Avatar of BrokenPromise


Recent Statuses

14 days ago
Current I agree, let's have a human breakdown! Water, carbon, ammonia, lime, phosphorus, salt, saltpeter, sulfur, fluorine, iron, silicon, and trace amounts of fifteen other elements.
28 days ago
If 4 RPs die on you that just means you can join 4 more.
5 mos ago
I think to sell someone on an interest check, it's really important to seem enthusiastic about your own idea. That means writing more than a single sentence to attract potential players.
2 yrs ago
The virgin "My post was so bad it killed the RP!" VS the chad "My post was so good it concluded the RP."



Did you know that Dante's inferno is called a divine comedy because things work out for the protagonist? Back in the day, the only two genres were comedy and drama. The only difference was that in a comedy, the protagonist is better off at the end, and a drama is the opposite. So that's why a story about going through hell can still be considered a comedy, even if it's not funny.

Broken Promise, BP, Boss

Old enough to know better, too young to care. (that is to say 30's)

Preferred RPs:
I Prefer to make my own, but will occasionally join something if it looks interesting. I'll join just about anything so long as it isn’t overly edgy/sweet, though it's rare for me to do. I don't do 1x1s too often either.

Preferred Roles:
I tend to play adorable characters everyone wants to befriend or proper assholes everyone wants to stay away from. I try not to play moral paragons or prime evils.

RP Conquests:
I've completed quite a few RP's off site, but most of them are on private forums or have simply been lost to the ravages of server crashes. As for stuff here, I'm sure everyone who sees me post in the off topic sections has seen me find an excuse to talk about Danganronpa: Tower of Carnage. It's a project that took over 4 years to complete and I feel pride not only for myself but all the wonderful people who helped make it enjoyable during its run. Re: Zero: The High Council Is technically my first, but it was just something I kind of took over and ended up ending the story after just six months. It finished, but eh...

Last RP I finished was Symphony of Espers which turned out pretty good.

RP's in progress:
For some reason I can't seem to stay away from Ari's magical girl RP, even if I'm not sure why I'm still in it.

As for my own projects, I'm doing Symphony on High to continue the gigachad adventures of the espers in Pax Septimus.

RP Graveyard:
I've been pretty fortunate on this forum. I think I joined one when I first came on the site that didn't really do anything, and there are a few 1x1 things that didn't go anywhere. It's disappointing when an RP ends before it can be finished, but I've come to look at them as learning experiences.

And then there's that london magical girl RP, and that dark magical girl RP. I think I'm done joining magical girl RPs for a while.

Other interests:
I watch a lot of educational videos on youtube. Usually as research for something I’m writing or purely because a topic interests me. I like channels like Tier Zoo and Daryl Talks Games, and I’ll also watch things like Critical Drinker or Literature Devil to deepen my understanding of story telling. Though I also like memes and jokes, to which I’ll find myself watching stuff like Sseth, but usually find myself surfing through meme videos. I gotta work on that.

I have a rather long history of playing virtually every platformer to come into existence during the indie boom, as well as quite a few other indie games. I’ve played Meatboy, Binding of Issac, Gunvolt, Cuphead, Princess Remedy in a World of Hurt, Classic Metroid, Warcraft 3, Final Fantasy 7,8, and 14, Left 4 Dead, Shantae, Celeste, Danganronpa, God Eater, the list goes on. What I’ve played is kind of all over the place. I don’t play many games these days, I tend to pick things that look interesting and go on a decent steam sale.

Painting Minis
I do this in moderation. Otherwise, it's a pretty expensive hobby to start...

I listen to everything, save most country/rap songs. I have too many favorites to name.

Not one to take life or the internet too seriously. Is only serious about writing well and having a good time.

People to Insult:
Dalton is a Dingus.

