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Episode One: Return to Eden

Roddy Callahan:

He had spent much of his youth on this bench.

Roddy was never the centre of attention, that title belonged to his older brother Francis. He missed him dearly but Fran was off making his millions somewhere on Wall Street and Rod was left in the never changing town of Edenridge, battling fires, saving cats from trees and occasionally giving the students of Edenridge High a talk on fire safety. This little town on the southside of Boston had many memories for the butcher’s boy, some good, some bad and most of them happening in the high school he was currently looking at. The night was cool and calm, sirens in the distance but they weren’t distracting of the memory that Roddy was looking back to. He had been sitting on this bench on that very terrible day all those years ago. The sound of the gun had never been far from his mind and his decision to run into the school was never far from his nightmares.

Lost in thought, Roddy doesn’t notice a man take a seat next to him. He is a large man, chomping on a cigar and dressed in a Joseph Abboud pinstripe suit. “Ain’t a day goes by I don’t remember that day” The man spoke. “You know scared the hell out of me boy when you went back into that school”

“Yeah I pretty much scared myself and so did the bullet that went through my back…it’s good to see you Mr Beau”

Grinning a toothy grin, Beau through his cigar to the ground and stomped it out. “Please, Roddy you’re an adult now. Just call me Beau. Though I am worried about this anniversary assembly tomorrow. Not really sure it’s the best idea to dredge up old memories. What say you?”
Roddy brushed a hand through his long hair and glanced sideways at a plaque on the wall, a dedication to the memory of Ty Carter, the victim of the Edenridge High Shooting. “I don’t know, sir. It might help people find closure…”

“Or it might bring back some bad memories”

Jude Aspers:

“AND CUT!” The director called out and just like that, the first scene of the new Edenridge was done.
Jude got up from the bench and offered his hand to his fellow actor, Sidney. “It’s good to see you, Sid” His accent easily slipping from the south Boston brogue to his natural East London cockney. “You certainly haven’t lost it”

“Neither have you” Sidney got to his feet and shook the younger man’s hand. “I’m looking forward to working with you again, son”

“Likewise” Jude turned on his heel and made his way over to the snack table for a bottle of water. It was strange being back on set. The moment Jude set foot there he was instantly transported back into his fourteen year old self, a star struck young boy who was just happy to be there. Life since then had been a series of strange events from on set rivalries to a few good movies and a missed chance at being a superhero, Jude sipped from his bottle and surveyed the area. Old faces were appearing to film their scenes for the first episode and the Englishman decided to hang around to see how many of his old chums had missed a beat and see who was going to challenge him this time around.

@BrutalBx Did you ever say how many episodes were in a season?

I did not but I'm going to say roughly around 22 during the orginal run as that's the normal amount for these types of shows.
Okay SO! Question: is the shooting on the final season or a season finale? Because if it happens on the final season, how would it progress to when the characters got to college and stuff?

I was planning on the shooting happening probably middle of the final season, with the final half of the show dealing with the aftermath.
Well I'm on my way back home now from my trip so expect the opening scene of the Edenridge revival to be posted within the next 48 hours
Happy New Year everyone!
As soon as the holidays are finished, we'll be back full time. In the meantime guys just for clarification, if you're still in, just drop a little post here so we know
Happy belated Christmas everyone! Hope you're all enjoying the holidays
Hey BrutalBx I think Decky would probably be around Mr. Beau a bit, trying to find a good father figure. He no doubt might have crashed at his house a few times too, or sent his little brother to do it.

All for it! Good idea
@Starwinter Accepted.

@alexfangtalon Go for it! And yes, establishing what came in the prior seasons is one of our main OOC goals right now so if you have ideas then get them down!

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