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7 yrs ago
Current Sorry for my lack of posts lately. I've just... been struggling to get the energy to write something up. I'm trying some new meds through so hopefully that will change soon.


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With the state of the Kingdom of Stormwind, with its king missing from the throne and a regency built around the young prince, the lands under the influence of the southern most human kingdom had grown perilous to travel. There simply were too many threats to contend with and too few armed solders to patrol the main roads as they might have once done.

This of course didn't stop merchant wagons and traders trying their luck. The wealthier or well connected merchants tended to pool their resources together in order to form caravans, the guards they employed working together in order to try and stand against whatever foe struck out to disrupt their cargo; In the past such caravans would have passed by without incident at all, but these days the threats had grown in number and boldness to the point that no cargo passed through provinces like Westfall or Duskwood without coming under heavy attack. Smaller merchants tended to only have a single wagon at best and despite the rewards that the chaos of the day were offering, few lived to profit from them.

Which made the cart from Westfall all the more interesting. Because in an era were the bandits and monsters were willing to attack fully defended caravans, this one had traveled through Westfall without incident.

From an outside, less informed perspective this might have seemed utterly miraculous. The reality was much less so.

This 'merchant' was a smuggler. Namely, he was a smuggler who had good relations with the Brotherhood and was, in fact, currently transporting a shipment for one of the cells in Duskwood. This went a long way in ensuring that no one bothered them while traveling through Westfall, through once the cart crossed the bridge into Duskwood it stopped briefly in order to pick up its escort for the rest of the journey; Duskwood wasn't the bastion of the Brotherhood that Westfall was after all and the monsters weren't under their thumb.

In the end the cart rolled up to a farmstead that had seen better days and the cargo was unloaded. The leader of the cell came out, the two shared some words and a sack of coin was handed over, alongside a gift of a bottle of rather good dwarven ale. What should have happened was for the Smuggler to return to Westfall so that he could continue to ply his trade with those who offered coin to him... however, instead he died in the seat of his cart, his horse freaked out at the sudden, painful movements of its driver.

When the body was found among the wreckage of the cart on the side of the road, the horse was long gone and the native wild animals had already taken some bites out of corpse. Enough of it survived however to show that the man seemed to have died from the venom of one of the local giant spider breeds, suggesting he had simply run afoul of one. Unfortunate but... a common danger for those traveling Duskwood.

Bautic for his part actually felt a little bad for poisoning the smuggler. He had been an alright guy and had served the Brotherhood's interests well in the past and possibly the future. But the cold hard truth was he had to die. He was the one link in the chain that couldn't be trusted; The only one who might reveal if captured that he had been delivering a special shipment of grain from smugglers from the north.

I felt the need to revive an old nightmare.
@Dark Cloud


I'm in for this.

I think it's for the best that Droka doesn't make a comeback. More so because this seems to be a very different history and the tragedy that twisted him never happened.
@Dark Cloud

For what it's worth, I did enjoy what we had. It just seemed like most of the people never followed through.

The experiments didn't stop at Jitters. They couldn't. A single experiment performed on a single subject only provided a single point of data and if they wanted to make sure they could weaponize the worgen curse properly, they were going to need to better understand its nature.

Bautic had made a point of limiting the activities of the Defias in Duskwood in order to fade into the background a little bit; The Night Watch of Darkshire were the local law enforcers and they were already under siege by a wide variety of enemies, up to and including the wildlife itself. They were also not above hiring mercenary services in order to enforce their besieged town and strike out at their foes. Such a strike force had marched on Roland's Doom to assault the Worgen there rather recently.

By staying quiet in regards to causing Darkshire itself problems, Bautic intended for the Night Watch to either be ignorant, ignore or forget that the Brotherhood had a presence in Duskwood at all. They were already stretched thin with the enemies who were actively causing them problems as it was without intentionally picking a fight they didn't need too. Having this breathing room served Bautic nicely, since it meant that he had a secure place to allow his students to grow stronger in the art of necromancy while he performed his experiments in peace.