Most Recent Posts

I wasn't feeling left out. we all have "secret clubhouse" discord servers. I just wouldn't think of calling them "the discord."
There was a helpful post in the discord I thought-

There's a discord?
Lightning fell like rain, the stench of ozone so thick as to suffocate, while chunks of buildings punctuated the steady downpour with sundering might. Here, and only here, the plague craft of the Holy Diver could not manifest, the sheer force of arcane invocation enough to vaporize all the vermin that the Behemoth called before they could even fully manifest. The bells of hell clamored in their dissonant glory, the Dawnraiser wielding its calamitous instruments again and again, as if to scar its very existence into the eyes of all that claimed the city as their home.

And within that madness, there existed but a single shadow that still held on, surviving the onslaught.

And then there was her lab assistant, supporting her from on top of the convoy.

”This one’s tough.“

Veronica had pressed ahead, which left Binky to defend the caravan until she could usurp Dawnraiser from their path ahead. Not hard for the nigh-immortal doctor Dinky, but only for the moment. With six different instruments to call her own, there was little the beast’s spells could do to her. The problem for Binky was never getting hit by an opponent's attacks. It was finding an opening to give a battle a decisive end. But in the current situation all she could do was buy Veronica enough time to get to the behemoth herself. The bright flashes of lightning cast long shadows. She would be upon Dawnraiser shortly.

”Fall back! Let’s see if it chases us.“

Thirty seconds was a generous estimate of Binky’s duration in the esper state. It usually ended sooner if she decided to use melodies, which she absolutely had to do to preserve the convoy. She had made herself a watch so that she could monitor how much time she had left in the esper state. It even appropriately accounted for time lost due to her spell slinging. A quick glimpse at the clock revealed she didn’t have much time left.

“Tick tock indeed, Binky.”

A voice sounded, unfamiliar but seeping with playful malice. A silhouette, a mere silhouette against flashes of lightning and gouts of flame, looked down upon her with two glowing eyes. Operator ‘Blackout’, well-known for being a ‘true’ swordsmaster even a decade ago, now a terrorist working side by side with what she once slew.

But her eyes would have no effect on the Raid Boss Esper, and her appearance was mistimed; Binky still had enough seconds left to take down a mid-tier esper.

That was, until the driver spun the wheel and slammed the car head-first into a stone wall.

She’ll survive, of course. An Esper with six Instruments had plenty of options to defend themselves with. But time, measured in seconds?

“Tick, tock.”

It was quite short, indeed.

Betty had done nothing this entire encounter but chase Finn. Her endless rage prevented her from giving up on her pursuit, and no amount of heckling would get Finn to change his mind it seemed. She had been burned, bitten, but wasn’t out. Her opponent might have fared better in that regard. While he was subjected to a few frog detonations himself, he took a moment to heal up some of the damage.

But he could only run for so long.

She was almost taken back by Finn’s sudden choice to charge. But she wasn’t going to stop. As angry as Betty might have been, her technique was on point. Finn likely knew this.

As they drew closer, Betty’s hand was in range of Finn’s rapier. She brushed it to the side before swinging her ax over her head. There was nowhere for Finn to hide, but he had already set his course before the charge even began. He was able to reach past her blade and stop her arm. But Finn wasn’t stopping. He continued to move forward. Betty and Finn may have been equals in speed, and Betty’s weapon was heavier than Finn’s, but that weight was helping him when he collided with the violinist. But Finn wasn’t aiming for a stumble, he aimed for a fall. There was little Betty could do to correct her balance. She only had one hand on her weapon. The other was on Finn’s shoulder. They would fall together.

But they didn’t.

The same black swarm that accompanied all of Betty’s melodies was swarming around her body, suspending her in the air. Whatever her element was, it was based on wind magic. She floated away from the edge of the building. The corner of her lip crooked up into a smirk as she released Finn. He might have fallen to his death if he didn’t have a free hand to grab onto her ankle with. She placed both of her hands on her sword and prepared to swing.

”This is it!“

Meanwhile, it rained blood. But Ashley was getting absolutely showered in it.

