopping it, allowing the ocean craft to gently enter the water for the first time.

With disaster averted and the process successful, the crowd of Rattus watching started to cheer and applaud the event, with Raethel reaching up to place a paw on his chest to try and calm his rapidly beating heart. It had been a concern of his for a while now, through one that he kept quiet about. He knew that he had been getting on in years for some time now and under such circumstances one tended to reflect on their mortality, but the slight scare aside this was not going to be a concern for today. But he would need to enact his plan for the future relatively soon in order to make sure that things would carry on without any trouble once he was gone.

But today... today his eyes gazed enough the first true ocean craft and he beamed with pride at how far his people had come.


Mentioning: @Ponn

Roxanna had never been the greatest of people when it came to expressing interest or making friends, even before they... well, became Roxanna. That being said, they did have experience with people... not really getting their intent and that was the strong feeling she was getting from the Angel; To be fair, it was a pretty piss poor attempt at flirtation anyway because magic or not, there was a part of her that was legit worried for the other girl's health.

Of course, any attempt to explain or follow up was interrupted by... by...

It was kind of hard to put into words just what the third person talking Magical Dream Princess actually was. Despite the fact that it was a cold winter's night, the girl seemed to have a cloud of sparkles and glitter about her that, considering the nature of magic, likely stuck to those with ill intent or weren't pure of heart and burned them or something equally demented. That part she could have forgiven because... well, it's not like anyone had much of a say in what happened to them when they became a Magical Girl... or Boy on occasion.

The tone of voice was bad and easily grating, but in turn that wasn't what made Roxanna dislike this new girl; After all, despite everything she clearly had friendly intentions and just wanted to be friends with people and that earnest desire could excuse a lot. It was the way she spoke that did it. Even independent of everything else, that 'cutest woosy' crap was painful to listen to, but combined with everything else...

Of course, it was around about this point where the conversation between Magical Dream Princess and the Angel turned to include them... and Roxanna looked completely serious, if somewhat disturbed as she took a step back to try and get some personal space back, raising her hands to have them between the both of them before answering "Okay. I get that you're trying to be friendly and everything but... you're coming on way to strong. My name is Roxanna and... look, if it's something about your transformation you can't control that's one thing, but if you can... could you please stop the whole baby talk thing? It's not cute."

All in all, Roxanna was at least breaking even on the evening. Yes, her attempt to earn a bit of spending money on the side had been interrupted by fucking Wendigos and she was going to have to cleanse her now tainted stock while purging a bunch of frozen hearts in the process, but she had kind of met some magical guys who were rather stuck up, but professional and a solid team to work with... and she had met a beautiful angel who wore a tastefully skimpy attire that used her magic to make her awesome! She had even called her a noble champion and complimented her for protecting her!

In the off chance that either of the boys asked why her face was so red, she fully intended to blame it on the cold night. However, even as her clones fought the original did turn to the Angel in an almost timid way as she answered "T-Thanks. You're presence really brightened up a night that was starting to go rather sore... even if I do want to throw a blanket over you because damn you must be freezing!" Just because the sight was a pleasant one didn't mean that Roxanna wanted the poor girl to get frostbite after all!

Of course, it was around this point that magic started to get thrown around like it was nothing... and Roxanna's eyes widened just a bit as the source of said rainbow colored magic started to skip over... and a sigh escaped her as her shoulders dropped. "...I'm never going to get all the glitter out of my hair after this, am I?" She muttered aloud to herself, but otherwise just accepted that this was her life and running away from Miss Rainbows and Glitter would be a bad look.

As they lazily drifted and observed the Sea of Dreams, Aethel couldn't help but notice something...interesting. Something that they hadn't intended when they developed the Sea. From their observations of the phenomena this wasn't caused by the introduction of the Fey to the Realm either, since they seemed fairly content flickering around doing their duties and enjoying themselves. In fact, it was because of one of the Fey that this phenomena had been brought to their attention, since one of the dream children had noticed this and requested they investigate since this was beyond the abilities of the Fey to do anything about if something needed to be done at all.

Aethel's intentions when they had designed how Dreams would work was that the bubbles containing the dreamers would be completely self contained; The Dreamer would be influenced by their own mind and nothing more, with nothing slipping into the dream from the outside and the dream staying within the bubble, vanishing once the dreamer awoke.

The reality proved... somewhat different. For the most part it worked as intended... but as Aethel floated there they noticed what the Fey had informed them about. In the event of a strong enough dream or nightmare, the core emotional energy behind it would leak out and influence the Sea around it, tainting the dreams of local dreamers and creating their own currents in the Sea as it spread and influenced other dreams, strengthening it and allowing it to continue on its journey.

