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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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Who could have divined the prophetic import of something as unremarkable... as a twitch in the leg of a dead rat?

Bautic gazed upon the rodent in question with some degree of interest. Truth be told he had long surpassed such humble beginnings when it came to control over life and death, but then again it wasn't his own work that he was observing. Being a teacher was a somewhat new experience for him, but as he stared at the convulsions of the deceased rodent, he couldn't help but feel a small twinge of pride as he witnessed a student start to put their skills to use.

However as the test subject refused to evolve beyond its spasms and in fact started to cause tears in its body, Bautic took a deep breath before turning towards the young woman who had attempted the feat and asked in a soft and caring tone voice that would have been surprising to those who had known him back up in Lorderan "Alright Ashley. Would you like to hazard a guess about what you did wrong?"

Ashley for her part leaned in to have a closer look at her failed experiment, her slightly lazy eye facing slightly the wrong direction before she narrowed both of her eyes to focus a little better. Observing the damage that the subject had caused to themselves from their movements, in the end she couldn't help but close her eyes, let out a slightly louder then normal puff of air escape her nose and answer somewhat bashfully "I think... I put a little to much magic into the muscles and disabled muscle limitations in the process?"

For his part Bautic offered a smile as he brought his hands together in a single clap that filled the no longer abandoned farmhouse that had been claimed for the Brotherhood. "Nail on the head Ashley." Deciding to take advantage of the situation to be an instructor to the other, magically inclined Defias that were seated around the testing table, Bautic quickly added for the sake of the class "There is a reason that most muscles have natural limits imposed upon themselves and that is because without those limitations put into place, the muscles would be strong enough to tear themselves to pieces or off the bone."

"That isn't to say that we can't bypass these limitations when it comes to raising the dead. However, doing so successfully requires experience and a solid understanding of the basic biological form. As the saying goes, one needs to have a deep understanding of the rules before one knows when and how to break them successfully. Now Rex, I believe you were..."

Before the lesson could continue, there was a bang on the door frame of the empty kitchen door as one of the guards of the farmstead made their presence known. "Sir, sorry to interrupt you but most of the scouts have returned." The tone given to 'most' heavily implied that those scouts that hadn't returned weren't going too.

A sigh escaped from Bautic's lips before he turned to the class and said "Alright. Continuing your reading and practicing, I'll be back as soon as possible."

*Deleted by order of the Inquisition.*
I kind of have an idea for a character and a story path in the Southern Eastern Kingdoms (Around Stormwind, Westfall, ect).

It was honestly rather sad really. Watching how some of his half siblings scurried like rodents as they tried to secure support for whatever schemes or plays they intended to try. But Nos kept a lazy eye on them anyway; Even if their efforts were doomed to failure, the self destructive tended to try and take down everything around them as well.


Still, there was a spare moment as the arrival of the King was foretold and in that moment of free time the half kobold deemed to offer some attention to another half elf as he calmly walked over to her. "Rosealeaha! It's been far too long. How are you finding the festivities so far?"
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