Binky’s buzzsaw orbited her, cutting through the bloody tendrils with every pass. It didn’t destroy the mass of blood but it did free Ashley for the moment. She was able to step away from the bloody tendrils and fire off her melody without a hitch. But it was getting more difficult to assist from her position. The bloody abomination only grew with each passing second, and was nearly the target of Ashley’s melody.

But her spell did get through.

That was all she could do for the moment. She fired at the mass of blood while moving to a better vantage point. If it was just the blood tendrils she would have been fine, but now the flies were attacking en masse.

Before Ashley’s melody could land, Marrie tried to free herself with a melody of her own. Normally a rain melody would be plenty obvious to monsters and esper alike, but not in a storm of blood, frogs, and flies. She was able to get around the usual limitations of the portal note by having the projectile bounce several times, creating a few portals.

If Marrie wanted chaos, she had invited it.

Blood and frogs no longer rained from the sky, they came out of the ground too. The lice from earlier were still on the prowl, and the emerging frogs detonated with a single bite. White entrails slapped against Marrie’s back with some of it falling on Justin. It burned, but Marrie, like Ashley, was resistant to the attack. The only issue was that Justin seemed to resist it as well.

”How droll.“

By luck or planning, a handful of frog guts were flung into Justin’s face. He flinched for an instant, and that paired with Justin’s weakening influence on her allowed Marrie to move. She grabbed her arm and kicked off the vampire before her arm was totally torn off. She could still hold her instrument, but she was unable to move her shoulder. But she was free, if only for the moment.

How did Samuel know what Gunther was thinking? I don’t even think I narrated his reaction to the projectile.

Samuel lied in wait. He could have attacked immediately but he had transpaced himself. Casting a melody immediately after the last one was not an option. Even with the blood obscuring the distant fighting, he could see this fight unfolding around him.

Finn and Betty’s duet in the air..

Ashley’s dance with the tendrils and flies.

Marrie’s waltz with Justin.

Jacqueline and Pac-A-Fist performance overhead..

The only person without a dance partner was Gunther. Samuel could tell what was going through his head. He was going to smash the cars together, Pac-A-Fist’s life be damned. He was a monster after all. He might have been following Justin’s orders.. Maybe he was just like Samuel in that he could follow his employer’s will without question, but the difference was that he was a monster choosing to serve a monster. Human suffering put him at ease. No, it sustained him.

Samuel’s melody was primed. He was ready to strike.

Gunther was starting to look around. Where had Samuel’s soul gone? He couldn’t sense it anywhere.


Gunther whipped around and swung his hand in Samuel’s direction. His eyes expanded as the arcane knife cut into the ectoplasm that made up Gunther’s body. It was like cutting into a burlap sack filled with clay. The poltergeist opened his mouth. His last words were a high pitched shriek as his unlife came to an end. Just as Samuel’s knife reached the pit of Gunther’s neck, an explosion of arcane energy severed his head and arms from his torso. His body sunk to the ground like a playdough structure, but the sky was filled with stolen souls rushing off to join their ancestors in the afterlife.

Maybe Su was among them.

Pac-A-Fist’s sports car was on a collision course with Jacqueline before she blinked over to her. She went to knee Pac in the face, but she countered by firing a round directly into her knee. Despite the eccentric nature of Pac’s laser gun, it had to be physical because it bored a hole right through flesh and bone. Jacqueline wouldn’t be walking on that until it got healed, but she didn’t need to take another step to get a hold of Pac-A-Fist. She fell into the driver’s seat, where she was able to drive the butt of Havoc into her chest. From there, she could punch and elbow Pac with impunity. The steering wheel prevented her from kneeing Jacqueline, and the one hand she had left was secured on her gun. She managed to get hold of Pac’s wrists just as the vehicle was starting to fall out of the sky.

”Are you serious!?”