This did mean that getting fresh test subjects was a logistical challenge, since any act that directly drew Night Watch attention to the Defias needed to be avoided... or at least covered up. Abducting travelers, caravan merchants, adventurers and even members of the Night Watch while they were on patrol were doable, but no witnesses or evidence could be left behind. Thankfully, the practicing of necromancy provided a useful tool to help hide their activities.

Not only was the addition of undead forces in the raiding parties a boon towards numbers and thus being able to cut off routes of escape, but having a acolyte forcefully bend some of the corpses at the Raven Hill Cemetery under their control and leaving evidence of them behind at the ambush sites painted the picture that it was the undead of Raven Hill and their necromancer masters that were behind any disappearances reported.

Fell had made making contact with him a rather difficult affair. It was unfortunate, but hopefully having the Night Watch put pressure on him would open him up to the idea of making alliances in the near future. Or he could just get himself killed and the graveyard claimed afterwards. Personally, Bautic didn't care which outcome happened, but adding another master of life and death to the fold wouldn't hurt.

Some test subjects could also be claimed from neighboring proviences like Westfall or even Stranglethorn Jungle, through such options had their own logistical and security issues.

The experiments themselves had started simple; Discovering how the worgen curse spread was a relatively simple affair, through Bautic was somewhat surprised to discover that death seemed to make the curse itself inert. While a dead worgen remained a worgen, its ability to spread the curse further via its blood or other bodily fluids died with them. The infectious samples had to be drawn from a living worgen.

Thankfully they had managed to capture one before the experiments even started... and once the process of creating other worgen was achieved they were able to make replacements when the beast expired.

Step 2 of the experiments, in which the Worgen Curse would be combined with the Plague of Undeath in one fashion or another, was currently hindered by a lack of the latter. The Lich King had been contacted and the lack of plague to use in these experiments was going to be corrected as soon as possible, but it was going to take time. With the lands of Lorderan and the surrounding kingdoms in their current war torn state, while possible, was dangerous in that there would be a risk of interception or tail. The samples would have to come from Northrend itself; Safer and more secure by far, but time consuming.

If nothing else, Bautic would be able to continue teaching the new generations of necromancers as he prepared the Defias for its truth destiny.

The old barn was a riot of activity as Bautic crossed the threshold... through only two of the occupants were actually making noise.

While normally there would have been trusted members of the Defias inside with the prisoners in order to make sure they stayed put, the nature of one of their captives had required... special circumstances. So while the living patrolled and guarded the outside, within its walls the dead had been recruited to serve as jailers. Truth be told it made a surprising amount of sense when you thought about it; They wouldn't get bored, they wouldn't fall asleep or need to swap out for biological needs like eating or disposing of waste... and they sure as hell wouldn't be fast talked into doing something stupid. Plus it freed up people to take care of other things since they no longer needed to have members of the Defias actively in the prison barn.

None of that was why the undead were needed for this situation, but promoting the additional benefits didn't hurt.

The wolf creatures that had suddenly appeared throughout Duskwood... Worgen, some people called them... had proven to be something of a problem. The mining operation at Roland's Doom had ended in tragic failure as the wolfish creatures seemed to strike there first, wiping out all the brothers and sisters of the Brotherhood there before spreading out like the savage creatures they were... well, almost all.

Ignoring the pained struggling of the other captive of the room, Bautic walked over to its more human occupant. Even if they were living up to their namesake. "Ah Jitters. I think you'll be glad to know that your information proved accurate. Believe me, if you had lied to me I would have been very upset."

Jitters sat, chained to the wall and looking like a defiled mess of himself. Spending time around the dead and the undead tended to make one accustomed to certain smells and foul odors, but Jitters had not bathed for weeks before he had been hunted down at Raven Hill and being locked up in the old barn hadn't helped his hygiene. The savage beating that had to be delivered in order to get him back here added the scent of old blood to the mixture too.

"Y-You... You found th-that cursed thing?!" the poor, broken man screamed. Partially out of sheer terror, but there was a degree of making himself heard over the muffled, restrained noises of his 'roommate'.