Observing it, there wasn't any intelligence behind this. It was simply akin to dropping some ink into a river and it being strengthened by encountering something that could generate more 'ink', but all and all it did seem harmless enough to be ignored since in time it would simply fade away. What couldn't be ignored through was what happened if such a current was pulled towards one of the gateways that now connected the Sea of Dreams to Galbar through.

Once loose upon the mortal world, raw emotional energy tended to cause... issues. The mortal world wasn't really designed to handle raw emotional dream energy floating around and influencing it in such a direct manner and currently there wasn't really a manner to deal with it. That would need to change... but the question of how arose. Aethel didn't want to do it themself and while they could expand the duties of the Fey to enter the mortal realm in order to locate this escaped dream energy, they could already see how that would become... problematic.

What they needed was something attuned to both the mortal and dream worlds, but didn't have enough will of their own to run off and abandon their duties. Something so used to the extremes of emotion that not only would they be suited to tracking it down, but also not be overwhelmed by it as they gathered it up to bring it back.

...Now that they thought about it, there was a place that such things could be found.

Aethel disappeared in a flash.

The place that Aethel reappeared was a place... in-between. Where the darkest, most depraved depths of the Sea of Dreams overlapped with the infernal Ashen Planes; Where the final resting place of damned souls met the dark place in the back of the mortal collective consciousness that whispered that when they died, they would pay dearly for what they had done in life. It was in this place in-between that Aethel would craft the solution to their problem... and possibly answer another problem that the Deity of Souls was going to have to address at some point.

Crafted from the darkest of dreams and filled with some flame borrowed from the Ashen Plane, Aethel crafted a Heart. A dark red glow shone out as it started to beat at a slow, heavy pace. A beat that crossed dimensions into the afterlife, the realm of dreams... and even the mortal world, if one is in the right place and of the right mindset to listen carefully enough. But this was just the first step. The forge and puppeteer behind the curtain to guide the actions of the true performers.

This was why the location was important... because the Ashen Planes would easily provide the raw materials needed. Some souls would come under their own power... others would by pulled by the presence of the Heart itself, while others would be carried and dumped by the denizens of the Ashen Planes themselves in a manner akin to that of an offering of sorts, but all of them shared an aspect; All of them had been broken by the Ashen Planes. Their original personalities had been stripped away, ground into dust by the torments and punishments that the Ashen Planes provided. Inflecting further suffering was pointless for many of them had been on the anvil and struck so many times that even the idea of pleading for release or even just screaming had been snapped off, leaving little more then an empty husk to be cast aside.

It was these husks of broken souls that would be consumed by the Heart made of nightmares, reforged in the dark flames within and given form anew, their wills bound to that of their new master. They would go into the Heart as prisoners of the Ashen Planes, but they would leave it as a brand new kind of Fey of the Sea of Dreams. Ones that could operate on the mortal plane without causing undue harm.

The first of this new breed to leave the Heart and take form would be met by a warm grin from Aethel... as well as a couple of gifts. Not only would they refuse some vigor to empower them beyond their future kin, but over their shoulders and wrapped around their body would be draped a cloak woven from divine will and the essence of the dream world itself. There was a quite moment as this new champion of the Heart looked over themselves... before they offered Aethel a respectful bow that was returned in kind.

No words needed to be exchanged between deity and champion as Aethel left. The avatar of the Heart, it's caretaker and servant understood his role in the grand scheme of things perfectly fine. It was his job to lead his fellows out of the dream and into the mortal world to gather the dream energies that found their way there. His duty to ensure that the energy was returned to the Heart so it could be properly dealt with. The keeper of rituals, the one who directed the performances of others and served as the mouth piece of his master.

He was Grimm... and he had a troupe to form.


Mentioning: @Ponn@Majoras End

Roxanna's plan for the night had been to make a little bit of extra money in order to start the new year with by selling some of her spiritual wares. Granted they were likely going to be misused by the people buying them due to them ignoring the cultural history of Ofuda and were largely getting them because they looked interesting, but all she could do was try and educate and if they didn't learn that wasn't her fault.

Instead she had ended up killing two wendigo and getting sent flying by a third who had full on tried to gore her. Granted no actual damage was done, but being thrown after getting charged by a freakish deer like abomination wasn't a fun situation all the same. It was enough to knock the wind out of your lungs. Thankfully the second one had decided to go deal with the other two magical gir-...boys who had shown up that had decided to employ the old American ideal of 'If you put enough bullets into it, it will die'.