Without the ability to stand, Jacqueline wasn’t able to get Pac out of the car. They fell swiftly, and landed with quite the crash. Jacqueline’s body was thrown lengthwise across the seats while Pac was still sitting in them. Everyone outside would see the pile of cars spring around after the fall. nobody knew how far they fell, but it was sure to hurt. Jacqueline was the first to open her eyes. The only reason why she might have survived was because of the suspension on the vehicles. Rather than coming to a hard stop on the concrete, the vehicle’s suspension systems gave the vehicles just enough spring to cushion their falls. Jacqueline was going to be sore for a while, but she’d survive this. She’d survived worse.

The only indication she had that Pac was still alive was that a cluster of pixels coated her body in a sort of 8-bit medieval armor. Her intent was not clear, but it would be shortly.

This is what the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you refuse to let them go and continue to hold them back, the hand of the Lord will bring a terrible plague on your livestock in the field—on your horses and donkeys and camels and on your cattle and sheep and goats.
— Exodus 9:1–3

And in this day and age, he’d probably fry Egypt’s infrastructure with a few well placed lightning bolts.

And what was more attractive to a lightning bolt than a pile of cars on top of the police building?

There was no warning. A pillar of light coursed through the cars and shocked everyone inside and kicked off all the street lights. This gave Jacqueline muscle paralysis and did further damage to her already sore body. Pac had anticipated the Diver’s next move and prepared accordingly with a magical shield. Pac shoved Jacqueline off of herself and dove out of the car. She jumped onto one of the large exhaust vents and started firing at Ashley. In addition to this, the giant flies were homing in on her. Meanwhile, the ball of bloody tendrils were only getting bigger, and it now seemed interested in devouring Jacqueline. It latched onto the sports car and pulled it closer to the edge of the police station. Its flailing whip-like appendages ripped the door of the vehicle and mulched the frame as it was drawn into itself.

Marrie’s dance partner also seemed to have vanished. As soon as the bolt of lightning landed, Justin switched targets. With a scream, he dove across the street and slammed into Samuel. He managed to roll to his feet some distance away from the others, but Justin had rebuilt part of his blood barrier and placed it between himself and the shadowy esper.

”You’ll pay for what you’ve done, and you will pay dearly..“ The barrier of blood grew spikes. ”Do you have any idea how much that statue cost? It was carved by italian sculptures right in Rome!“

With a wave of his hand, the barrier flowed forward like a tide of blood, and it was growing.

But something else had joined everyone on the rooftop. It was hard to tell with the bolt of lightning, but a teal blur darted across the roof and hid under the wrecked cars Gunther had tried to crush Samuel with.

All this excitement, and the Diver had only cast half of its plagues. Would they have time to stop the diver before it unleashes the rest?

Mika listened intently to every word that came out of Tesni's mouth. It was amusing to see her taking this so seriously. It took some coaxing to get Jenny into it but Tesni really believed in Mika. Her smile briefly grew in reaction to to Tesni mentioning that withholding information would make it harder for her to do her job. While this was a common trope in movies it didn't hold up in real life. Withholding information from someone in her position could point her towards certain problem areas. Though in Mika's case, cooperation was preferable. She was just a student counselor after all.

Tesni wasn't wrong. She was good at fighting. Much like her troublemaking it was probably the case before she became a magical girl. There were no real problems here. A magical girl should do what the scale of justice in their heart tells them to do. "It sounds like you have it all figured out. If you know where you're lacking, why talk to me?" Mika folded her arms smiled. "I think you know what must be done. Your 'might is right' philosophy is alienating you from your friends. It's your greatest strength so you use it liberally. But just because a solution works doesn't mean it's the best one. Something that must be considered is-" She noticed that Tesni was distracted and looked out the window to see what she was looking at. "Oh! we have company!" She stood up. "This might work for us! I'll see about keeping the other students safe. Grab who you can and let's do a little problem solving with that staff of yours."