"We did not. We found enough evidence to prove that it was there at some point, but alas forces unknown have currently absconded with it. But that isn't why I felt the need to have this talk with you."

Squatting down somewhat, Bautic resisted the urge to pull away from the awful smell that was Jitters. "Now, the good news is that I can now say with certainty that myself and the rest of the brotherhood are not going to hold you responsible for what happened at Roland's Doom." Jitters managed to raise their head, surprise clearly on his wretched face as Bautic explained "Yes, what happened was tragic. A lot of good people died there. However, we didn't know there was such a powerful magical artifact there and you just happened to be the poor bastard who touched it first. Holding you accountable for an accident like that would be meaningless and cruel."

"However!" Watching the hope be replaced by utter terror in Jitters' eyes was a wonderfully terrible thing. "...What is a little harder to forgive is the fact that you made no effort to contact the rest of the Brotherhood. You ran, you hid... and yes, the fact that there is some kind of warband after the Scythe can excuse that a little, but the moment you saw our people find you in Raven Hill you tried to flee... and when that failed, attacked like a cornered animal. It honestly looks like you abandoned the Defias cause and... well..."

It was easy to see that Jitters was about to beg for his pathetic life. Rather then waste time with that, Bautic raised a hand to signal him to stop and be silent. "Let's just skip all the pleading and stuttering. I'm assuming you were going to say something about being willing to do anything to prove that you aren't a traitorous rat?" After a small moment of silence, Jitters nervously started to nod their head. "Good news then! I intend to take you up on that offer."

Standing back up, Bautic didn't even give Jitters a second glance as he turned and started walking to the other side of the barn. He paused briefly in order to inspect the second, special prisoner of the barn in order to make sure that their bindings was still holding. The shackles were still locked on, the muzzle nice and tight... the large nails hammered into the worgen's body and limbs to pin them into the ground itself to heavily limit its movements and ability to struggle. One of the undead guards, the flesh having long fallen away and leaving bones, only needed a small gesture from its master before lifting up the sledgehammer and slamming it down on a nail that had been forced a bit further out of the ground then was acceptable. The muffled howl of pain was ignored.

The living worgen was not Bautic's interest at the moment anyway. It was the dead one that he was focusing on. A few hours dead, rigamortis had started to set in but the body was still relatively flexible and more importantly; Its fluids were still fluid. Taking out a knife and a glass vial, Bautic performed a quick, surgical slice along a vein before pressing the vial up against the wound and... briefly restarting the heart's pumping with a little bit of necrotic magic. The blood that came out was long cold, but it would do.

A second vial was pulled out, through rather then blood this one would be used to collect drool and other liquids from around and inside the mouth. Gloves were a man's best friend for such a task and the vial was sealed after the collection was done. Putting that away for later, the blood vial was in Bautic's hand as he turned and started to stalk towards the increasingly terrified and whimpering Jitters as the man stared at the vial in question. "We need to discover if further experiments require us to keep a live worgen around the place or if a dead one will do. Thank you for offering your assistance in this matter, Jitters."

In fairness, the policy of remarrying tended to have less to do with lust and just having children (even more so if there were already children from the prior marriage) as much as it was about politics. Having your sister or daughter married to the King of the neighboring kingdom tended to go a long way towards securing an alliance with them after all.

While it was a tragically normal circumstance that Nos was always forced to look up at most others at court due to his smaller size (alas, the one thing from his mother that he lamented), as he gazed up at Rose he couldn't help but lift his shoulders a little and feel himself stand taller than normal."Don't apologize for seeking to better yourself and your mind, Rose." Nos answered with a small, but earnest grin. "Never apologize for that. Far too many people are content with staying in their comfort zone when they could be learning more."

"As for starting conversations... I admit it's a talent that I didn't have naturally either. But like any talent, practice will refine it in time." While he would have much rather continued the conversation about trivial things, the circumstances of the ball demanded that a certain topic be broached at some point. "If you don't mind me asking, any personal favorites you're betting on in regards to the race for the throne?"
This is a king who has adopted the policy of having as many children as possible solely because the assassins won't be able to kill all of them before at least one can claim the throne.
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