As the beast that had charged her clearly intended to follow up on its aggression, Roxanna snapped her head right towards it and swiftly called her psychic powers to the fore, grabbing the Wendigo that was even now charging towards her with the power of her mind in order to hold it still; The momentum of the character made the process harder due to her having to put more force into stopping it from just physically slamming into her, but once you were able to lock the joints into position actually preventing it from gaining enough momentum to physically resist being held like this the situation got a lot simpler and easier to manage.

It was then that a heavenly voice seemed to ring clear around the train station... and despite Roxanna wanting to turn her head towards the source to see it for herself, a combination of her own desire to stay alive and Socialism briefly employing some psychic will of its own in order to stop her from moving her head because that would be a terrible idea at the moment likely saved her having to deal with a fair amount of injury and grief.

This angelic voice was soon followed by... it was hard to describe the feeling exactly, but what became clear as crystal to Roxanna as it flowed through her was that it was empowering her natural abilities beyond their normal limits. She generally felt fairly powerful when it came to her psychic abilities under normal circumstances, but right that moment... right that moment her eyes began to glow as she felt stronger then ever.

For a brief moment, Roxanna saw several paths in relation to dealing with the Wendigo in her grasp. Truth be told she wasn't quite sure if she could pull some of them off, even with the power boost... but there was a part of her that wanted to test her limits just to see if she could do something like crush it into a meat cube with nothing but the power of the mind. She didn't do this for one reason through; She didn't know the beautiful voice or the girl giving her this additional power, but she felt like going for a brutal, gory display of power would not be the method to make a good first impression.

Instead, Roxanna decided to make use of the tools that the Wendigo itself had... volunteered for her usage. Slowly and shakily, the Wendigo's right arm moved. Even as the creature fought against the force holding it, the elbow was bent and its claw like fingers were brought together to create something that looked like it would have been an impressive war spear... that was angled at the point where the beasts neck and chin met. It gave out an enraged bellow as it continued to struggle, but with one strong shove of psychic force to give the arm a terrifying amount of momentum and... both the bellows and struggles were cut short as claws entered brain.

Merely holding a sack of bone and meat, Roxanna dropped the dying creature and let it hit the stone ground with a thump as it started to spasm as its body tried to deal with the fact that its brain was dead.

Reaching up, Roxanna suddenly felt tired as she started to rub her temples. "Oww..."
Raethel Norvegicus

As his pups were running around doing... pup things and generally amusing themselves while trying their best to stay out of the kind of trouble that would look really bad for their loving father if they were caught doing it, Raethel sat on a wooden seat, looking over some clay tablets in order to try and get the best understanding of the problem being offered to him. While at the moment he wasn't acting as the First Speaker and thus politically he was just an ordinary citizen, what he was being asked to look at wasn't a political problem; It was a navigational one.

The Rattus had taken to sailing upon open waters...rather well all things considered in that no properly made water craft had been lost to the salty depths. While some Rattus had died on the trips between Greenland and the Homeland in the past, this was normally due to factors such as age, illness or injury and was thus seem as within acceptable standards, if stressful for those on board said craft with them. However, a concern that had been lingering among the minds of all those who sailed since the original trip had been how easy it was to get lost out on the open water.

Currently most water craft preferred to take a little longer and sail within sight of the stretch of land between Greenland and the Homeland in order to keep a firm understanding of just where they were at any given time. Those that took to sailing open water had much fewer options as far as ordination was concerned; Generally they used the sky orbs in order to make sure they were sailing in the general right direction and avoided being turned around or the wrong way, but that wasn't the most refined of methods. Sure, it would ensure that you would find the coastline of the land you were looking for, but both had a rather far reaching coastline. This wasn't such an issue if you were planning to land on the Homeland since there were Rattus settlements and outposts all along the coast, but in Greenland the process of developing Rattus settlements was a lot more slow going.

There were some suggestions on different ideas of course and Raethel was reviewing them... but none of them really seemed to have that glint of promise. Taking a moment to push one of the more... optimistic of suggestions away, he reached up to rub the bridge of his nose and on reflex start cleaning his whiskers and he considered the issue. There was a small part of him that raised the question of how the gods would solve it, but his experience with Aethel had enlightened him to the fact that the idea of getting lost while traveling would simply be viewed as an experience for their co-creator, who didn't give a damn about things like supplies or survival.

However... thinking of Aethel gave Raethel an idea.