If this wasn't an emergency, Mika might have corrected Tesni as she was technically "Miss Fang." But there were more important matters to attend to. Kind of a shame as she really wanted to see the minister, but that would have to wait.

Since Mika was already transformed, it gave her a head start on arriving at the cafeteria. She threw the window in the waiting room open and dove through. Her body turned to that of a giant barn owl that soared towards the cafeteria. But she did not enter the space herself. Instead a portal opened up in front of an open window, which one of her duplicates flew through.

While some of the senior students were already fighting, many of the less experienced ones were running for their lives. It was hard to muster the words to even transform under these conditions. Mika's duplicate directed their efforts to protecting the weaker students so that the stronger ones could do their job. She had no sword, but she hit like a truck. One of the pageless were picked up and pitched through the air like a baseball. But when they connected with their allies, they blew around like pins struck by a bowling ball.

But they didn't attack the main target. This was a great opportunity for the students to demonstrate what they had learned after all.

The real Mika on the other hand had perched on the rooftop and was gazing into her blade. She needed to figure out what was going on. If attacks were happening elsewhere in the school she would need to tend to them. Because unlike Dynasty Queen, beating things up wasn't what she was best at. It was her wisdom that earned her the title of Oros the wise.

Meanwhile in the mall, the duplicates of Mika used all their might to break a hole in the barrier. Blow after blow landed on it with unrelenting might. If the teachers and students had been trapped inside, they would need to be freed before anything nefarious happened. It may have been dark inside the mall, but both duplicates had antenna with a bioluminescent end, not unlike one an angler fish used to lure in its prey. While not especially bright, it did give their feline eyes more than enough light to see by, theoretically. An invisible opponent might be able to sneak up on them, but they would have to be fairly quiet.

Awww yisssssssss, I don't mind being wrong every once in a while!


@McFazzer could post, but I suspect we aren't going to get a response from them soon given their posting (Feel free to correct me though, wouldn't mind continuing our discussion!)

@Majoras End told me they would post tomorrow.

@FrogRFlowR has yet to post either.

@Lonewolf685 is presumably waiting for the others.

"Let me info dump that for you!”

Tonya “Mac” Murphy IRON MOUSE

Ahh, how lovely! When was the last time Mac was able to just have fun like this? Justine's flustered expression, Finn's outrage (who would have guessed he wanted to be cute?), and Oliver's laughter. Even though she had just joined these people she felt like she had been their friends for some time now. Perhaps that was what a decade of working in the shadows did to a person.

"Gotcha! I can do Finn! I'll call you Finn now!”

Was he just testy because "Finnegan" was a known sin? Not like opinions of Beacon had been all that favorable recently. As a monster girl she never found their cause worthy of her empathy. If anything she found the idea of hanging around a former sin to be kind of riveting. That was why Finn was the handsome bad boy out of the duo.

But as fun as it would be to mess around with them more, she did have a job to do.

She was able to collect quite a bit on the duo in the car. Not enough to know exactly who they were, but enough to enlighten her allies. on the situation.

"So here's my iron solid analysis:

The car is no joke. It's got too many enchantments on it to say exactly what it can do. But I'm seeing stuff for enhanced speed, enhanced A/C, alternator is magically overtuned, likely to power the enhanced battery, even the air freshener looks like it'll always smell like an ocean breeze. I don't see anything that screams deathtrap on an initial inspection and it doesn't seem like the ride is geared for anything but speed anyway. Used a mystic artifact to flip through the past twenty-four hours. Their vehicle has some serious all-terrain potential there. Seems they can drive over waterby virtue of their ride's speed alone. They traveled pretty far too. I'm seeing a snowy forest... Finnland? Unsure.

Anywho, dog boy is a golem. Possibly a monster boy given that he has two specializations. Darkness and Sand. Hard to say but he's pretty strong too. He's probably on par with Rachel or Penny, possibly even on my level. Our lass here is a mystery to me but given how this thing is tuned up I would bet her magic relates to that somehow. There's runes on a lot of the stuff here. Wait, was that a fire under her jacket? Anyway, they don't seem too hostile. Seems like when it comes to magical girls they'd rather run than fight. Kinda weird, since I'm pretty sure she's the sin of Envy. I'm not sure how Beacon's structuring works in regards to the sins so please don't ask me what that means BUT PLEASE DON'T BRING IT UP WITH HER since I don't think that would make her all that happy. She's using a cover name so it's whatever.

Meh, who doesn't have secrets?

Probably best not to ask too many questions. If we agitate her we lose our ride. Given the state of the back seat and what I saw in my artifact, I think she might be a merchant. All the more reason to get on her good side!

Hard to believe there are more sins than non-sins here, huh?

Iron mouse, and by extension Mac, patted Sinuhe's shoulder. "Nice! Nefer won't give me up, Nefer won't let me down, Nefer won't run around and desert me~! Nefer won't make me cry, Nefer won't say goodbye, Nefer won't tell a lie and hurt me~!” Iron mouse was about to dance her way into the back in the car when the issue of seating order was brought up. "I'm the newest member so I guess I'll sit on someone's lap.” She looked over the rest of her party with a sigh, then smiled. "Who am I kidding? the lot of you are just going to fight over me and it's not worth it. I'll lay across all of you! Get in!”

Of course, Iron mouse would yield to any objections or other ideas the others had.
With everything becoming so horrible, some might say that Pax Septimus had sunk into hell. But one street fit that description far better than any other.

The ruinous meteor flew to the balconies like a bat out of hell. A white tail of light followed her just like her namesake. The most powerful espers had unusual abilities and Regina was no exception. Every time she used a melody everything in her vicinity caught fire. This was relative to the strength of the melodies she was using, and the ones she was using were quite strong. The snipers popped and sizzled as everything around the comet burned. The heat caused the brick walls to explode as the moisture escaped them. Even the downpour of blood could not quelch Regina’s flames. It was going to smell like burning flesh with just the snipers burning but, now, even the bloody rain was catching fire.

Regina’s melodies were a mixed blessing for the espers on the ground. They were no longer being shot at, but now they had to do everything in their power to survive their friend’s flames. Trial by fire. Survive the burn, survive the encounter. That was likely Regina’s thinking, if she thought about anything more than burning up her prey.

Mary opened a portal into a nearby warehouse so that some might escape the flames. But the warehouse was filling up with frogs and lice. So who could really say it was any more safe in there than out here? It wasn’t like the Diver was going to stop attacking as soon as they retreated. Thousands of lives depended on the espers. What few espers that used Mary’s portal only did so to look for something that might shield them from the flames or sniper fire. They had to keep moving.

But regardless of what happened, Big Tony would not stop his assault. Elroy managed to block one of his punches, only to be sent end over end towards his allies. His immortal body could not burn, could not be eroded by acid, but that punch might have split him in two if it weren’t for his shield. Tony was set ablaze, but the fire did little to harm him. He belted out a war cry and his fellow weretigers did so in return. They would have their revenge today. For every one of their brothers that fell, they would take five espers. That was what Tony’s warcry led them to believe.

With the fight developing around Justin the way it was, Finn decided that a change of tactics was in order. Betty’s swing narrowly missed Finn as “Big Ed” clamped around Betty’s torso and carried her through the air.

”Get back here you coward!“ She called out as she was carried out of the way.

Betty had been momentarily dealt with, but the frogs were still all over the place. Now was not the time for careful navigation and Finn couldn't help but step on a few of the corrosive frogs. Though their entrails have been burning through the roof, Finn would fare better. He could feel the acid starting to eat away at his shoes, but pressed on to rejoin the others.

But what of the approaching lice?