In the end, Raethel had needed a little help with the more physical side of things and his second born daughter Nitidus had thankfully be up to the task of helping him with the prototype, but the idea was honestly rather simple in execution. They had created a pyramid out of three sticks and used a bit of rope to dangle from the top where they sticks met. Hanging from the rope was a stone ball that he had thrown together rather quickly. The ball and rope was defying the natural order all by itself by noticeably floating in the air, pointing a certain direction. No matter where they moved the pyramid too or what direction they turned it in, the ball would move in order to continue pointing in the same direction at the same thing.

While the mana workings were a little complex, the idea was rather simple really. The ball had been attuned towards the most powerful mana fixture on the planet... the Tree to the south from which mana came from, went to and was renewed at. It also was, according to Aethel, at one of the 'ends' of the world, with another opposite it far up north. It wasn't a grand enchantment, the ball would simply be pulled towards the Tree of Harmony firmly enough to be noticeable, but not so much as to cause it to fly off and defeat the whole point Raethel had been going towards.

A stone enchanted in this manner, if suspended, would always point towards Aethel's Tree of Harmony... and thus would always point south. Unlike the vague nature of 'East' and 'West' that the sky orbs provided, this method would allow an exact measurement of where South was... which when you don't have any landmarks in sight to use, could be a highly useful tool to have in order to figure out where you are and where you need to be going.

Of course this was merely the prototype; There would no doubt be refinements and experiments in order to develop a version of it that would be useful and strong enough to endure conditions on the open water... or even traveling over land now that Raethel thought about it, through that version would have to be smaller due to carrying concerns... but as Raethel looked over the prototype he couldn't help but reach out a paw and squeeze Nitidus' paw with love and pride of this very moment


There was a reason that people tended to refer to battle as a 'tide'. Some were easy to read with the outcome decided months before any given day, but others were faster and more chaotic. It wasn't a great analogy, but Roxanna had more important things to focus on at the moment than stray thoughts and philosophic bullshit.

Kicking the wendigo that she had stabbed in the chest directly in the head and hearing a sickening but final sounding crack of bone, silencing it as it dropped. It being dead wasn't as important as it not being a threat at this moment in time since there were at least three others waiting for the chance to strike. The psychic distraction seemed to have faded in that while the urge to fill the unending void was ever present the desire for warm, human flesh seemed to have won out over mindless gluttony.

The sounds of gunfire was a welcome one, but the exact source of it was a mystery at the moment since one of the freakish monsters decided to try and take a bite out of her thigh. While her attire was more then up to the task of stopping the bite from actually doing any harm (Yay!), an issue quickly arose in that the damn thing's teeth was stuck in the fabric, causing her to be in a rather hindered position that the other two would almost certainly try to take advantage of.

Without pausing to think, Roxanna threw both of her arms to the sides before bringing the palms her hands back together hard and fast in what might have under other circumstances been a clap... with joints where the wendigo's lower jaw connected to the rest of its skull being in between. The plan was simple; Break or dislocate the lower jaw with the opening strike, grasp the lower jaw with both hands and with a hard yank combined with a solid knee to the wendigo's throat...

There was a bony crunch as the wendigo stumbled backwards, its roars of pain and anger currently little more then wheezing and coughing as it tried to regain its breath while its long, seemingly rotten tongue hang limp without a lower jaw to hide it. Granted the damn lower jaw was still lodged in Roxanna's dress and hung off it like some dark, gothic fashion statement (and to be fair it did rather suit the style the black dress rather nicely), it did free her up to leap after the now wounded deer headed creature.

Leap was the key word, in that she launched herself up in order to stamp one foot down against its shoulder for balance (with what was clearly the wet sound of bone covered by muscle and skin shattering underneath) while grabbing both of its antlers at the base of the skull for control as the knee of her other leg delivered an uppercut directly under the wendigo's 'nose' and causing the skull (and thus the rest of the creature's head) to jerk upwards. With an unrelenting grip and having weakened the beast's body, the second foot was slammed into the until now uninjured shoulder before Roxanna tightened her hold on the skull and started to pull upwards while pushing down with her legs.

There was a few moments of weakened struggling from the wendigo that made the scene look like a bull riding contest at a rodeo... but with an unholy tearing sound and a spray of black, rotten blood Roxanna ripped its head clean off, kicking off the torso in the process to do a small flip in midair to land unsteadily on her feet. She did not look amused. "Gods damn it! I just did did laundry earlier today." anyone with sensitive hearing might have heard a mumbled "Fucking blood stains." as she threw the head in a random direction to focus on the rest of the fight.
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