The lice themselves did little to affect Finn. But he was covered in frogs that would explode if punctured or hit hard enough. As the lice raced up his legs, the frogs started to pop. His legs, his torso, the frogs were detonating left and right. The lower half of his body was searing with pain and the frogs were still exploding. Standing was agony, but he could manage. Oil seeped out of his legs where the clockwork boy’s wounds were worst.

With a roar, Betty drove the hilt of her sword into big Ed’s head. This was enough to daze the creature. When Betty landed on the ground, she rolled under it with her blade extended and cut the massive plush in two. Both halves bled purple glitter and fell to either side. By the time Betty stood back up, Big Ed’s body had disappeared in the downpour of blood. Betty pointed in Finn’s direction and fired a beam. It flew past Finn’s leg and hit the floor several feet in front of him. This caused Betty’s body to turn into a bunch of black specs and float through the air, only to reform at their new location. She had chosen to place herself between Finn and the rest of his allies.

”Fight me you gremlin!“ With a roar, she charged towards Finn. The blade on her sword slid down in front of her handle which made her weapon look like a bearded ax. She held the Ax behind her back and had her arm outstretched for the boy. Despite his best efforts, he wouldn’t be ridding himself of Betty that easily.

But would they rid themselves of Justin?

Ashley managed to pull a frog off of her face and chucked it at one of the bloody tendrils. It detonated and burned through a few of the tentacles, but it was just delaying the inevitable. As long as Justin was alive the falling crimson would continue to be a problem. But Ashley was going to take care of this with her next few shots.

She led with her wand’s techno projectile. With a wave of Justin’s hand, the ball of blood moved between him and the trajectory of the shot. The follow up shot managed to bypass the ball of tendrils by virtue of a beam and projectile having different flight trajectories. It shattered the wind barrier and slammed into Justin’s coat. It singed a hole over his chest, but his skin had not been penetrated.

The approaching lice wasted no time racing up the stationary girl’s legs. The frogs started to detonate one after the other. She might have been in the same condition as Finn if her resistance to such attacks wasn’t so high. This was by no means a painless experience. While she managed to avoid having her skin burned through, the various frog detonations were leaving purple bruises all over her body. The reformed ball of tentacles managed to latch onto Ashley’s wand arm and tugged her towards the edge.

”May her daughter learn from her mistakes, then.“

But Justin didn’t have much time to smug about that. Marrie had coasted through the air and managed to avoid getting hit by a single frog, or even the ground. Though it wasn’t as if her approach was stealthy, just well timed. He knew Marrie was coming, he just didn’t have much time to react.There wasn’t much he could do.

But he could open his eyes.

At which point Marrie was able to feel what had taken Pac-A-Fist and Su by such surprise. It was more than just the shock of seeing two empty eye sockets looking back at her. It felt like her body was rebelling against her. She froze up, and it was just her momentum that carried her towards her target. When they collided, Justin flew backwards with her. With his gaze upon her she was unable to carry him into the sky like she originally intended. He slammed into the apartment building and they both fell a few feet onto the balcony. Justin didn’t look like he had been phased.

”You want to dance again? Fine.

Marrie’s knife managed to sink just deep enough into the hole in his clothes to cut his flesh, but it didn’t get past his rib cage. He had taken hold of her wrist before it could go any deeper. He gripped her shoulder with one hand and held out her knife-wielding hand like they were going to start dancing on the balcony. Only he was trying to crush her wrist. Something she was just barely able to put up with due to her ability to resist monster attacks. But it was getting harder to hold the knife as the seconds ticked by.

”We could have worked together, you know? Actually…“ He slid his hand from one of her shoulders to the other. ”Why don’t I just rip your arm off? Then you won’t have a choice.“ With a sharp tug, Justin managed to dislocate her shoulder. He didn’t take his eyes off of Marrie for a second, but he was keeping her body between himself and the other espers. Though as difficult as it was for Marrie to move, she could twitch her limbs a bit, and casting melodies was still possible. That was one thing this monster couldn’t do.

But Justin and Betty weren’t the only problems to deal with. Every passing second, Handsome Gunther was getting more powerful. If they kept killing things he would be unstoppable. But Jacqueline and Samuel had something most of the other espers lacked.

A plan.

Not an overly sophisticated one, but in just a few words Jacqueline was able to get on the same page as Sam, who obliged. But the star ship had to be taken care of.

First Jacqueline charged up a powerful melody to put the ship in its place. It did manage to get a few shots off, but it was quickly silenced by a torrent of stones. The melody was designed to break up magics rather than hurt them directly, and it seemed to work here. The ship popped into a spray of pixels before vanishing in the rain. Afterwards, she sprinted for the mech that was making its way closer to their position. She didn’t have to run far to confront the thing. Havoc immediately came down on one of the mech’s feet before Jacqueline went ice climbing up the side of the monstrosity.

The monstrosity was just an illusion of course. While it was easy to view as a giant body, the truth was that every single car that made it up could be freely moved anywhere. Just a bunch of possessed vehicles pretending to be a whole. Once Jacqueline started to climb, everything floated higher in the air. The torso, the dumpster right above it, the ground was starting to look pretty far away. Meanwhile, the sports car Pac was “driving” floated off the body and turned around to give her a clear shot at the climbing esper.

And then… buzzing.

Then the Lord said to Moses, “Get up early in the morning and confront Pharaoh as he goes to the river and say to him, ‘This is what the Lord says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me. If you do not let my people go, I will send swarms of flies on you and your officials, on your people and into your houses. The houses of the Egyptians will be full of flies; even the ground will be covered with them.

[...] And the Lord did this. Dense swarms of flies poured into Pharaoh’s palace and into the houses of his officials; throughout Egypt the land was ruined by the flies.

— Exodus 8:16–28

Hundreds of thousands of flies came flying in. Most were small but a fair few of them were much, much larger than normal. Like Oros had said, they were attracted to areas of great death, and the rooftop was a prime candidate for that. Though they seemed especially interested in Finn and Ashley, who were covered in frog cuts. One fly was even trying to pry apart the cars where Su’s body had been trapped. Who knew what was happening elsewhere. Did regular humans have the means to dispose of such large insects?

Meanwhile, hundreds of souls gathered around Gunther and flew off in every direction.

”What an amazing time to exist!” Gunther watched as Jacqueline hung overhead. The scene was so rich with dark emotions and there were only a few people here. He’d already collected a few hundred souls and would gain thousands more once they started to deal with the lice and flies. They were already soaring into other buildings and deeper into the police station to see what sort of objects they could control. He was starting to see what Arzendale was talking about. It was one thing to just make people suffer, but to cause that suffering yourself? Sublime! A few of the espers would direct their hate at Lord Justin, but ultimately it had been his own arcane might that overwhelmed her. It looked like that pick wielding esper was going to bite it pretty soon. And the other one was still in hiding. Likely too scared to do anything. But just to be sure…

Gunther launched one of the cars into Samuel’s hiding spot.

There we go. Gunther’s balloon-like lips curled into a smile. Now his soul should fly out of that heap of rubble any second now.

Weird, there was no soul. It was a little hard to see, but surely he’d be trying to help the pick girl if he was alive right?
@Kuro I assume this is in reaction to all the Warner Brothers stuff getting pulled off HBOMax?

It's kind of complicated, but a lot of people are trying to get a slice of that streaming service pie. The game plan is that Warner brothers pulled all of their shows (their cartoons) from HBOMax because they're going to buy and merge with them. So HBOMax and Discovery+ are going to become one service. If I had to guess this was part of a move to bring HBOMax's numbers down so that they could aquire it for cheaper. But I couldn't tell you why it's actually happening. I will say Warner Brothers has a new CEO (David Zaslav) who's making some interesting policy changes. This probably isn't the place to talk about it but it does explain why there's so much weird stuff going on.
I blame safe spaces in collage for this turn of events.
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